September 2016 Moms

May Randoms

How is it May already? Babies are/will be turning 8 months. Only 1/3 of a year until they are one year olds. Time slow down. Also we are now able to upload pics just FYI. I have been in communication with the IT folks and sent them a screenshot and they said they would fix it. Well they did their jobs. So tomorrow hopefully we can see some babies.

Re: May Randoms

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    So I think I've seen glimmers of baby tantrums. Lo will look directly at me and scream until he is red in the face (definitely more intense and loud then his usual baby screeching and squawking) Sometimes it's in response to something he doesn't like, other times he'll just start laughing and smiling right after. He enjoys the reaction he's getting. I don't like this behavior one bit and am afraid of it getting worse. I've been trying to minimize any sort of reaction I have to this. Anyone else starting to experience feistier babies.
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    Oh lord yes we have. We can tell when he's actually upset and when he's actually throwing a hissy fit. I usually just tell him okay Buttercup get over it you're not getting your way right now and then he stops within a couple minutes. He is definitely testing his limits right now and seeing what he can and can't get by throwing a fit and crying. Definitely something I didn't think I'd have to deal with until after his first birthday but guess I was wrong.
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    lilaroslilaros member
    I can't say we have had any full on tantrums, but when he is in the car seat after I come home from work, he has started this yelling/whine/kicking thing. Same as your LO, it's not that baby screetching. Its more of a "I do not want to be in this car seat anymore" type yell. It's really, really irritating. Normally he doesn't mind his car seat. This is definitely not a stage I am looking forward to.
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    While I was at work last night my husband text me and told my LO took a step without holding on to anything! He has done very little furniture surfing so I can't believe he took a step without holding on! Sometimes I hate working because I don't want to miss this things.....he is growing up way too fast :-(

    Also LO is starting to throw little fits especially if I take something from him that he is not supposed to have it usually doesn't last too long luckily 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @drabong88 A step! That's amazing. 
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    What ?! Too soon too soon!!
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    Omg LO is waking every two hours, for like a week now... Thank god she goes back to sleep easily, but it's still making me crazy! 
    Also im eating some multigrain oatmeal that is like dirt and sticks. No, it's not yummy.
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    A step! So exciting. Ellie stood for a couple seconds but is nowhere near balanced for walking. Oh and nipple biting has begun. Luckily no teeth but ouch. She clamps down and drags . Ugh. I quit pumping at work and only nurse at night but this is not relaxing. Ha ha.

    I've tried overnight oats and they are pretty tasty and you control the sugar content. Sounds better than sticks and dirt! Lol
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    I haven't tried overnight oats yet but I have been thinking about it. I have had a drop in my supply so I just had some instant oatmeal this norning. I know instant may not help my supply at all but I figured it was better than nothing . 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    lilaroslilaros member
    A step? That's amazing. These babies are growing up so fast!
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    Ughh my LO was up from 3 to 5 last night. Would just wake up every time we layed him back in his crib. He finally fell back asleep sometime after 5 and woke up at 8. Usually I am the one that gets up with him but last night my husband and I took turns going in there. So now I don't only have a cranky child but a cranky husband it nap time yet? 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ahhh!! Is anyone finding diaper changes more challenging these days? I used to give lo a little toy to hold onto and that kept him occupied and stopped him from rolling over/squirming. Recently he has started to grab the sides of the pad and fully sits up. I have to lay him back down multiple times before getting through a diaper change. This is so annoying. 
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    Oh I hear you on the diaper changing struggles. X loves to lock he legs stick straight and lift his hips off the changing table. Makes it very difficult to get diaper on. He'll let you take old one off no problem but fights against the new one. He would go naked 99% of the time if I let him.
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    Diaper changes are the worst! He loves to flip over. Sometimes I put it on while he is upside down
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Diapers and putting clothes on. Today I made my SO put on her PJs because I just didn't want to deal with it one more time. He blamed the PJs, lol. It starts to become a two person job.
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    Yeah diaper changes have sucked since she learned to roll over. Naps are getting ridiculous as well now. It was bad enough when she learned to sit up but now she will just stand at the crib railing crying. As soon as I lay her down she pops right back up. Morning nap is still easy going down but that afternoon one is a struggle. At least I usually win....usually.
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    @molosmiles yup, all pjs with snaps gotta go in my house. Only zipper pjs for now.

    @jellybiehn we never got a crib for LO because we were only supposed to be in our loft condo for a few short months. We got a really nice playpen that had a bassinet portion on top. We figured LO will sleep in the bassinet and when we move we will buy a crib. Fast forward 8 months later our home is still being renovated and lo now has to sleep at the bottom portion of the playpen. It has mesh sides. I know I'm bypassing the stage where they pull themselves up by the rails and need to get set back down by a parent. I'm worried though I'm somehow hindering his development. He does pull up on me and furniture during the day. He just doesn't have an opportunity to do it at night. 
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    @molosmiles yup, all pjs with snaps gotta go in my house. Only zipper pjs for now.

    @jellybiehn we never got a crib for LO because we were only supposed to be in our loft condo for a few short months. We got a really nice playpen that had a bassinet portion on top. We figured LO will sleep in the bassinet and when we move we will buy a crib. Fast forward 8 months later our home is still being renovated and lo now has to sleep at the bottom portion of the playpen. It has mesh sides. I know I'm bypassing the stage where they pull themselves up by the rails and need to get set back down by a parent. I'm worried though I'm somehow hindering his development. He does pull up on me and furniture during the day. He just doesn't have an opportunity to do it at night. 
    All you are doing is saving yourself the trouble really. LoL My LO fell out of his crib the other day because he figured out how to climb over the rails. Only thing he learned is that for a little bit of pain he can break free! We lowered his mattress down so hopefully he says put for a few more months!
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    BabyBoyH92016BabyBoyH92016 member
    edited May 2017
    For the longest time we were getting up once per night (anywhere between 1am-3am) to feed lo, and then he would go back to sleep until 6:30am.

    For about a week now he is completely sleeping through the night but has started getting up at 5am. He can't go back to sleep after 5am so now we are up for the day. I honestly preferred getting up once per night because he'd eat quickly and go back to sleep instead of waking up an hour and a half earlier than usual.

    My H thinks we should stop getting him at 5 and get him at 6am so that he'll start waking up at 6 instead. I'm in disagreement because 6am is still too early in my opinion. 

    Not sure how to adjust his schedule now. Anyone else experience earlier wake-up time times due to cutting out MOTN feeding?

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    I have written and erased a response to this 4 times now. We are also dealing with erratic wake up times but tweaking her schedule has not shown an improvement.  Some tips I read along the way: 

    1. Moving her bedtime earlier by 30 mins. This seemed counterproductive to me but actually seem to work for a while. We actually transitioned her bedtime from 930 to 730 overtime and she would still sleep straight through.

    2. Add extra feeds in the evening. I did make sure I nursed a little extra around dinner time and tried both removing and adding solids at dinner. Still not sure this helped anything.

    3. Strengthen her bedtime routine. I had not really been too hung up on a strict routine so I changed to a bath, book, bottle, bed routine every night. 

    Really I have tried to adjust every variable I can think of but at this point I think it is just out of my control. Between growth spurts and now teething she is still waking up anywhere from 430 or sleeping right to 630. One whole week she slept until 730! It has been frustrating to say the least and we have even wondered if our expectations for her were unrealistic and just embrace that the slept 8 hrs instead of her usual 10. 

    In the end we focused more on helping her to settle herself in the early morning or get up and settle but not nurse until 630. I had to get over thinking we were starving her but honestly my husband has been getting up with her first at 630 and she plays quietly until I get down there 10 - 15 mins later and she isn't even crying to nurse. Makes me feel much better about the choice to end early nursing.

    Honestly I think it is growth spurts and teething and hopefully a phase that will end soon! 
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    So I just realized that Xavier is now as many weeks old as he was when I had him. How has it been 36 weeks since I had him?
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    @jellybiehn Thanks for the suggestions. We've been doing items 1-3, but I think it's a good idea to not feed him until 6:30am. I will definitely try that.

    Also, he's still napping 3 times a day and I think he is ready for longer awake periods and possibly cutting down to 2 naps. Although if he keeps starting his day at 5am, I'm not sure how we are going to get to 2 naps. 

    @jenkar01 that's crazy! I've been counting down the weeks until I can say the same but I went until 41. 
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    Happy mother's day!
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    Happy Mothers Day! I think there's a lot of first timers on here! Hope it was a good day!
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    Hope everyone has a great mother's day! I was stuck working all weekend but got a cute card with LOs hand a foot print on it 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Cute! We were gone for the wknd, was nice to escape a bit! My oldest made me some cards and "coupons" to use.   Pretty cute :)
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    My only true complaint so far about being a mom is that mommies or daddies don't her sick days. SO and I are both fighting some stomach bug, I was up all night every hour and got now sleep. However being a parent doesn't​ stop because you're sick. Luckily Grandpa cane over and is watching him so I can run errands and go to appointments without X and Justin can try and sleep this bug off. Lots of Gatorade today to keep hydrated.
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    Ugh, yep. Never a day off!!
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    @jenkar01 I'm sorry! Don't forget to ask for a nap for you! Take care of yourself too!!
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    @jenkar01 a few months ago, lo got the stomach flu from daycare and then gave it my H and I. It was an awful few days. We couldn't even ask for help because we were all contagious.

    I hope you are feeling better today! 
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    lilaroslilaros member
    I hope you're feeling better today @jenkar01
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    Yup. Been there and it sucks. I hope you guys are feeling better soon.

    When my LO was about 3 months old my husband and I both got really sick. We thought it was food poisioning until my mom ( who had come over to look after the little girl) got sick and gave it to my dad as well. Felt really bad...then bleached the entire house! At least my LO was spared.
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    Thanks everyone. We are both a bit better today. Haven't really eaten because it still makes me a bit naseous. Trying to keep fluids in though so I don't lose my milk supply. So far X seems unscathed by it all. SO is still feeling cruddy too. Hope we both feel better soon. We have our engagement photos this Sunday.
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    Man I'm ready for Memorial Day for a "free" day off of work. 
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    I'm so looking forward to it. I'll have four days off.
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    Me too!! Hoping to have the baby moved into her own room that wknd. Our oldest will be done w school the Fri before, so it's a good kickoff to summer too
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    A week ago or so I posted about diaper changes becoming difficult. Well it has now escalated. On top of trying to sit up/roll, LO has started to scream like a banshee anytime we change/dress him. I've had to move the changing pad onto the floor. Please tell me this is a phase. 
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    @BabyBoyH92016 My LO had always cried for half her diaper changes and fine the other half. No idea why. Have you tried keeping a fun 'special ' toy they get to play with while laying on the change table? It works for some of the time as a good distraction. Just letting her chew on the safety strap buckle does the trick for us! 

    Now naps on the other hand is where we are struggeling. It has gotten so bad since she learned to stand that I have had to go back to rocking her asleep every time. Big step back but it is saving my sanity. Seriously the people who came up with CIO didn't know the stamina of this LO! 
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    @jellybiehn a toy/straps used to distract him, but not anymore. I have to think of a good "special" item to give him while on the pad. The toys I was using before were items he got to play with regularly. My phone would probably do the trick since he's always trying to go for it, but I'm afraid he'd drop it on his face.

    I'm sorry about the nap situation. I feel like as soon as we get in a good place with anything, it's only a matter of time before what was working doesn't work any longer. I guess we have to remind ourselves that all these difficulties and regressions are due to our LOs development evolving. 

    BTW, my lo STILL naps in his swing and I feel terrible/embarrassed by it. I started nap training sometime ago, but then LO got a really bad cold and I let him go back to napping in the swing. Because we live in a loft his room doesn't get very dark during the day, and isnt always the quietest, so I feel badly about not having better sleeping conditions for him. I've just come to accept that he will probably nap in his swing until we move into our new house. 

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    @jellybiehn a toy/straps used to distract him, but not anymore. I have to think of a good "special" item to give him while on the pad. The toys I was using before were items he got to play with regularly. My phone would probably do the trick since he's always trying to go for it, but I'm afraid he'd drop it on his face.

    I'm sorry about the nap situation. I feel like as soon as we get in a good place with anything, it's only a matter of time before what was working doesn't work any longer. I guess we have to remind ourselves that all these difficulties and regressions are due to our LOs development evolving. 

    BTW, my lo STILL naps in his swing and I feel terrible/embarrassed by it. I started nap training sometime ago, but then LO got a really bad cold and I let him go back to napping in the swing. Because we live in a loft his room doesn't get very dark during the day, and isnt always the quietest, so I feel badly about not having better sleeping conditions for him. I've just come to accept that he will probably nap in his swing until we move into our new house. 

    Just popping in to say my LO still napped in his swing until 2 weeks ago. The only reason I switched him to the crib was because we went on a trip and he had to take his naps in the travel crib. It used to be that he'd sleep for 2-3 hours in the swing and only 45min in the crib so no way I was going to choose the crib. After about 2 weeks he's adjusted and will take longer naps in the crib now. I know people who have their LO's in the swing until 2 years old. If it works-use it and don't feel bad! We didn't have the swing swinging and this kid just loved that bucket seat. Who am I to argue- mama needs naps!! 
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