This is a place for those of us who have already started TTC, but have started infertility testing and/or treatments. You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on infertility. TTC can be a long journey naturally, then add in the difficulties associated with infertility and it becomes a whole new ball game. The road to infertility can be lonely, frustrating, and complicated, so let's make this a place where we can vent, ask questions, and support one another. Feel free to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say, and treat this like an ongoing conversation.
Diagnosis (If you've been):
Status (WTO/TWW/TTA):
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?)
How are things going?
Any questions?
GTKY: what's your favorite color?
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
Re: IF /testing check-in week feb6
Cycle/CD: I think I counted 37 cycles the other day. It gets hard to remember. CD13
A whole lot of nothing.
Going okay. Really need to get motivated to loose 20lbs. My RE wants me to focus on that before doing more treatment. I'm very very meh about it all.
None right now.
GTKY: what's your favorite color?
LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"
DD: 10/17/13
TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)
Cycle/CD: 11, no idea what CD tbh. I try not to look at FF right now.
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Yeesh. I don't have one. But I do tend to prefer blues, greens, and grays.
Cycle/CD: ??/cd 6 or 7
GTKY: what's your favorite color?
tiffany blue
@antoto We were "NTNP" last month and but in reality, if you're HIO in any sort of regular fashion, isn't that how most people get KU? (i.e. "regular" people who aren't on TTGP? At least that's how all my friends did it, ugh)
Diagnosis (If you've been): PCOS & MFI
Cycle/CD: 8/14
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Gold
Cycle/CD: 11/ 13
GTKY: what's your favorite color? I like color in general but blue is probably my fav.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
Cycle/CD: 10/12
GTKY: what's your favorite color? I asked the question but don't have a good answer. I tend towards blues and greens.
@Everycol0r Getting the motivation to work out is tough... I keep telling myself I'm going to get off my duff and do a yoga class or other you-tube work out but it has not happened in way too long.
@antoto I totally feel you on the trying but no realistic hope that it will actually work. That has been us for the last 9 cycles. A girl can dream, but with IF those dreams seem so much harder.
@heatherdubrow glad those migraines are staying away. I'm rooting for you treatment buddy. can you at least spend a bunch of time in something with an elastic waist band?
@hartmich sorry you have to be benched for the rubella vaccine. I know it seems like another delay in getting this show on the road, but you are taking a step towards getting this show on the road. hugs.
@laurad75 I have been following you on the IF board, I am so sorry that your not getting as many follies as you were hoping for. I hope two more days of stims allows some of those other follies to catch up. hugs
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
@laurad75 fingers crossed you get some more follicles going! I'm sorry it's not going well.
Diagnosis (If you've been): Fibroids, corrected with surgery. Unexplained now but I suspect MFI.
Cycle/CD: 7 since surgery, CD27
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Red or purple, depending on mood.
TTC #1 since April 2015
RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
Polyp removed May 2017
FET May 2017 - BFP!
Baby boy born 2/2/18
Diagnosis (If you've been): Unexplained Secondary IF
Cycle/CD: Cycle 1,000,694 (or, more accurately, 26). CD9
GTKY: what's your favorite color? I'm a weirdo and don't have one!
2 IUIs - BFNs (May & June '17)
IVF August 2017 - BFP!! First Beta - 365
@laurad75 just gonna give you a *hug*
@eggplantface Oh yay for starting IVF! That's badass that your friend has some leftovers! Shit is so expensive...
Cycle/CD: 12/8 DPO
@Everycol0r if you find that motivation let me know. I've been all fits and starts trying to lose a couple lbs.
@hartmich sorry you are benched but I hope it is worth it in the end.
@laurad here's hoping those follies growww
@wabash15 so excited for your IUI!! Good luck! I also triggered with only one shot.
@eggplantface did you do IUI or did you skip that? Sorry if I missed it. That is exciting though!!
@kpalt i know how you feel about IUI. I'm in the same boat! Welcome!
@kpalt welcome. I hear you on being scared if the IUI's don't work out. We're OOP this time around and IVF is not an option so we only get a few rounds of IUI then we're done.
@saralee797 I think we all feel out at some point in the TWW. don't give up hope yet. not having symptoms doesn't mean anything. Fx for you!
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
@kpalt welcome!
@kpalt hopefully this last natural cycle flies by and you can start IUI or hopefully you get that miracle 1 in a million BFP before treatment!
@eggplantface hooray for free meds and camaraderie! That's awesome!
@wabash15 Wow! Awesome follie numbers! Good luck! Fingers crossed that the first times the charm!
@hartmich as hard as it is, try and enjoy the break. Eat some sushi, drink some wine, ride a rollercoaster, do the fun not-trying things.
Diagnosis (If you've been): Ovulatory dysfunction, mild mfi (morph)
Cycle/CD: Cycle 22 or 23 or something like that.
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Gold. All things gold and glittery.
Married May 2014
TTC # 2 Since December 2021
Baby girl W born 2/2021
Our journey so far...
(tw loss & infertility)
Working with an RE since March 2016
2 failed TI cycles
3 failed IUI cycles
IVF Feb - April 2017
23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
BFP 4.21.17
MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17
Our adoption journey:
12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house!
1.1.20 Homestudy process started
3.14.20 First social worker visit
5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency
6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021
Cycle/CD: 20/18 (5DPO)
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Green
I haven't spoken to my nurse yet - I go in for bw/ us in the morning and then she calls in the afternoon with my results. So far they have just been optimistic about this cycle so we haven't discussed a plan b at all. I felt like I was on a pretty aggressive protocol this cycle taking 450 iu of gonal-f + menopur but I don't have anything to compare it to.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
@Bababatty i'm so glad your feeling optomistic this cycle! fx
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
@antoto We are doing our pgs through an outside lab called embryvu because our clinic is not set up for genetic screening. Our biopsy will be taken on day 5 and sent to embryvu and then I'm getting different responses as to when results will be ready. Embyvu says they will have results in 2 days, clinic says it can take 2 weeks.
Married May 2014
TTC # 2 Since December 2021
Baby girl W born 2/2021
Our journey so far...
(tw loss & infertility)
Working with an RE since March 2016
2 failed TI cycles
3 failed IUI cycles
IVF Feb - April 2017
23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
BFP 4.21.17
MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17
Our adoption journey:
12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house!
1.1.20 Homestudy process started
3.14.20 First social worker visit
5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency
6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021
@antoto We are doing our pgs through an outside lab called embryvu because our clinic is not set up for genetic screening. Our biopsy will be taken on day 5 and sent to embryvu and then I'm getting different responses as to when results will be ready. Embyvu says they will have results in 2 days, clinic says it can take 2 weeks.
@wabash15 pooping on a doctor is the funniest thing I have ever been known for.
Married May 2014
TTC # 2 Since December 2021
Baby girl W born 2/2021
Our journey so far...
(tw loss & infertility)
Working with an RE since March 2016
2 failed TI cycles
3 failed IUI cycles
IVF Feb - April 2017
23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
BFP 4.21.17
MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17
Our adoption journey:
12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house!
1.1.20 Homestudy process started
3.14.20 First social worker visit
5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency
6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021
@bababatty Basically you're just at risk and have to take precautions not to get rubella. It's very rare anyway in the US and children are more susceptible so if I worked at a daycare or something, that would be an issue. The RE actually said it's not required to get the vaccine, but they strongly recommend it and if we didn't, we'd have to sign a ton of paperwork saying we understand the risks. It just didn't seem too smart to not even get the vaccine again and hope it takes this time.
@laurad75 I hope things turn around quickly and some more follies start growing in there! FX for you.
@eggplantface Seriously, is this whole process anything but waiting?
@tamalahoops I'm sorry to hear about OHSS, that sounds terrible!! But 14 embryos, that's amazing! Fingers crossed for the PGS testing!
@hartmich It sucks to be benched for rubella. I also was told I had no immunity so I got it again before we started TTC. Like others said, it was a "nice to have" but it's so rare that if you didn't get it you'd probably be ok. It's just because if you get rubella when you're pregnant you're pretty fucked. But the chances of that are super low.
@laurad75 I hope those follies get growing!!
TTC #1 since April 2015
RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
Polyp removed May 2017
FET May 2017 - BFP!
Baby boy born 2/2/18
@antoto Ah, yes. It turned out that TTA and NTNP were pretty much one in the same for us.
@laurad75 So sorry to hear things aren't progressing as you hoped. I hope the next couple of nights bring better results for you.
@tamalahoops You poor thing. I hope you can take it easy at work and just take care of yourself overall. I hope you feel better soon and that you don't continue to experience too many symptoms from the OHSS.
Cycle/CD: 14/63
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Red or lavender
@tamalahoops Hugs to you, as well. That sounds awful.
Diagnosis: DOR, AMA
Cycle/CD: 15/12
Status: WTO, although FF is apparently drunk this morning because it told me that I ovulated on CD9 (you're regular until you're not, but the earliest I've O'd in 15 cycles was CD12), and gave me solid cross hairs. I missed a couple of temps, which I suppose could've fooled it, but I've only had one day I've noted EWCM and I haven't posted a positive OPK yet. Plus my temp dropped to the level it usually hits for a day or two before O. Only Advanced shows me at 3DPO...both Research and FAM disagree. Guess we'll see what my temps and OPKs say over the next couple of days. I had a near positive this morning, and I wanted to see where it was a few minutes ago, so I went to test in the restroom at work. I actually managed to pee in the Wondfo package since I didn't grab my little pilfered salsa cup...but I also managed to damage the stick with my finger, so the result looks weird. Ugh, I can see it's just going to be a clusterfuck of a cycle.
What are you doing this cycle: Lots and lots of bumping uglies. Taking all the supplements and herbs, fertility acupuncture, my doc upped the dosage on my Synthroid since my thyroid was still struggling to meet my hormonal needs, and I'll be doing the progesterone thing again this cycle. Once we're through FW, we'll be looking to schedule time to make deposits of OH's seed so that he can go on testosterone replacement. Once he does, we'll be using the frozen swimmers to do at home IUI with a local midwife a friend used. Oh, and I will be distracting myself with "wedding" plans and then all the business that goes with being hitched so that TWW isn't the only thing on my mind this cycle. LOL, OH was laid off and since getting married has always been the plan, I waved my health insurance at him and wooed him with how much more cost effective it is than COBRA. OH is nothing if not practical. So we'll be eloping in the next couple of weeks (which was also always the plan - the idea of planning a wedding stresses me out to the point of a tummy ache), assuming he doesn't find something immediately and try to wiggle out of it. He's not the biggest proponent of marriage and would happily live in sin forever, but I crave the legal benefits of making things official.
How are things going: Besides this cycle being totally weird and random, things are going fine. I'm trying to adopt the way of looking at things that my acupuncturist suggested: while I can allow myself to feel the jealousy of all the KU women around me, I can also see it as lots of good, procreation energy, and a reminder that it really is possible.
Any questions: Nope
GTKY: Various shades of blue. Most recently it's been turquoise, but I'm starting to lean towards navy now.
Beloved SS: born 12/2011
TTC my bio #1/our #2 since January 2016
**TW** June 2016 had CP **end TW**
August 2016 - dx with DOR
Somewhere in here received recommendation to do IVF with donor eggs, elected not to; OH dx with Low T
May 2017 - began freezing sperm
June 2017 - OH began treatment for Low T
July 2017 - began doing 1 IUI via a midwife and 1 at home insemination each cycle
July 2018 - exhausted frozen sperm, officially NTNP since OH is probably shooting blanks
Cycle/CD: Cylce 31? CD19
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Yellow?
Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
Check out my Infertility blog
Check out my Infertility Instagram
BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
Met with OBGYN in January 2016
Me: all clear, H: OAT
November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
January 2017: H tested again, High DNA fragmentation and stainability
February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo.
BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two!
Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel.
ER#2 ~Jan 2019
@hartmich How frustrating that you have to be benched! I had never even heard of having rubella immunity checked... obviously most people get KU without having it checked so how big of a deal is it really? (Here I am just rationalizing to myself never wanting to TTA.)
@laurad75 I'm so sorry to hear you may not be able to make this cycle work! I'll FX for other follies, but if not, are you able to convert to IUI at least?
@wabash15 So happy you're on IUI! FX!
@heatherdubrow Digging your new siggy gif
@eggplantface Sorry if I missed it, but what makes you suspect MFI?
@kpalt Hi, welcome back
@tamalahoops How awful! I'm sorry to hear you got OHSS. I hope you're feeling back to normal soon. Plus side, fourteen is awesome!
@magnolia131 I hope this new practice is just what you need to move forward.
@KristoKekerooni Glad to hear you made a decision and are moving to IUI.
Month/Cycle: 8/10
CD: 11
WAYDTGKU: The usuals. This is our IF testing cycle. To be honest, we're both kind of checked out and just waiting for our medicated cycle, which seems silly so early on (CD11) but that's where we are.
R/R: My husband got his genetic screening back and fortunately it came back all normal/low risk. Which sounds awesome until I looked at the list of diseases checked, and the one that runs in his family wasn't on the list. So we actually have no idea if he's a carrier for it. Great.
CS/Q: I have a question about TI vs. IUI. We'll be doing a medicated cycle with letrozole in March (the cycle after this one). My RE said that given my husband's count (25 million/mL, 60% motility) we could do either TI or IUI. Can you refer me to some research on TI vs. IUI or give me some insights as to how we make that decision? While we have a preference for TI for obvious reasons, we have a stronger preference for a baby and I can't find anything reputable about the real difference in pregnancy rates between the two. Thanks in advance.
GTKY: Purple
no advice on TI vs IUI...we were unable to do iui(low count) and TI obviously didn't work for us. Good luck!
Cycle/CD: 3/17
GTKY: what's your favorite color? Blue
I can understand why you would prefer just TI but, for what it's worth, you are still having sex even with the IUI and I didn't really feel like the procedure itself was all that bad. Plus my H was there - we experienced it together. If that's how we end up making a baby, so be it. You have to find what you're comfortable with though!
@laurad75 I'll be crossing my fingers that the next 2 days of stims help a few more follies grow!
@tamalahoops Congrats on the 14 fertilized eggs!! I'm sorry that you are dealing with OHSS though, that is so rough. Feel better soon.
Diagnosis (If you've been): MFI, borderline hypothyroid
Cycle/CD: 14 (+7ish), for the next day or two anyway. CD41
I'm going with next cycle since this one's donezo. H goes for his follow up SA Wed. I have to schedule my HSG whenever CD1 gets here...
Meh, they're going. I have been extremely moody and emotional today, but I assume that that's primarily related to my impending period... For, you know. All the reasons. My day dreaming that I'd somehow miraculously get a bfp for my b-day instead of AF was obviously delusional, but I guess it was nice while it lasted.
Not at the moment.
GTKY: what's your favorite color?
I was talking to DH tonight about how this mornings appointment went and the different triggers they offered. I told him that the one I picked wasn't covered under our insurance (didn't know that at the time) and of course was the more expensive one. So I said that if this cycle doesn't work we may have to try the other trigger but he'd have to inject my bum. DH's response.." so you want me to give it to you in the ass, because according to TB thats how you make a baby!" I busted out laughing (yes DH read the butt-baby thread with me) Oh husbands.
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
@zwink1 sorry you are feeling crappy! Happy birthday though!!
@kaitlink33 They typically do an IUI at 36 hours and I assumed that was my O date. good luck!!!
I tried to find the info from my last RE but couldn't. The above article supports the thought that IUI is more effective than TI. (with the caveat that they were also looking at some male factor problems)
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17