Trying to Get Pregnant

GTKY Wednesday 6/13: First Childhood Memory

What is the first thing that you can remember?
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::

Re: GTKY Wednesday 6/13: First Childhood Memory

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    Can you tell I am bored this morning? Commenting on all the threads!

    I remember my older brother playing on the livingroom floor in his pjs and my mom holding me on her lap. I am unsure if it an actual memory or one developed from a photo that I saw as a kid. I would have been 4 or 5.
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    The very first thing I remember was when I was 3. I walked into the bathroom and found my mom passed out in front of the toilet. There was blood everywhere. She had just gotten home from the hospital after having my brother and was hemorrhaging. She’s lucky to still be alive but had to have a complete hysterectomy.

    *TW* TTC history
    Me:32 DH:31
    Married: 8/2015

    TTC #1: 4/2017
    Testing: HSG, U/S, BW, and DH's SA all normal
    DX: Unexplained
    8/2018: Clomid + TI = BFN
    9/2018: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2018: Clomid + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    12/2018: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone \\ Cancelled due to cyst
    1/2019: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD Sept 30th, 2019
    10/7/2019: Healthy baby boy!

    TTC #2: 12/2020
    2/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    3/2021: Letrozole + TI = BFN
    4/2021: Surprise! Natural BFP! \\ EDD Jan 6th, 2022 \\ Chemical, betas not rising
    8/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    9/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    10/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
    11/2021: Letrozole + IUI + Progesterone = BFP! \\ EDD July 29th, 2022

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    @LJMoon6 Holy Hannah! I am glad she is okay. That is a lot for a 3 yo to take in. <3
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    @LJMoon5 wow! That's probably traumatizing. I'm glad she survived, even if it led to her hysterectomy. 

    My first memory are snippets of the first 2 houses I lived in, just walking around and what they looked like. I was probably 2-3. My first memory with any meaning is of driving with my grandma to the hospital in a torrential downpour when my little sister was born. I was 4.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    @LJMoon6 Oh God! I am so glad she is ok. So traumatic!
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    Oh gosh.... I remember living in the appartment my parents had before the house. Little clips of things I did there. 

    @LJMoon6 that's so scary. Glad she survived
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    @LJMoon6 wow that’s quite a first memory to have to hold onto. So glad it had a good ending though. 

    @meri-mac I’m the same as you... I don’t know if most of my first memories are true or just from photos and stories I’ve heard a million times.

    @meggyme It is so crazy you picked this GTKY becuase DH I literally just had this convo on our walk yesterday. 

    I remember laying on my belly on the step going into the den of my grandma’s house coloring with my grandpa and playing with letter blocks. He passed before I turned 3 so I had to have been younger than that. The blocks make me feel like it’s a real memory becuase I can see the details of them pretty well and I don’t ever recall seeing a photo of the blocks. 
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    One of the first momeories I have is when we didn't have enough seatbelts for all of us. We drove on a trip with my brother and I sharing a seatbelt. I was a toddler. @LJMoon6 I'm so sorry! That must have been so terrifying. I'm really glad she was okay.
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    edited June 2018
    I can remember crawling down a hallway with beige carpet and a dim-ish ceiling light in the middle of the ceiling in that hallway. Apparently that was in our first condo, which we moved out of when I was 18 months old. I have another flashbulb memory of drinking water out of a baby bottle with a plastic drop-in bag. I remember I liked reaching my hand inside the bottom of the bottle to play with the bag. 

    But one of my first memories of an actual event was when I was probably 2.5 or close to 3 and we were walking back up to the showers from the beach. I saw a bee in the sand and I remember thinking to myself "stupid bee", covered it with sand, and then stepped on it. Of course it stung me in my big toe. My mom had no idea what happened but we went up to the showers and stuck my foot in one of my little sand buckets filled with cold water. 

    Me: 31 Him: 32

    BFP #1 12/30/15 - CP

    BFP #2 3/11/16 - DD born 11/16

    TFAS since April 2018

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    @LJMoon6 Oh my goodness, what a traumatizing experience at such a young age. <3 

    One of my earliest memories comes with a *TW* (pregnancy complication). 
    My mom came home from a checkup when she was about 4mo pregnant with my brother and had gotten some bad news. I remember her sitting in our living room bawling because she thought she could lose the baby. It ended up being ok, and my brother turned 28 this year, but that memory stuck with me as it is one of my only memories from before he was born. I would've been around 3 at the time. 

    TTC History:

    Me: 36  MH: 39, TTC since Dec 2017

    Aug '18: PCOS dx

    Nov '18: MH SA - 19mil

    Dec '18-Mar '19: Letrozole + TI - all BFN

    Apr '19: Letrozole + TI, - BFN.  Repeat SA (27mil) & DNA fragmentation test (17%)

    Aug '19: Letrozole + HCG trigger + IUI + prog supp - BFN (MH: 16mil)

    Sep '19: 2nd IUI, same protocol - BFN (MH: 16mil) 

    Dec '19: IVF #1 w/ICSI, PGT. 5 retrieved, 4 fertilized, 3 blasts, 3 PGT-A normal.

    Mar '20: FET #1, perfect 5AA blast transferred. BFN.

    Sept '20: FET #2, 5BB tsf. 9/18/20 BFP!! EDD: 5/27/21. MMC 11w                                                  

    Feb ‘21: FET #3, last 6BB blast transferred. BFP, EDD 11/2/21. MC 5w3d. 

    May '21: IVF #2 w/ICSI, PGT. 8R, 7M, 6F, 6 blasts - 3AB, 3AB, 3BB, 4BB, 5BB, 6BA. Fresh tsf 5/13/21 - BFN. 

    June '21: PGT-A results = 3 abnormal, 1 low level mosaic. Referred to new REI, had consult with 2nd RE in between. 

    Sept '21: RPL, immune testing normal

    Oct '21: IVF #3 w/IMSI, PGT. 33R, 26M, 23F, 9 blasts (7 day 6, 2 day 7). PGT-A = 5 normal, 1 mosaic

    Dec '21: Positive for endometritis, RX Flagyl & Keflex

    Jan '22: FET #5 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol incl. PRP, intralipids, prednisone, medrol, nivestym, fragmin - CP

    Feb '22: FET #6 - Kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol w/higher doses of pred & fragmin - BFN

    Mar '22: Mock cycle for ERA - cancelled, repeat endometrial biopsy instead. Still positive for endometritis. RX ciprofloxacin & amoxicillin. 

    Apr '22: IVF #4 w/IMSI, PGT. 28R, 23M, 16F, 11 blasts. PGT-A = 6 normal. 

    June '22: FET #7 - Microdose lupron downreg w/kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol - double embryo transfer. BFN.

    July '22: FET #8 - Mini stim w/Puregon + trigger, kitchen sink immune/RIF protocol. BFN. 

    Sep '22: Taking a break

    Dec '22: Attempted abdominal myomectomy, fibroid too close to cervix and major blood vessels. Wasn't removed. 

    Feb '23: FET #9 - Modified natural w/baby asp, HCG trigger, PIO, PRP, Medrol, HCG wash, embryo glue - BFP!! EDD 11/11/23

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    My first memory was hiding under a yellow and white crocheted blanket my aunt made, behind the recliner in the living room to watch tv after bedtime. I was maybe 2 and my brother was 3. He was always getting me in to trouble.
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    @LJMoon6, @kiki047 Those are traumatizing memories! I am glad they both turned out okay though.

    I have two memories, from when I was somewhere between 2 to 2.5 (not sure which one was earlier). In one I am picking a dead June bug off a tree when we went fishing at a friends house. I also remember the fish being transferred from the bucket to the lake that day.

    In the other one, we were at Disney World and were staying in a condo. I remember looking through the slatted doors of one of the bedrooms to the living room/kitchen because I thought slatted doors were weird on a bedroom door. 
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    @LJMoon6 wow!  How scary to have seen that at such a young age. 

    My first memory is about a month after my brother was born so i had just turned two.  Our dog didn’t do well with him so my parents got rid of her.  I remember the little boy who came with his family to get her. He had sandy blonde hair in a bowl cut and glasses.  I remember seeing him hugging her then I remember standing at the window next to the door crying because they were taking my dog away.  

    We tecently talked about this at my parents house and my mom couldn’t believe I remembered it correctly. 
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    Ditto what others said about confusion with an actual memory or one from stories and pictures. 

    However, I do vividly remember when I was 2 and I was at a county fair with my mom and sister. I remember it was really hot and muggy out and the sky looked odd. My mom was anxious and she kept looking up into the sky. I finally looked up too and there was a funnel cloud (although I didn't know what exactly it was at the time). Then my mom picked me and and grabbed my sister's hand and we ran for shelter with other people. I don't think the funnel cloud ever touched down though, I'll have to ask mom about that day.
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    Eating sand out of my sandbox. :D Sometime before the age of 3.
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    @LJMoon6 That sounds so traumatizing!  I’m so sorry!  I’m glad she survived and got the care she needed.
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    Mine was from around age 3.  My parents were fighting loudly (they got divorced shortly after this).  I was climbing on a dresser trying to get away from the sounds and it fell over on top of me.  My mom came in and picked it up off of me and I was fine.  She then packed a suitcase and we went to my great-grandma’s for the night.
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