October 2017 Moms

FTM enjoy, 2nd time is much harder!!

Man didn't know how good it had it the first time around, able to nap or relax anytime I wanted, no little person to deal with when I was feeling sick.  Now chasing around an 18 month old when you feel like you've been hit by a truck is exhausting!! So FTMs...enjoy haha :)

Re: FTM enjoy, 2nd time is much harder!!

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    Channel that mom strength
    TTC x 1.5 years.
    Acupuncture, Femera x3 cyles, and HSG.
    BFP in September 2014, DS born June 2015.
    TTC x2 months.
    BFP January 2017.

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    I almost threw up last night, and my 3 year old came in to watch while our puppy jumped on my back, and she was screaming at the dog to stop. lol I love my daughter dearly, but hearing mom every 5 seconds when all I wanna do is crawl into a hole and die is excruciating! I get such bad ALL DAY nausea. My motivation is close to none, and it's laying on major mama guilt. My daughter told me she would take good care of me since I always do so much for her. Coming from a 3 year old, my heart melted. 
    Me: 30 | DH:34
    Married: 08/04/12
    DD: 6 years | Born: 03/28/13
    DS: 1 Year I Born 10/15/17

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    Anytime I throw up, my DS comes into the bathroom and shuts the lid on the toilet while saying "all done". Then he gives me toilet paper lol it's so cute!

    And I agree. I don't remember being this tired with him! Thank goodness he goes to bed early because I'm in bed by 8:30 most nights!!!
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    Same here!!! I have been feeling sick for a week, but it feels like much longer. Time is dragging on at the moment. I feel sick all day and all I want to do is sleep. I am looking forward to my son's nap time, because it means I get to sleep, too. I was lying on my bed yesterday, feeling so ill and he kept bringing me toys, wanting me to play with him. I just don't have the energy. I feel like an awful mum!
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    I agree on both accounts- it's harder/crazier/more exhausting... but also going by much faster! 
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    One word: television. Hahaha! When I was pregnant with DS, DD1 basically had free range of the TV. She learned how to control Netflix, I put snacks that she could have low down for herself, basically made parenting the laziest thing ever hahaha! Now, she was 3 so I know that made some of this easier but we didn't have ipods or anything then, now I use those to entertain all three of my kids when I have to mellow :p I'll take my MOTY award any time now.
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                                                                     Formerly ChoicesMom
                                                                         "Squishy" 2007
                                                           "Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
                                                                            "Fishy" 2012
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                                                             "Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
                                                       "Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
                                1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
                                                          Grab bag of mental health disorders
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    So true! Luckily I have no MS but most days I'm so exhausted I just want to cry. I know it will all be worth it and I can't wait to see DD as a bug sister!
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    This! Definitely different the second time around :smile:
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    Oh my gosh. So. True. My 16 month old was mostly so good yesterday watching my movies and playing and cuddling while I just laid on the couch, too tired to move and afraid I was going to puke if I did move. My husband has been out of town this weekend and of course this is when the nausea has realllllly set it (although I've been nauseous since before BFP) and I am SO ready to hand the kiddo over to him and not change a diaper for the rest of the day and take a nap LOL. 
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    I wish television worked for ds. He's 15 months and don't know how to sit still 
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    lol....try the 3rd time. When I had DD2, DD1 was only 6 months old when I found out I was pregnant and she started teething like right after that. This time around at least my girls are more independent but they're busy and want to do things, it's going to be interesting keeping up with them over the summer! 

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    @ac1259 I kinda feel like 3rd time isn't as hard as 2nd time... my 2nd is a little older than my 1st was when I was preggo, they have each other for entertainment, and they both still take good naps in the afternoon. It's been hard in terms of not feeling great, but they're in a good stage right now, so it feels more manageable than last time
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    that's my situation too...DS is 16 mo and never stops, I wish he would just sit and watch a movie or even a 30 minute TV show so that I can catch my breath
    Luckily for me, my DH has been so good and understanding and picks up my slack.
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    @2babes3angels- I'm majorly jealous that yours nap! Mine are 3 and 4 and they don't nap anymore, they are good at entertaining themselves though but basically while they play I have homework. And they have activities to run to and expect me to take them places whereas when my oldest was little I could get away with hanging out at home more if I didn't feel good or needed to rest. No matter what pregnancy is hard!

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    I just said the same thing to DH last night. I don't know how people have many, many kids if they go through this every single time. My son is like attached at my hip ever since I've been pregnant. He can't do anything alone anymore. "Mommy read." "Mommy up." All I want to do is crawl into a cave and come out in October. I can't even stomach diaper changes anymore. I gag and even vomited on my son the other day. Ugh!
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    grkgdss00grkgdss00 member
    edited February 2017
    It's so, so hard... just want a nap. What's a break?
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    So. Much. This. Also advice from friends who are STM and have BTDT, don't forget to enjoy this second/third pregnancy ladies. They told me that they forgot to pause and enjoy right up until their last weeks of pregnancy and were bawling when they realised that they hadn't taken time to enjoy their bumps. It is also easy to get caught up with trying to spend your last moments giving your "only child" all your energy until the next one arrives. So this is something I'm trying to remember as well for this pregnancy.

    **June Siggy Challenge: You Had ONE Job!**

    LO#2 EDD October 18th 

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    baker1jm2baker1jm2 member
    edited February 2017
    Totally agree, wasn't a cake walk the first time either and wasn't taking anything away from ftms, I was just trying to relate to some other stms that are experiencing the same thing.  For me this go around is much more challenging and I wish I would have enjoyed my first pregnancy more when life was less hectic.  @virginiaham hope this is your rainbow baby and everyone has a healthy 9 months!!
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    Heartburn? Anyone? OMG! I never had this until the end with my DS and now it was like as soon as I POS that it started to the point I could have cried last night it got so bad so quickly before I took Tums. And the pain that feels like a cyst but not at the same to the point I might call my OB to be seen earlier than normal because it's stressing me out. This was an unexpected pregnancy so I just guess I probably am feeling more stressed and anxious than I did with my first and every little thing is just about enough to make me lose it. Plus any night with my normal amount of sleep doesn't even feel close to enough I'm so exhausted all the time and my son absolutely will not nap for me anymore. :(
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    I think this is all depends on your situation. There are plenty of women that have very difficult first time pregnancies. I felt my second time around (even though I had more symptoms and pain) it was way easier than I expected it would be. Now #3..... we will see how this one goes. So far so good. *don't want to jinx it- knock on wood* And as I am typing this I am reading a few posts above me and I see other readers got the same impression I did, that its not really fair to first time moms to just assume they have it easier than us because we have more kids. Everyone's situation/pregnancy/relationship/tolerance levels are ALL different. You cannot lump every FTM into the same "easy boat".
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    I'm a STM and my husband and I work alternating shifts 40+ hrs per week on our feet each (we're both in the food service industry) and our 10 month old is so smart and busy I feel bad sometimes I'm not "doing enough" with her because I'm so tired when I get home from work and drop my husband off all I want to do is sleep!  Thankfully she has to have her early bedtime so I get to pass out by 7 pm! But I've seriously never felt so tired or out of it in my life! 
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    OMG yes! Especially with a strong-willed, threenager who doesn't nap anymore and has ongoing medical issues. No naps for momma...keeping up with a high energy kid, limited caffeine...trying to get them to understand they need to be gentle with your belly. With my appointments now, I've been in doctors offices about twice a week in the past month.
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    kimiekat44kimiekat44 member
    edited March 2017
    I just said the same thing to DH last night. I don't know how people have many, many kids if they go through this every single time. My son is like attached at my hip ever since I've been pregnant. He can't do anything alone anymore. "Mommy read." "Mommy up." All I want to do is crawl into a cave and come out in October. I can't even stomach diaper changes anymore. I gag and even vomited on my son the other day. Ugh!
    Omg. So glad it's not just me. That symptom totally caught me off guard. I've never had an issue changing her diapers. Now I fear I might throw up on my daughter when I change her every morning. And it makes me feel so bad when she asks "why do you keep saying that momma?" cuz I don't want her to feel bad that I'm all of a sudden grossed out when changing her.
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    Definitely true, I didn't realize how easy I had it the first time around.  My two year old is constantly on the go and I am not keeping up with him like I could before.  But, it's nice that time is going faster this time around and I don't have a lot of the unknown I had before.  That's nice. 
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    I'm so glad I'm not alone! Thank you for starting this thread. I thought my first time, after having had a miscarriage, was difficult. With DD I was constantly stressed and worried I would lose her, too. Thankfully all went well. But this time around I feel so much more out of sorts. I feel more exhausted not only physically but mentally as well. Chasing my 18 mo around is exhausting, morning sickness is crazier, and just the feeling that I'm not ready makes me constantly sad. I know it's crazy since I've already done it once. 
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    "The feeling I'm not ready" so. Much. This. When I get overwhelmed with DD i think omg i have a baby on the way. I will have a toddler and newborn. Can we handle it? Can we afford it? Will DD be upset and angry with us? Is she ready? Is the cat ready? Lol. 
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    lol I'm so glad I found this...my DD turned 1 last week and being 7 weeks pregnant, for the past two weeks it has been exhausting! I'm wondering how I will survive the next few months and I feel like it will go so quick I won't be ready in time.
    Being at work away from DD is actually the only time I get to rest a little, but I work as a hca on a labour ward so
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    @kkerner87 the can we afford it thing is freaking me out too. DD only goes to daycare 3x a week but it still costs a fortune and now we'll have to pay for 2!! 
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    @natleilynn I hope you are keeping records of what your 3yo says because that was gold! My DS enjoys watching me vomit. Evil things toddlers.

    **June Siggy Challenge: You Had ONE Job!**

    LO#2 EDD October 18th 

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    @buttercream_frosting  I got this journal from Amazon when she started talking that's called "My Quotable Kid." All her crazy stuff goes in there. This one definitely made the cut :smile:

    BFP#1: 12/3/13 EDD 8/15/13. Heartbeat found on 12/26/13, HB gone on 1/4/13. D&C 1/7/13
    BFP#2: 4/19/13 EDD 12/28/13. Team Green for pregnancy and Baby Girl arrived 12/21/13.
    BFP#3: 2/9/13 EDD 10/18/17. Team Green for Round 2!

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