October 2016 Moms

7 months and feeding through the night

Hi All!

Hope everyone is well.. I've become a lurker--I'm sorry! Have a question for you all of you Mamas!  Our 7 month old either sleeps through the night or will wake up around 2-3am (for what I assume a bottle) and sometimes goes back to bed and sometimes he thinks its time to be up.

Our doc said he does not need to bed fed throughout the night at this point. Any experience in stopping feeding? Do we let him CIO? Help!

Re: 7 months and feeding through the night

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    Hi All!

    Hope everyone is well.. I've become a lurker--I'm sorry! Have a question for you all of you Mamas!  Our 7 month old either sleeps through the night or will wake up around 2-3am (for what I assume a bottle) and sometimes goes back to bed and sometimes he thinks its time to be up.

    Our doc said he does not need to bed fed throughout the night at this point. Any experience in stopping feeding? Do we let him CIO? Help!

    I still struggle with a few wake ups.  She went from sleeping through the night from 8 weeks to waking up a few times a night since she's been 4 months.  Sometimes I'm able to rock S back to sleep, but sometimes I nurse if she puts up too much of a fight because I need sleep.  My pedi also says that she doesn't need to eat and I agree at this point.  I am going to be starting sleep training the weekend of memorial day and I plan to use the Ferber method so it will probably involve some CIO.  I think at this point S is waking out of habit. 
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    Hey Sprinkels, long time no see :)

    Does he take a pacifier, suck his thumb, or have any other self-soothing habits? If so, I would offer a pacifier or hold his thumb to his mouth and give him a chance to put himself back to sleep. If he mostly STTN, chances are he isn't waking up hungry, just waking up in general for some reason or another. If he isn't much of a self-soother, I would quietly and gently check his diaper, tuck him back in, and wait 10 minutes (even if he puts up a fuss) to give him a chance to settle back in before getting him up to feed him. The key is to limit any stimulation or interaction between the two of you so as not make him more wakeful. Good luck! It just takes time and training. On baby AND mom's behalf. Baby has to learn mom isn't going to cater to unnecessary wakefulness, and Mom has to learn NOT to cater to it ;)
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    Thanks ladies for your responses :smile:

    He doesn't suck his thumb or take a paci. I have a paci graveyard :neutral:....  He does have a lovey that he holds and sometimes rubs on his face.  I will go ahead and check his diaper and give him back his lovey and let him figure it out.. it sucks to hear them upset but 4-5am is not wake up time!!!! 
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    Thanks ladies for your responses :smile:

    He doesn't suck his thumb or take a paci. I have a paci graveyard :neutral:....  He does have a lovey that he holds and sometimes rubs on his face.  I will go ahead and check his diaper and give him back his lovey and let him figure it out.. it sucks to hear them upset but 4-5am is not wake up time!!!! 

    I think that is a good plan.  It may take some time for him to get used to it.  I'm for the most part giving in after 10 mins for right now but she will have to start figuring it out on her at the end of the month.

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