Trying to Get Pregnant

Newbie Intro Week of 2/5

Please read The Ultimate TTGP Guide pinned at the top of the board ( It's full of information about TTGP and about our community here on TB.

Please introduce yourself and share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. Once you're ready, feel free to jump into any of our daily/weekly threads to start participating in the community.

Ages (you and SO): 

How many months have you been TTC? 

What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? 

Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.)

Me: 31 | DH: 33
DD1: 8/2014  <3
TTC #2: 6/2017
BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
DD2: 10/2018  <3

Re: Newbie Intro Week of 2/5

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    Ages (you and SO):    Me 30, husband 30

    How many months have you been TTC?  Well, we are kind of weird when it comes to this whole idea. We started thinking about it a few months ago when our son started asking where his baby was. We didn't want to have them close (personal preference) and weren't sure we'd go for another, but it started the conversation and that led to where we are now. We try to take a more laid back approach to the process as my husband's personality is just that. We aren't religiously trying, we're more not preventing I guess. Our family is ready for another, but I have an anxiety disorder so we try to limit pressure and stress. 

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)?  I pay attention to my body and where it is with the CM state. I didn't really do much with it other than that the first time. I kept up with the O date by the FF app. 

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) We currently have one son, who is about to be 4 this year. We have 2 yellow labs...ages 12 and 1 (that's a lot of fun!). We work in education and my husband is a football coach, I am a cheer coach so we spend a lot of time in those two places! 

    I am very glad to be back on here. I didn't honestly know if I ever would be (I had a horrible pregnancy and delivery with my son)...but here I am!  So, hi everyone :)

    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    Ages (you and SO): Both 29

    How many months have you been TTC?  2 active and 1 NTNP

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? CM, BBT, OPK and PNV 

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) I'm work in finance and my husband is an engineer. We have a 13 year old yellow lab. This time of  year you will most likely find us skiing and once the weather is warm enough we love to go hiking. 

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    I posted in last week's Newbie intro at the very end, so I thought I would add to this week's thread too. Sorry if this is redundant! 

    Ages (you and SO): We will both be turning 30 in May/June. 

    How many months have you been TTC?  This is our first month.

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? Charting BBT, CM, OPKs, BD ED/EOD, and PNVs.

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) MH and I are high school sweethearts, and we just got married this past October. We live with our almost 5 year old Black Lab named Tessie. We love watching funny TV shows and movies, taking Tessie for walks/playdates, and hanging out with friends. I used to coach youth cheerleading, but took last year off due to planning the wedding and I am hoping to get back into it, because it was so much fun!

    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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    knottie3993a3c26df237d6 cool you're a cheer coach! Do you coach high school or competitive? Cheer was a HUGE part of my life for about 10 years until I retired after moving to a new city away from our club team. 
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    @kristah2 I coached Pop Warner for 7 years, with a small stint in the middle at an All Star Gym. My town has switched and is no longer Pop Warner so I am keeping my eyes open for a HS position. I miss it SO much! 

    Can you not see my username? I can see it, but it looks like you tagged me with Knottie#s? 
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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    @kristah2 High school competition & sideline! I coached all-star previously...been coaching for 10 years :)

    @tessiesmom26 I can see your username, but mine is showing up as @knottie# whatever the rest is. Anybody else know how to fix it?

    Also does anyone know how to add signatures and stuff?
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    @tessiesmom26 I love that you love cheer & labs! :) 
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    Labs are the best!!!!!
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    @tessiesmom26 It's changed there now! That's super cool! I miss cheer a lot. I was in the best shape of my life when I cheered. I met some lifelong friends and loved team travel!
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    @knottie3993a3c26df237d6 I missed that you also coach cheer! Ha! I thought @kristah2 was asking me! 

    Oops! Well, hey fellow cheer people! 
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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    @knottie3993a3c26df237d6  and @tessiesmom26 oh my gosh hahah legit having 2 different convos that I thought were the same one! Amazing that you have been coaching so long! I regret not getting into coaching when I was younger!
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    @kristah2 & @tessiesmom26 I love it :) It makes me tired though haha! So many girls! 

    I am very frustrated by this signature issue and this username issue. It will NOT let me fix it.
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    @knottie3993a3c26df237d6 welcome, you have to change it on the knot website. If you did that already you prob have to log out of the bump and log back on. I believe those were the steps I had to take! I don’t have a signature so sorry can’t help there
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    they are! He is my third one I've had, one chocolate, one black and then the current yellow. My husband has been begging me for about 2 years to get a puppy but we've been traveling too much.
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    @elisek Welcome back! Your job sounds really fun and interesting!
    @cate03 Welcome! Skiing sounds so fun! I've never been, and it's on my bucket list! And hiking is boring where I live. I need some adventures!
    @tessiesmom26 Welcome! MH and I got married in October too! (2013). I love October! I also like to think we were high school sweethearts...although I had a crush on him, and he was dating other girls. We actually lost contact after high school and didn't see each other until 4 years later and we dated then. Haha. But he was totally MY sweetheart in high school. lol. Also, every time I see your username, I sing "Stacies mom" because "Tessies mom" sounds so similar. hahaha!
    Me: 32 | DH: 33
    Met: 2005 | Started Dating: 2009 | Married: 2013

    TTC#1: 06.2014;   BFP: 12.2015; DS Born: August 16, 2016
    TTC#2: 12.2017; BFP: 02.26.2018; CP 03.02.2018
                                BFP: 04.26.2018 DD Born: December 26, 2018
    Surprise Pregnancy #3; BFP: 01.11.2020; Due Date: September 19, 2021

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    Ages (you and SO): Me: 30 H:37

    How many months have you been TTC? 1st month really trying, NTNP before this

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? Sex, just ordered some OPK's, taking progesterone during 2WW

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.): 3 cats, 2 dogs (Lab mix and Vizsla/Pit mix), 2 human kids 18 months and 8 years. I WFH in a high stress job but at least I get to be stressed in my jammies. No hobbies unless you count cooking and baking! 

    I have been a member of TB and other message boards since before DS1 so I am familiar with board etiquette etc. I have a long TTC/TTCAL/2IF/High Risk PG history that I can share if anyone is interested in hearing but it will totally be a TLDR post. 

    Anywho, we are trying for #3 for the next 6 months to a year and we will see where it gets us. I am not sure I want to go back to my RE but I wont rule it out. I may call it quits if I have another loss or I may not. We are playing that part by ear. For now we are keeping it breezy and trying to hit our FW as much as we can. I wanted to intro now so I can participate and give/get support when needed!  

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    Ages (you and SO): I'm 28, DH is 29

    How many months have you been TTC? We've been TTC for a few months

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? OPK, BBT, and PNV

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) No kids (YET!), but we have two dogs, whom I like to walk. I like to do yoga and attend dance classes. I also like to bake. I do work marketing and web developing. Oh! I forgot to mention travel.

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    @nmbrcrnchr1 did it work? Thanks!
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    That's funny! You guys sound like the opposite of me. I will beg FOR the puppy and he says no we do to much!
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    Disney! I have never ever been :( We were planning to go to Disney soon but I think we may push that off now that we are TTC. We have a camper so we were thinking of doing the campground at Disney. Do you have any recommendations of why you wouldn't camp and would get a resort?

    Thanks :)
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    I used to work in guidance at an elementary school until we moved for my husband's job. I miss it a lot of the time. The kids were so sweet. I am in a HS compared to the elementary ones....the elementary ones are so sweet LOL
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    @linund Hello fellow Disney lover! I am dying to get to Disneyland! I have been to WDW every year for the past 8 years with the exception of last year because of my wedding. I actually just went in January with my mom and it was a blast!
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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    @oaklandava I understand the draw of the campground, especially if you have a camper, but the buses to that area take a long time, from my experience. It’s very woodsy too, which is cute, except that it rains a lot, so... mud. The campers have an awesome neighborly vibe though that you do not get at the hotels. We came through in October once, and all of the campers had gone ALL out decorating! I’m of the opinion that whatever let’s you afford Disney is worth it! There’s often deals for hotels too! I sound too excited. Disney! Do it!  :D

    @tessiesmom26 I love WDW, but Disneyland has a special place in my heart. They have more rides in the 2 parks than WDW has in all 4, and much less walking area, so you can just go from ride to ride, which I love.

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    @linund That helps so much, thanks. We also have 2 yellow labs and mud...well...let's just say my young girl is allllll about some mud. I think she just wants to be chocolate! Ah, I'm so excited now...ugh! I can't wait! 
    Me: 31 I DH: 31
    Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
    TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy)
    TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
    TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
    2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)

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    @ohsofluffy what an amazing job! DH is an attorney so I love hearing from people who are there to help  them instead of them constantly being the ones providing that support! 
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    @ohsofluffy Welcome! Your job sounds awesome! MH is an attorney as well. He does municipal law, defending the cities around us. I always feel like attorneys get a bad rap, but there are so many good ones out there! I’m glad to hear you’re helping support them and law students. Law school was definitely one of the toughest parts of our students always need extra support!
    Me:29 DH:30
    TTC #1: 12/2017
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    Ages (you and SO): I'm 31 hubby is 33

    How many months have you been TTC? went off birth control may 2017, MC in December,  so now going on cycle 2 of trying again 

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)?  this cycle I'll try temping,  I ordered a bunch of the ovulation test strips also.   Last month , I think I ovulated before I started using the strips.   So this time, I'll be using them sooner and more often. 

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.)  i am a proud dog mama of 2 rescues.  They are the most loving doggos in the world. 

    Hello all!  

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    Ages (you and SO): I'm 29 (turning 30) my husband is 33 (turning 34)

    How many months have you been TTC?  Since mid-december

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? Honestly just having a lot of sex. It worked the first time.

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) We have a son (just turned 2), and a cat named autumn. 

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    Ages (you and SO): I’m 29 and DH is 30. 

    How many months have you been TTC?  it starts now..!! I just got my period back after DD so this feels like we’re really trying now

    What are you doing to get knocked up?  I’m charting  

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.)  We had DD in July 17 and we’ve wanted kids close together (both have siblings close in age) so we’re going to try to get this started now. I was fairly involved in the July17 board but wasn’t involved in TTC so this will be my first time around on this board. 

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    Ages (you and SO): We're both 27. Husband will be 28 in March.

    How many months have you been TTC? We've been TTC for 7 months.

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? I've been using ovulation strips, but this month switched to CBFM. I've been very happy with the switch so far. It's cleared up a lot of questions and confusion we've been experiencing.

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) I'm in graduate school for history and a special education teacher and my husband works in sales. We have 2 dogs and 2 cats. We love baseball and traveling. 

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    @oaklandava  I started as a high school special ed teacher before moving into teaching middle school and eventually elementary leadership.  The eager lovableness of the younger ones is definitely a highlight of this role!

    Married 6.21.2014
    DD #1: 8.16.2015
    #2 EDD: 1.13.2019
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    Ages (you and SO):  Me 35, H 37

    How many months have you been TTC?  First month

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)?  Charting/temping/BDing

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.)  I am a SAHM to DS who is 7 months (July 17). We have 2 furbabies.  Always planned on having 2 close together since we're not getting any younger.  Took us nearly a year for #1, which is part of the reason we're starting to try.  Was active in July 17 BMB and happy to be here with @Potterphile!

    ME: 34 | DH: 36
    Married: 6/2016
    BFP: 11/22/2016 | EDD: 7/29/2017

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    Ages (you and SO): 25 and 27

    How many months have you been TTC? none yet

    What are you doing to get knocked up (WAYDTGKU)? Currently benched until the end of March

    Tell us about yourself! (Kids, pets, job, hobbies, etc.) I am a proofreader for school textbooks, and I have a little 4.5 mo DD. I was actively involved with the Sep 17 group here (new profile now), but I never have been on the TTC board. I've always wanted to have my kids close together, so that's why I'm back so quickly.

    @Potterphile and @SquirttheTurtle It's good to see some other moms that are trying to have siblings close in age. I lurked your board because July 17 had all the drama  :D Question for both of you: did you have a c-section? and have you asked your OB about TTC so close together? I've looked up how long I should wait after a c-section, and I've been getting conflicting answers, 6, 12, 18, and even 24 months. I might just go ahead and call my OB to see what he thinks about me individually.

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    rosebud332rosebud332 member
    edited February 2018
    @marebear15 I know you didn't ask me but since I did have a c ob said ideally to wait at least 12 months to get pregnant again and at least 18 months if I wanted to try for a vbac. You should obviously talk to your ob about it but that's the advice I got. Welcome!
    **June Siggy Challenge - P.I.L.Fs**
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