June 2018 Moms

UO Thursday (2/22)


Re: UO Thursday (2/22)

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    @kfren yes, I would judge the sh*t out of that too. 
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    @silvergreen I was annoyed by that, too, until someone pointed out to me that it's so the baby can see the print. Totally never occurred to me. 
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    @marcus7676 I'm sorry if I offended you- was not my intention to offend anyone that EPed or will EP. 

    I have just watched a couple women over the past couple of years mentally destroy themselves over the need they felt to provide their babies BM even though the babies were having serious latch problems or experiencing food allergies due to the moms diet.  The research I did prior to having DD was that it is the actual latch experience that gives BM it's antibody boost.  When the baby is nursing they form a vacuum on the nipple which allows them to basically backwash into the mother's body- which is how our bodies know which antibodies need to be produced.  If the baby is getting sick, the next time the baby nurses the milk will be a different color from the antibodies being produced.  Without this latch, this change in the milk cannot occur.  I agree there are still antibodies in BM that are not found in formula- and having a BF'd baby I was told it helped her form better eating habits as she was able to taste different tastes based on my diet while BFing.  I just feel that the blanket antibodies that are in EP'd milk wouldn't outweight the stress of dealing with EPing.  But I also had a very difficult postpartum period with DD and just don't think I would have dealt well with the added stress of needing to EP- with formula I think i would have felt some of the new mother burden lighten as MH would be just as capable of making a bottle as I was.  
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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    @jsl82 I get what you're saying about EPing potentially being stressful, but for some moms, formula-feeding may not be an option. BF for me was not just a preference, but also a financial matter. I don't know that we could afford to formula-feed and I sure hope I don't have to find out.
    My friend's baby had a milk protein allergy and she spent an ungodly amount on different formulas trying to figure out not only what to eliminate from her diet so that she could BF, but what kind of formula her kid could have in the interim. By the time she realized dairy in her diet was causing the issue, baby would not drink BM and had to have a super-pricey soy-based formula, which she really did not want to have to give baby. 
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    @MoonOverGoldsboro I'm over sensitive about it too for much the same reasons. I cried a lot too and felt like a failure that I couldn't even produce milk to feed my baby. But my baby ended up needing to be exclusively formula fed and is rarely sick and has yet to have an ear infection, etc. etc. Someone once pointed out that when you see kids playing on the playground, you'll never be able to pick who was BF or FF. It gave me comfort. I was FF and my sister was BF. We're both healthy and great humans who turned out pretty all right. Having loving parents that feed you and meet your needs to the best of their ability is what is going to be the real takeaway from infancy and childhood. Count me in with those that say fed is best. 
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    silvergreensilvergreen member
    edited February 2018
    Sorry to keep referencing Bringing Up Bebe - FTM here so I don't have any personal experience to draw from - but apparently French babies are almost exclusively FF. I don't think it's particularly harmful in any way, and agree with the sentiment that fed is best. I was also FF (mom struggled to produce) and don't know any difference. ;)

    ETA: Totally anecdotal but I don't suffer food allergies, asthma, or any of the other things that BF supposedly protects your baby from. 
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    Understood @jsl82 Like others, I am a bit sensitive on the topic given all my struggles.  I beat myself up so much in the postpartum haze and hope that I will be able to see clearly this time around if BFing doesn't work.  But in all honesty, I know I'm probably going to struggle if I can't BF again this time around due to all the societal and personal pressures.  I just wish I could move beyond that.  
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    @marcus7676 again, sorry to have upset you.  I really don't care how anyone feeds their baby- as long as it is fed- and I'm glad you found a way to feed your LO.  I just don't agree with the societal pressures that make women that are unable to BF feel like they have to EP.  The EPing moms I know just seemed to be under so much more stress than the moms who gave up and formula fed who just always seemed more relaxed with their choice.  In general I feel like a happy and less stressed mama has to be better for baby than any BM antibody.  I also whole heartedly agree with @elsie42 that vaccines are so much more important.  
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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