June 2016 Moms

Wonder Weeks


Re: Wonder Weeks

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    My Calvin started leap 3 a few days early. I was relieved when I realized a leap was coming up and my kid hadn't just become a monster for no reason. This one was a doozy, but I think we are almost through the worst of it.
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    How long did it last? 
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    I feel like it can goes either way with start time cause I think leap one was late and leap 2 and 3 are early.  Then again he was really fussy all through weeks 2-8 then I started noticing the difference between good days and bad.
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    @amangels2 This leap's bad days were about 4 or 5 days
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    Okay thanks :smile:
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    Is wonder weeks only for developmental leaps or does it include growth spurts? Jackie has reverted from sleeping for 4-5 hours at night back to 2-3 and eating every 2-3 hours, but she supposedly just wrapped up the second leap.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    meggyme said:
    Is wonder weeks only for developmental leaps or does it include growth spurts? Jackie has reverted from sleeping for 4-5 hours at night back to 2-3 and eating every 2-3 hours, but she supposedly just wrapped up the second leap.
    From the app: The first three growth spurts of the head circumference after birth coincides with the first thee "leaps" in the mental development of your baby. Other growth spurts rarely coincide with leaps because they are much more frequent than leaps. For example, the development of teeth does not coincide with the leaps of a baby.

    So, from that, sounds like a no to general growth spurts. Is she fussy too? Or just eating more often and more overnight again?
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
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    She was fussy a couple days ago at the end of her leap. Now she's just back to eating more frequently after giving us a taste of what sleeping longer stretches might feel like (aka heaven).
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    I thought our leap was over, then shit hit the fan again. Back to not wanting to sleep and the last night he stayed awake for 5 hours and screamed for the last 3. Now I don't know what to think. We never had a night like that before.
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    Oh yeah, def in leap three.  Clingy, crying, eating more.  Just a few days left
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    Oh yeah, def in leap three.  Clingy, crying, eating more.  Just a few days left
    At least that's a short-ish one. Leap four looks miserable.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    meggyme said:
    Oh yeah, def in leap three.  Clingy, crying, eating more.  Just a few days left
    At least that's a short-ish one. Leap four looks miserable.
     Ugh yeah sooooo not looking forward to that one.  But the signs of that one seem like they will be a more clingy again rather than crying a lot and wanting to eat all the time
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    Oh yeah, def in leap three.  Clingy, crying, eating more.  Just a few days left
    We're just coming out of leap 3, and it was a tough one. Good luck!
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    annaf2011 said:
    Oh yeah, def in leap three.  Clingy, crying, eating more.  Just a few days left
    We're just coming out of leap 3, and it was a tough one. Good luck!
     Thanks, today has been the worst so far. Super clingy, bad naps, super fussy even before bed.  
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    Sam isn't supposed to start leap 4 for another 5 days, but he is definitely showing the signs. Especially the sudden mood shifts. Holy cow. 
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    Does anyone else feel like they get threw a wonder week then there baby goes through a growth spurt and it's time for another wonder week...it's a never ending cycle lol
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    We started experiencing symptoms of a growth spurt/sleep regression two weeks ago, and just now have officially started the 4th leap. I'm wondering if my LO is ahead or just a special flower who doesn't sleep!
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    @26pointrunningfor2 my LO hates sleep he acts like he it's the worst thing in the world and nap time is a bitch.  I seriously want to know where the whole sleeping like a baby thing came from because mine never does!
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    Leap 3 is hard. He's not the only one who feels like crying. 
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    Leap 3 is hard. He's not the only one who feels like crying. 
    I did cry last night, DS just yelled for almost an hour while we were trying to take 3 month photos. I feel like these leaps are even rougher now that I'm back at work, because most of the fussiness comes at night, so I get all the pain and my mom (who is watching him) gets all the laughter
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
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    @Laur51615 you are not alone-- us too!

    @MistKeeper I cry during every leap. 

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    I reward myself at the end of each leap with a bottle of wine to celebrate...there rough
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    Leap 3 is hard. He's not the only one who feels like crying. 
    I did cry last night, DS just yelled for almost an hour while we were trying to take 3 month photos. I feel like these leaps are even rougher now that I'm back at work, because most of the fussiness comes at night, so I get all the pain and my mom (who is watching him) gets all the laughter
    I'm not back at work, but my MIL tells me how easy he is and wonderful. While he is wonderful, she doesn't see the evenings. I can imagine not getting the morning smiles makes it even worse. Although in all fairness, today has been a sh*t show from the beginning. 
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      Somebody said the leaps can happen a week early or later?  Do they still have the same duration?  Leap 3 "ended" yesterday, but seems to have only really begun Monday and today has been horrible!  Just wondering if I could still count this as a leap?
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    @KaylaR628 yes, they can start early or late. My baby always seems to be early.
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    Seriously cannot wait for Leap #3 to end! I'm more tired now than I was when she was first born!
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    Seriously cannot wait for Leap #3 to end! I'm more tired now than I was when she was first born!
    Ditto. This one is CRAZY!
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    jmd921154 said:
    Seriously cannot wait for Leap #3 to end! I'm more tired now than I was when she was first born!
    Ditto. This one is CRAZY!
     Leap 4 ain't no picnic... Ugh and this is the long one.
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    I'm about to lose my damn mind over Leap 4 with the sleep regression. 
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    I'm about to lose my damn mind over Leap 4 with the sleep regression. 
     Right!? Ugh and Preston started rolling in his sleep.  We got lucky last night he suddenly slept for 6 hours but he did have the pacifier where as normally at night he doesn't cause he passes out after eating but last night right after I out him down he got woken by gas and I had to sooth him with the pacifier.
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    Alright!  Y'all are scaring me!!  We are supposedly entering leap 3 and will be in the midst of it while attempting a cross country trip from WI to OR with the LO in tow.  I really hope he is late with this leap and waits until we get back.  I am currently in complete denial that I have to do this trip is less than a week.  Plane ride with a stop in Denver and then a 3 hour car ride through the mountains once we get to OR. :'(  I really should start praying now.
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    Leap 4 looks like a goddamn horror movie
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    adiaz132003adiaz132003 member
    edited September 2016
    Leap 4 looks like a goddamn horror movie

    ..... It is..... *Weeps in the corner*

    Eta: ok maybe I overreact.  Honestly the thing we are dealing with is the mood swings. He suddenly gets fussy in the evenings again like when he was tiny.  He acts almost like he has gas but it's weird that it happens the same time every day.  He will also fight being held but then demand soothing of we put him down.  And because he is rolling he does it in his sleep and he doesn't seem to sleep as well.
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    What I'm noticing in leap 4 is the mood changes. He goes from super happy to super fussy like lightning. 
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    Ugh the leap 4 fuss is horrible!  I actually mistook his crankiness for being tires only an hour is after a 2 hour nap so I out him down but he only slept for 30 min and soon after became fussy again.  
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    When is leap four supposed to start I think we may have started here LO is 15.5 weeks? Gotta get this app!
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    What I have noticed the most with leap 4 is Sam's inability to play by himself. He needs my attention all the time. Up until this point he would play on his activity mat for ~30 minutes. Now he will play for maybe 5 minutes and then he's fussing.  He most happy just sitting in my lap. I've also noticed he doesn't want to hold his head up anymore. Whether it's during tummy time or when I sit him  on my knees. It's so strange. I kind of miss my happy baby. 
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    When is leap four supposed to start I think we may have started here LO is 15.5 weeks? Gotta get this app!
    14.5 weeks is when it starts, so it sounds like you're there. Sorry, this one is a doozy.
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    amangels2 said:
    What I have noticed the most with leap 4 is Sam's inability to play by himself. He needs my attention all the time. Up until this point he would play on his activity mat for ~30 minutes. Now he will play for maybe 5 minutes and then he's fussing.  He most happy just sitting in my lap. I've also noticed he doesn't want to hold his head up anymore. Whether it's during tummy time or when I sit him  on my knees. It's so strange. I kind of miss my happy baby. 
     Me too.  He went down for bed at 7 today then woke an hour later fussing which got worse each to e we went in and soothed him back to sleep until he started screaming bloody murder and we have been trying everything we can to soothe him for the past hour. Even now he is in his crib awake but calm so we walked out hoping he will fall asleep. I doubt it though. I think I will have to sleep with him tonight.
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    They will go back right? My happy baby will return in 32 days right? 
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