June 2018 Moms

TTGP Grad Check-In 10/23


Re: TTGP Grad Check-In 10/23

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    @ChloandCoco I’ve been toying with the idea of pulling out maternity pants. I’m so bloated by the end of the day that real pants are a nightmare. I also want to pull out my snoogle in the hopes that it might help me sleep better. 
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    @ChloandCoco I've only said anything out loud on my drive home from work when I'm alone.   Most of the time I think whatever I would say out loud in my head.

     I saw the post someone wrote that said that their Dr said the heart started beating in the last 12-24 hours. For some reason that whole concept made me tear up.  I know thats obviously part of the process but the visual of it is really Beautiful 
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    @galactickates I've definitely been talking to our Little Dot (nickname), it's the last person I talk to at night as I'm falling asleep. That time it's not out loud, but during the day I'll talk to him/her out loud.

    Glad I'm not the only one with no real symptoms. I'm exhausted, but I'm also fighting off this never ending cold so that could chalked up to the illness. Nothing else really.
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    @zamora_spin - Thank you! I bought ginger candies, and they help a little but only while I'm eating them. And ginger is spicy, so of course I don't want to eat them non-stop, lmao. I'm going to end up with endless packages coming from Amazon soon, though. I'm looking at sea bands, and the preggie pop drops. At this point, I'll try almost anything.

    @doxiemoxie212 - I feel you. :heart: If I could share it with you to help you feel a little better, you can bet your bottom I would. When I have used to have days where it would let up, I had to remind myself that your MS has no real correlation to the health of your LO. I've had friends with healthy babies who had no MS at all, and friends with horrible MS who went through a loss. It's the only part of the book Expecting Better that I would want to change; she really emphasized the ideal that MS is correlated to a healthy pregnancy and it just isn't.
    Did your mother have MS when she was pregnant with you? I remember reading somewhere that it can kind of be genetic-esque.
    Also, I'm sorry you're dealing with the flu while pregnant!

    @ChloandCoco - I haven't, but I'll try it! Thank you! I've seen recommendations of carrying around lemon slices to smell when you get a nausea spell, and I'm ready to go slice some up and shove them in my nose. :lol:
    And I've been shopping for mat pants, so... I've definitely been going without having my pants buttoned the past week. So much more comfortable.

    @galactickates - I definitely talk to my LO!

    @marcus7676 - I wanted to try other methods before B6 + Unisom. I looked at B6 yesterday while I was at the store, and I'll probably end up picking some up this week. I don't want to add Unisom unless the B6 itself doesn't work. In the past when I've taken sleeping pills I end up sleep walking and waking up exhausted.

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    @izza2 both my mom and my aunt only got morning sickness in second tri (lol) so it’s entirely possible I am not out of the woods yet and am wishing ill on myself. No nausea in second tri pls, universe! 

    Anyone else boobs just stop hurting out of the blue? I was 9+0 yesterday and my boobs completely stopped hurting (they used to ache constantly). Sorta freaking me out? They still don’t hurt today. 
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    @doxiemoxie212 When I was pregnant with my dd, my boobs stopped hurting sometime in the first tri. And you are 9 weeks, so by now the placenta has kicked in and your symptoms will decrease. 
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    @ChloandCoco ah, okay. For some reason I thought that applied to everything except boobs lol. I don't know why I thought that. 
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    @izza2 I tried ginger, preggie pops, etc before b6. And I tried b6 for a couple days without unisom. I only added the unisom when I wasn’t getting any relief and I still have to parent. Since I only take 1/2 pill at a time, it didn’t seem to affect my sleep (but I’m not terribly affected by sleeping pills). I also am wearing sea bands. I’m not sure if any of this helps honestly. I hope you can find some relief soon because the constant unending nausea is so miserable. 
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    @doxiemoxie212 about a week ago, I was still rolling over cautiously at night cause they were sore. Sometime this past week, that let up. Only tender if I squeeze them. We're only days apart, so reassuring that yours stopped also!
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    Ditto on my boobs not being as sore as they were. My nipples are still sensitive, but my boobs themselves aren't as much. 

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    I had started having sore boobs - mostly when I would first wake up and if they bounced. Now they are not sore. PGAL brain started being a real B again. I talked about it with DH last night and he was comforting me and telling me I have been having more symptoms than last time plus the acne is new. But then he admitted I have freaked him out that something is wrong. Am getting yet another beta at some point today at the dr's office - they said I can come in whenever but won't be able to know results until tomorrow. Sometimes I just want to yell at my brain to STOP, but I also don't want to go into the u/s on Friday blind. 
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    @zamora_spin I hear you on the PGAL, and not wanting to go in blind. Good luck with your blood draw today!
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