June 2018 Moms

STM+ Check In (February)


Re: STM+ Check In (February)

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    @mytinc He’ll look cute in his glasses. I think a couple of our s14 kiddos are farsighted too. 
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Took my 2yo in for a height/weight check and yay! He grew an inch. This is huge news, because he hadn't grown at all in over a year. He's still tiny, in the 0 percentile for height and weight, but at least now we know he's growing and likely doesn't have any physical issues keeping him from growing. Clearly he's just going to do it at his own pace- and I'm saving money on clothes so, I'm happy for now. 
    He's still not saying much, so the Dr agreed to refer him to a speech pathologist. He sees a speech therapist once a week, but they feel he needs to be evaluated by a pathologist. 
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    @May14th2011 Yay on that inch! I know how every fraction of an inch or ounce can feel like a victory.My son is at the bottom of the growth charts too - I almost cried tears of joy at his 15 month appointment because he was in the fifth percentile (as opposed to being below the chart).

    Does everyone you meet feel the need to comment on his size? I thought it was cute for a while but if another stranger asks his age and tells me how small he is, I might scream (I know it goes the other way too with kids at the high end of the charts). I used to preemtively say, "he ** months, but he's really small for his age," or, "he's just a little guy." But I'm trying to stop because as he gets older and understands more, I don't want it to be a "thing" for him (like "body shame" him, for lack of a better term...). Am I overthinking this since he's 1? probably ;) But yes to getting our money's worth out of his clothes!
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    @katelynrae86 I don't think as many people comment on his size, because he doesn't talk much. I think they all just assume he's much younger than he is. The few people who do ask his age, do comment, and then start asking him to repeat things. "Can you say Hi?" 
    I always step in and say "oh, he has a slight speech delay, so he doesn't talk." 
    For some reasons they think that means he just doesn't want to talk, and if they keep pushing him, he'll say something. I roll my eyes and try to ignore it. 
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    @May14th2011 Yay for the growth!!  That is huge!  I hope the pathologist goes well, and can either settle some nerves or maybe even some answers. 

    Can I join the small, or as i say "petite" toddler party too? It makes me stress about every little ounce she eats or drinks, especially with how much people comment about it, like @katelynrae86.  I guess people will comment about crap no matter what, but it just always makes me feel like they think i'm starving her.  

    +1 to getting more use out of clothes!  
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
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    We're still working on potty training. He's fine if he's naked, but the minute we put underwear on, he pees in them. I don't remember it being this hard with my daughter 
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    I am at the opposite end of the size spectrum with DS, who is 37 lbs.and 35" tall at 18 months old. He weighs 2 lbs. less than DD, who is two years older, and only about 4" taller. I get really tired of people commenting on how big he is and how much he eats. He's a big guy, just like his dad. Geez. 
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    we were the same @kfren DS has always been in the 90% for everything. at 6 months, he was wearing 18 months clothes. we practically skipped 6-9 months clothes. Even now, at 5 yrs old, he's tall and 50 some lbs. but he's not chubby, he's very very solid.. just always has been. and doesn't eat a lot!
    What doesn't make sense is dh and I are little. I'm 5'2.. dh is 5'6. prepregnancy, I'm average weight and dh is practically the same weight as me lol.

    AFM I've had a couple moments this week of 'omgosh.. I'm not reeeally starting over cause he's only 5. but I understand why moms of older kids say that!'. ds is so independent now. by the time this baby is at his level, ds will be TEN. I can't imagine him TEN!

    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    I get that feeling @catlady1215.  Our oldest will turn 5 in May and start kindergarten this fall and and our second will turn 4 in September and he's finishing up his first year of preschool.  How am I going to go back to baby days with diapers and nursing and all of that? 

    One reason we had the first two close together (16 months apart) is that we knew we wanted 2 if not 3 and I'm not getting younger (I'll be 38 when this one arrives).  I felt that I was in the thick of it when DS1 was 8 months old, so why not just stay in that stage while I was used to it and have a second child?  I love how close they are now (even though they conspire against us), but it feels like I'm now so far removed from the baby phase that I have no clue what I'm doing.  LOL

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @catlady1215 @mytinc I've been having the same feelings! DD will be 7 in October. This pregnancy has really been like doing it for the first time all over again and I'm sure having a newborn will feel the same way. Feelings of self doubt are creeping in!
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    @mytinc that is exactly why we are having this guy so close in age with DD.  Being a AMA is rough with that biological clock ticking away.

    As someone just getting into the toddler stage of life I will say that the baby stage happens so quickly... it's really gone before you know what is happening.  DH just asked me the other day why I didn't tell him that she wasn't going to stay small longer?  He thought she would basically be a newborn for a year- instead she's growing so fast we feel like she will be driving off to college tomorrow. 

    @aharv77 those feelings of self doubt are there for all of us.. those still in the thick of it, those starting over, FTMs, S+TMs, hell even grandparents are still feeling that way after successfully raising a generation of people.    
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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    Those who have potty-trained - - DS was trained around Thanksgiving.  He did great for about 2.5 months (we didn't night train). He is still awesome about pooping in the potty.  However, he just can't be bothered now to stop what he is doing and pee in the potty.  So he's been having accidents almost daily. We've tried bribes (first cherries, then yogurt puffs, now M&Ms).  We've tried stickers / sticker chart and a prize for 7 days of no accidents.  The incentives work at first, but he is so stubborn that he just doesn't care now.  Ordering him to do something doesn't work (he just refuses). I know this is a control issue, but we've tried not prompting and it still happens.  Any other tips?  
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    @kfren - yes to giant toddlers, although dd isn't quite as large as your ds.  At her 18 month check up she was 2'10" and a poop shy of 30 lbs which put her at 98-99% for both height and weight so your LO I'm assuming is off the charts??  DD will be 20 months next week so she is def a little bigger now.
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    @mytinc I had hoped for 2 years apart, but then life happened and here we are. but I feel like a FTM sometimes. I just told DH the other day, I wish I could remember the little things that we found that worked with taking care of a newborn etc. I don't even feel like I'm much help to the FTMs on this board cause I can't remember crap! lol

    @aharv77 I'm really glad I'm not alone on this feeling! lol. I bet it'll all click once they're here. but I feel alittle lost on getting ready for him.

    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    @marcus7676 This is suddenly happening with DD, six months after being completely trained. She really takes being a big girl seriously, so I told her that she will start wearing diapers again if she can't keep it in the potty. It's helped a little bit. 
    @kmurdock925 Yup, he's been off the charts since about four months. At his checkup last week, pedi said he was concerned with his weight until he saw his height and head circumference. 
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    Both of my kids went through a bit of regression with pee after being completely potty trained.  I think it's normal.  It only lasted a week or two each time for our boys.  Maybe something in this article will help?  https://www.care.com/c/stories/4915/potty-training-regression-how-to-get-your-ch/ 

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    Oh wow! Add another to the 95th percentile end of the bell curve over here.

    Preemie at  8lb 12 oz, 22.5 in... and wearing 2T by her first B day. 
     DD is in 4T at 2 yo, 33 lbs. Has always been off the chart big kid. Her daddy is 6'6", and comes from a line of tall women and men. We highly suspect she will be over 6'.  

    This wee boy (i use the term lightly) is measuring in the 93rd percentile at the anatomy scan... so, another big baby. 

    Mama to a wonderful DD - Sep 2015, Wife to my DH since 2011, 2 dogs, a cat, and hoping to add No. 2 in May/June 2018. Canadian.
    5 - IUIs, 3 - IVF retrievals, 2- failed transfers (fresh, and frozen), PGS on second IVF resulted in 1 perfect emby, and DD. 
    3rd IVF w PGS resulted in 3! perfect embys. 1st transfer - Sep 2017 2 more on ice. 
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    @rnielsen321 PREEMIE at 8lbs 12oz!  OMG how much would she have weighed if full term? 

    DD was born 12 days early- so would have been an extra pound at birth if she wasn't so excited to make an appearance.  
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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    DH likes to freak me out by saying maybe DS1 isn't the big one. It kind of motivates me to keep up with my Kegels.
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    @kfren I had a 8 lb 14 oz 37 weeker. Though #2 (also 37 weeks) was just over 7 lbs.

    I actually had more pelvic floor damage with the smaller baby I think just because my muscles were more worn out.

    Trying hard to do pelvic floor exercises so I won't be in Depends all summer...
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    @rnielsen321 @llamamama14 :o

    Mine was 8 lb at 39+6. My clever OB told me early in this pregnancy, “8 lb this time will only feel like 7.” Thanks!  :D

    +1 to the big kid club though. She was also in 2T by her first birthday, though mostly due to weight not height. She’s only gained 5 lbs since then and will be 3 in July. So all changes in size have now been due to her height finally catching up! Hovering between 3T and 4T now. Her head has always been >95% and was born with a head full of hair, it’s very long and full now, and I’ve had people guessing her age to be 4 since before she even turned 2. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @llamamama14 +1 on the not trying to wear Depends! DD was 8lb 14oz at 39+4. DS was 8lb 9oz at 38+4 and was a VBAC. Now you've got me thinking it really doesn't matter how big DS2 is  :#
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    If anyone is looking at narrower car seats like I am (hopefully to fit 3 across in one of our vehicles), the Diono Radian (RXT, 120 and 100) are all on sale through Kohl's through March 18.  There's also 3% cash back on Ebates.  I don't know if they'll be eligible for the next 15, 20 or 30% off deal like Kohl's always has, but if so, it would be nice to stack on the savings.  :)  I'm also going to post this in the Freebees and Deals thread.

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @kfren yeah now with this being pregnancy #3 I'm feeling even more pelvic floor strain despite the fact that this babe is only measuring average. I really think it's the successive pregnancies. Maybe also amniotic fluid weight... my second had a ton of fluid according to my OB when she broke the sac. Other than kegels, hip bridges (on an incline), lateral squats, and bird dogs are good pelvic floor exercises.
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    @llamamama14 I did PT towards the end of my last pregnancy, so I feel better now than I did this point last time around. I need to start doing my pelvic floor routine, I just never feel like it. Seems like I'm always feeling that heaviness in my pelvis and that doesn't help motivate me.
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    @kfren I've thought about seeing a PT.  Last time my issues resolved after a few months. If that doesn't happen this time I'll see someone. Doing kegels right. now...
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    I need motivation to do kegals.  After the destruction last time and my inability to cough and walk at the same time, I need some help . . .
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    @mytinc I just bought three! ARG! At least I got mine at a really good price.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @Xtabbikatx I told DH this morning- we just have March, April, and baby could be here by the end of May! He was like, wait I thought she was due in June...  I said yep but June 3 is so early, she could easily be born in May... he was like OMG I’m not ready! Lol exactly what do you have to do to get ready sir?? Pull yourself together!  :D

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    @xtabbikatx I've been so anxious for thurs all week long just to say feb is over! And i can officially say '2 months till baby!' 
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    @2589 I told my H tonight that if my previa doesn’t clear, my c section will be scheduled in 9 weeks. That’s not a lot of time ...
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    @2589 I told DH if this baby comes at 37 weeks like DS did, it will around May 23th... He was shocked and not amused, lol. 
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    @marcus7676 fingers still crossed that that’s not the case for you but if it is... holy single digit weeks! @May14th2011 it’s so funny how they have such a different concept of this whole situation than we do!  :D

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    @marcus7676 9 weeks is nothing! Wow. How far along would you be at the CS in that scenario?
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    @llamamama14 37 weeks.  For placenta previa, my practice doesn't let you go much further because of the risk of going into labor.
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