January 2018 Moms

MoMs (Mothers of Multiples) weekly check-in - 12/12

caseyw8784caseyw8784 member
edited December 2017 in January 2018 Moms
Sorry I'm a day late!

How far along are you? What size are the babies?

Any appointments this week/last? How did it go? 

How are you feeling? 

What rants/raves/questions/advice? 

QOTW: Anything left  last-minute to do to prep, nursery-wise?

Re: MoMs (Mothers of Multiples) weekly check-in - 12/12

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    How far along are you? What size are the babies? 33w6d...the twins should be about the size of a stalk of celery, or a ferret.

    Any appointments this week/last? How did it go? Started the weekly appointments a couple weeks ago; next one is Friday and we will get to see how much they've grown in 2 weeks!

    How are you feeling? Like a beached whale. :lol: 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice? I want to sleep! insomnia sucks. And all these aches and pains are a literal pain in the butt. 

    QOTW: Anything left  last-minute to do to prep, nursery-wise? We've had everything for a while, but today we finally started setting up the nursery! (We got rid of the guest bed and night table this past weekend, so we finally have the room to set up everything right!
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    How far along are you? What size are the babies? 36 weeks today!! A squash. *They're 5lbs 13oz and 5lbs 5oz*

    Any appointments this week/last? How did it go? OB yesterday and I'm 3cm dilated and an NST, doc called last night and said I'm on the schedule for Dec 20th at midnight!! Babies in a week if not before. 

    How are you feeling? Big and sore. Afraid to move lol. 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice? Any advice on labor?? I'm trying all vaginal with pain meds but I've read where more than likely I will need a c-section for the 2nd girl. 

    QOTW: Anything left  last-minute to do to prep, nursery-wise? Nah, I'll worry about it once they're ready for the nursery! 
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    @britmanering73 - Dec 20th! so soon! Regarding labor, are you going to try vaginal for the 1st and then c-section for the 2nd? DH's cousin did that (not by choice) and had a hard time recovering with pain in both locations. What does your doc say? Also, why at midnight? Did doc give reasoning about the timing?

    I have an US and an OB appointment tomorrow, but i'm having my first NST on the 20th!
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    How far along are you? What size are the babies?
    28wks today ... They are coconuts!  
    Any appointments this week/last? How did it go? 
    No, not til next Wednesday. 
    How are you feeling? 
    Tired, out of breath, and uncomfortable.  Its getting so hard to get in and out of bed.. 
    What rants/raves/questions/advice? 
    @caseyw8784 how did baby girl look today?
    @britmanering73 any labor yet? If not the 20th will be here before you know it!
    QOTW: Anything left  last-minute to do to prep, nursery-wise?
    I have to dig out my breast pump and get all the parts washed. I still need to organize girl and boy stuff in their places. Getting my bag packed this weekend to stick in the van so its with me at all times..

    @KLake42 cant wait for your update! I hope you and the girls are both doing great!
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    @caseyw8784 Maybe just "fitting me in"? I've never heard of it either but I'm glad regardless. Yea I'm trying vaginal delivery and if doesn't work so well bc I'm a baby, then they'll have to do c-section. 
    @momma6angels11    No labor yet, just the need to pre every 30 sec and being uncomfortable. 
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    @momma6angels11 Overall was a good appointment, but a little unexpected. Baby Girl is still almost a pound smaller than Baby Boy (85% vs 47%) but they've both grown enough (on the curve or whatnot) in the last 2 weeks that my OB isn't as worried that the other twin is stealing all the nutrients and whatnot.. Had a little comedy after we were done talking about the growth discrepancy, Doc asked if we had any questions like she does when we're wrapping up the appointment, and DH asked, "since the boy (Baby A) flipped, does that mean that Casey will be having a C section now?" Doc looked shocked, grabbed the report papers, and then said, "jesus, the little asshole flipped on us!" She had been so preoccupied looking at the ultrasound images of Baby Girl and calculating her growth, that she missed the line on the report that says that Baby A is now "breech"....then she looked worried and cautious, like we were going to raise a stink about her calling our baby an asshole, but we were too busy laughing to care. at. all. :lol: 

    But yea, we just went from 2 heads down last week to Baby A being breech, so we had the C-Section "talk" and have tentatively scheduled it for Saturday January 6th (will be 37 weeks)... If he flips back then I have the green light (to try) to deliver vaginally. 

    Blood pressure has slowly been creeping up (i'm at the "very high end of normal"), and i've had kind of consistent headaches, so I've been instructed to call in to the office if i have a headache that lasts more than 2 hours and a dose of tylenol doesn't work. Also, at my appointment on Friday next week, if my BP is still elevated, Doc said that she's going to bump up the c-section to 36 weeks, which would put us in the week between Christmas and New Years. 

    2-3 weeks until they're here....eek! 
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    @caseyw8784 that is so great that you got your date!! Hopefully your little boy moves back to head down. I hope your blood pressure doesn't get any higher by next week.., but then again you probably are sorta kinda hoping for it to happen so you can have those babies a week sooner..lol.. Im so glad that the ob isnt worried about baby B at this point.
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    @britmanering73 Tomorrow is the day!! I hope you will come update us as soon as you can..praying all goes well..
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    @britmanering73 congrats they are absolutely adorable! I hope you can get some kind of rest.
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    @britmanering73 congrats!! That is wonderful and they look perfect. I hope they get to go home with you!!
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    We get to come home tomorrow. :) Thank you all!!
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    @britmanering73 yay I’m so happy for you all!! This Nicu stuff is aweful, what a perfect Christmas gift
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