January 2017 Moms

Scheduled induction FTM

Has anyone else's doctor scheduled an induction? My due date is 1/16 but my doctor scheduled me to be induced 1/9 due to complications from gestational diabetes. I have no idea what to expect. Anyone have a story to share or tips?

Re: Scheduled induction FTM

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    I had a last minute induction with my first, and am scheduled for 39 weeks this time. Honestly, there isn't much to share. It was super smooth. Every induction is different because every labor is different but mine was fantastic. My cervix was already dialated to 3-4 cm and almost fully effaced so my labor was started with pitocin around 3 PM. My contractions were regular and looked huuuuge on the monitor but were more crampy than unbearable. They broke my water around 6:30, which is when things got painful so I asked for an epidural. That was placed around 7:15 due to a shift change happening right as I requested it but was amazing. I was at about 6 cm when it was placed. I then went from 7 cm to 10 cm in about 3 minutes and baby was born at 7:50 PM. 
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    With my 1st I was induced due to elevated blood pressure. They started pitocin at 9:30-10am,  by 3:30 I was ready to push, she was here by 4. I only had iv pain meds. But like @katesmama0706 said everyone is different. 
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    **lurking from J17**

    I was induced with my second and third due to GD, as PP mentioned, all inductions are different, but I had a great experience. I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 5 am.  I got in and settled, they started pitocin around 7 am, as I was somewhat dilated (2cm), but having zero contractions. I had the epi place at 4-5 cm. My doctor came in to break my water at 6 cm at 10:00 am. I went from 6 to 10 cm in 10-15 minutes, pushed a couple of times and baby was born at 10:15.

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    I have been induced both times, at 40+2 with my first and 39+1 with my second.  With my first I was barely dilated or effaced at all, and the whole experience took 15hours.  I did not come in the night before for ripening or anything.
    With my second, I had been 3cm dilated and 80% effaced for weeks, and once they started the pitocin, baby arrived in less than 6 hours.
    Like several PP, I also dilated very quickly both times after getting the epidural.  I'm not one that can relax through the pain and let my body open up.
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    Like everyone has already mentioned, everyone is different. Last time I was induced at 39 weeks. I wasn't dilated hardly at all. I had cervidil inserted at 3 am and that sucked but I think it was because the nurse was not gentle at all. I was also put on pitocin and the contractions were manageable. The Lamaze breathing techniques really did help. They broke my water at 5pm. I stayed 1 cm for over 12 hours and finally at 8pm I finally started to progress. I delivered my daughter at 2am. So all in all my induction lasted 23 hours. I think mine was not as quick because my body was not ready being only 1cm and not completely effaced. Did it suck to be induced? Well yeah kind of, but the health of your baby and you is so much more important than having one uncomfortable day. I would do it all over again for my daughter in a second. 
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    Last time they wanted to induce because water broke first but I refused it. I did go into labor slowly but it took 35 hours to deliver. This time is killing me because I didnt get past 36 weeks last time and I am almost 38 now. Baby is measuring 8 plus lbs but thinking he feels like more. Can't sleep and hurts all day. Never thought I would say looking forwRd to going into labor but I am now!
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    I'll be induced next week if I make it. I'll be 39 weeks then and I'm at 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced with a super soft cervix and low head.  I'm going in that morning to start pitocin. I get to skip the night before since things are already favorable. Good luck! 
    I've heard varying things on pitocin contractions. I feel like it just depends on the person! 
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