Trying to Get Pregnant

IF /testing check-in week feb6


Re: IF /testing check-in week feb6

  • @adirat ok here are some more..... for strictly sub fertile couples there was not a significant difference (though they did comment on a lack of data...).
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @laurad75 - I hope you get more follies soon!  I haven't done IVF yet but have done a ton of reading on DOR.  I see you started with the bcp - what I read suggests that for those of us with DOR this may be too suppressive.  Maybe ask your RE about alternatives to bcp (estrogen-primed or natural start) cycles.

    Married since 2011

    TTC since Oct 2014
    DOR + MFI
    3 failed IUIs; IVF August 2017
    FET January 2018 - BFP
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  • @wabash15 butt baby is the best post in the history of thebump.  If anyone wants to challenge that please send me links to equally hilarious posts.  I don't have a busy day. 
    History and blog link in spoiler
    2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 
    2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
    moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
    Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP!  baby boy born 8/22/18

    May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
    Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
    May 2020 FET; BFN
    July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
    Oct 2020 BFP! 

    Take a look at my blog

  • @laurad75 Fingers crossed you get good info today!

    @wabash15 Thanks, that's helpful. The RE indicated he thinks the problem is my luteal phase defect, which substantially reduces our chances each cycle (as the blastocyst would have to implant sooner than my progesterone starts dropping, which gives it only a day or two compared to a typical woman's week to implant). I can't find anything for this issue specifically, but perhaps unexplained infertility is generalizable to us.  

  • @laurad75 fx things look better today. I really hope you get to proceed with your IVF.

    AFM I really should just stop charting. I triggered last night and as predictable had a temp spike this morning which has me irrationally freaked out that tomorrow's IUI  will be too late. I just need to stop and trust the process.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @wabash15 we're kind of cycle buddies! I triggered last night too. Good luck with your iui.
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
  • @laurad75 I hope you get some answers, and a break soon!

    @wabash15 and @kaitlink33 good luck!
  • @wabash15 I can relate when FF didn't want to give me CH I convinced myself the trigger didn't work. But I can't stop doing all the things!! 

    Good luck to my IUI friends!
  • @juneroseruby I have not used organic tampons. I used to be a die hard OB user but I recently tried a menstrual cup and I love it. it was amazing. I won't go back to tampons.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

  • @adirat You asked wayyy back on page 1 about why I suspect MFI: Because I'm neurotic, mainly :) The RE said at the beginning that H had low morphology, but he didn't think it was a problem. Then after our second IUI he said H's volume was low, and that he thought it was "wise" to move to IVF because of the "numbers" for the last IUI. Well, my numbers were great! Two eggs. So that only leaves H's numbers...And based on body language I got the distinct feeling my RE doesn't like discussing the male problems. He's also doing ICSI for fertilization rather than the petri dish, and that's usually only done with MFI. So really it's just my diagnosis. If it's frowned upon to use the MFI designator without an official diagnosis then I won't next time.
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

  • @JuneRoseRuby I've been using Lola, and I'm also not thrilled. I was drawn to the no-chemical part and the fact that you choose how many of each size you want in the box. But I get a lot of leaks, which defeats the purpose. I'm sad that other brands are no better.
  • @eggplantface I don't blame you for suspecting that given what you said. That said I'm pretty surprised an RE wouldn't want to discuss male problems... That's the issue half the time... What does the RE do if that's the only issue? 

  • @JuneRoseRuby PGS was not reccomended for us either. But doing pgs has a significant impact on success rates. We want to do whatever we can to make this successful. The downside is you cannot do pgs and a fresh transfer and the cost will always be entirely out of pocket. 
    Me: 31 Husby: 36
    Married May 2014
    TTC # 2  Since December 2021
    Baby girl W born 2/2021
    Our journey so far...
    (tw loss & infertility)
    Diagnosis: Poor Egg Quality 
    Working with an RE since March 2016
    2 failed TI cycles
    3 failed IUI cycles

    IVF Feb - April 2017
    23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
    Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
    BFP 4.21.17
    MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17

    Our adoption journey:
    12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
    5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house! 
    1.1.20 Homestudy process started
    3.14.20 First social worker visit
    5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency

    6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
    Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021

  • @eggplantface In a creepy stalkerish way I'm really looking forward to hearing about your upcoming IVF journey.  We are also planning for ICSI and PGS.  FX for you!
  • @tamalahoops okay, so you are just insisting it needs to be done. It's like an extra $3,500. I did read that it increases chances since you transfer the best of the best. I also don't know if we will even have an option of picking since we only had one sperm anyways in his SA. 

    @Bababatty I was thinking of trying Lola next. I'm glad you mentioned that. Maybe Honest Co.? If they suck we can blast Jessica Alba.  I am getting a lot of leakage with mine too and they are like old school cardboard tampon applicators and a good 3 inches long. I felt like a teenager today trying to get my first tampon in, then it wouldn't go in any farther, so it felt like it was falling out for hours. I also somehow got blood on the floor in the bathroom today and H thought one of the dogs was bleeding... ugh  I am not sure I am ready to jump to the cup yet. 
    32 years old (both H and I)
    Dating 7/2008
    Married 7/2014
    H Type I Diabetic
    TTC 1/2016
    12/2016 mental break from TTC-NTNP
    1/10/2017 initial appt with RE (all BW results WNL)
    1/17/2017 SA DX Virtual Azoo (3 sperm 0%morph 0%motility)
    1/18/2017 STP tubes clear
    2/1/2017 initial appt with Urologist
    2/15/2017 DX H Robertsonian Translocation
    H is on clomid and Theralogix Supplements
    6/26/17 repeat SA: 47 sperm 0% morph 13% motility
    7/26/17 IVF Consult, repeat SA (4 sperm)
    8/21/17 Starting IVF cycle with Donor Sperm backup
    9/1/17 ER ICSI PGS: only 2 donor embryos made it to freeze
    9/13/17 Started cycle for IUI with donor and clomid
    9/27/17 IUI canceled for overstim
    October Plan IUI with donor and low dose clomid

  • @JuneRoseRuby Oh yeah. I pushed for it. We sold our house to afford all of this nonsense. We are ALL. IN. 
    Me: 31 Husby: 36
    Married May 2014
    TTC # 2  Since December 2021
    Baby girl W born 2/2021
    Our journey so far...
    (tw loss & infertility)
    Diagnosis: Poor Egg Quality 
    Working with an RE since March 2016
    2 failed TI cycles
    3 failed IUI cycles

    IVF Feb - April 2017
    23 eggs collected, 20 mature, 14 fertilized with ICSI, 4 day 3 blasts, 3 day 5 blasts, 1 PGS normal
    Transferred 1 PGS normal embryo 4.12.17
    BFP 4.21.17
    MMC due to small gestational sac 6.8.17

    Our adoption journey:
    12.25.18 Agency picked and apps submitted!
    5.1.19 Adoption on hold so we can buy a house! 
    1.1.20 Homestudy process started
    3.14.20 First social worker visit
    5.25.20 Homestudy Approved & Submitted to Agency

    6.1.20 Surprise! Positive pregnancy test!
    Healthy baby girl born 2/10/2021

  • @tamalahoops I hear ya, we had saved "baby money" for my maternity that we are now blowing on IVF. 
    32 years old (both H and I)
    Dating 7/2008
    Married 7/2014
    H Type I Diabetic
    TTC 1/2016
    12/2016 mental break from TTC-NTNP
    1/10/2017 initial appt with RE (all BW results WNL)
    1/17/2017 SA DX Virtual Azoo (3 sperm 0%morph 0%motility)
    1/18/2017 STP tubes clear
    2/1/2017 initial appt with Urologist
    2/15/2017 DX H Robertsonian Translocation
    H is on clomid and Theralogix Supplements
    6/26/17 repeat SA: 47 sperm 0% morph 13% motility
    7/26/17 IVF Consult, repeat SA (4 sperm)
    8/21/17 Starting IVF cycle with Donor Sperm backup
    9/1/17 ER ICSI PGS: only 2 donor embryos made it to freeze
    9/13/17 Started cycle for IUI with donor and clomid
    9/27/17 IUI canceled for overstim
    October Plan IUI with donor and low dose clomid

  • Have y'all read "It Starts with Egg"? 
    LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"


    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)

  • @Everycol0r I am reading It Starts with the Egg right now. I believe it was @LadyMillil who first mentioned it to us. I've read the chapters about chemical exposure and made some changes. (I find it a little overwhelming to read all at once so I've been reading it a chapter at a time.)

  • @everycol0r I've read a lot of commentary about it. One of the more recent grads read it a few months back and shared her takeaways. It seemed overwhelming to me so I never read it but I have implemented some of the suggestions - no plastic containers, for example. This reminds me... I'm almost out of shampoo so I might buy one that is phthalate free....

  • I'd say to start with the vitamin section and then make subtle changes regarding everything else. 
    LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"


    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)

  • @Everycol0r that would make sense, we did that for our patients. But that's for high dose exposure that you get when you have cancer. My exposure was from administering it and handling urine as a nurse. Much smaller exposure but probably large over time.
  • @Everycol0r that would make sense, we did that for our patients. But that's for high dose exposure that you get when you have cancer. My exposure was from administering it and handling urine as a nurse. Much smaller exposure but probably large over time.
    Maybe so. I bet you could be onto something. I wonder if there have been any studies? @LadyMillil
    LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"


    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)

  • LoveInDCLoveInDC member
    edited February 2017
    ****The dirtiest lurker and Greys fan*****

    They froze Izzy's eggs as a precaution because she was receiving an extreme strain of chemo as a patient and it could have interfered with her fertility.

    *****Sorry, okay, bye now :flushed:******

    ETA: Here is a list of studies regarding nurse exposure if you want to go down that rabbit hole.
    Me: 23 | DH: 30
    Married November 2016
    TTC #1 November 2016
    Dx Anovulatory/NIR PCOS April 2017
    50mg Clomid June 2017
    BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Ugh. Yea we had measures in place to minimize exposure but I've always wondered how much 'prophylactic chemo' (haha, corny nurse joke) I was actually getting.
  • @LoveInDC if there is time before treatment starts they really encourage egg freezing for anyone of childbearing age. We've had teenagers do it. The problem is it's not common because there usually isn't time.
  • @LoveInDC if there is time before treatment starts they really encourage egg freezing for anyone of childbearing age. We've had teenagers do it. The problem is it's not common because there usually isn't time.
    That's interesting! I'm with @Everycol0r and only have my medical education from Grey's Anatomy. My mother is a cancer survivor, but she had already gone through menopause and sheltered me a lot through that experience anyway. It's odd they would be so proactive about patients and not as much for the staff. FX you don't have to add this to your list of worries.
    Me: 23 | DH: 30
    Married November 2016
    TTC #1 November 2016
    Dx Anovulatory/NIR PCOS April 2017
    50mg Clomid June 2017
    BFP June, 21 2017 | EDD March 4, 2018

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I definitely encourage big lifestyle changes to occur slowly so you don't get overwhelmed. 
    LFAF February Siggy Challenge - "Favorite TV/Movie Couple"


    Me: 28 | DH: 29
    DD: 10/17/13
    TTC#2 Actively: 10/14, NTNP: 01/14
    Left-Sided Hydrosalpinx (cause: genetic abnormality, TREATED 11/16)

  • Isn't DHEA only recommended for certain people? I remember reading somewhere that if you don't need to supplement it, it can actually be counterproductive... Or am I totally off base?

  • @hartmich I think that's right -- I'd have to look back at the book but I remembering thinking when I read that part that DHEA wasn't for me. 

    I actually found it very liberating to recycle almost all our plastic tupperwares! I love throwing things out and it was simultaneously that + we are going to have a baby now! Not that we did, but I had hope lol.

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