March 2018 Moms

Weekend Ticker Change (December 30-31)

Happy New Year Mamas! I hope everyone has a great and safe time celebrating 2018!!

1) How far along are you? How big is baby?

2) How are you feeling? 

3) Any appointments this week?

4) Rants/Raves/Questions?

5) Last
 GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Weekend Ticker Change (December 30-31)

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    28 weeks - HELLO 3RD TRI!!! Baby is size of an eggplant.

    2) How are you feeling? 
    Still feeling pretty good. My back pain increases throughout the day, which causes a bunch of waddling, but no major issues.

    3) Any appointments this week?
    Midwife appt on Weds and endocrinologist appt on Thurs. I also start going to the OB office every two weeks this month - CRAZY!!!

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    STEPSON MOVES OUT TODAY!!!!! I'm so excited I'll be able to FINALLY get in that room and get the nursery going. I have been cleaning out DD's closet and piling stuff for LO in a corner of her room, but now I can really get to work! 

    5) Last
     GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
    So I don't really do resolutions. But once LO arrives I'll be diligent about losing weight bc DH and I are going on a cruise in March 2019 so we'll have a year to get to lookin' good!!
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    31 wks!!! 8 more weeks to go.  :#

    2) How are you feeling? 
    I just want to sleep! Between heartburn, hip pain, and just plain ol insomnia, I've been waking up between 4 and 5am. Ugh. Not a huge deal right now because I'm on vacation and can get to bed early, but I go back to work (second shift) next week and don't go to bed til after midnight. 

    3) Any appointments this week?
    My gestational diabetes check-in is Thursday and then my 32wk appointment is Friday. I'll get to schedule my csection that day and pick lil mama's birth day!!  <3

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    DH and my mil are painting the nursery today!! I'm so excited to finally start putting that room together now that my 2.5 year old is moved into his new big boy room and settled into that routine. 

    5) Last
     GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
    ugh, I'm the worst at resolutions. I never follow through. So my hopes for 2018 are to continue to eat healthy and keep my GD under control, practice more self care to keep my stress levels down, enjoy more time with my little family, leave work at work, and keep up my healthy habits after babe is here so that I can lose some weight and set a healthy example for my kiddos. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @amylonghorn yaaasssss
     I am excited for you girl! Here's hoping the stepson will be a productive citizen and stay out your nursery lol

    @ashleyf911 your gif perfectly describes my feelings right now...staying calm on the outside and freaking out a little on the inside  :D
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    amylonghornamylonghorn member
    edited December 2017
    @cford08 if only he had been a productive citizen while mooching off of me, er, I mean, while living in my house...oh well - I'M DONE!!

    @ashleyf911 I still have 12 weeks and I'm kinda panicking myself - thinking about the next 3 months, I have a nursery to set up, a couple of prep classes at the hospital, a baby shower, my MIL will be having back surgery...lots going on before LO gets here!!

    Edited tag!!
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    28 weeks! Hello 3rd trimester! Babies are the size of eggplants
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Huge! lol. Other than that I get super tired if I do much of anything which sucks since we really need to get the house in order. I tried picking some things up off the floor the other day and started feeling sharp pain in my lower abdomen that didn't go away until I had been laying down for a bit.
    3) Any appointments this week?
    Tomorrow is my GDS and growth check. The timing kind of sucks because tomorrow should be the busiest day of the year for me at work and I'll be missing a bit.
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    How do I get my husband to understand how soon the babies will be here?????? I have a hard cutoff of 38 weeks because we're having twins so we only have 10 weeks to get they entire house cleaned and everything in order. Due to issues when I try to do things myself I have to rely on him to do it.
    5) Last
     GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
    I don't really do resolutions. My goal is to keep up healthy habits after the twins are born so I can try and set a good example for them as they get older. The women in my family tend to be on the larger side so I would like to break that trend.

    @ashleyf911 That gif is how I feel exactly!!!!

    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @amanning2011 what is it with husbands being so nonchalant about everything?! My guess is since we have been carrying LO all this time we feel more pressed to get things together as we know the end is coming soon. I've had to bribe DH with some, ahem, favors to get some stuff done but I am in no way suggesting that route lol
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @cford08 The kind of *ahem* favors DH would want would involve letting him buy guns or 40K stuff lol!!!! He has no interest in the more fun kind of favors that could be offered right now.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    Your DH is a classy one @amanning2011 :D good luck on getting him going!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hi guys!! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been off work, which is where I do most of my bumping because the app drains my phone battery like crazy. So I'm super late!

    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    29 weeks on Sunday - acorn squash

    2) How are you feeling? 
    Pretty good physically, but definitely overwhelmed mentally! 

    3) Any appointments this week?
    Not this week, but I just found out yesterday that I passed my glucose test. Hooray!

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    Add me to the group of people whose husband's lack of urgency is driving them crazy! @cford08 good idea with the favors... I'll need to try that route haha pretty sure that will work!

    5) Last
     GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
    I'm the worst at resolutions. I guess I just want to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep a hold on our finances as much as possible with this new baby!
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    @cford08 I know right?? lol

    Had my 28 week appointment today. Found out both girls are breech so as of right now we are looking at a c-section unless baby A flips around. We also found out that both babies' measurements are in the 10th percentile which is small even for twins. I have an appointment with a MFM on the 11th to double check their growth and then another appointment with my OB on the 16th to have another growth check with them. Also had my GDS and I'll find out Friday if I passed or failed that.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @amanning2011 this littles have plenty of time to grow! Here's hoping they get a growth spurt going here soon  <3
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Sorry I'm so late everyone. I've been thinking of you and missing you all! We just got back from holiday travel and I still have bronchitis so any time not spent socializing was spent in bed. Now that I'm home I'm not leaving the house unless I totally have to. 

    1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
    28 weeks, eggplant! Yay third tri!

    2) How are you feeling? 
    I would feel great if it weren't for the bronchitis. also, I popped again, lol. every time I drop something I curse haha. 

    3) Any appointments this week?
    nope, just chiropractor, which I'm looking forward to.

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions?
    I guess I opened with a rant, but add mine to the list of hubbies who don't get it. Mom and I went to Party City for baby shower supplies and I bought a little chalk board that says "___weeks to baby". I'm going to put that up somewhere prominent and keep it updated, maybe that will help...

    5) Last
     GTKY of 2017!!! Give 'em up! I want hear all the resolutions for 2018 and how you plan to keep them.
    My biggest resolution is to keep my business going after LO gets here. I am planning to give myself 6-8 weeks off, but I'm not a stay at home mom. I respect those who are, but I've worked to hard to get my business this far and I don't want to give it up. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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