November 2017 Moms

FTM Check-In 4/4

1) How far along are you?
2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?
3) Cravings/symptoms?
4) Rants/raves/concerns?
5) Anything else you want to add/ask?
6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where?


Re: FTM Check-In 4/4

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    @DuchessOfCambridge we go through Carnival every year! Usually we try to find one with destinations we've never been to before it for budgeting after building the house and furnishing parts of it we decided to go on a simple Bahamas one this year since they're the cheapest. It's going to be fun still but I do kind of miss the adventure element of going somewhere totally new!
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    Also @DuchessOfCambridge Scandinavia sounds freaking awesoms
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    @sarebear55 so glad all is well!

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    @sarebear55 so glad everything is okay!! 

    @jess0211 Fx for your appointment!! 
    Me: 32 Husbando: 49
    Married Since: 7/29/2012

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    1) How far along are you? 9 weeks, 5 days
    2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? nope, next appointment isn't until April 20th 
    3) Cravings/symptoms? tired, nauseous/hungry,  gaseous, etc etc.  BUT I'm feeling pretty good today so yay!  Symptoms seem to be really bad for a few days then let up for a day or 2
    4) Rants/raves/concerns?
    Rant- my bf is sick right now and kept me up half the night snoring >.<
    Rave- even though he's sick, he made me pancakes last night since that's the only thing that sounded good 
    5) Anything else you want to add/ask? not at the moment
    6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where? I'm not sure, we have bright it up a couple times but haven't talked very seriously about it
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    Carito8Carito8 member
    edited April 2017
    1) How far along are you? Based on LMP 7+4 but doctor measured baby and so 8w today. Not sure which one I should go with for now, any ideas?
    2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Yesterday. It went well, thankfully! 
    3) Cravings/symptoms? Slight nausea, still spotting, crave very specific foods, but can't always get them, constantly hungry and sleepy. I don't want to tell anyone at work yet, but my productivity is definitely suffering and I wish I could tell them that I am not just being lazy. My mind is just focused on not falling asleep at the desk or throwing up. 
    4) Rants/raves/concerns? I guess, I am also worried about how much weight I will gain, but I am not as bombarded with some of the media that I think is more prevalent back home in the States. My rant is, I started rock climbing 8-10 months ago. I fell in love with it. It makes me feel strong and powerful, it gives me peace of mind. A longer route is comparable to what I imagine a yoga session to be (I hate yoga), where you are just hyper focused and zen. Anyway, point is, it gives me so much joy. I know it is all for baby's best interest, and I'm okay with quitting for now, but I was making so much progress and now it is on full stop. It's just one of the first sacrifices for this new little life and I guess I am emotionally dealing with it right now and coming to terms with it. I keep watching climbing videos and nearly crying (thanks hormones). Anyone else feeling like they are already having to give up a small part of themselves? 
    5) Anything else you want to add/ask? Not for now. 
    6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where? I think the plan is to just do a bit more weekend car trips, maybe start doing some camping to some nearby lakes and mountains. Try to enjoy the area around us a bit more. If we can manage, maybe we will go on a long weekend trip to another city as well, but nothing too fancy. :) 
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    @DuchessOfCambridge - STM lurking. I had a doula my past two deliveries and have already hired her again. If you want, I can describe what my experience was like or answer any specific questions you have about it overall.  :)
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    @kschref yes please! I feel about doulas like I do therapists: they may be really helpful but it's a stranger and do i really want to get that intimate with someone I don't know? Also the $$

    *There is nothing wrong with therapists I just don't think it would work for me to tell a stranger my feelings...says the girl talking to a bunch of internet strangers*

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    @car1a Maybe it is just coincidence, but I also had a weird knee pain suddenly a few days ago which also carried up to my hip. It went away after about an hour and moved to my other knee (but not hip). Then it dissapeared all together after a couple of hours. It was enough that I limped a bit. I did just kind of assume it was pregnancy related for some reason, in my case, just because I haven't been active enough to injure anything the last few weeks. But if you have had knee problems before, just push a bit more to get checked. You know your body better than anyone else! Good luck! 
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    @kschref amazing, thank you! I didn't even think about the hospital having recommendations.

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    @Tourmalily  YES to being sick of "brutally honest" post-baby body articles!! I get that they are supposed to be empowering/relatable, but I don't really want to have expectations, good or bad, for my post-baby body.

    @kyersten aw I'm sorry you're so sick! This isn't my worst week but I definitely feel your pain. Glad you have a good hubby to feed you!

    @jess0211 How did your appointment go! That is so exciting, I'm jealous!!!

    @sarebear55  I'm glad everything was okay for you :)

    @safinn21 What are you studying? Are you moving due to job/school? We are moving too once my boyfriend graduates for his residency program. He just got done taking his dental boards. Also--I'm with you on the no time for bumping! The past few weeks have been weirdly busy for me and I feel like I need to actually set aside time to post here because I don't want it to fall to the wayside.

    @Carito8  It's rough to give something up that you love so much, but at least it's only temporary! That's an awesome hobby btw. I don't feel like I'm sacrificing parts of myself or anything (yet), but the first tri symptoms definitely have drastically changed my social life and that has sort of been making me feel weird. 

    @DuchessOfCambridge @kschref  Wow! I hadn't seriously considered a doula but from reading your experience I definitely will now, especially if going the route of unmedicated birth. I wonder how typical her service was, because to me it sounds pretty top notch. For example, will all doulas be willing to be in daily contact with you? Thank you for sharing that! Something to think about.
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    1) How far along are you? 9 weeks 4 days
    2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Not until April 26! 22 days!
    3) Cravings/symptoms? the uncomfortable middle ground between starving and nauseous. sore boobs. so much phlegm. weird vagina pains. (I've read this is caused by more blood flow to that area...anyone else feeling this?)
    4) Rants/raves/concerns? BF and I have lots of obligatory traveling coming up (not necessarily the fun kind) and I'm just not really looking forward to being in the car and away from the comforts of my own home. I don't feel quiiiiite ready because I'm still having very consistent symptoms..almost, but not quite. 
    5) Anything else you want to add/ask? Where/when do you guys Bump the most? At work, all day on and off? I'm notoriously bad at social media/social apps so I need some advice on how to stay involved!
    6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where? I'm sure we will do something for the two of us, maybe a long weekend or something during the second tri, but nothing extravagant. Money is tight here for now!! :) 
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    @ebelknap Looks like we are due date buddies at 9+4! :) 

    My advice for staying involved is to pick a few threads to prioritize over trying to read and respond to everything. That's been the most productive for me since I get to know people in those threads and what they're up to. I like the daily ticker changes for that reason. On days I have more free time I might open and participate in more of the daily chat threads, while on days I'm super busy, I just can't so I don't try. 

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    @ebelknap thanks! I just posted an update in the weekly appts thread,  but it went well!!!! I echo @adirat advice. I tend to bump throughout the day as I need mental breaks from work.

    @adirat I feel so badly that you're so sick! I really hope you're feeling better soon! 

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    @jess0211 Thanks friend. I'm so excited and relieved your appointment was all good news!

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    Opps, miss you ladies:

    zigzag8412 Shrimp cocktail sounds so good right now. I hope you enjoyed it!

    YesOuiCan Oh, ice cream helping with nausea? That seems like a blessing and a burden....definitely potentially dangerous!  :D
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    @Carito8 yes, and I have incredibly mixed feelings about it. My husband and I absolutely wanted to have a baby, but I am feeling all the changes. I told my direct supervisor at work that I am pregnant because I had to leave work mid-morning for my ultrasound, and I'm noticing since then little changes are happening - he told me to be careful while using a step stool, for instance, and then today I was taking out the trash can to dump it in the dumpster and he followed me out without me realizing it and he took it from me (nicely!) and dumped the trash for me. Don't get me wrong, these are nice gestures, and I appreciate him looking out for me, but I'm a really independent person and I have always prided myself on being strong and capable. Right now, I don't have the energy to run a mile and I can't even do squats without exhausting setting in. I'm very worried about losing more and more of my independence as time goes on and people trying to be helpful just making me feel helpless/like an invalid.

    I mean I am the person who won't even give up cleaning the cat box (I am taking some precautions) because it was MY job.
    Me: 32 Husbando: 49
    Married Since: 7/29/2012

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    1) How far along are you?  8 weeks 4 days ( according to my u/s )
    2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go?  We had our first prenatal appointment yesterday, and it went great!  The heartbeat was 171, and we were able to see little flickers!! The neatest thing I've ever experienced.  I go back in 2 weeks for blood work, and they will also do a blood test to determine gender at that time?  That was something I was unaware of them doing... I wonder how accurate it will be at that time.  
    3) Cravings/symptoms?  I have been having junk food cravings, and chocolate cake cravings... The only symptoms I'm experiencing are still fatigue, and now peeing a lot more than normal. 
    4) Rants/raves/concerns?  None at the moment... Just super ecstatic that we go to see the and hear the heartbeat on Monday!
    5) Anything else you want to add/ask?  Nothing that I can think of right now...
    6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where?  We don't have anything planned right now, but we would love to go on a relaxing trip prior to baby coming, but I'm not sure if that will happen or not. 
    Me:  33
    DH:  36
    Together since 2007
    Happily Ever After 4.30.2015
    ~~One Beautiful Daughter~~ Born:  11.6.2017
    Trying for #2!!
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    1) How far along are you? 8+5
    2) Any appointments this week or last week? How did it go? Last week I had my first and it was great. I have another next week as my OB does appointments every 2 weeks with an U/S each time. 
    3) Cravings/symptoms? My boobs are sore and my gag reflex is bad. Like I can cough and dry heave. Haven't had any morning sickness though but I did throw up once from brushing my teeth (gag reflex). My acid reflux is gone which is nice. 
    4) Rants/raves/concerns? We're moving next month from Korea to NY and we don't have any travel plans or anything set yet (Thanks Army!). DH should be going today but he's so busy and no one in his office cares about him having things set up. We have 2 dogs and some airlines have summer heat restrictions starting May 15th so I'm worried that they will set us up on a flight with a heat restriction. We may just have to pay for the ticket ourselves. I looked and United has great rates, under $600 from Seoul to Boston (where we're going to visit family first) not counting pet fees. My one way ticket to Korea was $1300 because I came before the Army approved me. 

    5) Anything else you want to add/ask? nope
    6) GTKY: Are you going to go on a babymoon? Where? Probably not. This move is going to be expensive and I'm losing my job because of it and the likelihood of me finding a job while 20 weeks pregnant is slim. 
    Me: 25 DH: 29, Married 1/1/2015
    DS 11/2/2017
    TTC since August 2018

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    @dragonfly87 glad your appt went well! Thanks for the input!!! Very much appreciated! I am definitely walking in there with a portfolio of my contributions. In my organization it's very important to show you are working above your job title. So I have evidence to support that as well. Honestly I kind of got screwed when I took this job because I work for the state and when you transfer departments they can't give you more money even if the job is more responsibility, you have to go back and fight for it later. But if you come in as an external they can pay you as much as they want. It makes no sense to me but after 10+ yrs there I've seen it over and over. It also causes a lot of good people to leave. I won't go in with that attitude of course! That was longer than intended. Sorry!!!

    @thj101 glad to hear your appt went well!!! Are they doing gender as part of a whole genetic screening panel?

    @slaven that's awesome they see you every 2 weeks! Also, remind me, what type of work do you do?

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    @jess0211: Wow, that's really messed up that they essentially disincentive employees to stay by doing that. But it sounds like you have a solid plan to make your case for a well deserved promotion. Good luck and go get 'em!
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    @jess0211 that's always so annoying to me. The way you make the most money is by leaving your company and going somewhere else. Loyalty is worth so much less nowadays. I don't work for the state but that's been my experience as well, tiny raise within the company, significant raise if I go elsewhere.

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