March 2018 Moms

Why my pregnant self is crying - January Edition

I don't think we've had one of these in awhile, so let's hear it. What's making you cry these days?
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Re: Why my pregnant self is crying - January Edition

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    @ashleyf911 - I feel ya on cabin fever. DS is 3.5 and he’s soooo done being inside and I’m the same - can’t get myself to get him to the children’s museum or anything. Then DD is in kindergarten but they keep canceling school! So then my kids just fight. They won’t even play and trash the house like good little kids. 
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    Literally everything makes me cry these days. I cried when DH asked me what's for dinner. I cried during a tv show, and it wasn't even a sad scene. DH looked over and said, "are you crying right now?" I said "YES! I'm pregnant and hormonal and I CAN'T HELP IT!" He just started laughing at me. :/
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    Guess I jinxed myself by posting on this thread. Just had a silly meltdown...

    I just cried bc MIL's photo calendar Christmas present is not here still. I ordered it at the photo kiosk at CVS Dec. 21 and it was supposed to be delivered to the store within 7-14 days. Since I haven't gotten a call that it was ready for me to pick up, I called the store and they didn't have it and recommended I call the 1-800 number. Apparently, the package was sent to the wrong USPS location, and was rerouted to Dallas but has been stuck at the Dallas distribution center since Jan. 7. I could have WALKED to Dallas and back with the damn thing. So after 2 phone calls with 3 CVS reps, 1 call to the Post Office and a call to the USPS Consumer Relations office, which is closed til Tuesday, I still don't have the package. The CVS rep said I could go back to the store and reorder, but it took me an hour to make the damn thing and the thought of doing that again over this busy weekend stresses me out.

    So I just lost it. It's so stupid, but still!!!

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    I haven't cried over anything.... yet, but I'm entering b*#ch mode. Zero patience and care.
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    @amylonghorn I'm sorry, that's so frustrating! That was very poor customer service on their end and I personally would have asked for a partial refund because of the headache. I hope everything works out. 
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    I'm with @baybeesunflower. It's 0530 and I haven't been able to sleep since 0330. Again. For like the 4th night. So I'm pretty bitchy. But that may devolve into crying if I can't get a good night's sleep soon.
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    There’s no coffee in my house...
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    I cried because I need to register BOTH kids for daycare this month for the upcoming year.  I realized that I'm registering DD#1 for the last time (because next year she will be going to kindergarten), and DD#2 for the first time.  Thinking about that just gave me so many feels and got me so sentimental thinking about how I got to this point in my life lol

    I've also gone in to bitch mode about the state of our house.  I have zero tolerance for any clutter whatsoever right now.  Our basement is an absolute mess because our contractors are coming next week to begin renovations.  If I can control the neatness of the remainder of the house while this is being done, I will for the sake of my sanity.
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    Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
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    I'm at Petco watching my dog get her nails cut, and she keeps looking around for me. Bawling!
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    I just watched the latest episode of "This is us" and bawled. Ugly cry and all. Poor H was like what the heck is wrong with you...
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    @cford08 this latest episode didn't make me cry! Am I heartless? I think I've cried a lot less this season than the first, which is weird considering I'm pregnant and hormonal. I think I just miss William... that story line always got me.
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    Mandy Moore's character losing it made me lose it @stlbuckeye132 ....but yeah William gave me all the feels last season too....
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    I’m with you all on being more bitchy for sure. 

    I did cry this weekend though cause we officially took away my A15s paci (he was just using it when he slept) & I started thinking about how he’s had it his whole life & id be devastated if someone took something away from me I was so attached to. I was feeling so guilty. 
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    I got up from the couch and knocked over hubby's drink on the coffee table. It wouldn't have been a big deal but then he told me I need to be more careful where I put my "big body". It was really mean and he didn't even apologize.  :'(
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    @sarahhedger7 um, that’s really mean. :angry:
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    WTF @sarahhedger7?? I would have burst into tears right in front of him to make him feel bad. 
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    @sarahhedger7 ughh I’m so mad for you! Guys just don’t think sometimes
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    @sarahhedger7 that's ridiculous girl...MH called me pork chop the other day. I wanted to slap him.
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    @cford08 what does that even mean? Ugh, men are dumb. 
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    @sarahhedger7 all it really did to me was make me hungry. He's ridiculous 95% of the time, so I ignore him.
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    @pregobeth have you guys taken a childbirth class together, done any OB appointments together, toured the hospital together? Those things are little and not huge time commitments, but can help both of you prepare for the upcoming events and changes. 
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    @mdfarmchick Thanks! Yep, we've done some of the first OB appointments and ultrasounds together and are planning to tour the hospital in a few weeks, so I know that will help to prepare us a lot more. We live over an hour from anyplace that offers baby classes, so I've been doing a lot of online video classes.  I want him to see some of them, but he really just needs to relax after a long day dealing with crazy employees and customers :D  
    I know that a lot of the feelings that are making me cry are just my brain overthinking everything. 
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    @pregobeth If it's any consolation, I'm in a similar situation. DH is self employed and I feel like I've been doing everything on my own since he works sooo much. It's not that they don't care, men just have their own way of preparing for a baby, i.e. making money to support their family. 
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    kbiala said:
    I’m with you all on being more bitchy for sure. 

    I did cry this weekend though cause we officially took away my A15s paci (he was just using it when he slept) & I started thinking about how he’s had it his whole life & id be devastated if someone took something away from me I was so attached to. I was feeling so guilty. 
    I'm crying because I read this and don't want to crush the hopes and dreams of my D15 toddler taking her "paddy" away. She just loves it so. It's so heartbreaking and sounds so cruel.
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    @sarahhedger7  Our husbands are showing their love and support in how they provide for us.  <3
    I really feel lucky that I get to spend so much time with my husband at work. We are usually busy as hell, but we get to help each other and be near each other most of the day. I'm kind of scared about when the baby comes, knowing that I will be doing the majority of the baby care, especially knowing that all the things I do for the business are going to be either delayed or heaped on my husband's shoulders. It's making me feel both lonely in the aspect that I'll be doing most of the caring for the baby and not allowing my husband much time to bond, and also inadequate that I won't be able to keep up with the business. Trying not to let these feelings get to me, but they are still there. I try not to let myself wallow in the depressive feelings, because even though it feels like if I just cry it out, I think I'll feel better, but I never do. It always makes me feel worse. One thing I heard from a labor prep nurse was that it's always easier to maintain control than it is to get it back once you've lost it and started crying and screaming during labor. Now I'm learning that that is definitely true for the rest of my life as well! 
    I've been working on my mind's safe place for during the labor - visualizing my favorite beach. It's been helping me with my feelings of sadness too  :)
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    I’ve read the posts about overbearing relatives and it makes me sad and a bit wistful that I don’t have any one who will want to see the baby especially since it’s number 3.  My parents don’t really visit me often - maybe 2-3 times a year(usually my birthday).  I’m sure they will come to meet the baby for a bit, but not like excited exactly.  My husband’s brother and sister have never met our other children.  For the most part it’s just me, my daughter, and son. I doubt my husband will even be at the birth because of his work as a truck driver.  I’m planning on having my 7 year old daughter there as my source of support and lack of a sitter option for her but last night my mom told m I was crazy thinking of having her with me.  I can relate because I do feel completely alone and sad lately.  
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    @mmom3 I am sorry you feel so alone. It is really hard to be away from family and not feel connected to where you are. 
      Are you sure a 7 year old is going to be ready for that and that your hospital will allow that? What if something happens and you have to have a c-section? My mind is racing for you. 
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    @megpeg - she is generally is very well behaved and would love to be there. I’ve had two
    prior vaginal births that went smoothly and were relatively short in length.  This one is predicted to be quicker at maybe 4-6 hours.  The only issue is if the baby is predicted to be over 10 lbs - a c-section will be scheduled.  In either case of c-section I have a neighbor who is super kind and offered if I ever had an emergency she could keep Her for a bit - so I was thinking of speaking with her to ask if that she would be “on-call”.  It’s sad thinking of being alone with just the doctor and then nurse.  
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    @mmom3 I know you said your parents don't visit often, but could you maybe ask your mom if she'd come visit like the week you're due or something? Either to help out with childcare or to be in the hospital with you - especially if she's already making comments about it being "crazy" to have your daughter there, maybe she'd be more inclined to come help out.
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    @mmom3 just like most people out here, I know money is tight. However, maybe a doula could be comforting to you and maybe helpful with your daugher. Maybe helpful with the loneliness. I'm sorry you're even in that position  <3

    @pregobeth hugs to you too my dear. Hubs deal with this new baby thing the best way they know how, by trying to provide. But you've already figured that out. I commend you for being able to keep it together as much as you have. I like that idea of focusing as way of calming yourself.
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