August 2017 Moms

AMA March check in

We haven't had a check in in a while so lets see how everyone is doing.

How far along are you? 

Any upcoming appointments?

How is being an AMA mama treating you?

What is new and exciting this week?

GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
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Re: AMA March check in

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    How far along are you? 
    Any upcoming appointments?
    I have my big ultrasound in 2 1/2 weeks. The drive there and back is 3 hours so it is going to be an all day event and DH can't make it.  I am excited to go shopping while I am there because they have a lot more stores then are around us.  Almost makes the drive worth it.

    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    The only noticeable difference is how tired I am.  But I am not sure how much this has to do with being AMA and how much with having a toddler.

    What is new and exciting this week?
    I had to take my gestational diabetes test early because I had it with DS.  I failed my 1hr and now have to take the 3hr.  Even if I pass I don't think I will make it all will pass at 34 weeks.  I am not excited for such a monitored diet again.

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    DH and started dating in college so we have a mix of things that led us here.  We were enjoying being DINC's San Francisco, then quit are jobs to travel.  When we were ready to return to the real world it took a while to find a permanent job.  Once we were settled back down we started trying with no luck.  We ended up being diagnosed with unexplained infertility and it took us 20 months to get pregnant with DS and 15 months for this when, with a home purchase between the 2 that caused us to delaying trying for number 2 longer then originally planned.  I am glad we waited even if we struggled with infertility because I don't think I was ready any earlier.  I enjoyed having time with just me and DH.
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    How far along are you? 
    15wks 4d

    Any upcoming appointments?
    march 13th w/ midwife

    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    I actually love it! I had my first 4 children by the time I was 30, so being almost 40 and pregnant is kind of cool! I do find that I get very tired more easily, (in comparison).

    What is new and exciting this week?
    I'm so busy it's hard to say what's exciting! I guess just that baby is close to hearing sounds in utero, that's pretty awesome! Been feeling her move around and kick a little for a few weeks now, happy she's just gonna get stronger. 

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    I married very young (twice) and had 4 children between two marriages. I'm on my third life, I guess you could say, ha. My fiancé and I have been together nearly 5 years. We started TTC over 2.5 years ago, and suffered 4 consecutive early losses. During that time he was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune brain disease and we faced male factor infertility along with my AMA. We had one failed IUI and was told by two RE's we'd absolutely need IVF to have a successful pregnancy...and then when I actually started to accept this reality, and even looked into foster and adoption...we became pregnant naturally on our own!
    So this little baby is a much wanted and prayed for blessing. We are all over the moon and can't wait to meet her! 

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    How far along are you? 13 + 4

    Any upcoming appointments? Not for 3 more weeks. Then I'll do the QUAD genetic testing at my OB's. A/S isn't scheduled until 4/21. 

    How is being an AMA mama treating you? I have found my last two pregnancies (while in my 30's) to be more exhausting than my first two (at ages 24 & 29). All of my pregnancies have been very different. This one has included severe fatigue & daily vomiting. 

    What is new and exciting this week? Hmmm...New this week are migraines, but they're the exact opposite of exciting lol. 

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?  I guess my husband and I never really had a timeline set for having babies. We had our first DS, and thought for years that we were one & done. Then my Dad got really sick, and that made me rethink having just one child. It took us awhile, but we had DS2 when DS1 was 5. Again, we thought we were done, but when DS2 hit preschool age, my hubby starting asking about another. DD was born 4 years after DS2, and this time I knew I wanted one more, and here we are! DD is currently 17 months, and I can't wait to have two close in age for once! 
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    I haven't posted in these threads yet but since my doc informed me I will be "elderly" when I deliver (I'll turn 35 two weeks before my due date) why not!

    How far along are you? 
    Any upcoming appointments?
    Had one today and then the A/S march 31. I can't wait for that one 
    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    I am definitely far more tired this time around but we also have a 3 year old making things interesting 

    What is new and exciting this week?
    Crazy weather this week and even more craziness at work. And DH and I are closing on some land tomorrow! It's been an interesting week for sure 
    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    we had unexplained infertility for a couple years, then I had a m/c for my first pg. didn't get pg again for another 6 months and had DD at the end of 2013. We were trying for #2 for over a year but last year I was really sick with bronchitis and pneumonia plus a lot of stress at work. We ended up having another m/c last April and I was really surprised when we found out we were expecting around xmas time! now we are just hoping this baby is healthy and we will be done after this one !

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    @thistle8677 I love your story about getting pregnant.  It is always great when someone beats the infertility odds because so many don't.  

    @PinkPrincessPiper It is funny how life works out. Going from one and done to 4 is a huge change.   I think it will be fun to have 2 close together.  Did you have any morning sickness with your others?  I started taking unisome at the fist sign of it this time because it was so bad last time.  I never threw up but I couldn't move I felt so sick.  And I knew I couldn't do that again with a toddler.

    @bubblesmtu My birthday is less then a week before me due date, so I will be either 35 or 36.  Our wedding anniversary is less the a week after my due date, I am guessing it will be years before I get to celebrate either again.  
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    How far along are you? 
    15.3 weeks
    Any upcoming appointments?
    16 wk pn visit
    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    not too bad so far. Was sicker with my last pregnancy, but this feels more like my others. Some nausea, headaches and fatigue.
    What is new and exciting this week?
    Not much really pregnancy wise. But signing my oldest son up for high school which is surreal.
    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    We started young enough. I was 22 with my first. When we had our sixth, I thought we were done so this was definitely a surprise.  
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    How far along are you? 

    Any upcoming appointments?
    I need to go to the lab around 16 weeks for the AFP test, but no appointment until 3/24.

    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    I feel like I'm more tired although I'm finally starting to get some energy back.

    What is new and exciting this week?
    We told our kids about the baby on Sunday.  They're so excited, which makes it seem even more real for me.

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    I've always been very blessed to get pregnant easily.  I had DS1 when I was 29.  I never wanted kids close together and DS1 was such a tough baby for the first 6 months that it took me a long time to start thinking about another baby.  My boys are 3.5 years apart.  When thinking about #3, we originally talked about trying to have them 3 years apart.  I wasn't really in a rush, but I knew we were getting older.  As that time to start trying approached, we decided for a few reasons to hold off for about a year.  *TW* When we did start TTC, I ended up having an ectopic pregnancy and had emergency surgery to remove my tube last January.  I needed time to heal physically and emotionally.  *TW*  We were going to start TTC again when I was contacted about a new job opportunity.  I ended up switching jobs last spring so we put our TTC plans on hold again.  Luckily when we did start trying, I got pregnant right away.  

    I knew I'd be AMA with my third, but thought I'd be done having kids by this point.  At the same time, I'm happy about the spacing.  DS2 will be starting K shortly after #3 is born so we'll only have 1 in FT daycare and I'll have a chance to spend a lot of one on one time with the baby.  DS2 is also a handful so waiting to add another child will probably be easier on all of us.
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    @shyviolet  It's definitely a big change! But all my littles get along & they are so excited for this baby. I had MS with my first, but only for the 1st trimester. It's never been this bad. The Zofran is working, it just wears off after 6 hours & I can only take it every 8 hours. 

    I hope your 3 hour GD test goes ok! I'm at risk for GD, but hoping neither of us have to deal with it! 
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    How far along are you?
    14 weeks, 5 days

    Any upcoming appointments?
    I had my standard check up this week, all is going along well now.

    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    I'm not technically AMA, but at 33 almost 34 for my first, I feel like I fit better into this category.

    What is new and exciting this week?
    My energy is back! It feels wonderful to feel like a competent person again. I swear I feel better than I did before I got pregnant.

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    My H and I got married and neither of us wanted to rush into becoming parents. We decided that after about 4-ish years we'd start trying. As we got closer to that 4-5 year timeframe we both realized that we just weren't in the right place to have kids. The economy was in shambles, our jobs took up three hours of commuting a day, we were working on major construction and renovation work each weekend, and the biggest reason was that we were really enjoying our couple life together. We just kept putting it off and pushing back having kids as the years went by.

    After our 8th anniversary last year, we decided that we really have to either decide to go for having kids or not. Took a few more months to really evaluate what we wanted out of life. At the end of November decided that yes, we should go try in the new year. I found out I was pregnant two days later.

    Together: January 2002
    Married: May 2008
    Baby: August 2017

    Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...

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    How far along are you? 

    Any upcoming appointments?
    Next Monday for 16wk checkup

    How is being an AMA mama treating you?
    Guys, I'm tired. I'm a SAHM, and chasing my 2.5 DS all day is wearing me out. On top of that, I feel like I'm behind on EVERYTHING, and now that I'm not vomiting daily I'm trying to check stuff off the list. Which makes me even more tired. 

    What is new and exciting this week?
    Started cleaning out guest room for nursery! We just need to paint and then I'll start moving the baby furniture in. I'm a major nester, so this is fun stuff for me! 

    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    My DH and I didn't get married till we were 32. So I sqeezed my son in before being AMA (33), but I'll be 36 when this new one comes. 
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    I am 17 w 2 days- my next appointment will be the 20 week ultrasound! 
    fun and exciting? I'm not throwing up anymore and I have a little more energy then I have so that's been exciting.   I had my first at 28 and second at 30.  My h really wanted more and I wasn't convinced it was right for our family.  After five years of him asking, I finally felt ok to try.   
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    @PinkPrincessPiper  With DS my morning sickness let up at 18 weeks and I feel like it is going to be similar so the end is in site for me.  I am sorry your medicine doesn't last long enough but 6 hours is better then nothing.  I have a hard time describing to people who haven't had it bad how miserable it it.  I will take my 3 hour test this week and hopefully I will pass.  I can do the diet for 6 weeks but I am not excited to do it for 20.

    @mkayslurp He must have really wanted a 3rd to keep asking for 5 years.  
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    @shyviolet he'd actually like more than 3 but my uterus is closed for business after this one. 
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    How far along are you? 
    18 and 1/2 weeks!
    Any upcoming appointments?
    Tuesday, with my OB. 
    How is being an AMA mama treating you
    I'm utterly exhausted. I was gonna press my OB about it this week, but this thread has made me realize that maybe it's normal, especially for my third at my age. 
    What is new and exciting this week?
    My anatomy scan is Tuesday!!!
    GTKY: How did you get to be an AMA mom?  Have you been having kids this whole time, second family, building a career, infertility?
    DH and I got married just before my 30th birthday. We got pregnant right away and had two kids, 18 month so apart. This is our last, so we wanted a bigger tap after our two. Then we had some u explained infertility and two losses. 
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    M/C #2 - October 2016
    MMC #1 - April 2016

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