June 2017 Moms

UO Thursday


Re: UO Thursday

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    @Mother0fDragons and @halfthetree, I'm with you on the cavities, DD1 is 10 and she has had three cavities, I feel so much guilt over it. We have horrible teeth genes.
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    @halfthetree I care about what my kids eat, but my son is beyond picky with everything.  He will eat zero meat except like frozen chicken nuggets, bacon or pepperoni.  I have gotten him to try stuff a few times but he gags to the point of almost puking.  The only way we get veggies in him is through pouches I am only lucky in the sense he loves all fruit and most dairy.  I know I get judged because I brought him a jelly sandwich to thanksgiving.  Sometimes I just am happy he is eating anything.  I seriously and terrified he will never out grow it because he is already 4.
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    @FSUNole31 I feel like kids go through stages... my kids used to eat everything I put in front of them (for the most part).  So fresh spinach salads, kale, brussell sprouts... I seriously mean, everything!  Over the past couple months one has decided he doesn't like tomatoes (if he can see them) so unless my husband hides them in whatever we are feeding them - he rejects the whole meal.  They also have both started to reject any meals that aren't what they ask for... which isn't going to fly, b/c we aren't make pizza and burritos every night (even though they are from scratch, crust included, as one of my son's has severe food allergies and we cook 99% of his meals for him).
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    @FSUNole31 I know it's not always the case, !but my younger brother was that way for the longest time. My aunts used to literally yell at my mother that she should force him to eat certain foods, but she was honestly just happy if he ate anything. He hit 10 and started trying different foods, because he knew he didn't have to eat something he didn't like, and honestly now he'll eat almost anything. Your boy may just grow out of it, but it could take a while. 
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    @michaela0704 he has been like this pretty much since he turned 2...luckily his sister is a pretty good eater so I have one that doesn't drive me insane every meal.  @hjphillips thank you for sharing!  That seriously gives me hope because my older sister gives me so much crap about bringing him food I know he will eat to events and such but if I know he won't eat I need to have something so he doesn't turn into a low blood sugar monster.  It is just really frustrating.  
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    Reading these, I thought of my OU. Picky eating is a learned behavior. Kids catch on to the fact that they can say they don't like it, and then they  get what they want. My kids eat what I make them and that's that. The plate will sit on the table through the night. No snacks, no short order cooking.. NOTHING! 

    My son tried to pull the gagging/vomit show and it got him no where.

    The 5 year old doesn't fight it anymore. He eats what he is given. My 3 year old has left his plate and has gone all night without eating. That's getting to be a very rare occasion since he is now catching on to the fact I don't give in. 
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    @FSUNole31 that's exactly what short order cooking is. Making them only what they want to eat. And I'm sorry, unless they are allergic to everything, they are making themselves throw up.
    its behavioral and your kid has learned it works.

    I am totally aware people will not agree with me, but it's my opinion. I hear all the time from my day care parents "oh they eat way better for you than us!!" Um yea because there is no choice. Trust me they've tried.  

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    @Wino0920 I appreciate your insight.
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    @itsfine  I'm still giggling 

                                                                DS #1 born 05/25/2012   
                                                         BFP#2:  06/12/2013 ---- loss
                                                                DS #2 born 4/08/2014
          BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
                                                                   BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
                                                                                                                                     * formally bornmommy

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    doodleoodledoodleoodle member
    edited December 2016
    I don't eat things I don't like so I don't expect little kids to. Some things make me gag that people would find strange like, bananas or yogurt. I think it's a texture thing. That being said, I dated a 30 year old man before I married DH, that would literally only eat grilled cheese, French fries, and breadsticks. He's a successful and very attractive man, but that was such a turn off. 

    My UO (staying on the food trend we seem to be on) guacamole is disgusting.

    edited typo
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    @keniialise So sorry to hear about your dog. I have a 14.5 year old dachshund and I dread when that days comes. I thought having kids and him not being my only baby would make it easier, but now my daughter just adores him too so I think it will just make it 10 times worse. DD tells everyone about her "brother" and then she gets a strange look when she says his name is Noodle. He also sits in an expired carseat (not strapped in) just so he doesn't slide on the seat and we feel so guilty that we will have to get rid of it since 3 carseats won't fit in our backseat. 

    On that note, my UO is people should lock up their dogs who aren't used to kids when kids come over. As you can tell, I adore my dog, but I lock him in my bedroom when kids come over since kids he doesn't know well make him nervous. I hate when people say "this is the dog's house too so if you don't like it oh well". It is better for your poor dog's nerves as well as the child's. If the dog is all about kids, keep them out by all means

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    Teacher Mom I hope your sweet Noodle continues to have a long and love filled life! My Penelope was a smooth haired dapple. Dachshunds are the best! 
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    ellie111227ellie111227 member
    edited December 2016

    On that note, my UO is people should lock up their dogs who aren't used to kids when kids come over. As you can tell, I adore my dog, but I lock him in my bedroom when kids come over since kids he doesn't know well make him nervous. I hate when people say "this is the dog's house too so if you don't like it oh well". It is better for your poor dog's nerves as well as the child's. If the dog is all about kids, keep them out by all means
    I totally agree with this. If you invite people over, you should make your house reasonably hospitable. If your dog is calm and good with kids, great. Maybe warn the parent if they don't know about the pet just in case the child has a fear or something. But if your dog is crazy, you need to either not invite people with tiny children over, our you need to keep the dog in a separate room outside while they are there. That drives me crazy.

    On another note, I do think that pets are part of families, but I also find it super offensive when people compare the death of their pet to the death of a child. I get that we all love our pets, but they are animal members of our families, not humans. It is not the same as losing a son or daughter. I also hate when people refer to their pets as "adopted children." Coming from a family made up of both biological and adopted children as well as a dog, no, my adopted brother is not categorically the same as the dog. Ugh.

    Edited to fix autocorrect nonsense.
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    I'm in the camp where you should lock up animals that are unfamiliar with Children too. My mom has a 100lb dog that snips and bites and she wouldn't crate him even when the kids were very small. There's nothing like walking through the house with your baby over your head. We hardly go there because of it. 

    Pets are family to me...but there's a line where I feel it's unreasonable to risk an infant's safety over making the dog sad because it feels left out. 

    Oh, at my uncle's house we have to sit on the floor at Christmas because they have two big dogs that "have" to sit on the couch but there isn't enough room. 

    Now you've got me started...
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers  
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP #1 9/1999. DD Born 6/7/2000
    BFP #2 10/2011. EDD 7/11/12. MMC discovered 11/2/11. D&C 11/4/11.
    DX PCOS 10/2012.
    BFP#3 1/11/13. DS Born 9/17/2013
    BFP#4 9/30/17. Grow baby grow! 
    ~Everyone Welcome~
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    @FSUNole31, have you ever checked out It's Not About Nutrition? She has tips for dealing with picky eaters. 
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @BelhurstBride I haven't, but I will check it out.  Thank you!
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

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    Okay. I've got one: I don't like TV shows, generally speaking. There's a few here and there I've liked, but I just can't get into them. I don't like binge watching things unless it's Star Trek. I'd rather just watch a movie. 
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    @FSUNole31 I'm with you. Sometimes picky eating is a learned behavior. But every kid is different. My son just won't eat. The plate will stay out all night. He will only eat when we happen to be having something he likes. Other nights I guess he gets through on what he ate for breakfast. He's almost 3 and it still isn't getting him to eat any different foods.
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    On the picky eater issue: My kids are pretty bad. I have to force them to try pretty much everything we eat. I operate like the person who said that they get what I give them and if they don't eat it, they do not eat. HOWEVER, if they give it a reasonable shot (i.e., they try at least a few bites on a few different occasions), they are allowed to not like it and then I just will probably make it less often. Just like I don't like things, they are absolutely allowed to not like things. What I do not allow is an absolute refusal to not try something. They like to just take the most minuscule lick and then act like it's the worst thing EVER. Nope, not happening. They will not starve themselves so now that they know that we are serious about them not getting anything after dinner if they don't eat, the craziest thing happens - they eat!!! Some nights they probably go to bed hungry but the goal is that they learn a lesson. 

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
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