October 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest (9/26)

kmtz89kmtz89 member
edited September 2016 in October 2016 Moms
I almost forgot it was Monday again...

let's hear it! 
*American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
DH - Tanzanian
BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024

Re: Monday Bitchfest (9/26)

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    My Monday way to early in the am BF is DD2 is sick again with a chest cold so since H isn't home she slept with me last night cause she is a fairly sick little muffin, and only sleepy when I was holding her hand. DD2 came into my room at 4:30am saying her bed was wet. Well sure enough she peed the bed cause she figured it was a good idea to take her pull up off before bed. FFS kid I have enough on the go tonight, and this was 100% preventable if you would've kept your pull up on. So off comes all the bedding, she has none now cause I'm short on twin size bedding. So I gave her one blanket, turned up the heat and scolded her as I put anther pull up on and sent her back to bed. 
    This all goes down last night between bouts of heartburn and peeing. Oh and no Husband home to help. 
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    Woke up leaking, feverish, and vomiting again. Followed proptly by a string of quite painful BH for an hour or so before I finally fell ba k asleep. BOO! That's what I get for having such a good day yesterday.
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    I'm super achey down below and really wishing I started working from home this week instead of next week :neutral:
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    My lower back is killing me because I tried to do a little organization in my bedroom. Having to be so inactive this pregnancy is really killing my body.

    i am also so tired. Like puffy eyes- don't want to move tired. 
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    I'm just super stressed about money as we look forward to delivery/the baby/ect. Little things keep popping up that we have to spend money on now that are frustrating because I want to be saving.
    *American lady living in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD December 31, 2024
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    Yesterday I had a slightly active day of cleaning, a couple of errands, and talking the dogs for a short walk. Those activities were broken up with plenty of time laying on the couch resting, but this morning I woke up feeling like I did some incredibly intense workout the day before!  Every muscle is sore.  My body is tired of carrying this bump around!
    Me (28) & DH (29)
    Married: May 2015
    BFP 1/24/16 EDD 10/4/16
    It's a boy!

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    I know it's for his own health, but we have another dr appt this AM to check LO's bili and I am so sick of going! We have gone last tues, thurs, fri, sat, today. His poor little heels are black and blue :(

    I guess its giving me a lot of practice getting out if the house with a baby.
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    @Blonde1817 this is me right now too. I felt good yesterday and nesting kicked in full force and I think I did a little too much! Today I feel awful. I have such lower back pain and intense pressure. It doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night to boot. So I think I'm heading home early to rest and hopefully get a nice nap in while laying on a heating pad. 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    @OrangeEv I hope his levels look good today and hope the sticks are ending soon!! Poor baby! 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    I had an iced coffee at 4pm yday when we went to the movies. I should have known better. That tiny bit of caffeine messed with my sleep so much. :( I woke up no joke probably 15 times to pee. Also, my hands and feet have started swelling. 
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    Oh, man, @sjo_thetwins - why are those babies so comfy and just chillin'?? Come on, ladies, your mommies are ready to meet you!!

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    today is my one and only cervix check. also i'm starving and don't want to get dressed or out of bed. 
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    @sjo_thetwins I'm with you on the having to move around to empty bladder out. It's not fun! :( 
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    @annabenanna My love tit is a hug. I had earl grey tea with dessert last weekend when we were out for my b-day and I was up all night as well. We're all going to have to work on our alchohol and caffeine tolerance once these babies are out!

    Me: 32 & DH: 37
    Married: November 2014
    TTC #1 Since: October 2015
    BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP
    BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
    IT'S A BOY!!!!
    DS Born 10/16/16

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    My BF is my mother, who last night had the great revelation that the true reason why I am upset about having a c-section is because I "just like to fight". No, I don't like to fight. In fact I avoid conflict like the plague and sometimes cry just because other people are fighting close to me. The fact that she doesn't know this is reason #6443578 why I don't want her to visit to "support" me. It also didn't help that this conversation came directly after my dad forwarded me their flight itinerary - for a visit two weeks earlier than we discussed. 
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
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    Thank you @MRSCORKER!  I need that hug.  I used to be able to drink coffee AFTER dinner, and it wouldn't affect me.  I guess things have changed now. :(

    Also, i have a REAL BF!!!!

    My temp who I trained last Thursday and Friday has disappeared!  Poof!  Gone!  Not coming in today, or ever. :(:(:(  Lord let me go into labor tonight.  
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    @annabenanna whaaaat? What a terrible temp
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    @annabenanna What the heck? People are so unreliable these days. 

    Im still pregnant. Can that be my BF? Im in so much pain and starting to lose my mind. I need him to get out as soon as possible!

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    I caught some kind of cold last week and have been stuffed up & miserable all weekend. My husband bought me some Breathe Right strips because I can't breathe out of my nose. Even those aren't helping. He's been sleeping downstairs on an air mattress since Friday because the snoring and constant bathroom trips are keeping him up all night :(
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    @annabenanna... that gif! hahahaha... and did you scare off that temp? ;) Seriously though... what a jerk! Doesn't he/she know you need coverage?!

    @sjo_thetwins ...yes to the rocking! I figured that out after I peed on my hand a couple of times and thought... wtf? I was done! 
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    @bnsmith85, isn't it the best gif?  I love this one and I love the one of the little girl who just decides she just can't with life and goes to sleep in the sand. lol.  But yes, she knows I need coverage, she knew time was of the essence.  I wish she had just come in Thursday and did the trial and then let us know Friday that she doesn't want to do it. :(  
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    @annabenanna that is horrible, how could you do that to a pregnant lady?????????
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    +1 to the still pregnant BF. It sucks for real. I can not imagine how I will get through 15 more days of work.

    My BF is that SO turned on the light this morning in the bedroom when it was a morning I got to sleep in before work.....needless to say, I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and walked the dog, then it started downpouring. THEN, I get on highway for work and realize I left my lunch on the counter.. then I decide its been a shitty morning so I will treat myself to Starbucks on way to work. Drive thru royally messed up my order.

    Yep, I'm done with today!

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    It hasn't been decided who is taking care of my stuff at work and I leave TOMORROW!..... my boss says he'll take over but he is already taking over someone else, but anyways he is the only one responsible for this, it's not like I just told him yesterday.

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    @Sprinkles28 Starbucks is also my go-to "I'm having a crap day so I deserve this" haha. I hate when it gets messed up though. I got all the way to work once before I realized they forgot the coffee (espresso shot) part of my caramel machiatto. And I work nightshift. 
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    My H has decided that he needs to go to Vegas "for work" in January. It's an optional conference they have every year & he's never gone before, but he "needs" to this year. The conference is Wednesday-Friday. So he just booked himself a trip for Tuesday-Sunday because he "doesn't want to have a rushed trip." Are you eff'ing kidding me? I'll have a 2 1/2 to 3 month old newborn at home by myself and will have just made the transition back to work the week before, which in itself is going to suck major balls. And he's going on vacation. I don't even know how to react to this. His level of selfishness is now off the charts. 
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    @Kaessi Damn, did he even ask you first?
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    Kaessi said:
    My H has decided that he needs to go to Vegas "for work" in January. It's an optional conference they have every year & he's never gone before, but he "needs" to this year. The conference is Wednesday-Friday. So he just booked himself a trip for Tuesday-Sunday because he "doesn't want to have a rushed trip." Are you eff'ing kidding me? I'll have a 2 1/2 to 3 month old newborn at home by myself and will have just made the transition back to work the week before, which in itself is going to suck major balls. And he's going on vacation. I don't even know how to react to this. His level of selfishness is now off the charts. 
    I would be absolutely livid. Especially since it sounds like he didn't talk to you about it at all first...
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    So I haven't been on  here in a while, but I thought this would be a great place to put this...my Monday bitch fest = kidney stones. 9 months pregnant is hard enough...try adding those things in the mix!!!!! I was in the hospital for 3 days last week on a dilaudid drip...still haven't passed them, trying to use percocet sparingly but let me just say this is not fun!!! 
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    @Kaessi Ugh that's so annoying. My husband will be on a work trip to Orlando in January as well. He didn't take an extra day but I'm annoyed enough that he's going to be gone my second week back to work with a 2.5 month old. He did offer for us to join him...I laughed at that idea. 
    DH: 34
    Married: May 2011
    TTC #1: May 2015
    DS: 10/20/2016
    TTC #2: June 2019
    #2 EDD: 2/20/2020
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    @Kaessi I don't even know how to react to that. Especially since he didn't even talk to you about it first. I would be super pissed. What did he say when you said all that to him?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @Kaessi, you are right to be livid.  I would be too.  That is totally not okay.  The work part, I get.... but extending it, really?  Without discussing this with you?
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    I have been ridiculously busy all day today. Like so busy that it is 4:00 pm and I am just now eating my LUNCH
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

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