October 2018 Moms

PGAL Check-in Week of 2/8

acciocoffeeacciocoffee member
edited February 2018 in October 2018 Moms
Stolen from September BMB so we can get this going.

This is a check in for those of us who are experiencing pregnancy after a loss (miscarriage, chemical pregnancy, stillbirth, child loss, to name a few). Hopefully we can all lend support to each other through the hormone filled craziness that is pregnancy!

Just a reminder: there is a general loss trigger warning on this entire thread. 

1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

4. When is your next appointment? 

5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? 

Re: PGAL Check-in Week of 2/8

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     1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

    4 weeks today!

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

    The insomnia is kicking my butt. I hate it. I really need to be on my A-game with my job and I haven't been because I'm always so tired. It's super frustrating. 

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. 

    4. When is your next appointment? 

    March 13. I accidentally scheduled it on a day that DF can't be there and I'm not happy about it lol.

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    Today I was thinking about the first symptoms of all my pregnancies and how interesting it is to compare them. 

    1st, I was nauseous constantly from day 1, chugged ginger ale all the time, and had super intense sense of smell. 2nd, my first symptom (TMI) was extremely sensitive nipples. 3rd, I had vivid dreams and extremely tender breasts. 4th, insomnia, excessively emotional, and I felt clear round ligament pain that prompted me to test in the first place. It's just really cool to think about how different they've all been. And how vastly different this pregnancy is than DD's. 

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? 

    Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon

    Ladybug - April 2013
    Dandelion - October 2018
    Angel "Aurora" - July 2020
    Angel "Sawyer" - May 2021
    Angel "Maxine" - January 2022
    Angel "Violet" - March 2022
    Baby Dove due March 2023
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  By the EDD my RE gave, I’m 3w5d today, but I think I’m actually 4 weeks based on when I was tracking O.

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms)  No real symptoms at all yet - if I hadn’t taken like 5 pregnancy tests and had two betas drawn, I wouldn’t really know I was pregnant.  I never really had any symptoms though when I was pregnant with my son (or either of my losses), so the lack of symptoms doesn’t really worry me.

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  Teetering between being a nervous wreck and actually letting myself feel excited about this pregnancy.  I want to be excited, and enjoy being pregnant, but after two back to back losses, I just want to know things are ok before getting too invested in it (though who am I kidding, I already was as soon as I saw the positive hpts).

    4. When is your next appointment? First ultrasound on March 1!! I should be about 7 weeks by then, and we will hopefully get to see a heartbeat! 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  Nothing really here.  I’m just glad my betas doubled and then some in just under 48 hours, so I’m letting myself feel comforted by that.  Also, even though my progesterone was good when they checked it on Monday, my RE is having me take supplements just as a precaution.  Can’t say I love taking it, but happy they are being cautious. 

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read?  Hard to pick one! I recently read a good Jodi Picoult book but can’t remembrler the name of it. 

    @mytrueloves sorry your DH can’t make it on your appt day! Can it be rescheduled since it’s still pretty far out? 

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    @pumpkinpancake I've had all the feelings about this pregnancy. It's exhausting.

    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

    I don't actually know for sure. Based on LMP I'm 5+ weeks. Based on ovulation I will be 5 weeks on Saturday. So basically EDD is between 10/7 and 10/13. I'm hoping to get an ultrasound done next week to see if they will give me a real EDD, but it is probably a little early for that.

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms)

    Nausea is kicking in. It hasn't been bad today, but it's definitely there. I've also got all the bloat, exhaustion, pregnancy burps (it's a thing, trust me), and the sorest of boobs. 

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    I've had so many feelings. I started out really anxious because my tests were so light, but once they darkened and my symptoms kicked in I started feeling more and more confident. I have a really good feeling about this baby. I'm trying to remember that I've had just as many successful pregnancies as I have had miscarriages. It doesn't help to assume everything will go wrong. 

    4. When is your next appointment? 

    2/16, but I don't know what they are planning to do. I am going to call tomorrow and talk to an actual nurse and see what the plan should be. I would love to have an ultrasound, but it might be too early. 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    I feel like this month is going to be so slow. It's cold outside and I'm just counting down the days until I will be past the 8 weeks mark. Then I will probably be counting down the days until I'm past the 12 weeks mark. Basically I will be stressed until April. 

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? All the Harry Potter books. They are such a good distraction. 

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    Quick tags for now. I’ll be back to post later!

    @mytrueloves sorry your DF can’t be at your appointment. Can they move it so he can come?

    @pumpkinpancake Girl, I feel ya. I’m over the moon excited and terrified all in the same 5 minutes!

    @acciocoffee Same on the counting of the days. I feel like it will go by so slowly just to get to 8 weeks!
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

    5 weeks 6 days 

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms)  

    Exhausted, sore nipples, random breast aches and pains, peeing all the time, a big wave of nausea hit this morning and since then I've had indigestion and smaller waves.  

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    I'm having such ups and downs.  I'm trying really hard to stay positive and not think the worst, live in the moment and enjoy this pregnancy.  

    4. When is your next appointment? 


    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here) 

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read?  

    The Road by Cormac McCarthy 

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    quiltandknit @pumpkinpancake They'd have to reschedule it for a later day and we both agree we'd rather not wait, even if it means he can't be there. 
    Ladybug - April 2013
    Dandelion - October 2018
    Angel "Aurora" - July 2020
    Angel "Sawyer" - May 2021
    Angel "Maxine" - January 2022
    Angel "Violet" - March 2022
    Baby Dove due March 2023
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  5 weeks 2 days. 

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) I’m having a lack of symptoms which always scares me.

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  terrified. My loss was late in my pregnancy so I had all the steps of reassurance , the 13 week mark the heartbeat etc.... then boom

    4. When is your next appointment? First appointment is the 15 for an ultrasound.

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    I just want to know I’m ok and my baby is ok.

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? Of all time? The giver and the Harry Potter series

    BFP #1 April 14th, 2014 MMC at 17weeks with a baby boy D&E

    BFP # 2 March 23rd, Rainbow Baby Boy Jayce Michael born 12/9/15

    BFP#3 January 26th EDD October 9th! Hoping for my girl!

     <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1dbf8a" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>

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    1. 5 w 5 d
    2. I feel awful!  The nausea is so intense but for me it always hits me hard then becomes manageable so I’m just trying to get through the week and not give it away at work.
    3. I have a long way to go before feeling confident in this pregnancy.  We’ve had 3 losses after heartbeats.  I am more optimistic having received a diagnosis and hopefully being treated correctly now.  
    4. First appointment is Monday with an ultrasound!  I’m hoping to see a heartbeat at 6w1d.
    5.  Time is crawling!  I wish I could fast forward through the first trimester.  
    6.  Favorite book ever is The Scarlet Pimpernel.  I need to reread it.
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    So so glad for this thread.  The past two days have made me feel completely bat-poop crazy!

    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  


    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

    I really don't have too much other than some light, intermittent cramping and the tender boobs.  No nausea yet--in fact I feel hungry all the time!  Other than that, I don't think I'd really know I was pregnant if I hadn't tested, my normal, rational, brain would chalk it up to PMS.

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    I flip between crazy, over-the-moon, wanting to tell the whole world excited, and very nervous and scared every time I go to the bathroom that I'll see spotting.  My CP was right around 5 weeks, so I'm extra nervous until I make it past that date, and even then I'm sure I'll still be nervous!

    4. When is your next appointment? 

    On Valentine's Day!  First pre-natal visit with my new OB at 5 weeks exactly.

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    The office has already told me I won't have an ultrasound until 10 weeks, which feels like an eternity.  I don't think I'll be able to relax at all until I hear that heartbeat!  And even then...probably not until we make it to that 12th week.   I'm hoping that the first appointment will help me feel better about it.  I keep looking at the photo I took of the positive test on my phone to prove to myself that this is real.  And fighting the urge to test a bajillion times, because what if one comes back negative?  I also keep looking at the miscarriage statistics by day....and then switching to Pinterest to look at all the baby-related fun things!

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read?  Tuesdays with Morrie.  I cry every time.  So that book will not be making an appearance any time soon, waterworks for days!

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    @quiltandknit omg yes to being nervous everytime I go to the bathroom that I’m going to see blood. It’s ridiculous, but I can’t get it out of my head! 
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    1. How far along: I’m also 5w5d I think!
    2. Pregnancy symptoms: Yesterday I felt nauseous for most of the day. Today I feel mostly fine other than being exhausted and having a metallic taste in my mouth. 
    3. Anxiety:  I was pretty good yesterday but feeling better today makes me anxious. I also didn’t ever truly relax with DD. It got better, sure, but I was terrified of losing her until she was in my arms. 
    4. First appointment: Feb 21st
    5.  Dear Diary, I would like a crystal ball so I know how this is going to turn out. Thnx. 
    6.  Favorite books: Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice. I could reread them all a billion times. 
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  I just got  my BFP today. I know Ill need support. I have had 3 pregnancies and 3 MMC. Last baby had downs. We took 3 years off. We decided to do IVF with PGS testing. The embryo we transfered was a genetically normal boy. So we are excited to be on this journy again as well as anxious.

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) Tired

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  Im always anxious but actually better than i thought. 

    4. When is your next appointment?  Thursday next week I had IVF and this is my first FET after PGS

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? No time for reading but I plan on changing that soon. 

    3 MMC #1 Ivf Fet pregnancy BFP 2/10/18

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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  5 weeks 

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) : my boobs were super sensitive 2 days after sex/conception so I knew I was pregnant. Still having sensitive boobs and just started getting nauseous yesterday which is a good sign for me. Oh also having Insomnia which is why I'm up at 1:20 am

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise) :  always anxious. Every stomach ache/cramp/diarrhea makes me nervous I'm miscarrying. Had 3 mc last year at around 10 weeks but four total including one before my son. This is my 4th miscarriage needing a d&c. Had a CP last month too. 

    4. When is your next appointment? First appt 3/6 which feels like eternity. 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  : my husband has been amazing. Thankful for this post thread

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read?  I'm a tv girl :) currently, this is us.   I read alot of medical journal articles for work so I hate reading on my leisurely time. 

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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  5 weeks 2 days, but probably farther along based on the fact that I thought I was avoiding my ovulation week. That didn't happen lol. My first son (12/1/14) was a twin. His twin was a blighted ovum. 

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) cranky af. I'm being s major b*tch to my toddlers and I can feel it happening, but am having so much trouble controlling it. I also feel nauseous and  

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  I'm kind of freaking out and it's so foreign. I lost a twin and I think it was an easier blow because I still had a baby at the end of everything. So although I grieved, I don't think it was as earth shattering if that makes sense? But all those feelings are coming back because I went in for an ultrasound today and we couldn't find a heartbeat. Now, based on my lmp we wouldn't be able to find one anyways, but those feelings. If it happened once it could happen again. My OB said to come back in 2 weeks, but I think I may ask to come in next week. I think I put this is the wrong section. Sorry!

    4. When is your next appointment? 2 weeks  

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  see above 

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? All the romance novels! 

    DS  12-1-2014
    DD 10-29-2016
    #3 due 10-13-2018
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    1. How far along are you? 

    7 weeks today 

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

    Im so tired! So tired! Sore boobies, The cravings are REAL & so many aversions, im having trouble eating dinner at the moment 

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise) 

    For the first few weeks I was anxious andd even now i still stare at the toilet paper every time but im finally now starting get come to terms with the fact theres a baby in there and its going to be okay!

    4. When is your next appointment? 

    We have an ultrasound this Saturday, I cant wait to hopefully see that heartbeat as I missed out on that last time, it was pretty much all bad from the moment i found out we were expecting - this time everything feels different 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here) 

    It feels so selfish but I'm starting to wonder how much my body is going to change and how I will feel about it, im so nervous about getting really bad stretchmarks at the moment but i know everything will be 100% worth it when I see our baby for the first time.

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read?

    Im not much of a reader, im a TV kinda girl  

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    It's not looking great for me right now. All my symptoms are either gone or fading. I'm just feeling so defeated. My appointment is Friday, but I might try to move it up so I can get some answers. I'm waiting on a call from my doctor this morning so we will see if they want to do anything. 
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    Oh no @acciocoffee I hope you can get in and that your body is just kicking ass at dealing with the increasing hormones. I’m thinking about you! ❤️ Please keep us posted!
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

     4wk + 3

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

     Ahhh the hormones....I feel so bad for DH because I feel soooo bitchy all the time! He admitted yesterday he was a little scared of me.. probably because he accidentally made me cry the other day (honestly can’t remember why) and felt so bad which made the tears turn into uncontrollable laughter. I try so hard to control it but he says he’s more than happy to put up with me. We’ll see how long that lasts lol  My boobs are out of control too. They hurt so bad!! At just over 4 weeks I don’t fit in my DDs anymore and I’m worried I won’t be able to find a bra that fits by the end! The nausea is very much a part of life now but a messed up part of me enjoys it. I was never very sick with my MCs so it gives me hope. Other than that just tired all the time.

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    I’m actually pretty good! I’m having such strong symptoms early so I’m taking that as a good sign. I do get a little freaked every time I go to the bathroom though..so scared I’ll see blood..


    4. When is your next appointment? 

    Don’t have one scheduled yet for sure. Trying to coordinate schedules with DH so he can come to the 1st one 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  

    Right now I’m just really thankful for DH! He’s been very understanding and thoughtful! Also thankful for my job. My first day was the day after I got my BFP so I was worried what they would say but they’ve been amazing!! But other than that I hate everyone. I had no idea people were so stupid and annoying!

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? 

    Lord of the Rings! 

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    @acciocoffee Oh no!  Hopefully you're just in the ebb and flow of the symptoms.  My fingers are crossed for you!

    @mrsb190316 I felt the same way when I was pregnant with our loss.  I knew from the beginning things weren't right.  This time feels so different and I've been so positive.  
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    What a mindf*ck @acciocoffee praying it's just regular stuff. 
    DS  12-1-2014
    DD 10-29-2016
    #3 due 10-13-2018
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    I was able to get in and get blood taken. I should get the results tomorrow. I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with me. DD was such a simple pregnancy. I don't understand why we are having such a hard time now. 
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    @acciocoffee sorry you’re not feeling optimistic. Hopefully your results come back great, and it’s just the normal changes in symptoms. I’m rooting for you. Keep us posted. 
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    @acciocoffee. Hope everything turns out okay and it’s just the normal ups and downs of symptoms. *internet stranger hugs*
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  5w5d

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) I feel very tired, nausea on and off.

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise) I had 2 CPs back to back in Dec & Jan. Got pregnant again right after 2nd CP and have been a nervous wreck since. However! Just got bloodwork results back today and levels are progressing as they should so feeling optimistic for now :)

    4. When is your next appointment? Dating ultrasound on March 2nd

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  our company is going through a restructure at the moment which isn't helping with my stress levels..

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? Ohhh I like all the books. Anything by Sophie kinsella, Emily giffin or James Patterson especially!

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    @acciocoffee I'm so sorry you're feeling scared. Try to stay positive. My symptoms are all over the place day to day. All wknd I felt nothing at all and was nervous but all is OK. Thinking of you.
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    @acciocoffee that sounds promising for sure! I’ve got everything crossed for you and for smoother sailing ahead ❤️
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    Yay that’s great @acciocoffee! FX for you!! Try to relax as much as possible, and keep telling yourself that symptoms don’t necessarily equal a healthy pregnancy! 
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    1. How far along are you? Any milestones?  

    I’m about 5 weeks (not too sure yet)

    2. How are you feeling (pregnancy symptoms) 

    I’m tired, moody, and having crazy vivid dreams. No nausea yet! 

    3. How are you feeling (anxiety wise)  

    Pretty anxious since I had no symptoms with my mc in August and so far I have very mild symptoms so it’s all I can think about! 

    4. When is your next appointment? 

    My first appointment will be Monday for a confirmation. Ultrasound March 9th!! 

    5. Rants/raves/whatever (Dear diary posts and venting are welcome and encouraged here)  I’m feeling pretty annoyed by work lately (teacher) but truly there is not enough time to go through all those frustrations!!

    6. GTKY: What is your favorite book to read? 

    Harry Potter started my love of reading! 

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    @acciocoffee yay!! This update makes me so happy!!! 
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    Great news @acciocoffee! FX your numbers tomorrow look good too!  

    Also I don’t remember when you’re due, but I’d be cautious about moving up your ultrasound, just because early on it can be so hit or miss if you see a heartbeat or can really see much on the scan.  I always find that sometimes it make you worry more instead of giving peace of mind, just because it’s really a little too early for a good US.  
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    Yay @acciocoffee !!!! And yea I'd echo what @pumpkinpancake said, I went in for an early ultrasound and it made me more nervous than I was previously. 
    DS  12-1-2014
    DD 10-29-2016
    #3 due 10-13-2018
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    @pumpkinpancake We really just need one for dating purposes. I've been guessing that my due date is 10/13, but I really don't know. I will just be relieved to have a somewhat real due date, even if it changes later on. 
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    edited February 2018
    @acciocoffee yay! So wonderful to hear!! I just had a dating u/s and they put me at 6w3d and the tech said any earlier and she didn't think we would have seen the heartbeat. My due date is Oct 7th. Personally I would try and wait until Wed or you may not see a heartbeat. You may still see the sac and hopefully you see the fetal pole too if you go early! 
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