Trying to Get Pregnant

IF /testing check-in week feb6

This is a place for those of us who have already started TTC, but have started infertility testing and/or treatments. You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on infertility. TTC can be a long journey naturally, then add in the difficulties associated with infertility and it becomes a whole new ball game. The road to infertility can be lonely, frustrating, and complicated, so let's make this a place where we can vent, ask questions, and support one another.  Feel free to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say, and treat this like an ongoing conversation. 

Diagnosis (If you've been): 


Status (WTO/TWW/TTA):  

What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?)
How are things going?
Any questions? 

GTKY: what's your favorite color?
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17


Re: IF /testing check-in week feb6

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  • @wabash15 yes! Leggings all the time! Yay for triggering, I'll be rooting for you on Wednesday!!

    @laurad75 fingers crossed you get some more follicles going! I'm sorry it's not going well.
  • @eggplantface funny I thought you were posting here... maybe I just see you so much in the other threads! well  welcome girl!  There is so much hurry up and wait in this process. It great your friend is able to give you her left over meds!
    @kpalt welcome. I hear you on being scared if the IUI's don't work out. We're OOP this time around and IVF is not an option so we only get a few rounds of IUI then we're done. 
    @saralee797 I think we all feel out at some point in the TWW. don't give up hope yet. not having symptoms doesn't mean anything. Fx for you!
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @eggplantface yay for getting started!!  Also that's so great you can use your friend's leftover meds. It's crazy expensive! My lupron alone cost me $600!

    @kpalt welcome!

  • edited February 2017
    @tamalahoops Oh girl, *hugs*.  That is scary.  I'm so sorry work made you come back.  But holy cow 14 fertilized!!! FX that number stays nice and high.  We are planning on doing genetic testing as well - did your RE tell you exactly how long that usually takes?
  • @laurad75 What a disappointment! Fingers crossed that you grow a few more follies! Have they said at all what they can do the next time to get more growing??

    @kpalt hopefully this last natural cycle flies by and you can start IUI or hopefully you get that miracle 1 in a million BFP before treatment! 

    @eggplantface hooray for free meds and camaraderie! That's awesome!

    @wabash15 Wow! Awesome follie numbers! Good luck! Fingers crossed that the first times the charm! 

    @hartmich as hard as it is, try and enjoy the break. Eat some sushi, drink some wine, ride a rollercoaster, do the fun not-trying things. 

    Diagnosis (If you've been): Ovulatory dysfunction, mild mfi (morph)

    Cycle/CD: Cycle 22 or 23 or something like that.

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA):  IVF

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?) IVF freeze all with PGS. FET sometime in March/April
    How are things going? Miserable. I had my retrieval on Friday. They retrieved 23 eggs, 20 mature, 18 made it to icsi, 14 fertilized. That part is great. I'm stoked on that part. I literally cry every time I think of how grateful I am for those 14 fertilized eggs. But I got OHSS unexpectedly and had more pelvic bleeding than is typical. I'm still in quite a bit of pain and had to be back at work today. IVF is no joke man. 
    Any questions? 

    GTKY: what's your favorite color? Gold. All things gold and glittery. 
    I had OHSS. It's freaking awful. Hugs lady
  • @tamalahoops try to get some protein in. It really helps with all the swelling. I can't believe you're at work, I was stuck in bed out of work for 2 weeks! I'm so sorry. But yay for 14 embryos! That's how many I ended up with!
  • Thanks for the love y'all. It sucks but it is so totally worth it.

    @antoto We are doing our pgs through an outside lab called embryvu because our clinic is not set up for genetic screening. Our biopsy will be taken on day 5 and sent to embryvu and then I'm getting different responses as to when results will be ready. Embyvu says they will have results in 2 days, clinic says it can take 2 weeks.
    Me: 31 Husby: 36
    Married May 2014
    TTC # 2  Since December 2021
    Baby girl W born 2/2021
    Our journey so far...
    (tw loss & infertility)
    Diagnosis: Poor Egg Quality 
    Working with an RE since March 2016
    2 failed TI cycles
    3 failed IUI cycles

    IVF Feb - April 2017
    23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
    Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
    BFP 4.21.17
    MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17

    Our adoption journey:
    12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
    5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house! 
    1.1.20 Homestudy process started
    3.14.20 First social worker visit
    5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency

    6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
    Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021

  • @tamalahoops Oh dear, I am so sorry about the OHSS!! I really hope you feel better quickly. I'm sorry you have to be back at work so soon. That's great news about the embryos, though!! Hope PGS goes well.
  • @eggplantface I considered skipping it because I have no patience but H & I talked about it and so far, every time we think there won't be an issue when it ocmes to TTC, there is. So we decided we'd rather not be that couple that doesn't vaccinate and then ends up being 1 in a million. 

  • @eggplantface Ahh I see. That makes sense. No, I'm not on progesterone. I actually meant to ask the RE about it and forgot. I assume there was blood work done at some point but I've had so much done I can't even remember. I'll be sure to ask if this round doesn't work. I have no explanation for my wacked out temps. 
  • @adirat thanks girl! I'm learning to gif!

    no advice on TI vs IUI...we were unable to do iui(low count) and TI obviously didn't work for us. Good luck!
  • @adirat after some online research it's recommended as part of your regular prenatal screening, but my doctor never mentioned it. I guess the RE is more thorough. Of course most people who have had the vaccine before are fine. But not my stupid body, of course! In terms of TI vs IUI... I wondered the same thing (although our options will be different now because of H's low count). I always wanted to do TI first just because I felt like it was a good way to ease into treatments. But if they told me IUI would have significantly increased chances, I would have changed my mind - but I suspect if you have normal counts, it might not increase odds much. 

  • Diagnosis (If you've been): pcos

    Cycle/CD: 3/17

    Status (WTO/TWW/TTA):  wto?

    What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment?) Letrozole prometrium ovidrel
    How are things going? Ok. Triggered today. 
    Any questions? how long do you ladies wait to move from WTO to tww after triggering if doing TI not IUI since its anywhere from 24-36 hours til you ovulate?

    GTKY: what's your favorite color? Blue
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
  • hartmich said:
    @adirat after some online research it's recommended as part of your regular prenatal screening, but my doctor never mentioned it. I guess the RE is more thorough. Of course most people who have had the vaccine before are fine. But not my stupid body, of course! In terms of TI vs IUI... I wondered the same thing (although our options will be different now because of H's low count). I always wanted to do TI first just because I felt like it was a good way to ease into treatments. But if they told me IUI would have significantly increased chances, I would have changed my mind - but I suspect if you have normal counts, it might not increase odds much. 
    I believe it increases your chances if you have some kind of anatomical issue or hostile cervical fluid. But I can't find where I read that so take it with a grain of salt...
  • @adirat I think another concern is the amount of time you are on meds if just TI doesn't work. Probably more of a concern with Clomid. My RE said they recommend IUI because it boosts your chances on both the female and male side because they are washing the sperm and giving it a head start.

    I can understand why you would prefer just TI but, for what it's worth, you are still having sex even with the IUI and I didn't really feel like the procedure itself was all that bad. Plus my H was there - we experienced it together. If that's how we end up making a baby, so be it. You have to find what you're comfortable with though! 
  • @wabash15 that is hilarious!! The butt baby will never stop being funny. Never. 
    @zwink1 sorry you are feeling crappy! Happy birthday though!! 
    @kaitlink33 They typically do an IUI at 36 hours  and I assumed that was my O date. good luck!!!
  • @adirat I found this on pubmed.
    I tried to find the info from my last RE but couldn't.  The above article supports the thought that IUI is more effective than TI. (with the caveat that they were also looking at some male factor problems)
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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