July 2017 Moms

Hospital Bag & First Days


Re: Hospital Bag & First Days

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    Stuff I needed/Wanted
    - my own towel, the hospital towel was tiny and thin 
    - phone charger
    - books, cards etc to keep you entertained.  I was in labour for 22 hours and was super bored when I wasn't sleeping
    - robe, loose nightshirt.  The nurses had to check me frequently due to a mild hemorrhage so pants were a no go and the hospital gown was super uncomfortable 
    - swaddle sack (I like halo and Aden + Anais).  DS loved to be swaddled and DH and I couldn't for the life of us swaddle with a blanket
    - normal baby wipes.  Our hospital provides dry ones that you have to wet and it was a total pain.  Taking wipes this time.
    - toothbrush, toothpaste and shower items
    -slipping ers 
    - couple changes of loose, comfy clothes for you 

    Dont bother with:
    - pads just use the ones the hospital provides.  They are giant but you need giant during the first few pp days
    - check to see what you hospital provides for baby but mine provided diapers, dry wipes and a tube of Vaseline so I wouldn't take any of that.  I'm in Canada but noticed that it varies based on comments about it isn't in the norm here to provide baby stuff.  I think it totally varies by province because here it's all provided.  
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    I know everyone keeps saying use the hospital pads, but I have such sensitive skin, especially down under, I'm afraid I wouldnt be able to use them. Can anyone recommend pads that are prefferably cotton, but definitely without any scents, blue lines, etc. Etc. That could handle the pp flow? 
    Hubby and Me
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    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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    Sorry this may be a repeat, but two things I didn't have and made H go get the first time we're chapstick and the boppy. I was so hormonal after birth that I was scared whenever someone else held the baby- when they used the boppy I felt much better.  Even my poor husband had the use the boppy lolol
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    @abmommy15 Yeah we get everything here too.  Someone mentioned, "They charge you for it anyways."  That's the beauty of being Canadian.  No bill!  I mean, I'm not going to say our healthcare is free because that's a common misconception, our taxes pay for it (and it's still shit haha!)  But my heart goes out to every American on this site with their crappy healthcare and (non-existent) maternity benefits.  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
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    STM who pumped- would you suggest taking your breast pump to the hospital so the LC can help you adjust it? I'm in the process of picking a pump and that was mentioned in a few reviews. I don't want to lug it with me if it isn't necessary.
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    @munchkinsmama they only did that (at my hospital) before you leave the OR. I don't know about the hospital I'm delivering at this time, now I'll be prepared if that happens.
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    @oheliza44 I brought mine and I'm glad I did! I wound up needing a larger size nipple thingie (that's the technical term) than the pump came with, and the LC at the hospital have them to me along with a bunch of other pumping stuff. So having a professional check out my pump setup was really helpful. 
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    I want to add that I read some of these lists and I'm like what the hell?! Hahahaha In the most loving way possible, I promise. Attempting to pack all that, one would need two suitcases. I'm normally a self professed over packer to the extreme. Example, for a beach weekend out of two days, I would have about 4- 6 swim suits because who knows which one I will want to wear. And I can't wear a wet swimsuit ever. Hahah. That being said, the less than ten things I mentioned wayyyy above will be the ONLY things I bring. I hardly opened my hospital bag last time. Maybe I'm just laid back? It's all relative, so who truly knows. 

    The one one thing I will further explain is the 'snacks' on my 'yes' list to pack. My husband spent a small fortune at the vending machines(1.50 for peanuts, anyone?!). The in room service meals were from certain times only, and a vending machine only offers so much! We will be packing lots of snacks this time for middle of the night, and just so we don't need 1,000 quarters for vending! 
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    Just an FYI for first time mom's, if you have a c-section you will get the pleasure of the lady bits car wash. I was prepared because a co-worker shared her experience. Before you are safe to walk once you are admitted to your room a nurse will come in and clean you, it is super awkward but better if you are prepared, they basically squirt everything down, wipe you all up and place new undies and pads on you, tighten your binder and check your incision. First time around I was so out of it I hardly remember, but last pregnancy I still couldn't really feel my legs, but was completely lucid and it was a little strange. One of those situations where the nurse is making pleasant conversation and your like wow you are all in my business, thank you for cleaning my lady bits. They will also shave you before the c-section with a horrible razor, so even if your going in for a vaginal you might want to just clear off the top, I was told this as well and glad I did, because a few other mama's on my BMB did not and got annoying ingrown hairs and razor burn.
    To the bold - I don't plan on having a C-Section unless it's deemed necessary at the time but I will make sure I follow this shaving tip. I definitely don't want to be dealing with ingrown hairs and razor burn from a crappy razor after delivery.
    Me:28 | DH: 28
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    BusyZeeBusyZee member
    edited February 2017
    @cait32 iv always gotten Brazilians but ever since i got pregnant I can't cope with the pain, I don't know what to do. I really want to get into the habit but I just can't now. Do you use any numbing creams and are they safe? 

    Edit: spelling 
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    @cait32 iv been getting them for almost ten years, I do use the relax and wax numbing cream and I never got used to the pain. I just can't do it now, im thinking I should just suck it up once again. 
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    Cait32 said:
    @SaphireSweetie88 and @munchkinsmama I get brazilians and my esthetician said she's waxed people on the way into induction/c-section for that very same reason...haha. I'll probably keep it up throughout the pregnancy, as frivolous as it seems.
    So NOT frivolous! I got waxed on my due date last time haha, and I feel like it's just one less thing to worry about. But I've waxed for years. I'll definitely keep getting my regular waxes for as long as I live (or until I get brave enough to try the laser). Who wants to shave or even try to trim around the big 9-month belly? 
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    I don't really remember what I packed and didn't use. But like others said, I needed to feel human afterwards- so my own shampoo, conditioner, lotion, face moisturizer, and chapstick. Chapstick I wanted during labor too. 

    DD puked on her first going home outfit, so I'd recommend a back up, in case your kid is also a puker. And something comfy or loose fitting to wear afterwards for the ride home. I just wore the hospital gowns while a patient. 

    The hospital pillows sucked. And our hospital didn't supply pillows for spouses, so DH needed one (or two)... and I had used his during L&D and puked on it. So- protective case will be added to the packing list this time. 

    Snacks. We just grabbed a few on the way into the hospital, but it wasn't enough. DH and I both got hungry at the hospital, and the cafeteria wasn't open late at night. Jello only fills you up so much. 

    Our hospital really provided everything else. Diapers, wipes, cream, nipple cream, pacifiers, baby lotion, baby soap, ect. Our nurse basically walked into the store room and filled up a bag of stuff and told us to take it all. 

    Side note- the scrub brushes nurses/doctors use to clean their hands are great for cradle cap, so our nurse told us to take some of those too. 
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    stokesm21 said:
    @abmommy15 Yeah we get everything here too.  Someone mentioned, "They charge you for it anyways."  That's the beauty of being Canadian.  No bill!  I mean, I'm not going to say our healthcare is free because that's a common misconception, our taxes pay for it (and it's still shit haha!)  But my heart goes out to every American on this site with their crappy healthcare and (non-existent) maternity benefits.  
    I'm starting to think my hospital really cheaped out on us as as we had to bring our own diapers, pads everything and while they gave us one or two when we ran out they were very clear when we registered that they didn't provide everything. Basically just the squirt bottle to bring home...I'm definitely going to ask when we register this time around and hope it will have changed in the last two years! Out of curiosity, @abmommy15 and @stokesm21 which province(s) are you in? I'm in Mississauga, ON
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    oheliza44 said:
    STM who pumped- would you suggest taking your breast pump to the hospital so the LC can help you adjust it? I'm in the process of picking a pump and that was mentioned in a few reviews. I don't want to lug it with me if it isn't necessary.
    Right after birth you will likely just have colostrum and probably won't find a need to pump while in the hospital - with that said, if the LC is around and is willing to help make adjustments (some only want to support with latching etc) I say take advantage of their knowledge! I didn't bring a pump to the hospital and that was fine but I will say that i am so glad I had my pump when I got home! I was so engorged within a day of getting home it was needed to help relieve the pain so very good call in picking it up now!!
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    @munchkinsmama I forgot all about shaving for my RCS. I did shave a few days earlier and apparently did go low enough, so they shaved me with that horrid razor. They don't use water, no nothing. I had razor burn from hell.
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    MrsLa3 said:
    @munchkinsmama I forgot all about shaving for my RCS. I did shave a few days earlier and apparently did go low enough, so they shaved me with that horrid razor. They don't use water, no nothing. I had razor burn from hell.
    This is so scary!! Why the hell don't they use a little shave cream and a sharp razor?! 
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    BusyZeeBusyZee member
    edited February 2017
    I'm confused about the whole shaving thing, why do they shave? And why can't they be nice about it?! Why can't they use clippers?! This sounds evil 
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    @Rojita I'm in Alberta.  I'm really surprised that your hospital didn't provide everything that sucks!  The only thing we weren't really given was wipes.  They provided dry ones that we had to wet with water but they suck so I will bring my own next time.  
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    Ok, so everyone has pretty good/extensive lists - but I have to add what NOT to bring (or perhaps you'll have better luck than I did.) 

    With my my first delivery I went to the birthing classes and went into labor planning to go med-free. I brought my birthing ball (an exercise ball) and made DH carry it into L&D. He was not happy, but was down for whatever I needed. My water broke at home and for whatever reason I didn't realize it would continue to flow throughout delivery. So when I got checked into my room I had to change into a gown and nothing else. I walked the halls for a few hours and saw no progress so I decided I was going to bounce on my ball. 

    DH put it down, I straddled it, sat, started to lightly bounce to try to loosen things up and encourage baby to drop/whatever, and promptly slipped right off that fucker and fell smack dab on my ass. I was still leaking and didn't even think of the repercussions for bare/wet ass meeting rubber ball. I ended up super embarrassed with a nice bruise on my hip, and to top it all off, an emergency csection. (So not related, but pissed me off to have the bruise plus incision to deal with afterwards). 

    We left the ball at home with my 2nd delivery. 
    I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to get out of bed  after my water broke. It was so messy! I didn't remember hearing that it would be like that and am now needing to learn more so that I can better prepare should it happen that way again. 
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    @LoveLee85 couldn't agree more. I was in labor from 7 am til 11 pm, and DH actually left twice to go get food. Which was totally fine for me/us, but I know some women wouldn't want that. This time we will have more food that can be meal substitutes for him, too. 
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    mrscate88 said:
    MrsLa3 said:
    @munchkinsmama I forgot all about shaving for my RCS. I did shave a few days earlier and apparently did go low enough, so they shaved me with that horrid razor. They don't use water, no nothing. I had razor burn from hell.
    This is so scary!! Why the hell don't they use a little shave cream and a sharp razor?! 
    I have no clue.

    @BusyZee it's for csections. You have to no hair for a clean incision.
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    mrscate88 said:
    So NOT frivolous! I got waxed on my due date last time haha, and I feel like it's just one less thing to worry about. But I've waxed for years. I'll definitely keep getting my regular waxes for as long as I live (or until I get brave enough to try the laser). Who wants to shave or even try to trim around the big 9-month belly? 
    Half way there and I'm already having trouble haha! I told DH he will need to help me eventually, even if it's just to hold the mirror lol!  You should have seen the look on his face!  I said, "You're going to watch a baby come out of my vagina.  This is nothing!" (Well, he's going to try he said.  He has a weak stomach so I don't suspect he will last long haha!)  I haven't been able to bring myself to get waxed yet although I've always wanted to try.  Something about someone else staring at and working around my lady bits just gives me the heebies.  I would start now but I've heard (and read here) it hurts more when you're pregnant so I think I might save my first trip for AFTER.  Although now (TMI) I just use an electric razor to trim it right down.  I stopped using an actual blade razor down there a long time ago.  Sharp blades near my va-jay-jay just never sat right with me :P 
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
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    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
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    @Rojita Fellow Ontarian :)  I'm just outside of Ottawa and have decided to deliver there instead of at the hospital in a smaller town a few over from mine.  It's still a great hospital with all private rooms but due to my anxiety I just prefer to be in a bigger hospital that is more equipped to deal with emergencies.  That and the Ottawa hospital has lactation consultants on staff 24/7 while the smaller one does not.  That surprisingly was a big factor for me in choosing. But that's really terrible!  I'd say they cheaped out for sure. AFAIK they provide pretty much everything at ours.  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
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    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
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    @stokesm21 I actually got my first-ever wax when I was pregnant with my first, and it was NOT as bad as some people say. It stings when they rip the hair of course, but it's just not something that I would call excruciating pain. Nothing compared to pushing a baby out of your vagina either! And usually the esthetician keeps it from being weird at all, I just opened with "I'm really sorry to make you do this, but I'm pregnant and won't be able to shave soon". We both laughed and we've been friends since then haha! 
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    Rae1 said:
    mrscate88 said:
    @stokesm21 I actually got my first-ever wax when I was pregnant with my first, and it was NOT as bad as some people say. It stings when they rip the hair of course, but it's just not something that I would call excruciating pain. Nothing compared to pushing a baby out of your vagina either! And usually the esthetician keeps it from being weird at all, I just opened with "I'm really sorry to make you do this, but I'm pregnant and won't be able to shave soon". We both laughed and we've been friends since then haha! 
    I am such a baby - I have always wanted to try waxing but never had the guts to do it.

    But, I don't think I could ever be friends with the person who waxed my lady bits lol
    This.  I have a friend (who is somewhat related as well) who does waxing and while she does good work, she's the last person I would want down there.  It would just be weird ... haha!  I'd really rather not know my esthetician at all.  Although I guess after time you do develop a bit of a relationship with them.  Maybe I will just bite the bullet one of these days.  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
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    @Rae1 I know, it's a hard thing to explain until you've been there haha, but it's just not as awkward as it sounds once you've done it. We just took Pilates classes together, so we're not like best buds, just good acquaintances. 
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    mrscate88 said:
    @Rae1 I know, it's a hard thing to explain until you've been there haha, but it's just not as awkward as it sounds once you've done it. We just took Pilates classes together, so we're not like best buds, just good acquaintances. 
    I feel like this would make it more akward. My ultrasound tech takes her dog to the vet I worked at, she also did my transvaginal US, talk about akward. And then she asked how her dog was that day, it only made it worse.
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    edited February 2017
    Yeah, when we wax your lady bit, it is just another body part to us. It is the same as an armpit, so remember, we do not see it that way. Plus, most of us are straight as arrows, so we aren't attracted to that stuff anyways. Also, when we pull the hair, the skin should be taught and it should only take a second to pull the strip and then pressure is applied to alleviate pain. And if you see someone from European wax, it should only take 5 to 8 minutes, and you won't have to go back for 4 to 6 weeks. I love it!

    Eta you can also apply a lidocaine patch to the area for 45 minutes before, that will help ALOT. But remember, it will make EVERYTHING numb.
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    I honestly could care less about someone seeing me or it being awkward, HAHA, but the pain!!! I can't bring my self to try it even though I have ALWAYS wanted to. Maybe someday??? Liquid courage? Haha I'm only kind of kidding. 
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    @CarsonsMommy even with lidocaine it hurts like cray. I found relax and wax scream cream to be the best so far but it still hurts so much! Do you have prescription strength lidocaine and is it safe during pregnancy? 
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    LoveLee85 said:
    I honestly could care less about someone seeing me or it being awkward, HAHA, but the pain!!! I can't bring my self to try it even though I have ALWAYS wanted to. Maybe someday??? Liquid courage? Haha I'm only kind of kidding. 
    Yeah couldn't care less about a professional seeing my lady parts at this point, but I was a little shy the first time. Only awkward if you make it awkward. You should try it, not a big deal at all! 
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    BusyZeeBusyZee member
    edited February 2017
    This waxing talk reminded me of a reveiw I came accross on yelp (with way tmi) while looking for an esthetician for Brazilians. I guess it was her first time and had a bad experience but the review was along the lines of how she felt "Violated" and had to pose like a f***ing pornstar, spread her butt cheeks and  do "gymnastics" while half naked. Made my day. 
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    BusyZee said:
    This waxing talk reminded me of a reveiw I came accross on yelp (with way tmi) while looking for an esthetician for Brazilians. I guess it was her first time and had a bad experience but the review was along the lines of how she felt "Violated" and had to pose like a f***ing pornstar, spread her butt cheeks and  do "gymnastics" while half naked. Made my day. 
    Lol, it's just the way it is. You're getting your hooha waxed. And to be honest, because on some women the hair grows in all different directions, yeah, we need a bit of help (holding skin taught, lifting legs or belly fat pouches etc.). You want the job done right or not? And about the lidocaine patches, they are sticky, and medical grade. Like NUMBING. I'm not talking the crap you get at sallys. I wax my self down there, and it isn't that bad... once it's over. The only way I am brave enough is to lay the wax down, then I have no choice but to pull it.
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    BusyZeeBusyZee member
    edited February 2017
    I know I totally respect my esthetician. Iv been getting them for a very long time but somehow I'm being a wimp now. I could never be able to do it myself. Where can I buy these patches ?! I really need them!! 
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    BusyZee said:
    This waxing talk reminded me of a reveiw I came accross on yelp (with way tmi) while looking for an esthetician for Brazilians. I guess it was her first time and had a bad experience but the review was along the lines of how she felt "Violated" and had to pose like a f***ing pornstar, spread her butt cheeks and  do "gymnastics" while half naked. Made my day. 
    This is hilarious!  Honestly, what did she expect?  Every woman would laugh at her review.  She must be tons of fun in the bedroom lmao!  
    Me: 29 DH: 31 SS: 12
    Met: 08/2001 Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
    TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
    Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
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    This is #4 for me, so I've definitely changed. I'm different than some people. I need my makeup, my own hair, face and body wash, and hair stuff (usually it's just pulled back) to feel somewhat human and for pictures. I take my own pillow and my boppy for nursing. Nipple cream too because my hospital didn't have it every time annoyingly enough. I did bring one muslin blanket for swaddling too, it's just softer for the baby than most hospital blankets and it's easier since it has more stretch. Otherwise, sweatpants, nursing tanks, zip up hoodie(s) (great for skin to skin and for over tanks too), slippers or flip flops, camera, phone chargers. 
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