Trying to Get Pregnant

WTO Friday 8/3

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation.Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 






Re: WTO Friday 8/3

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    mrskoz428mrskoz428 member
    edited August 2018
    Month/Cycle: 2/2

    CD: 1

    WAYDTGKU: I’ve been tracking my periods pretty closely. Spent 7+ years on constant BC because I had TSS at 16 making heavy periods almost impossible to live with. I’m not currently temping but may start. PNVs as well.

    R/R: Just pretty emotional today. Heavy period with nausea plus a 7+ hour car ride is not sitting well.

    CS/Q: I’m charting, but not well since I’m not really temping. However, I do have a question about LP and just how to track it/calculate it if anyone is willing to help! I’m a newbie to all of this as I am newly married and just starting to TTGP.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    Happy Friday ladies! I'm so bad about getting back on here and tagging later in the day. I promise to be better!

    Month/Cycle: Too many to think about today

    CD: 5

    WAYDTGKU: Clomid CD5-9

    R/R: I was looking forward to reading my book (finally started reading The Alice Network! So good) out on my deck this morning but there's a storm rolling through. I love storms too so I guess that's not really a rant or a rave... I'm starting my first pill of clomid tonight. I'm so nervous about forgetting to take it every night so I set myself an alarm. A couple months ago MH made a comment that he thought we would have a May baby. I was mad at him for saying that cause he pretty much jinxed us for those following months. I didn't figure it out till last week that our first round of clomid would line up perfectly with May. Now I'm unrealistically hopeful. 

    CS/Q: nope

    @kvh22 Commenting on your reply from Tuesdays thread. I'm honestly not freaking out as much as i thought I would. I think it's helping that DH is convinced he's not a carrier. He's actually rather annoyed that I'm making him get tested. The chances of him being one is so small. He has a higher chance of being a carrier for the hearing loss (which could actually be complete deafness) at 50%. But that's something you can live with, unlike the other one. I'm just so glad that we decided to get the testing done. I had no idea it was even a thing. We went to the genetic counselor for a completely different reason. It's great information to have. My sciencey brain loves it.

    @mrskoz428 I'm sorry about CD1 and the 7 hour car ride. Hopefully you can get comfortable and take a nap. Your LP is the "luteal phase" and is the time between when you ovulate and when you get AF. For most women this is a very consistent number of days. For me, mines 13 days, sometimes 12, sometimes 14, but never anything more or less than that. If you can detect exactly when you ovulate with either OPKs or BBT or both then you can figure out how long you LP is. 
    *TW* TTC history
    Me:32 DH:31
    Married: 8/2015

    TTC #1: 4/2017
    Testing: HSG, U/S, BW, and DH's SA all normal
    DX: Unexplained
    8/2018: Clomid + TI = BFN
    9/2018: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2018: Clomid + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    12/2018: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone \\ Cancelled due to cyst
    1/2019: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD Sept 30th, 2019
    10/7/2019: Healthy baby boy!

    TTC #2: 12/2020
    2/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    3/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    4/2021: Surprise! Natural BFP! \\ EDD Jan 6th, 2022 \\ Chemical, betas not rising
    8/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    9/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    10/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD July 29th, 2022

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    @mrskoz428 that car ride doesn't sound appealing at all, let alone on CD1. Do you sleep well in the car? That would be how I spend the drive. Re your LP, if your not temping there is no way to for sure know your LP. Also without temping, there's no way to know for sure that you even ovualted.
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    @nomangos23 from yesterday's thread, thank you for the reassurance. I'm actually kind of looking forward to working with an RE. My GP, though very nice, appears to have very basic, limited knowledge of PCOS and TTC in general. At least his comments have made it seem that way. I'm pretty Type A so I need answers, and I need them NOW. My biggest challenge will be finding the patience to wait for appointments. In the meantime, you guys have inspired me to look further into acupuncture. 

    Month/Cycle: 8/6

    CD: 22

    WAYDTGKU: PNVs, BBT/RHR, CM, Vit C & D, Omega 3s, CoQ10, Ovasitol, HIO, and now PCOS Diet

    R/R: No rants today. I'm feeling sappy and emotional. My SO is the most wonderful guy. I'm just feeling so grateful for him. We've been through a lot and knowing I have to put him through all of this again is weighing on me, but he has been nothing but supportive and I love him so much for it. My dad too - he's my boss, so I see him everyday so he knows about all the tests and dr's appts. Really feeling the love today. Sending so much love back out to you ladies too - TB has been my lifeline and I can't say it often enough how much I appreciate every single one of you! 

    CS/Q: I've been waking up cold all week so I threw on an extra duvet last night wondering if that would make any difference? Nope. Temp still went down. Link to chart:  

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    @mrskoz428 I wasn't temping at the beginning either but in hindsight, I wish I had started earlier. I'd recommend it. CD1 and car rides does not sound fun. I second what prpl11butterfly said - sleeping in the car is my favourite thing to do. I'm a useless passenger, lol. 
    @LJMoon6 hang on to that hope. I know what you mean about it feeling unrealistic but hope can be so fleeting sometimes. When you have it, don't let go! It's a nice feeling. Hugs and GL with your clomid cycle!! 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    Month/Cycle: I'm still getting used to this all but I believe 1/1 

    CD: CD7

    WAYDTGKU: tracking and attempting to chart. hopefully going today for a thermometer and prenatal vitamins. -does anyone have a brand they recommend ? I get migraines when I take iron pills so im hoping its not the same with the prenatals 

    R/R: Woke up with the worst gas ever. So bad that the bf escaped the bed and took the dog for a walk so im going with a rave for that one lol. 

    CS/Q: Nope
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    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD: 9

    WAYDTGKU: Temping/charting, HIU, PNV, acupuncture 

    R/R: Just a ball of emotions about TTC. So much excitement, fear, anxiety, hopefulness. Feeling all the feels is a lot. Also, my parents are coming to visit this weekend, so I should be frantically cleaning the house, but I'm not. Welp. 

    CS/Q: Haven't figured out how to share yet. Will work on it next week. 

    @LJMoon6 Here's to hoping your husband was right about May. Sending positive energy your way for this Clomid cycle! 
    @kiki047 Glad you are receiving the love and support you need!
    @kels009 :D def a rave
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    @kiki047 I think I’m going to start just because I really want to be successful at TTGP. I’m trying to be a good passenger as my SO drives for a living and I just returned from a work trip and haven’t seen him all week. 

    @prpl11butterfly I think I’m going to start temping to help. Will need to find a good yet somewhat inexpensive BTT as we are closing on our house in 2 weeks and need money to paint!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @mrskoz428 - This is the one I have. It's quiet and has a backlight and memory.
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    Month/Cycle: TTA or 1/1 if I ovulate late enough since we aren't supposed to TTC until mid-to-late August
    CD: 15
    R/R: Since we're TTA if I'm close to ovulating but could go another 10 days before O coming off the pill, I just switched to vaginally temping this morning and after 3+ mins it never beeped. I admittedly took it out to check around 2 1/2 and then put it back in for another minute and it read the same temp both times so I just went with that. This is why I wanted to switch now - the logistics of vaginal temping seem more complicated than orally. I think I just need to get over the (perceived?) awkwardness of it.
    CS/Q: See above.

    @LJMoon6 Good luck with this clomid cycle! RE the tessting, I'm glad you're both pretty calm about it. Those are super low odds but it seems like a no brainer to just do the test (to me) *TW*
    I think I was so freaked out because we were already pregnant and the odds were about 7% that he was a carrier (1 in 18). My sister is disappointed she's a carrier but now she just knows that if who she decides to have kids with is also a carrier, they can do IVF (which would be covered by insurance in that instance) if they want.

    @kels0091 I take gummy PNVs  :D They don't have any iron in them. They're First Response because I wanted to make sure they had iodine and choline which wasn't in a lot of the gummy ones. there's a lot you can do with your diet to get more iron (separating dairy from iron by 1 hr before and 2 hrs after, eating heme-iron which are animal based with sources of non-heme which are plant based helps the non-heme sources absorb, as does having something with vitamin C at the same time).

    @thismustbethemom I need to figure out how to share my chart, too

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    @kvh22 I had no idea they made them in gummies! That's amazing. im going to the store today to look for them. 
    I'm in canada (not sure if you are) but hopefully we have them here ! 
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    @kels0091 not in Canada but I feel like they should have them there. I definitely did a good amount of research to find the best gummy one because some of them are severely lacking in comparison to the regular ones.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    Hi all!  Happy Friday!  
    @mrskoz428 sorry about the rough AF!  My cramping my first month off bc was way worse but now this month AF was really light, so Now I’m worried about that!  
    @LJMoon6 so hard to just live in the moment, love your optimism though!
    @kiki047  you’re so sweet!  Glad you have good support!
    @kels0091I take gummies usually as well, iron can also cause constipation and I know my iron levels are fine, I’m not worried about that one at this stage (it’s not as critical)
    @thismustbethemom  I’m still shocked by how emotional it is! 
    @kvh22 Best of luck!  Let us know how the charting goes!  

    Month/cycle: 3/3

    CD: 3

    WAYDTGKY:  PNVs, cut down caffeine, OPKs later, temping

    R/R:  My H left for a bachelor party yesterday, so I’m trying to enjoy my alone time by catching up with old friends and watching too much HGTV. Looking forward to meeting up with him in the Midwest next week!  

    CS/Q:  first month temping, it’s making me startle awake, sometimes early, so I’m not loving that!  The temps seem fine-Ish, we’ll see how it goes, nothing to see yet of course. 

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    @becs4books OMG yes to startling awake! It makes me hyper-aware! Usually after I temp for a few weeks I calm down a little so hopefully you do too.
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    @kvh22 vaginal temping also felt a little weird to me at first but after about a week of it, I much prefer it to oral temping. I also sometimes don’t (think I) hear the beep when it’s muffled under the covers so I will often just leave it in there a while and pull it out, leave it on the bedside table, fall back asleep, then check the memory later to record the #. So far that’s only failed me once. 

    TB app won’t let me scroll back up to tag anyone else in this post, grr. Hope y’all are having a wonderful Friday! The bf is out smoking chicken wings on the bbq for a party tomorrow and it smells soooo good. We already had dinner but I’m dying to try one lol. Am I allowed to have one wing on my PCOS diet? It’s not deep fried......... 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    @kvh22 oh darn! Being in canada is rough sometimes lol. no diet vanilla coke and no trix cereal :( haha 
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