Trying to Get Pregnant

IF/Testing Weekly Check-in 4/24


Re: IF/Testing Weekly Check-in 4/24

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    @sjb2215 My H also has a varicocele (he was diagnosed before we were married and he hasn’t had it looked at since).  His SA showed normal count but severly low motility with only 3.5 million motile sperm.  What has your H been doing to get his count up?  Keep us posted about that supplement – I would love to know if it helps!

    Our RE didn’t really recommend the surgery.  He said stats don’t show much of a success rate (although he said getting it done by a surgeon specializing in fertility tend to show higher success rates because they are more thorough).  I’m trying to get him an appointment with a urologist to see what he says about it.


    @JuneRoseRuby Has the Theralogix helped with your H’s motility/morph?

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

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    sunniegrlysunniegrly member
    edited April 2017
    I've been off of the Provera for 6 days. Spotting and cramps for 6 days but no real AF yet. My doc told me it could take up to 2 weeks to get AF but I'm so frustrated I could scream. 
    Insert all the frustration/screaming gifs. 

    Just needed to vent for for a second. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 30
    Married: 2013
    TTC #1: 2/2017
    Dx: mild/borderline NIR PCOS

    May TTGP Siggy Challenge - Awkward Prom Photos:
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    @saralee797-2 and @antoto and anyone else who is doing/has done gonna ask a dumb question.....what is the bcp for and how long do you take it? We're debating on ivf and I want to get a good picture of everything. 
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
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    @saralee797-2 and @antoto and anyone else who is doing/has done gonna ask a dumb question.....what is the bcp for and how long do you take it? We're debating on ivf and I want to get a good picture of everything. 
    I think the BCP serves two purposes.  1) It brings your hormones down to sort of a baseline and 2) It syncs your cycle to the schedule of the office so you can make all of your appointments at once.
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    @vflux33 I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say, sounds like there are so many feels all around. Hugs  <3
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    @vflux33 Ugh. So many hugs your way <3<3<3 Take the time to react however you need to. Sometimes life just sucks the way things work out.
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    @antoto do all clinics do the bcp? How long do you take it? My RE didn't mention bcp, but we didn't talk much about it because he thought we were going to try iui first.
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
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    @saralee797-2 basically covered everything, but just to add my own experience - I'm going to be on BCP for a total of 5 weeks.  This was specifically to adjust the timing of my period.  I was on it for two weeks, took a week off, and then I'll be on it again for another 3 weeks.  The only reason I've personally ever heard of someone not doing it is because of a DOR diagnosis.  But I certainly am not any sort of authority on it!  

    @vflux33 My love tit is a big hug for you.  So many opposing emotions.  I'm so sorry, girl.  It's really hard having fertile sisters.

    @kiwi2628 So glad your  meeting went well!!!  Yay supportive people!!

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    @saralee797-2 so I just talked with the financial counselor yesterday and got the pricing and everything we shouldn't technically have to do another meeting with them right? Also, my insurance covers absolutely nothing so I wouldn't have to wait for an authorization I don't think? I guess I just don't want to wait for financing and then realize it's gonna be a few months longer or something. Sorry for all the questions
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
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    @vflux33 Ugh, it is hard. Life just keeps throwing things at you. I hope you give yourself space to feel all the feels. 
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    edited April 2017
    @kiwi2628 yasss girl that's great!!! Awesome that you felt comfortable letting them know and felt supported! I'm grateful my RE office opens at 6am so everytime I have to go for BW or and US I can go any time between 6 and 9 and they'll take me right in. Work would give me a hard time for leaving too often so I am thankful that they open so early!

    ETA- and this is sad but tbh if I told them i feel I would be treated negatively about it especially punished in scheduling because we are short staffed and they don't like to have to hire per diems for maternity leaves. 
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    @vflux33 Ugh, I just read yours and I am so sorry. It sucks when you are excited for someone you love and yet your heart hurts and your stomach feels like you got punched and you just wanna scream. So many hugs
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    @RatParade so he's just about to start the recommended supplement which is supposed to help with DNA frag stuff and improve counts. So far he has been trying to decrease alcohol and caffeine intake, eat a bit healthier and just a general male multivitamin.
    We haven't decided yet about surgery as I have yet to have my initial appt with an RE (with the thought that if there is something also going on with me, unsure if we would go forward with surgery if we're considering IVF). MHs doc is a male urologist who specializes in fertility and he said surgery improves counts in 80% trials, and 40-60% conceive naturally within 1-2 years (but haven't don't a ton of research yet on my own). So if it could help increase our chances of conceiving naturally or make us a strong IUI candidate then we'll probably do it. Sorry for the long response, but I hope it's helpful!

    @vflux33, @Aurora1973 those are tough situations. I'm sorry. It really stinks that life isn't fair when it comes to TTC. Sending you both hugs.
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    @vflux33 - No!!!! I'm so so sorry. Hugs. Having all the feelings for you.
    Me: 31 | DH: 30
    Married: 2013
    TTC #1: 2/2017
    Dx: mild/borderline NIR PCOS

    May TTGP Siggy Challenge - Awkward Prom Photos:
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    @heatherdubrow Yayyyyy FET time!!  <3  Sending you lots of good vibes!
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    @kaitlink33 in terms of financing the only other thing I can think of is if you are doing PGS or PGD testing you might have to set up a call and make a payment with the facility who is doing the testing (if done off site). In my case, they wanted that money up front and the financial office would have facilitated the process but we opted out. Otherwise I don't think so but I have to admit I'm not totally clear on the money portion of all this. It's really confusing. And no problem! Happy to answer anything I can from my own experience. Feel free to PM me too :)
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    @heatherdubrow Welcome back!!!!!
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    @vflux33 What the what? That is insane about your sister. I can't even believe that happened. You are one strong woman for putting up with what you do with IF and now being the bridge between your sister and your parents. Hugs.

    @sunniegrly Sorry to hear about your frustration. Waiting for AF sucks. When you want AF to come, it doesn't come. And when you're hoping it will stay away, there it is.

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    sunniegrlysunniegrly member
    edited April 2017
    @madspunk - Exactly!!! My mom is like "worrying can make you not get your period so stop worrying so much." Sigh. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder...worrying is kinda my thing. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 30
    Married: 2013
    TTC #1: 2/2017
    Dx: mild/borderline NIR PCOS

    May TTGP Siggy Challenge - Awkward Prom Photos:
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    LoveInDC said:
    @heatherdubrow I've missed you friend <3 I'm so excited you're back to TTGP! FX for this FET so that I can miss you again soon ;)
    Girlfriend, I've missed you too! I'm glad to be back! 
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    @heatherdubrow yay so exciting!!!! Keep us posted all the way through! Glad to have you back to TTGP!! 
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    @sjb2215 - How big were the varicoceles? What side? my guy has surgery in exactly one week. They are doing the embolization on both sides. We really aren't expecting it to work, but our insurance covers it, so it's our last hail Mary before IVF. I'm not familiar with those supplements though. H was on Clomid for about... 8 months? and took FertilAid. His count did skyrocket on those, but then plummeted all of a sudden. 
    What were your DNI/stainability numbers? Have you read much on those? There isn't much info out there. 

    Sorry for the 20 questions, there aren't many MFI people on the boards. I think you are the first beyond me to have done the fragmentation testing, too!
    TTC #1 since September 2014
    Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
    Check out my Infertility blog 
    Check out my Infertility Instagram

    Loss History (TW):
    BFP: 3 May 2015, loss confirmed 4 June 2015
    BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
    BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
    BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
    BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
    TTC History (TW):
    3 losses in 2015
    Met with OBGYN in January 2016
    Me: all clear, H: OAT
    November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
    January 2017: H tested again,  High DNA fragmentation and stainability
    February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
    Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
    December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
    January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
    Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
    FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
    FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo. 
    BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
    Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two
    Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
    Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel. 
    Next Up:
    TTC Naturally, possibly IUIs for remainder of 2018. 
    ER#2 ~Jan 2019

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    @vflux33 I am sending hugs your way love. That is a particularly hard situation and I applaud you for being there for your sister in this incredibly tough personal spot you are in. 
    @kiwi2628 That is such a weight off! I am so glad you have support at work. 
    @heatherdubrow Wishing you lots of luck with this next FET! You got this.
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    @vflux33 Wow you amaze me hiw much you are there for your sister. It is a tough situation and shows real strength that you act on your sisterly love and even tell your mom. Wow. Hats off to you, girl. Now i have even more fingers crossed for you, that you receive some good news on your end finally :) When is YH's test results back for that condition? Sorry if i missed it, worklife is crazy, i only commute-bump any more. 
    And i am sure i also forgot how to speak english. Sorry for that too. :) 

    @heatherdubrow So good to see you again! Wishing all the bet for this FET. :)
    Me: 33, DH: 38
    Married: May 2015
    TTC since September 2015
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    @sjb2215 thanks for the info!  Being an IUI candidate is my goal right now (outside of conceiving naturally somehow of course), so that’s exciting news about the surgery.  I’m hoping our urologist will say something similar to convince my H the surgery might be worth it.

    @JuneRoseRuby I look forward to your update!  If you remember, can you tag me when you do so I don't miss it?

    @KristoKekerooni I hope the surgery goes well!  Did you have to convince your H to do it?  Mine is pretty resistant, but we were told there's a low success rate.  If we got better stats he might be more open to it.

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @RatParade I definitely will! 
    32 years old (both H and I)
    Dating 7/2008
    Married 7/2014
    H Type I Diabetic
    TTC 1/2016
    12/2016 mental break from TTC-NTNP
    1/10/2017 initial appt with RE (all BW results WNL)
    1/17/2017 SA DX Virtual Azoo (3 sperm 0%morph 0%motility)
    1/18/2017 STP tubes clear
    2/1/2017 initial appt with Urologist
    2/15/2017 DX H Robertsonian Translocation
    H is on clomid and Theralogix Supplements
    6/26/17 repeat SA: 47 sperm 0% morph 13% motility
    7/26/17 IVF Consult, repeat SA (4 sperm)
    8/21/17 Starting IVF cycle with Donor Sperm backup
    9/1/17 ER ICSI PGS: only 2 donor embryos made it to freeze
    9/13/17 Started cycle for IUI with donor and clomid
    9/27/17 IUI canceled for overstim
    October Plan IUI with donor and low dose clomid

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    @kristokekerooni He had a SA done about a month ago, his count was normal (117m total) but his motility was 14% and progression 3%, so out of the 117m he only had about 3.5m going in the right direction, which is too low for an IUI but our RE is willing to try anyway.  Also, H was quoting the dr about not being able to have kids, it's likely the dr didn't really put it that way.  But either way he has a new dr now.

    I'm sorry you were hit with the double whammy of low count and DNA damage.  It's pretty amazing how much they don't really know about all this stuff. 

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

    Pregnancy Ticker
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