October 2016 Moms

FFFC 08.12.2016


Re: FFFC 08.12.2016

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    @bamacoop @LMNOBaby Same - it's Friday afternoon and I've done most of my time-sensitive work. Time to delve into TB and do all the baby research!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    @bamacoop and @LMNOBaby I'm procrastinating heavily too.  If it's not urgent, I have no desire to work on it.  I just want to be on maternity leave.  According to my spreadsheet, I only have 42 work days left!!!  That knowledge is all that's getting me through 
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    I've already decided that I'm leaving early today since my boss is off today.
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    This week has also dragged on for me work wise.  I'm finally hitting that first trimester fatigue all over again. I'm exhausted and I haven't made it to work before 10-11 all week. Usually I'm here at 7:30-8. Thankfully we all kinda work on our own thing and no one is checking time or whatever but I feel guilty.
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    @chriscasey33 I've been bumping for almost 2 years and still don't know all the acronyms haha Is there a master list I am missing somewhere because I'm mobile?
    I found it by randomly clicking around during my 3 day waiting period.  But of course, now for the life of me, I can't remember where.
    Me: 36 & DH: 40
    Married: November 2015
    DD 10/19/2016
    BFP:  8/20/2018 - EDD 5/4/2019
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    UGH I feel you @kamroberts and @ibabyloveb87 !!! DH is also 6'5 (and a big teddy bear guy in general), so I get so many of those comments. I'm 5'2, and was only 4 lbs at birth... maybe the baby will be smaller! MILs... I swear. 

    Me: 31 | DH: 43
    BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
    Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
    BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
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    Yay @sportiegrl1213 !!  I say you order pizza tonight and follow it up with cake. ;)
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    @chriscasey33 I've been bumping for almost 2 years and still don't know all the acronyms haha Is there a master list I am missing somewhere because I'm mobile?
    I found it by randomly clicking around during my 3 day waiting period.  But of course, now for the life of me, I can't remember where.
    @AllyTheKid @chriscasey33 Here is the link: https://www.thebump.com/community-glossary JIC you want it
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Well I'll be, thanks lady ;)@emmaaa
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    @AllyTheKid You're welcome! I have it bookmarked because I still forget the acronyms sometimes.
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @emmaaa At this point, I have WAY more fun just guessing and making assumptions... really spices up certain instances sometimes.
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    I have been having days lately I just want this baby out NOW. I feel bad cause I know there is lots of preemie moms out there that tried everything to keep their baby in but I'm just done completely done being pregnant. Nothing doesn't hurt on my body, my mental well being is therefore suffering. I have not ever had easy pregnancies or births so I am at the point of wanting to get it over with today.
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    @Julia70286 - I understand your frustration.  I thought my dad would be coming in from OOT with my mom for baby's birth, but he just informed me last night that he will be in Thailand for a golf tournament the last two weeks of October and maybe he and my mom will both come out for Christmas.  Um, okay??????  For various reasons I won't get into it's probably actually better that he won't be out here immediately after the birth, but it's the fact that he's so cavalierly missing it that stings.  I hope you and DH can find plenty of support from the family and friends that you do have around, and I hope LO cooperates with your plan.  :-)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DH and I:  Early/mid 30s
    Married 7/15
    TTC #1 as of 8/15
    BFP 11/21/15 -- MC confirmed 12/1/15
    BFP #2 2/18/16
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    @julia70286- I understand.
    My H was heartbroken because his dad lives 2.5 hours away and has now missed our reveal party and my baby shower for work. This is work that he does on the side, not his regularly scheduled job, so H feels very hurt by the choice. To add to it, my step SIL is also pregnant and we are sure that he is going to hers (since dad's gf is hosting and it's a couples shower). She is due a week before me, and I know my H will be heartbroken if his dad chooses to visit her baby before ours if they come in the same week. (He has already said they will come down the weekend following his birth, no matter when it is, since he can't call out of work last minute without penalty. Which is fine. It's the choices that bother him, not things he can't control.) 
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    UGH I feel you @kamroberts and @ibabyloveb87 !!! DH is also 6'5 (and a big teddy bear guy in general), so I get so many of those comments. I'm 5'2, and was only 4 lbs at birth... maybe the baby will be smaller! MILs... I swear. 

    This is us too. He's 6'5" and I'm 5'2". My ex, which is my oldest's dad is 6'3". If it helps anyone, my first was 6lbs12oz 19.75" (this one measured big the whole time.) My second was 7lbs7oz and 19". Although my second is big for his age now, he's in the 75-90 percentile for height, they were both perfectly normal birth weights and kinda small on the length. Go figure. 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I guess I have to admit now...I say I'm calling "home" when I call my parents. My husband thinks it's weird but, I never thought much of it bc he also thinks it's incredibly strange that I don't have his mother's number saved as "mom"...
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    @simcal18 my husband used to call his parents' house "home," too, and even had it in his phone as "Home".  It bothered me for the same reason it bothers you - because it seemed like he was saying our place wasn't his home.  He explained that he lived there for 18 years, so it still felt like home to him (whereas we moved around a lot when I was a kid, so I didn't really think of one place as "home").  He has stopped calling it "home" for the most part.  I think he changed it in his phone when he got a new one.  I don't remember when he stopped saying, "I'm going to call home," but it was definitely a gradual process.  Maybe your husband will do the same.
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    @ignoscemihi I do think it's a vestige of the fact that his parents house has been "home" for 25 or so years -- I mean, he lived in dorms in college and apartments after that, but I understand in those situations "home" feels like where your family is whereas the place you're living in is transitory.  Even now we own our townhouse, but we've only been there for three years, and it's not our "forever" home.  So I get it, and I do think it will gradually fade.  It just irks me for some reason.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DH and I:  Early/mid 30s
    Married 7/15
    TTC #1 as of 8/15
    BFP 11/21/15 -- MC confirmed 12/1/15
    BFP #2 2/18/16
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    @Schell2013 I'm with you girl. I spend half my days staring at my belly and yelling "Get out of me!" I'm so over being pregnant. And then I feel guilty because I would NEVER want my baby to come too early just because I'm uncomfortable. But I'm in so much pain that I feel like I'm losing it.

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    @RainMira9e my labor buddy hasn't responded to my message and I'm secretly a little relieved because I'm not sure I'd be very good at it.
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    @krzyriver I am really glad I'm not the only one. I feel selfish but this kid is killing me.
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    @simcal18 my DH used to say "call home" or "visit home" while his mom still lived in his childhood house. As soon as she downsized and moved out I noticed that he started saying "I'm going to call mom" instead. I never mentioned it to him, the only reason I really noticed is because "calling home" reminded me of E.T. lol

    I confess that I hate E.T.

    I also confess that I'm bored of the Olympics and am ready to watch something else. I like watching gymnastics, but I can only deal with so many commercial breaks 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    @simcal18 and @ashleyp625 I'm sorry you're dealing with the same issue with your 'rents! In all honesty, I personally don't want a bunch of people there. It's just exactly what you pointed out, Simcal18, it's just that she was so cavalier about it. Ugh... parents. lol. 

    Me: 31 | DH: 43
    BFP #1: 7/15/15, SB: 11/14/15
    Rainbow baby DS born 9/29/16!!
    BFP #3 3/26/18 | Due 12/3/18
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    Forgive me TB, for I have sinned: I haven't pooped since Monday, yet I continue eating cheese. I LOVE cheese!!! My bowels, however, hate me and are planning a mutiny... I can tell by the excruciating pain and 3lb weight gain over the past 4 days... (sorry if I'm disgusting, but its the way I roll)

    @RainMira9e-I too am a labor-buddy phobic. I'm not so good with keeping up with anyone - even Kim K, yo!!

    @Schell2013-I can't say I blame you for being ready to give birth!! Your ticker shows that you're 207 weeks and 3 days pregnant!! Hot damn girl!! (for the record-took me a while to figure out how to work my own ticker)

    @mizzkbrat @UFJen - I'm 5'10" my hubs is 6'3" and my girl was 6lbs 10oz but very long! (I think 22 inches)... Also, did anyone really feel a tear? I was so far beyond pain I don't think the tearing even registered... I'm crossing my digits that we all have beautiful, healthy babies that are "normal" sized and that our vaginas stretch like silly putty!!!

    Also, just a side note, one of my besties is a tiny 00 sized human, she home-birthed her 8lb 10oz daughter on her potty like a champ! She and her vagina have recovered wonderfully (I'm told). It will be okay for us too = ) I'd worry more about things like continuous IV vs. Hep-locks (no way I'm having freezing liquid flowing continuously through MY veins during labor - Hep-lock for me y'all!!!)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I watched porn on my phone this morning. I feel super guilty. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    @TurtleMomma psh... You shouldn't! 
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    @TurtleMomma I watch porn on my phone all the time. I think that was my FFFC awhile back. Lol

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    @krzyriver you are my other half!  @TurtleMomma don't feel guilty! I tell hubby I'm going for a nap then watch porn on my phone and get off.  9 times out of 10 he catches me and just shakes his head but hey a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do! I just have to try to remember to clear my history afterwards since my phone is often used for communication at work (I hand over my phone so they can look up a picture to show the deaf kid so he can participate in games).  Can you imagine they search mammoth and history pops up "man's huge cock up for the taking?" Lol

    FFFC - as much as I'm aware of complications that could still come in the remainder of the pregnancy/delivery - I'm holding onto my ignorant bliss and refusing to learn more than the basics.  As dangerous as this can be, I'm putting blind trust in my doctors that they will do whatever needs to be done to make sure my baby and me survives.
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I love porn, but most of the time it's for it's entertainment value. I swear I could be a porn critic. I'll watch it with dh and he'll be getting into it and I'm like 'that transition was total unbelievable'. And missed matched pairs drive me crazy. I'm sorry but that beautiful girl would not be with that troll of a guy... I also love really bad soft core porn parody movies (Spiderbabe had me laughing out loud). 
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    @LauraPCOS Lmao! Yup, definitely soul mates!  :D My DH has never got me in the act, but he knows I do it and doesn't care. I did fall asleep immediately after once. I woke up to him holding the toy that was still in the bed and shaking his head. Lol

    @maf9866 I'm the same way when I watch usually. I'm so critical of it. Lol

     I watch it as often as I do just because DH is always so tired and these days it's just easier for me to get off by myself if I worked myself up beforehand. Otherwise I don't have the energy. Before I was pregnant, I rarely watched porn. 

    E will be 18 on July 24th
    Z was born October 16, 2016
    #3 Due October 9, 2018

    MC - November 29, 2012
    CP - November 15, 2014
    D&C for MMC - October 13, 2015

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    Having a squat toilet is the only thing keeping me sane. @noraaurora
    *American in Tanzania, East Africa, since 2013
    DH - Tanzanian
    BFP #1 - MC Dec 2, 2015 (@ 9weeks)
    BFP #2 - Feb 2, 2016 --EDD 10/10/16 --Abigail- October 6, 2016. Heart warrior- OHS at 7 months old
    October 2017- Began fostering to adopt T, (DOB: November 19, 2013)
    March 2021 - Bonus daughter, N, moved in with us (DOB: June 6, 2014)
    BFP #3 - April 25, 2024 -- EDD January 2, 2025
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    @NoraAurora Once you go squat, no other way will do. Seriously. Pull up a stool, a box, anything... just get those knees up and go for the gold. Your bowels will thank you.
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