May 2017 Moms

I can't believe pregnancy brain made me....


Re: I can't believe pregnancy brain made me....

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    Everything I have done over the last two days has been pregnancy brain tainted. I wanted cheese this morning on a biscuit and asked for sausage. I even drove the wrong way on a one-way street yesterday. Left and right are interchangeable this week. If I survive this week it will be a miracle.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I got lost going to school on Wednesday. Now, I only go to campus about 8x a semester.... but it was my last class! Eek
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    I couldn't see at all this morning because I put both of my contacts in the same eye. Luckily, I figured it out before I left the house. 
    Me: 29, DH: 31
    Married: October 2014
    Began TTC: April 2015
    BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
    BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
    BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
    BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

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    edited December 2016
    Last night I had to get change for one of my cashiers. We were super busy, and the process takes about 3 seconds. (Open drawer, dump change, get out of the way). Myself being pregnant and all, with the brain the size of a walnut (apparently), dumped $2 worth of pennies in with the quarters. So we had to hold up the line to sort it all out. I was so annoyed with myself, and my cashier was cracking up 

    ETA fat fingers and can't type. Posted before I was ready
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    I forgot my dog outside when I went to work on Friday. We don't have a doggy door and she's never been left outside when we weren't home. She was outside for about 7 hours. She was fine but I feel awful about it. I'm so glad we have a pool fence (she can't swim) and that it wasn't 117 outside. 

    May17 Siggy Challenge
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    Thought it would be a sweet surprise for hubby and raked all of the leaves from our yard to the street for street sweeping to take them away....Street sweeping ended in October!! 
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    I went to put away LO's laundry in her closet, instead I started pulling clothes off hangers. 


    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I asked my husband where I put my cellphone because I couldn't find it, I was HOLDING IT! I laughed so hard I cried. Seriously I feel like I'm up in space lately. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I put a pot of water on the stove and there happened to still be a tube of decorating icing kind of next to it but not close enough to worry (i should have just put it away right then). I turn on the burner and walk away to help DD. After a few minutes i hear this awful sizzle and the house is filled with dark smoke and the worst smell..... I turned on the wrong burner and the icing tub was sitting right on it. So now I have this melted plastic/melted Icing mixture hardened on my glass stove top and I'm not sure how to get it off.... Plus during this whole ordeal not one smoke detector went off...  :|
    April Siggy Challenge - May BMB - Newborn Fail
    Image result for newborn fail

      BabyFruit Ticker

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    @BeachMommy2B what a mess!!! I hate our glasstop stove. Ugh. My only idea would be a razor of some kind? I think the stove companies make them but no idea if they're different than just a straight razor you could buy at the hardware store. 
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    @BeachMommy2B Oh no! One time in Highschool I made a grilled cheese. Immediately after remove the pan from the stove I place the plastic butter lid on the still hot burner. UGH. Can remember how I got it off, but Im guessing it was still hot and used something to scrape it off. 
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    I grabbed the old wallet I let my toddler have months ago to play with when I headed out to the grocery store. Luckily my credit cart happened to be in my pocket, and I didn't have to show my ID that was at home. 

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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    I blanked out for a good 4 seconds when the barista at Starbucks asked me my name. 
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    @rosemarylaff That sounds like me. 

    Today at work, my coworker was trying to reference a conversation from earlier in the morning, and I had no clue what she was talking about. She was like, "you were standing right there watching so-and-so when she was talking about it!" Nope, no memory of it. 
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    I've forgotten my PIN number twice. I also put the single cup coffee drip thing on the sugar jar instead of the mug and poured the hot water into it. Made coffee into a brick of sugar. Ruined all the sugar and we had no more coffee. Sorry husband!
    <a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img src="" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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    A few weeks ago my husband had to be somewhere in a hurry and I was the last to drive the car. I looked for an hour for the keys and they were in my pocket the whole time. Long story short, he had to reschedule
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    The other day I was watching secret life of pets and turned to my DH and said "if (our dog's name) was a dog he would be that dog." I didn't even realize what I had said until my husband started cracking up. 
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