October 2018 Moms

I was...wrong...


Re: I was...wrong...

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    @DunkinDecaf I was worried about nipple confusion and breast feeding issues. This time around I’m like eh, we will figure it out.
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    Regarding pacifiers, I just didn’t want one more thing I’d have to wean him from. He used a pacifier for maybe a couple of hours once, around 10 days old, and then never wanted it again, so that worked out. 
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    FTM I originally wanted to avoid pacifiers because of the chance of nipple confusion and having to wean them off of it. I am more open to it now after we have established BF and because of a family member avoiding it with one of their kids the kid is like 12-13 and always has his hands in his mouth. A pacifier seems easier to `break` them of. Also cautious as have heard from BF groups that using a pacifier can case you to miss when a baby is actually hungry. 
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     I’m hoping this kid will use a pacifier instead of his thumb because I remember how hard it was to break the thumb habit! I was 4 before I finally quit for a bribe. 
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    @SweetSweetTooth my kid has never wanted a paci or been a hand/thumb sucker, BUT he nursed on demand until 26 months so there is that.
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    @purplegoldfish2 that is what I thought too but I guess they learn that every time they are hungry they won't necessarily get food. I will have to do more research, might depend on age too. 
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    lest12lest12 member

    Definitely more screen time than I thought I would allow, but... whatever.  We use within reason and the older they get, I can see that they view using the ipad/leappads/my phone as a 'special allowance' which actually makes me feel good, lol.

    I also thought I would be big on tough love, setting boundaries, rules.  I still do these things but it is MUCH harder for me and I really have to push myself to not give in or spoil the kids.  I didn't think I'd be a pushover at all, but as it turns out, Dad's bad cop, Mom's good cop!


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    I think when they are teeny tiny it’s really important to make sure you’re feeding first (unless you have a particularly fussy baby). This ensures your supply comes in if you BFing. DS was a big baby and he nursed all the time. Plus there is several big growth spurts at 3wks and 6wks. That being said have we discussed how if you’re planning to nurse just expect that to be your life for the first few months while baby figures it out.
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    @knottieamusements I had to be on my phone when I would feed at night. You’re so tired and BFing can relax you. For me, to stay awake while sitting in a glider in the dark I would have to pull up random articles to read.
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    @jemmerjams We don’t do screen time at restaurants ever. He has non interest in the crayons either, but if he gets real restless while we are waiting we just go for a walk. 

    @knottieamusements I definitely was on my phone while nursing, but I stuck to my no TV at night while nursing. The nurse who did my NB care class really stressed night and day difference, so at night I was very careful to keep the lights dim and no time or extra noise.
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    +1 to using the phone while nursing, especially at night. The light isn’t good for sleep hygiene, but I was so tired I was afraid I’d fall asleep nursing them and suffocate one or both. The light/stimulation made me feel safer nursing at night, especially since MH would get up to help and then fall back asleep on the couch instead of making sure I stayed awake.
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    I feel like the first 3 months was constant breastfeeding with like 1 or 2 hour breaks between. And my kid would feed for 2 hours at a time. My whole life was my chair and my boob pillow or my bed and boob pillow. Basically 2 stations that I'd set up with a ton of water, plenty of snacks, books, phone and charger and remote in the living room. I definitely watched tv during the day and phone at night while breastfeeding. Sure it is a great time to bond, but when it's like 16 hours a day, you'll want the entertainment and something to keep you awake at night.
    This is so true! So so so true!
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