I hate Christmas music. Especially the radio stations that play all Christmas music all the time from Thanksgiving on. I love every other part of the holiday but the music. Can't wait for it to be off my radio for another year!
@silliegirlie143 that's funny!! I guess I missed that last week. I could have written your UO for this week word for word as well. I will eat the pie crust on the bottom of the pie but once I get the last bit of filling out I'm done! I don't understand the people who go nuts about homemade pie crust because it's all gross
This is going to be a 50/50 opinion, I know many people who feel like me but then there are others who are completely confused as how I feel the way I do.
A week a go yesterday we lost our family dog of 8 years, suddenly and tragically.. she was my best friend and in the last 8 years we spent less than 20 days apart. Im struggling really hard and I've never felt so broken and low. I've made a few facebook posts concerning my feelings on how I haven't wanted to get out of bed and me feeling so low.
Ive had so many people send my sympathy one part of the 50, but then there is the other 50 who are " it's just a dog, not a person you'll get over it.. go get a new puppy" side of things...
my my unpopular opinion is that pets are family and should be treated no less.
@keniialise I am so sorry about your doggie. I agree 100% that pets are family. If you don't have a pet, you don't understand. We had to re-home one of our dogs who was 8 years old back in January. I STILL cry when I think about him. I'm not going to sugar coat it and tell you that it gets better. For me, it just doesn't. Have you found the strength to visit the website rainbowbridge? There are so many encouraging things that sometimes help you feel a little bit better. Hugs to you!
@silliegirlie143 and @kassyfry I am with you on the pie crust! Give me the filling and I'm done... better yet I'll take some cake or cookies.
@keniialise I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through. My dog is my best friend and he's getting older. I will be completely devastated when he is no longer part of my life. They are without a doubt family members and cannot be replaced.
@keniialise I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend dog, Penelope, over a year ago. It has been one of the most difficult things I've gone through. She was one of my greatest loves and I often still grieve in silence because I feel like people will judge me for being so upset over the loss of a dog when there are a million worse things that could happen. My husband and I still tell my son about his "sister" and how silly she was and compare some of the silly things he does to the things she did. I probably sound crazy but I totally get it. Dogs are family and losing them is so hard.
@keniialise I sure hope you are in the majority opinion because I think dogs are most definitely family members and should be treated as such My two dogs are my babies and I would be equally as heart broken if I lost one of them.
I'm half and half with the dog opinion. Our dog is absolutely apart of our family and I would be devastated if she passed. With that being said, she is still a dog, she eats her poop and other animal poop outside, she will be fine if I don't buy her organic food. She will be fine if I don't let her sleep in our bed, etc.
@keniilaise I'm 100% with you that pets are family members. I was raised in a family with lots of pets and they are just little or big family members with lots of fur. They have emotions and feelings just like we do. I've had my dog for 11years now and she's been with me through a lot. As a single sailor she used to be my driving force to get through long days on deployment whether out to sea or when I was boots on the ground in Afghanistan. I kept pictures of her in my Kevlar vest in Afghan and always have pictures of her on my desk at work. Now that I'm married she and my husband occupy most of the real estate on my desk now.
@keniilaise I am sorry for your loss. I am the 50% that is like "it's just a pet." BUT... I will say this... I am not an animal person. I think it stems from my childhood when I got bit by a dog at a young age. So, most of my life I have been scared of most animals. Now, I have always had a dog, and been very sad when they died, it is something that is just not deeply emotional for me. My sister works with a lady who called in for 3 days after her cat died. I thought that was ridiculous....
My UO: Chipotle is overrated. I'd rather have Moe's anyday.
@keniialise I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. We had a dog die suddenly about a month ago for no reason. He was only three years old so I understand what you are feeling. Your UO is a hot topic in my house. I was raised in a house where all the pets lived inside, got Christmas presents, and slept with us. My husband had never had a dog in the house until we got married. It's still a strange concept for him especially now that we have two and even harder for my father in law to comprehend when he comes to visit. My husband always tells me he isn't attached to our pets because they are "just animals" when I tell them they are family, too.
@Wino0920 - I'm with you. I'd be sad if something happened to my dogs but, if I'm being totally honest, I'm more worried about helping my kids get through their loss than I would be sad about my own dog. I hope thats the first loss they truly experience since death is a hard one for a kid...
I guess I'm pretty "matter of fact" about life, though. Not that I wouldn't be devastated if someone were to part sooner than later but death is a part of life. (I did loss my brother suddenly 13 years ago and the pain is still as painful as the day he died but its changed into now wishing he was here to see my kids grow, etc...)
To me, a dog's death can hurt but it is a dog's death, not really comparable to a person's death. (So I guess that's my UO.)
DS #1 born 05/25/2012 BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss DS #2 born 4/08/2014 BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM BFP#5 - 9/22/2016 * formally bornmommy
This isn't my UO but it's my moms and it has always blown my mind (because I disagree STRONGLY).
Her UO is:
Mint and chocolate NEVER belong together. Ever.
I just feel so sad and confused every time I remember she hates the two together...it's seriously my fav.
Edit- @keniialise I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. Dogs are like family, and to many, the grieving process is the same. My "baby" is 10 years old now (I've had him since he was 9 weeks old) and it's hard to imagine our lives without him. Hugs.
@Turbotastic I think that if I ever got another dog I'd feel this way. I had her before my son and think that's a big part of why I was attached. I sadly don't see dogs the same anymore.
I'm definitely in the 'dogs are family' camp. I have always had animals as long as I can honestly remember. My parents got our first dog when I was 2.5. My two terrier mutts are my favorite thing about coming home at the end of the day and sometimes more in tune with my mood and needs than my husband. i think cats can be similar, but most cats I have been around are pretty aloof.
My unpopular opinion is really not that unpopular I don't think. I hate current fashion. Give me a wrap dress or boot cut jeans. My body doesn't look good in skinny jeans or these loose dresses that are everywhere these days! I need to excentuate my curves!
This isn't my UO but it's my moms and it has always blown my mind (because I disagree STRONGLY).
Her UO is:
Mint and chocolate NEVER belong together. Ever.
I just feel so sad and confused every time I remember she hates the two together...it's seriously my fav.
Edit- @keniialise I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. Dogs are like family, and to many, the grieving process is the same. My "baby" is 10 years old now (I've had him since he was 9 weeks old) and it's hard to imagine our lives without him. Hugs.
Ughhhhhhh I agree with your mom! I hate it too! SO gross!
@keniialise I'm so sorry for your loss, how heartbreaking. I'm with you. Pets are family! Our dog is allowed on our couch, she sleeps in bed with us, she comes on trips with us when we can, she is a member of our family for sure!
My UO comes from working with kids. If you feed your child crap at home, packaged foods constantly and milk by the cupful.... their body shows it. Consistently, those ar the kids who are constipated, whose poop smells darn awful, and the first ones to be sick. Ones who eat healthy, eat a variety of fruits and veg... no terrible poops, no gross breath. People need to give a shit about what their kids eat.
2014 we lost both of our dogs within 6 months. It was months before I stopped crying daily- especially after we lost the second one. The first one was somewhat expected, but the second was a total surprise.
We still don't have a dog because I can't bring myself to have to go through that again.
My UO: I really dislike Gone With the Wind. I found the main character to be whiny and entitled and I don't really get why people love it so much. Also LONG. The extended cut of Return of the King seemed shorter.
I feel like this is a good thread to jump in on since my intro.
My UO: I hate snap chat. If I have to see on more grown-ass adult post a picture or video of themselves as a sparkle fairy princess or a bumblebee or something equally stupid, I'll lose it. It's like, ok Deborah you're 45.
@halfthetree I worry so much someone will judge me based on my son's teeth. He's 19 months and has cavities on his lateral incisors. We have a pretty good dang diet (I'm allergic to everything-corn, wheat, soy, dairy, basically all processed food so we keep very little in the house if at all), never had a bottle to bed, hasn't ever had juice, I brush his teeth twice a day and he STILL got cavities. I have horrible teeth and was worried about his and lucky him, he got my bad genes. I get so nervous people will say something about his black teeth and assume I'm a crappy parent that feeds him crap (lucky us, the temporary filling turns the cavities black).
@Mother0fDragons ugh I get that! My son had 7 cavities and a root canal last year, at 5 years. We have horrible teeth genetics, I always get the mom guilt over it.
I am 50/50 on the dog thing. I think they are part of the family and should be treated well. I mean, I don't know about doggy day care and birthday parties and such, but if we are going to have them, they should be treated very well. However, when they die, I am sad for a bit and I miss them but it doesn't impact my life THAT much. Call me cold and heartless but I just don't get that emotional about animals and I cannot understand being bereft over them (and I have ALWAYS had a dog and have always loved them!). I guess I can just be very matter of fact about the fact that they were never going to live nearly as long as me, and also, it means we will be looking for a puppy!
Me: 36; DH: 38 DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17! **TW** MMC & D&C Aug 2016
@Wino0920 - I'm with you. I'd be sad if something happened to my dogs but, if I'm being totally honest, I'm more worried about helping my kids get through their loss than I would be sad about my own dog. I hope thats the first loss they truly experience since death is a hard one for a kid...
I guess I'm pretty "matter of fact" about life, though. Not that I wouldn't be devastated if someone were to part sooner than later but death is a part of life. (I did loss my brother suddenly 13 years ago and the pain is still as painful as the day he died but its changed into now wishing he was here to see my kids grow, etc...)
To me, a dog's death can hurt but it is a dog's death, not really comparable to a person's death. (So I guess that's my UO.)
This. And I am fine with others being sad about their dog, but I really can't stand "animal people" who judge others for not thinking animals are superior beings.
I work for an animal org, so I do care about animals. But I grew up on a farm, so animals are animals and people are people, to me.
I do have a heart. @keniialise I am so sorry for your loss.
My UO: I dislike most comedy movies. I find them prescriptive and tiresome.
@halfthetree the mom guilt is the worst. I probably put it all on myself and always bring it up because I assume people are judging. I shouldn't care but I can't help it.
Re: UO Thursday
I can't stand pie crust. It doesn't matter if it's on an actual pie, quiche, whatever. Crust = GROSS!!
A week a go yesterday we lost our family dog of 8 years, suddenly and tragically.. she was my best friend and in the last 8 years we spent less than 20 days apart.
Im struggling really hard and I've never felt so broken and low. I've made a few facebook posts concerning my feelings on how I haven't wanted to get out of bed and me feeling so low.
Ive had so many people send my sympathy one part of the 50, but then there is the other 50 who are " it's just a dog, not a person you'll get over it.. go get a new puppy" side of things...
my my unpopular opinion is that pets are family and should be treated no less.
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
@keniialise I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through. My dog is my best friend and he's getting older. I will be completely devastated when he is no longer part of my life. They are without a doubt family members and cannot be replaced.
@keniialise We consider our pets family as well. Our older dogs is like our first child. I will be devastated when we lose him.
My UO: Chipotle is overrated. I'd rather have Moe's anyday.
I guess I'm pretty "matter of fact" about life, though. Not that I wouldn't be devastated if someone were to part sooner than later but death is a part of life. (I did loss my brother suddenly 13 years ago and the pain is still as painful as the day he died but its changed into now wishing he was here to see my kids grow, etc...)
To me, a dog's death can hurt but it is a dog's death, not really comparable to a person's death. (So I guess that's my UO.)
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
Her UO is:
Mint and chocolate NEVER belong together. Ever.
I just feel so sad and confused every time I remember she hates the two together...it's seriously my fav.
Edit- @keniialise I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. Dogs are like family, and to many, the grieving process is the same. My "baby" is 10 years old now (I've had him since he was 9 weeks old) and it's hard to imagine our lives without him. Hugs.
DH: 29
DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017
My unpopular opinion is really not that unpopular I don't think. I hate current fashion. Give me a wrap dress or boot cut jeans. My body doesn't look good in skinny jeans or these loose dresses that are everywhere these days! I need to excentuate my curves!
DH: 29
DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017
My UO comes from working with kids. If you feed your child crap at home, packaged foods constantly and milk by the cupful.... their body shows it. Consistently, those ar the kids who are constipated, whose poop smells darn awful, and the first ones to be sick. Ones who eat healthy, eat a variety of fruits and veg... no terrible poops, no gross breath. People need to give a shit about what their kids eat.
2014 we lost both of our dogs within 6 months. It was months before I stopped crying daily- especially after we lost the second one. The first one was somewhat expected, but the second was a total surprise.
We still don't have a dog because I can't bring myself to have to go through that again.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
My UO: I hate snap chat. If I have to see on more grown-ass adult post a picture or video of themselves as a sparkle fairy princess or a bumblebee or something equally stupid, I'll lose it. It's like, ok Deborah you're 45.
@EmeraldNC - I'm with you about chocolate and mint. I never found it yummy. Why spoil chocolate with breath freshener?!
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
I work for an animal org, so I do care about animals. But I grew up on a farm, so animals are animals and people are people, to me.
I do have a heart. @keniialise I am so sorry for your loss.
My UO: I dislike most comedy movies. I find them prescriptive and tiresome.
Yeh, I went there.
Me: 29 DH: 35
Married: 9/29/12
DS #1: 3/8/15