August 2017 Moms

STM+ check in 1/27

How far along are you?

What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?


GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 

Re: STM+ check in 1/27

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    12 weeks today, Woo-hoo!

    The diarrhea has died down for the most part. I gagged over my vitamin again night before last and threw up 4 times. But the 5 times this pregnancy vs multiple times last pregnancy is definitely a great tradeoff. Getting more headaches which sucks, but I think it's partially from sleep deprivation due to having a sick toddler and husband.  

    I'm so tired of being grouchy. I hope I get over that soon.

    We might get snow here once a year, I like to go out for a bit to play, then snuggle up inside and read or watch movies.  We used to play board games when I was a kid.
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    13w1d goodbye 1st trimester!!!!

    fatigue is taking a chill which has been the absolute worst. I'm also getting more headaches @SouthernMama15 I read that happens as you transition into the second trimester. Weather here has been pretty wonky so I think that's partially to blame too. 

    We are finding out gender in two weeks. I'm so excited. I took a stroll through the target baby aisle and couldn't stop smiling! Target's registry bag is the best it's ever been! Make sure you get one! I'm not having a shower but I put items in my registry that I want to remember to buy! 

    I love to relax lax with a nice pot of soup on the stove! 
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    12 weeks+ 2 days today!  The end of the first trimester is in sight!

    More energy, but feel like puking again.
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    will be 13 weeks tomorrow yay!

    no symptoms anymore thank goodness. with DD i threw up a lot this time it was more nasuea and less actually throwing up.

     we are all still sick. just found out yesterday that DD has RSV.  she's doing better with her treatments but her coughing and hoarseness are pitiful.

    ha ha our big snow this year stayed around until noon that day. but when we actually get a couple inches every two or three years it's four wheelers, sledding if there's enough snow, and freezing cause we don't have the clothes to handle wet snow lol

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    How far along are you?
    11 weeks 5 days

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    Feeling pretty good this week. My knee is hurting (bad knees here) but don't think it is thanks to baby. 

    Downloaded a rain noise app. Love it especially for travel. 

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?  Stay inside. 
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    @morgy_bee I got a bad one around this time with DS. I wound up in the ER for dehydration and needing fluids.  Thankfully, I have been to a neurologist since and can take imitrex. 
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    How far along are you?
    I will be 11 wks tomorrow

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    I'm still nauseous and very tired. But definitely not as bad as I was with my first.  

    I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! 

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    I love staying in PJs and drinking hot chocolate. 
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    symptoms come and go, nauseous and exhausted. When I do feel like eating, all I want to eat are carbs. 

    At home Fetal dopplers? Yay or nay? I didn't get on with my first and I think the hit/miss of finding the heart beat in my own would cause just as much anxiety as having to waiting between appointments. 

    Snow day = sledding!! We have a big hill in our backyard so we don't have to go anywhere but outside. 
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    DD: 10/23/2012

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    How far along are you? 10 weeks

    What symptoms are you having? Fatigue, headaches, occasional nausea (much better this week), and food and drink aversions

    How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Different - felt much better during my previous pregnancies

     Rant/Rave/Questions? Nope 

     GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? Stay inside. I hate snow and winter. I also work in healthcare so if I'm scheduled that day I have to go to work. I get jealous of my teacher husband.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    #1 - DD: 7/5/12
    #2 - DS: 5/21/14
    #3 - EDD: 8/25/17

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    How far along are you? 12 weeks tomorrow

    What symptoms are you having?  My energy is almost back to normal (yay!), my appetite is coming back, but still super crampy.  I have an appointment on Tuesday, so hoping to get some answers.  My cramp is constant and in the exact same spot on my left side.  I know I have a small cyst on my left ovary, so I'm wondering if the cramp is only due to that or if there's another reason.  Either way, it's really frustrating and I want some answers!

    How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? I enjoyed my first pregnancy, and I'm a big worrywart this time. I feel no attachment to this baby (which I guess is normal--I don't have time to attach since I'm constantly chasing a toddler around).  

     Rant/Rave/Questions?  How necessary is a double stroller?  We have the graco click-connect system from my first, and the thought of spending $350+ on a double stroller is crazy.  My son will be about 27 months when the baby gets here, and I intend to wear the baby as much as possible when he/she is born.  I'm starting to second guess the necessity of a double stroller...

     GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?  We're in NJ, so we usually get a pretty decent amount of snow.  I hate it!  I prefer to stay inside on snowy days and make chili and bake cookies.  Fortunately we've only had one snowy day so far this winter...fingers crossed we don't get any more! :)

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    @kristenk727 I will have a 5 year old and 23 month old when baby is born. I scored a graco double click connect for $75  and I was adamant on buying it because I will have the kids flying solo frequently. I got it from a local mommy resale group on Facebook. It is all about preference I guess but I had to have one. Look at buying used! 
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    How far along are you?
    10 weeks 2 days
    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    More nausea, less vomiting. Less sleep so more exhausted. 
    I didn't have to take maternity leave last pregnancy. Is that something I should already be submitting paperwork for? I have no idea what I am doing!

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    Hah! Snow days... more like ice days in Texas. We haven't had one in a couple years but I prefer the delayed starts (I am a teacher) so we don't have to make up days in the summer. And I still get to sleep in. Otherwise, I dislike winter and avoid the "cold" as much as possible. 

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    How far along are you? 
    10 weeks 5 days

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    It's better now, but I was EXTREMELY nauseous for a few weeks. I never had that with my last two. Insomnia is still there. Super weird dreams. Gas and bloating. Sore boobs done, finally. Still tired, but more manageable. 

    This pregnancy is FLYING by! It's my last and I want it to slow down so I can enjoy it...but MAN am I EXCITED for some squishy newborn snuggles!

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    I love in Fort Worth, Texas. What is this "snow" you speak of?! 
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    @AdvoCyndi30 I am in Waco! 
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    How far along are you? 13 weeks + 1

    What symptoms are you having? Heartburn but I'm now taking Zantac for it :)

    How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Heartburn wasn't a thing for me until the last couple weeks of my last pregnancy so that's a huge difference.  Also the crazy dreams continue and I barely remembered a dream with DD.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Our heat went out from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.  The furnace was showing error codes and everything so I called a HVAC place to come.  Then it randomly decided to kick back on.  Thankful for that but so odd so the HVAC guys are still coming Monday to check it out.  Oh and our new washing machine is finally ready for pick up!  Yay for that after 2 weeks without a working one.

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?  Well, technically our favorite is to be on vacation in Colorado and be out on the mountain snowboarding (for DH) and me being in the hot tub.

    @kristenk727 I really debated on a double stroller or not.  But I had so many friends tell me that once the baby comes and is in the stroller (I baby wear as well but also use strollers a lot) that the older child wants to do what the baby is doing.  DD is NOT a stroller kid now and only rides in it after a long, full day at like the zoo.  However, she is already telling me she's my "baby girl" and has even regressed on a few things.  So I have reason to believe she'll be jealous and want to be a "baby."  We got the City Select on a big discount around Black Friday.  I know I can resell it for what I paid for it so I won't be out anything.

    @lyndshurt I suggest asking your HR department or manager.  When I was working I discussed options with my HR department early in the year and then presented my proposal to my manager a few months before my EDD (June DD).  I actually took an extended leave so I had to get it all approved.  But, there will be paperwork still even if you only use FMLA or the like.

    ***TW in Siggy***
    Me: 34 / DH: 33
    Married: Nov 2011
    TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
    TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
    BabyFetus Ticker

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    How far along are you?

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    Sore boobs, occasional heartburn, difficulty sleeping, exhaustion and a lot of nausea.  My symptoms aren't too different from my other pregnancies, but I don't remember being this queasy with my second.  I was more sick with my first, but it seemed to be for a shorter timeframe than this one.

    I just came down with a cold.  I hate feeling under the weather and it definitely isn't helping my sleep issues.

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    Staying inside.  I hate the cold and snow.  I do enjoy watching the kids play in the snow, but I'm ready to go back into the warm house pretty quickly.
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    10 weeks.
    It's the same and yet I'm sick in different ways this time. 
    My constant rant is wanting to sleep. 
    I'm in Florida, we don't have snow days lol. 

    I'm debating the double stroller thing too. My 3 year old isn't big on the stroller. We have a Maclaren umbrella stroller she ride in when she's snacking and I use to carry our stuff lol. I plan on wearing the new baby to be hands free so we might not go the stroller route at all. I also plan on transferring DD into a new seat and letting baby use her convertible seat so I don't buy a new infant seats. But if someone buys us the infant seat maybe I'll use it. 
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    ow far along are you?
    11 weeks

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    Heartburn - way more mild this time


    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    Stay inside and read!
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    I am debating the double stroller too.  My son will be about 2.5 when his sibligng is born and he will nap in the stroller when I run my longer errands.  I am not sure I will be able to babywear since I am leaning towards repeat C-section.  

    My sister has the city select and it is awesome.  Only downsides are that it is huge and pricey.  Baby jogger is coming is coming out with the City Select Lux which is 30% smaller, but the $800 price tag for both stroller and second seat is a deterrent for my husband.  We also have three strollers too: A hand me down Chicco, Baby Jogger Vue & and cheap umbrella that we took on vacation.  

    Starting to get nervous about leaving the house alone with two kids already.  I seriously have no idea how people manage it especially with a toddler who ignores directions.  

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    10 weeks

    im WAY more tired, but way less sick. More emotional but my appetite is more reasonable this time. 

    This toddler man. She's sound and fury. I think we're inching in on "terrible twos". Haha she's 18 months.
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    How far along are you?

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    More headaches and dizziness this time but I feel better much earlier already.


    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    Irrelevant question for this south Texan.
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    5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
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    How far along are you?
    11 weeks 1 day

    What symptoms are you having?   How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? 
    No symptoms that I can discern since last weekend when I had a bad stomach bug. I don't remember when I noticed "first tri symptoms" disappearing with my prior pregnancies, so I'm worried that something is wrong. You'd think I'd have a better memory of this stuff considering my youngest isn't even quite 11 months old but honestly I can't remember.

    Same as I posted in my ticker change which is I'm jealous of the mamas that already know the sex of their baby!

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?
    We have lots of snowy days here in Minnesota. My favorite thing to do on a snowy day is dream about spring haha
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    kristenk727 I feel the same about attaching to this baby.  At times I even feel a little resentful because I am more impatient with DS and can't be as fully present as I used to be.  My first ultrasound helped a lot and I am hoping finding out the sex ill help even more.

    How far along are you? 12+1

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    More tired and impatient. But I didn't have a three year old last time.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Nope.

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 
    I love going on walks in the snow it is so quiet and peaceful. We live in a resort town so if it is a light snow I enjoy a good ski.
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    How far along are you? 12 weeks 6 days

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
    Just started getting terrible headaches that won't go away even with fioricet. I had them last pregnancy around this time but a couple doses of fioricet knocked them out and kept them away. No MS this time. More exhausted than last time (probably due to my 11 month old DD)

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I was supposed to go to the doc for my 12 week apppintment last Wednesday but she had to be in surgery so I was rescheduled to come in when I'm almost 15 weeks. It kinda makes me mad that it's so much later as I haven't had any bloodwork done yet and I was anemic in my last pregnancy and wanted to make sure everything was ok this time around. I don't get healthcare. I totally understand her needing to be in surgery which is a way bigger deal than my bloodwork but I feel like if they can't accommodate the patient load they have they are only hurting us!

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?  Out of the 1-3 snow days we get a year (that aren't iced over by the afternoon or second day) I like to
    get outside and play and build a snowman and sled and then come inside and eat warm food and hot chocolate and watch tv. Though this year I had a 10 month old when we got 10+" of snow and it was really fun to take her out and let her see the beautiful snow.

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    How far along are you? 9w

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? I am starting to get more nauseous and constantly tired, which is what I remember from the first go around. 

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I am overly anxious about vanishing twin syndrome and really need to step away from google. I have another US on Wednesday that I am both looking forward to and dreading. 

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? We don't know what this is in San Diego. :)
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    How far along are you?

     9 weeks 

    What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?

    My first two pregnancies were much easier (I was also younger, in my 20's). This pregnancy & the last (DD is 16mo) feel very similar except last time I had zero morning sickness. I'm flat exhausted. 


    I'm nervous about our genetic testing coming up on Friday. I have a cousin with Down's syndrome, and I'm just having a lot of anxiety because I know the risks increase with age. 

    GTKY: what is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day? 

    Build a fire in our woodburning fireplace, and snuggle the family around it. Watch movies, and cook something hot & hearty like chili. 
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    @middy411 can you have the lab at your OB's office schedule an appointment to do just the blood draw?  I would think they could do that. 

    ***TW in Siggy***
    Me: 34 / DH: 33
    Married: Nov 2011
    TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
    TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
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    I hear you on the "dreaming of spring part".  Upstate NY gets a ton of snow too.  It's been mild this winter, but we never know what's coming due to lake effect snow.
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    @lauradi1010 yeah winter in MN this year hasn't been as snowy as previous years but it sure has been cold. Here's hoping for an early spring!!!
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