February 2017 Moms

Monday B*fest, 12/5


Re: Monday B*fest, 12/5

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    foxrosyfoxrosy member
    edited December 2016
    @tishb I want to rip this woman's lips off!!!

    ETA: And throw them back at her face!
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    @tishb - can we just storm in as an angry mob and tell her what is what?! I'm a FTM, but I have more sense than that biatch has

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    @tishb You are not allowed to drive or lift for a certain amount of time after your csection.  Could your doctor write something up for him to show her?   That's crazy that she isn't more understanding!   
    Married - 7/29/06
    Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09 
    Mia - 6/16/11
    Surprise! due 2/23/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @tishb I am so incredibly angry for you! I'm sorry your H's boss is acting this way! Does she not realize that a c-section is major surgery? 

    It makes me so frustrated with how crappy maternity/paternity leave is here in the US. It's sad that my H gets better leave than I do. I get six weeks UNPAID (and I'll be using 2 extra weeks of my paid sick plus PTO). H's company recently updated their policy (thankfully!) and he gets 8 weeks paid, which I'm very grateful for. Where he works, moms now get 16 weeks paid. I'm jealous! 
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    @tishb that is awful. With my second my csection was on a Friday and MH's boss at the time wanted him back at work to open Saturday morning. He ended up calling HR because he requested 10 days (wireless retail so open 7 days a week, only 6 of those were considered leave) and he was entitled to 14 days of paternity leave per their employee handbook and she put him on the schedule for the Monday after my csection which was the day I was being discharged. 
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    @cantalopes24 that's horrible! I would cut a bish!
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    @tishb she had kids too so no excuse IMO. I mean baby aside, I was having a pretty big surgery so he clearly needed to take time off. I don't get why people are such aholes about people taking time off from work for birth.
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    @tishb that is absolutely unreasonable of his boss!!! Reschedule your C section??! Effing ridiculous. I'm glad he's going to a higher up about this, I'm so angry for you!
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