September 2018 Moms

Symptoms w/o 1/21

This didn't go up yesterday and I'm on the struggle bus, so I'm taking initiative. If this is stepping on toes, please let me know. 
“My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 

Re: Symptoms w/o 1/21

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    I am a raving b*tch. My burn everything to the ground pms-like symptom is the worst. I can't turn it off. 
    “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 
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    We still love you @episcowitch - do we need to start a MBF too? 

    Every time I think I'm moving passed the nausea phase, another wave hits me. I have rarely finished a meal in the last two weeks, but am  making an effort to eat a variety when I am managing to get something down. Still feeling lucky this is only nausea and nothing more. A new symptom that reared its ugly head this weekend was sciatica pain. I had this for the better part of my last pregnancy and just pushed through it, but with having to bend over for DD now, I think I'm going to need to go to a chiropractor. 

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    You're totally in the right on making the post, hooray initiative. 

    I have none of that. Doesn't help that DH and DS haven't done a great job of letting me getting enough sleep, so I'm pretty rage-y and feeling useless too. Fatigue and nausea, and working on my feet with food just isn't a great combination. 
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
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    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
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    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

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    @Patience7150 I have no idea what MBF stands for, but if you don't have sugar issues, apple jolly ranchers are a gift from the universe for nausea. You can buy single flavor on Amazon. 
    “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 
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    @episcowitch it's the Monday bitchfest weekly post! Thanks for the tip on jolly ranchers!
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    I had a pretty decent weekend but we were on a mini vacay for a wedding so I was able to rest a lot. Back to the real world today and I finally threw up (while driving). Still, my symptoms are just MS, fatigue, and some bloat. Countdown to 2nd tri is just 5 weeks. 
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    Canker sores on my gums have appeared this week. I had this problem a lot with my last pregnancy.
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    @SkilledSailor I know we're supposed to just roll with Ms, but puking sucks! I'm sorry. 

    @katethemom sores on your gums! You have my sympathy. 

    @Patience7150 thanks for the translation. I don't have anything to b*tch about, just generally crabby and want to scream and throw things. 
    “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 
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    I am 6 weeks 1 day - and have spent the last 2.5 weeks with nausea from 4:30 AM until 3 PM (when it turns off and has been glorious). yesterday my nausea went away around noon and today it has been mild at most. I am just really hoping this is part of the usual ebb and flow of symptoms. it is SO hard not to worry.
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    Ugh canker sores suck. My sympathies @katethemom!
    MMC 8/5/15 at 8 weeks
    DS born 9/13/16
    BFP 1/13/18 - EDD 9/20/18 - It's a boy!
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    edited January 2018
    Still about the same as last week. I got pretty car sick on a 45min trip the other day. I really think it was mostly from not eating much. I manage well during the week but not so much on the weekends. To on-the-go to snack plus the kids always think they get to eat just because I am. I was pretty emotional too,  I almost cried because I took a picture of niece with Elsa at the ice castle. And then again last night when I watched the finale of PLL. *major eyerolling myself*

    Edited for spelling
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    I've definitely been more emotional than usual, and haven't had much of an appetite, but other than that I'm pretty symptom-free. Really hoping that remains, but I'm only 5+5 so I know it's too early to say!
    Engaged 12/2013
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    BFP 11/27/2015 - EDD 8/4/2016
    <3 Baby Boy born 8/13/2016 ~ 8lbs 7oz  <3
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    @yogapants247 @prpl11butterfly I'm finding myself to be more emotional, too. I cried watching Toy Story 3 with DS the other day. And sometimes just tearful moments for no reason.

    @episcowitch @DanyTargaryen Thanks for the sympathy. 

    @SkilledSailor I'm counting down to the 2nd trimester, too. I remember how much relief I felt last time when all the MS, bloating, acne -- all of the symptoms just seemed to go away. 
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    Still dealing with the fatigue.....just when I think I'm ok, the exhaustion hits. Thank goodness my workouts are in the morning or I'd never make it. Super grouchy, feeling like I can't do fun stuff, even though I knew what was ahead. I think it's just knowing that DH can order a drink with dinnner and I'm stuck with hormones.
    Car sickness was a biggie this weekend, almost had DH pull over, while my step-son kept asking if I was ok. (We haven't told ANYONE) ....not even parents. That chubby feeling creeping in, even though no one can see anything. Hope you're all doing well.
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    My spotting/discharge turned from brown to red tonight. It's still minimal and I have no cramping, but it still makes me nervous.
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    I’m not really having any. Which makes me anxious. I am tired all the time but I have an autoimmune disease which that is a symptom. I had some nausea the weekend I got my BFP. But the last 2 weeks... nothing. I don’t really remember when symptoms started with DD. I know it sounds dumb, but I didn’t mind the nausea because I knew everything was ok. 
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    Lcardinal04Lcardinal04 member
    edited January 2018
    Nada, except for burping. Maybe a little nausea if I'm not eating on time but that could be in my head.  Trying not to go crazy in my head because at five weeks last go around the MS had really kicked in and my burping was absolutely insane. Not to mention logical me knows symptoms don't equate with healthy pregnancy. Trying to figure out if my B6 might be masking some of it. 

    @meg+on+the+DL Im with you %100.
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    smsaulinosmsaulino member
    edited January 2018
    @meg+on+the+DL I have been like that.. no MS or nothing too bad. I was reassured that everything was ok. This is my first time expecting and everyone I know personally has had at least a little bit of sickness but I haven't. The girls on here, my MIL who's a retired nurse and the staff at my doctor's office have all reassured me that everything is ok. The symptoms I have are very minimal. 
    Me: 33 DH: 31 Baby: 9/2/2018 BabyFruit Ticker

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    Last Friday the nausea hit, settled in, and won't leave. So, yay, 24/7 nausea for me again  :s

    I'm setting alarms to remind myself to at least snack because it's always so much worse on an empty stomach. I've ordered a big bag of ginger chews that have helped me with being car sick in the past (Chime's brand in case you're wondering). So I'm crossing everything that they give me at least a little relief.

    Fatigue is hitting me hard. I am not a napper, and I've found myself nodding off throughout the day.
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    @knitknitread Ugh, 24/7 nausea! I had that with my #2. I wish I had thought of alarms to get me to have something on my stomach. 
    “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 
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    I haven’t had much MS yet. But I’m a raging bish all day and night. And I’m needing to sleep 22 hours a day. 
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    @katethemom, so sorry that your mouth is hurting.  This was actually one of my earliest symptoms, so I can definitely relate.

    @SkilledSailor, sorry that you got sick enough to throw up while driving - been there in the past and it's pretty horrible.  

    As for me, my nausea is pretty much sticking around all day now - no vomiting yet, but it's probably just a matter of time/circumstances.  Indigestion, reflux, insomnia, and cramping are also fun little sidebars as well. 
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    @episcowitch I had it with DD too :( From about 6 weeks through 20 weeks. I didn't think of alarms last time either. I only vomitted once with DD but I was just so nauseous that I couldn't think of food without gagging. So, I ate what I could force down.

    I'm really hoping that heartburn doesn't pop up this time. Heartburn is just evil. 
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    @katethemom I'm so sorry about your canker sores. Those are awful.
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    Caffeine withdrawal headaches leads to more nausea :/ I was down to two cups of weak coffee so I thought... Hey. Half and half. Regret. 

    It's really hard to keep my rage under control but being so tired does help... Too much energy to get mad. Not too tired to cry at ridiculous things though. 
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    I’m 6 weeks and 4 days. I have been having crazy stomach aches but no nausea. And, all of the sudden, I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible stomach ache and nausea. And then 2 hours ago, I threw up. And, now I feel so much better. I have no idea what is going to happen next, but I think morning sickness is officially here. I also have been feeling very car sick. What do you ladies do? Carry around a plastic bag in case you have to puke? What about at work? 
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    faithandababyfaithandababy member
    edited January 2018
    I've been having diarrhea (sorry tmi) as my main symptom this pregnancy. I had constipation with my first. Also bloody nose, emotional and fatigue. No nausea so far! And I'm shocked cause with DS I had it til week 22! Feeling blessed right now lol

    6 wks 3 days :smile:
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    faithandababyfaithandababy member
    edited January 2018
    I'm a coffee fanatic so when I found out I was relieved that we could have 1 cup of caffeine a day. So I've been doing the half and half too. Those headaches/migraines due to caffeine withdrawal are cruel! @hxtaru
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    @magnolia209 I suggest a bucket for the car. It's pretty easy to dump and wash that way. Plus, a lot less likely to leak.
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    @faithandababy not TMI, we're all living it. I just want to poo! 

    @knitknitread heartburn is no match for Bragg's ACV. I recommend to everyone. Better than Tums and people think you have superpowers for being able to drink it (just be sure to water it down a bit). 
    “My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." - Aunt Frances” 
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    @meg+on+the+DL I'm so with you. I'm at this weird place where i have no symptoms, but I know they are awful, so I'm dreading them, but also super anxious because the symptoms let me know everything is going well...

    I just have excessive gas, which could easily be meal related and not pregnancy related.  

    Question  - at what week did everyone's symptoms start?
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    @faithandababy I'm right there with you on the diarrhea. It was the same with DD. Sometime in second tri it evened out and it was the most regular I had ever been in my life ::shrugs::

    @episcowitch I'll keep the Bragg's ACV in mind! I've already got some in my cabinet and I'm a fan of vinegar-y drinks anyway.
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    I'm a coffee fanatic so when I found out I was relieved that we could have 1 cup of caffeine a day. So I've been doing the half and half too. Those headaches/migraines due to caffeine withdrawal are cruel! @hxtaru
    It was only day two and I feel it already. Case and point: tmi: on the toilet being really frustrated!!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm 6w today  (yay!)  MS has definitely kicked in the last few weeks. Lots of queasiness but no puking yet. The exhaustion however is totally hitting me. I used to be such a night owl, wouldn't fall asleep until 11pm or midnight. Now, 9pm hits and I'm falling asleep on the couch. This has been made all the worse this week. I'm at a trade show for work, on my feet all day and having to hide the MS and fatigue from my clients. Sitting in my hotel room in Vegas and instead of checking out the town I'm sitting on the bed with room service trying not to fall asleep before I can eat dinner. When do I get my energy back??? 
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    I’ve been SUPER emotional and exhausted. Like my SO actually started an enormous fight last night because of how tired I’ve been he said he isn’t getting enough sexual attention. I cry at the smallest thing and I’m super stressed out about everything. My nausea seems to never go away and I get serious caffeine withdrawal headaches. 

    On a a side boobs don’t hurt so much that normal? They went from very sore to basically not painful at all. I’m 8 weeks today.
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    My boobs have decided to run a shock and awe campaign on me, nearly doubling in size and making my group training class a sore nightmare.

    A few serious bouts of morning vomitting have hit me like a train recently. Sweats, hard puking and shakes. It's not been fun. I can feel the bulge when I bend but am eager for pregnancy to be more that a bloated flu :(

    At this point it just feels like a sickness I can't tell anyone about!!
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    This kid hates me. 
    With DS, I had all day MS starting around 6.5 weeks. Nauseated all day. Took Zofran and it took the edge off enough to eat a little and stop losing weight. 
    With DD, I had afternoon and evening MS starting around 7.5 weeks. Took Diclegis and it took the edge off enough for me to get through the day. 
    This time? All day MS starting at 5+2. Started with Zofran and it made me so constipated I was doubled over in pain because I just needed to poop. Now I’m on Diclegis instead and my body wants to poop but just keeps messing with me. 
    Kid, give me a break already!
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    How do you ladies poop??? This is killing me! I added magnesium, I already take a natural fiber supplement.... I forced some prune juice down on Saturday which worked but now nothing. Once a week is not going to cut it.
    TTC since May 2013
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    @lablover78 are you drinking a lot of water/fluids throughout the day? Eating raw fruits/vegetables? Veggies are not appealing to me at all right now but I'm making it a point to include them daily to help with constipation. Would you try something like Metamucil? 
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