November 2017 Moms

Symptoms Thread Week of 4/17-4/23


Re: Symptoms Thread Week of 4/17-4/23

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    Week 11 is kicking my butt. Indigestion/gas like no other. I honestly felt better last week. 

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    @emucoleman I raided DD's portable potty seat bags. Have an absorbent pad and no holes like grocery bags. OXO Tot 2-in-1 Go Potty Refill Bags, 30 Count 
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    @ArtificialRed that's not what I want to hear! :disappointed: I'll be 10 weeks Monday and I was hoping things would get better soon! I'm hoping they do for you! 
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    Does anyone else have like sores in their mouth? 
    I don't know if it's from the fact that I've been eating a lot more sugar, or that my teeth always feel dirty so I'm brushing more, or from the acidity from throwing up... but it's really painful. Anyone else? 
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    bcashaw said:
    Does anyone else have like sores in their mouth? 
    I don't know if it's from the fact that I've been eating a lot more sugar, or that my teeth always feel dirty so I'm brushing more, or from the acidity from throwing up... but it's really painful. Anyone else? 
    YES. OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I'm also so glad I'm going to the dentist soon to be like, is this normal?!!

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    @bcashaw you don't by chance have an autoimmune disorder? Oral lichen planus is what I got last time I was pregnant. Today I do have a sore on the inside of my cheek, more than likely I bit my cheek again.  
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    @ArtificialRed that's not what I want to hear! :disappointed: I'll be 10 weeks Monday and I was hoping things would get better soon! I'm hoping they do for you! 
    I'm sorry!! I'm trying to figure out if I changed enough of something to make me feel worse or what. I started taking my prenatal again, a fiber supplement for the constipation, drinking more water, and I eating more normal foods because I was feeling so much better. Contemplating going off the prenatal and fiber for a couple more weeks to see if that helps. 

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    bcashaw said:
    Does anyone else have like sores in their mouth? 
    I don't know if it's from the fact that I've been eating a lot more sugar, or that my teeth always feel dirty so I'm brushing more, or from the acidity from throwing up... but it's really painful. Anyone else? 
    YES. OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I'm also so glad I'm going to the dentist soon to be like, is this normal?!!
    Eta actually mine aren't painful.. just these weird spots that are like sores that have healed over

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    So nauseous. Eating pie. 
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    jess0211 said:
    Worst gas pain ever last night amd sinus headache today.  My sinuses habe been so bad with the pregnancy.  I can't tell if it's just because the pregnancy coincided with Spring or if it's the pregnancy.
    I could have said this word for word. I can't breathe and my head is killing me, and I feel like someone is stabbing my abdomen every morning when I wake up. I end up doing crazy yoga poses to get some relief from the gas pain. 

    I keep those dog poop bags in my diaper bag for DS's diapers. I've started keeping them handy in case I need to puke in public. I feel like I could write a book this pregnancy "Oh the Places You'll Vomit" 
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    @ArtificialRed I also have a dentist appointment coming up! 
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    @QTAMum3 I'm almost 12 weeks and have lost 5 lbs, haven't gained any back yet, and my dr is happy about it. Of course maybe you're thin and need to gain some extra weight but in my case I'm just average. I've read from multiple pregnancy sites that you really don't need to gain weight the first trimester or eat any extra calories (if you're already at a healthy weight) and that in the second trimester you need 200 extra cals. a day and 500 in the third. If you're having twins, it's more. 

    @bcashaw @ArtificialRed I'm getting fillings on May 11 and I'm not excited. I don't hate the dentist and generally get my cleanings every 6 months (Korea has been hard to find a dentist that takes my insurance that I like) but they can't do xrays and one tooth has a deep cavity that they said normally they'd xray to see how deep it is (but they can't) so they're just going to fill it as best they can. My other two cavities are superficial but they're filling them anyway. The last few times I've been to the dentists I've had small cavities and they leave them alone but I bet these are the same ones that just don't go away (or get bigger). 

    Me: 25 DH: 29, Married 1/1/2015
    DS 11/2/2017
    TTC since August 2018

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    I think I overdid it today.  I had to take the car in for a repair and walked to the mall from the repair shop and then walked the mall for 3 hrs. Then when I got home I went through and moved around boxes for a garage sale next weekend. My back is killing me, light cramps pwr usual and my head hurts.  I have no stamina anymore!!! None. Zilch. Nap please.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @jess0211 You're telling me! The light headedness is starting to kick in. Walking up to my apartment is hard sometimes and it's just 1 flight of stairs. It's not just tiredness, it's like utter exhaustion and my muscles hurt more. I can't even carry light packages or things anymore without getting small cramps. Yesterday I had to bring up a box of cloth diapers (about 40 of them) from the car and it was hard to carry even though it's about 15 lbs (it is a larger box though). 
    Me: 25 DH: 29, Married 1/1/2015
    DS 11/2/2017
    TTC since August 2018

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    @jess0211 and @slaven I feel the same exhaustion and lightheadedness! I had to change a lightbulb in our hallway light fixture and I had to stand on a chair and reach up to do it. The whole time I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to take off the fixture, take out the old bulb, put the new bulb in, and then I had to sit down for a few minutes before I put the fixture back up!  Ugh! Second tri, I'm waiting for you!!!!!
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    I haven't thrown up or gagged in over 24 hours and now I'm worried about the baby because apparently even though I hated how sick I was it was so reassuring  :/
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    @katieb14 I was totally the same way when my sickness started to let up. Do you have any other symptoms? My insomnia got really bad when my sickness faded 
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    kaitieb14 said:
    I haven't thrown up or gagged in over 24 hours and now I'm worried about the baby because apparently even though I hated how sick I was it was so reassuring  :/
    @kaitieb14 I'm experiencing the same thing. Totally freaks me out. The first tri is so hard. Hugs. 
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
    <a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img 
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    @kaitieb14 I was the same last week when I felt good for like 6 hours I got really nervous. I was sick with my first all pregnancy. So any feeling good is welcome but scary. 
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    @bcashaw @lancomechica2 @rms924 some foods still sound bad and I'm tired/can't get comfortable. I'm just used to being so sick I can't get out of bed that it feels totally foreign to be getting ready to go to church right now. Pregnancy is just like this big ball of sickness and worry!
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    @kaitieb14 I'd say enjoy it! It can definitely be worrisome. I had two days of throwing up in a row and then nothing for almost two weeks. Yesterday and today I'm back on the nausea train. After we left a bday party last night I looked desperately for a sidewalk trash can to throw up in before getting in the car and there were only those stupid energy whatever trash cans! Do they not think of the pregnant women??

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    @DuchessOfCambridge I've been throwing up this whole pregnancy so far so it just feels so weird!! It became normal somehow  :D
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    @kaitieb14 that's so awful. I can hardly deal with my here and there days of nausea and vomiting, I can't imagine it being constant. You ladies dealing with the worst morning sickness are seriously wonderwomen. 

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    The sciatica has begun! I sometimes wonder and am just speculating if this shooting nerve pain has anything to do with the 3 epidurals I had with DS (they kept screwing them up, causing spinal fluid to leak!) I don't want to scare anyone by sharing my terrible epidural experience...I think it's very uncommon to have what I had happen, in fact I've never heard of that happening to any of my friends or family...luckily though my DS is perfectly healthy after my traumatic birthing experience (which I won't go in to anymore detail here).
     Speaking of would any STM want to start a labor/delivery experience thread for FTM? I know many women have had wonderful deliveries and I would appreciate hearing about them!
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    @megankth I actually think it's quite common for epidurals not to work properly, and I wish VERY much that someone had made me aware of how realistic that possibility was. I had a negative experience as well, but no SF leaking. I know a handful of women IRL who had epidurals that didn't work at all, only one side, or only from the thigh down. 
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Welcome to week 12, we're going to gift you with heartburn, insomnia, headaches, and dizziness. 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP #1 - 8/15 
    MC - 9/15
    BFP #2 4/24/17
    EDD: 11/2/17

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    slaven said:
    @jess0211 You're telling me! The light headedness is starting to kick in. Walking up to my apartment is hard sometimes and it's just 1 flight of stairs. It's not just tiredness, it's like utter exhaustion and my muscles hurt more. I can't even carry light packages or things anymore without getting small cramps. Yesterday I had to bring up a box of cloth diapers (about 40 of them) from the car and it was hard to carry even though it's about 15 lbs (it is a larger box though). 
    I already started my Cloth Diaper stash too! 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP #1 - 8/15 
    MC - 9/15
    BFP #2 4/24/17
    EDD: 11/2/17

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    @slaven @CrunchyMidwife I've got a pretty sizeable cloth diaper stash going too! 
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
    Started TTC August 2016
    BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
    BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
    BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
    BFP: 2/27/20

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    @MaximumEffort what was the verdict with the "mucus plug"? I just found a little (size of a pencil eraser) glob of mucus when I went to the bathroom. I never lost my plug with DS, but did with DD and I'm thinking this is what it looked like?!? I'm 9w2d. No cramping, spotting, etc. 
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    Yesterday I caved and bought tums and gas medication.  Pregnancy is so beautiful. -sarcasm-

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    Yesterday I caved and bought tums and gas medication.  Pregnancy is so beautiful. -sarcasm-
    Gas-X is my best friend 
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    I just burp all day long. It's so disgusting. I feel like I would feel so much better if I could just get rid of all this gas. It's horrendous. 
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    On the epidural not working note, mine worked but it worked too well. I could not for the life of me stay awake. I had a scheduled c-section but went into labor early so I got an epidural since I was having contractions (didn't know it was different it you weren't having them  :|). Anyway, I had a nurse squeezing one hand and my SO squeezing the other the entire time. That plus the ridiculously bright light in my face couldn't even keep me awake. It was really sh*tty because by the time baby was here all I wanted to do was nap. 
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    @bcashaw Canker sores can be caused by acidity and trauma in addiction to autoimmune issues. I always get them during the TWW due to hormones when combined with bad reflux. 
    It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most...not where you live, or what you drive, or the price tag on your clothes... There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know! *ZBB*

    Me: 36 DH 35 
    TTC  9/2016     BFP 12/9/16    EDD 8/21/17    NMC 1/8/16 at 7w6d
    TTC  2/2017  BFP 3/6/17   EDD 11/17/17   DS born 11/25/17 via ECS
    TTC 12/2018   BFP 6/2/19   EDD 2/12/20  NMC / BO at 7 weeks, low progesterone
    TTC 7/2019   BFP 8/21/19 EDD 4/22/20 CP at 5 weeks
    TTC 8/19    IUI #1 w/ Clomid + Ovidrel + progesterone  BFN, IUI 2 and 3 w/ Letrozole + Ovidrel + progesterone,
    IUI 4 Follistim + Ovidrel + progesterone BFP 1/9/20 EDD 9/18/20

    AMA, ITP in pregnancy, vWD type II - low Factor VIII, unexplained RPL and secondary infertility
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    @08-16-08jms verdict was everything was fine. She didn't mention it being a mucus plug but said at 10 weeks there can be an increase of discharge and not to worry unless it's bloody, yellow, green or malodorous.  
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    @MississippiCatfish @megankth I had the spinal fluid leak and a spinal headache. It was horrible. It made the first few days after a living hell and I still curse that dr who administered it. She did it the first time and I remember her saying "oops" and then telling me I might have a slight headache after delivery. Which is a lie as anyone w a spinal headache will tell you. I agree - not to scare anyone - the epidural was a lifesaver for me bc I was induced- I just felt like the after effects  made recovery really hard. Added to the severe tearing I had too. 

    @kaitieb14 enjoy not being sick. I'm so sick right now I can barely move. I think it does come and go at this stage 
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
    <a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img 
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    @rms924 I had a spinal headache from an epidural done in high school for a surgery and "slight headache" makes me want to kick your dr in the shins. Try unable to do anything for a week except lay in bed. Reading made me vomit, eating made me vomit, watching tv made me vomit. I didn't feel better until they did a blood patch. Kind of why I prefer to go without an epidural this time around. 

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    I'm trying not to read about all the botched epidurals right now... scary! I hope everyone has a better experience next time.

    AFM, I haven't pooped since Thursday, and the constipation is horrible.... ugh.
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    @RiverSong15 I think there's only a 1 in 200 chance you'll get a spinal headache. I'd prefer to go without but if I desperately want the epidural when the time comes I'll let myself. As far as the other stories, I'd honestly rather the epidural not work than get the headache. That may be naive coming from someone who has never given birth but considering I'd choose going drug free over the headache, that's got to be saying something. The headache is obnoxious when you're 17 and able to lay in bed all day but it must be absolutely miserable when you've got a newborn to care for and feed. 

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    What is everyone doing for acne? My face is breaking out :(
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