Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

How do I cope?

I thought I was doing good because I was keeping busy and keeping up with our 1 year old and keeping myself happy. Lately I have just been over taken by grief sometimes and get all mopey. It doesn't make it any better that we were due March 8th and literally everyone we know that is having a baby are due in March. One that is really close is my sister in law. She is due at the end of march but they won't let her go past 36 weeks due to health reasons and previous losses. I am excited for her to finally have a baby after 3 losses two of which were tramatic. I pray every day that it works out for her this time but at the same time I feel so much jealousy to everyone I know that is due in March. I hate feeling like that. I know God had a reason for taking my baby but it's so hard. 

Re: How do I cope?

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    Hi I am so sorry for your loss I lost my little bean in june and its heartbreaking everyone I come across is due the time I was I keep saying to my DH I dont know how I will get through new years as that was my due date I have all the sympathy in the world with you like you I have children 2 a girl and a boy they ease the pain somewhat hugs your way 
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    I understand your grief.  I was listening to a conversation and the person said they were pregnant and die March 12 which was our due date and I totally lost it.   I think anytime I hear of someone due around then it will upset me forever.  Hopefully it gets less painful but I think it will always hurt.  Well I know it will. 
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    So sorry for your loss. Glad that you're trying to be hopeful for her. I know how hard that can be. My sister's best friend (who I'm pretty close with) is due the week after I was. My due date is tomorrow. Sometimes it's hard to be happy for others when you're in pain and that's a totally normal feeling! It is a long road to feeling better. I still have good days and bad days. Some are a mixture of both but it's okay. I've been telling myself lately "let go of what you cannot control and push forward" I'm mentally forcing myself to push forward into positive things. I'm learning to accept the loss will always be painful but hat doesn't mean every day needs to be painful too. Hope you can find the motivation in each day to push forward into positive things and remember your little one with love and try to keep your head up. It does get better xo
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