August 2016 Moms


Since our board is now exploding with babies and the pp thread is getting crazy, I thought a breastfeeding only thread would be nice. 

Re: Breastfeeding

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    I'm a ftm, and I'm really crossing my fingers that breastfeeding is going to go smoothly. A few people mentioned nipple shields on other threads/blogs. Should I purchase some before the baby is born in case I end up needing them or are these items I should wait on because it's likely that I won't end up using them?
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    I'm a ftm, and I'm really crossing my fingers that breastfeeding is going to go smoothly. A few people mentioned nipple shields on other threads/blogs. Should I purchase some before the baby is born in case I end up needing them or are these items I should wait on because it's likely that I won't end up using them?
     Wait and see what you need.  With my first he wouldn't latch even with a nipple shield for the first several weeks.  With this one he latched like a champ immediately with no help.
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    I feel like I have been doing so much research at this point on breastfeeding, I am kind of driving myself crazy with the "right way" to do everything. I'll definitely keep up with this thread because I like to read about what actually works for people. 
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    Thanks for starting this! Our little guy is 6 days old and so far, he's been eating like a champ. I'm the one that's been struggling. Everyone talks about their milk letting down and making sure baby drains one breast before offering the other. How do you know? Are you supposed to feel these things? J seems to be getting plenty of milk based on his weight check and wet/poopy diapers but otherwise, I can't tell what's going on. 
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    @Mfuller76 - I have never been able to feel let down with dd1 and she is almost 28 months olds. She also was a really quick nurser (done in 10 mins) that only ever nursed one side. As long as he has enough messy/wet diapers and is gaining the appropriate weight don't worry.  You are doing great momma!
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    @Stephanie7693 thanks for starting this thread!

    @Mfuller76 Let down for me is ever so slightly painful, but that is a sign of a 'fast letdown' which I think I have. 

    How is night time feeding spacing going for everyone?   I asked the pediatrician and he said at the 3-4 week point babies can go 5 hours. We are at the point where I'm trying to go 4-5 hrs, but I've been getting uncomfortably full. I'm not sure how to fix this.  Baby E wakes up earlier all the time, so we are anywhere from 3-5 hrs between. 
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    @Mfuller76 - I go on one side until he seems to not want it anymore (or falls asleep and won't wake no matter how much I tickle him, blow on his face, etc). Then I burp him and if he seems to want more then I'll offer my other breast. The first few days I was doing both breasts each feeding and now that he's a week old and taking a boob for longer I've mostly been alternating. 

    @KJ1416 - as the baby sleeps longer more frequently your supply should balance out. I remember when DS1 was a few months old and only taking one (full) boob first thing in the mornin after going most (if not all) the night not nursing I bought a manual pump and I would pump the boob he want nursing on while he took the other one. It not only helped get rid of the unbalanced engorgement but it also built my freezer stash. 
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    Thanks for the advice y'all! There is such a learning curve to this, no matter how prepared I thought I was. I'll just continue to follow J's lead as long as he seems content and growing.
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    I'm a ftm with a 6 day old baby who was in the nicu until today. He is luckily breastfeeding like a champ (he's a big baby and apparent they struggle less with nipple confusion), and my milk came in within two to three days and a lot of it. I swear my boobs doubled again in size, wtf?!

    I have been using thd nipple shield as it just helps him latch well and prevents frustration right now. I'll try taking it away in a few days to see how he does. 
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    I'm having a bit of trouble the last couple days... my little guy was breast feeding great (we've been using a nipple shield) the first two weeks. We also had to supplement breast milk in a bottle while he was jaundiced to make sure he was eating enough, which was a week and a half ago. He went back to eating fine from the breast but now the past two days he isn't taking much from the breast and spits maybe half of it up and then guzzles a bottle. He's still gaining weight  (the hospital lent us a scale to keep track) but I don't understand why he's spitting it up when it comes from my breast but then eats the breast milk just fine from a bottle. Any advice/input? Also if this is a totally scatter brained post sorry! I'm sleep deprived with the rest of you!
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    I was getting very drowsy with breast feeding the first week. That has lessened, but I get nausea with the start of breastfeeding now. Anyone else getting a little nausea with let down?
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    @liljabee the sleepiness is getting a bit better for me too. I'm feeding her right now and my stomach is feeling a little rumbly, but I actually think I may be hungry--do you ever get a slightly nauseated feeling when you really need to eat? I'm going to grab a granola bar and see if it helps.

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    @cait5413 and @liljabee I have to eat every time that I nurse at night between the hours of 3am and 7am, otherwise I feel so hungry that it is almost like nausea.  
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    How long is a session lasting for you guys? DS is 10 days old and will sometimes nurse for over an hour and still act hungry at the end. I can't tell if he really needs more or if he just likes sucking. 
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    @labecker55358 mine are sometimes an hour too. We figured out our little guy likes sucking so I offer him a binky when I think he's done eating.
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    How long is a session lasting for you guys? DS is 10 days old and will sometimes nurse for over an hour and still act hungry at the end. I can't tell if he really needs more or if he just likes sucking. 
    Dd is only 5 days old. She usually doesn't last over an hour , but it's not unusual for her to cluster feed (finish feeding, wait only a few minutes, and demand more) or act hungry and then only nurse for 5 minutes for comfort / to fall asleep. We haven't introduced a paci  yet because I'm waiting to make sure she gets back to birthweight and bf'in is well-established. I can't wait, though. Right now, I'm her paci, which means I get almost no sleep at night, and I am not great at napping during the day. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    How long is a session lasting for you guys? DS is 10 days old and will sometimes nurse for over an hour and still act hungry at the end. I can't tell if he really needs more or if he just likes sucking. 
    I read a really long article about this the other day and it said to make sure baby is actually awake and eating. Since they close their eyes anyway- sometimes it's hard to tell. Is he really awake and eating?
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    Baby E is already suckling his thumb pretty hard.  We haven't given him a paci and we are only feeding him breast milk.  Is this okay?  Should we be stopping him from thumb-sucking?  If it's not the thumb, it's me, so I'm selfishly tempted to not stop him.
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    Baby E is already suckling his thumb pretty hard.  We haven't given him a paci and we are only feeding him breast milk.  Is this okay?  Should we be stopping him from thumb-sucking?  If it's not the thumb, it's me, so I'm selfishly tempted to not stop him.
    I wouldn't stop him. He's just self soothing 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    DS sessions have been lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. The nicu helped me with breastfeeding and said 10 minutes on the first side, burp, then as long as he wants on the other side, burp. If he still seems hungry again after burping then to give him a bottle of milk until he seems full. But to also pay attention if he seems like he is sleeping or sucking just for comfort. If he's not swallowing, he is just sucking for comfort. I usually give him a few minutes  to figure out what he wants :) I also have been pumping after he is done.

    It is amazing how drowsy I get during breastfeeding! I'm so afraid I'll fall asleep with him in my arms and he will roll and fall. 

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    How long is a session lasting for you guys? DS is 10 days old and will sometimes nurse for over an hour and still act hungry at the end. I can't tell if he really needs more or if he just likes sucking. 
    Is he sucking and swallowing the whole time? Got the first few days, my son would nurse for up to 45 minutes, by a week it was 15 to 25. Now he's usually right around 10 or 15 minutes. He shouldn't seem hungry when he's done. If he's not sucking the whole time try to keep him awake and stimulated. I usually rub my son's face, neck and feet to keep him awake and going. Also, now that he's only eating 10 to 15 minutes at a time, he cluster feeds twice a day. But I think he does it because he sleeps 4 to 6 hours at night and is making up for it. But he seems satisfied when he's done
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    @entropicallyfavored We introduced the pacifier on day 5 because he has such an established sucking reflex and hasn't had any problems going from the pacifier to the boob and back. DS was also ducking his thumb and fingers so we've been using mittens and it has seemed to help. 
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    little lady is 4 days old now and seems to be doing well nursing. Now that my milk is in, I can clearly hear her swallowing which is reassuring! I really struggled with supply with my DS and only BF for 3 weeks because of frustration with seemingly low supply and pain. This time around I'm more optimistic and keeping fingers crossed that my supply can keep up with her demand!

    she seems to average about 10-15 min on one side before falling asleep. Occasionally she'll be wake after a burp and will take the other side for 10-20 min. Other times she is so sleepy I will change her diaper to wake her before offering the other side. Nursing sessions between both breasts seem to be lasting about 30-40 min. She seems satisfied so far. 

    TTC 9/2013

    BFP#1: 9/28/2013, EDD 5/28/13, MC confirmed 10/15/13, D&C 10/17/13

    BFP#2: 1/10/2014, EDD 9/19/2014


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    Baby E is already suckling his thumb pretty hard.  We haven't given him a paci and we are only feeding him breast milk.  Is this okay?  Should we be stopping him from thumb-sucking?  If it's not the thumb, it's me, so I'm selfishly tempted to not stop him.
    Self soothing is a wonderful thing. I wouldn't stop it. You'll appreciate it soon enough that he has his thumb and you don't have to keep popping a pacifier in his mouth every 5 seconds. 
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    Thanks all for the feedback! I can hear him swallowing, so it must be cluster feeding. He's a very lazy feeder so I have to do lots of poking and prodding to keep him awake. That might add to the time and the confusion as well. Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with these marathon sessions! 

    @entropicallyfavored DS started sucking his thumb while we were at the hospital, so I was able to ask his pediatrician about it at discharge. He said totally fine. I also asked about introducing pacifier. He said he used to be very anti-pacifier, but studies show it reduces SIDS risk by 50% so now he supports it. He said wait to introduce until baby is back up to birth weight, about 10 days PP. I did sooner because I thought DS was nursing for comfort rather than hunger at times, and my nipples needed a break! 
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    Our DD is one week today and she has been doing really well with BF. I on the other hand have not slept. I'm breastfeeding on demand (I'm assuming we all are) and she will not really sleep in her crib by herself yet. DD wants to be held. 

    Has anyone else experienced with their LO if they are flustered they won't latch? Like their mouth will stay open. I've had this happen a few times  :#  But finally when we swaddled her she was good to go. 

    I'm a little nervous to pump. I don't want to be upset with the quantity. Also with my milk after freezing it would have a bad taste to it almost as if it spoiled. I know we spoke of this before but how do we fix this issue for freezing?
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    Duffgurl said:
    Our DD is one week today and she has been doing really well with BF. I on the other hand have not slept. I'm breastfeeding on demand (I'm assuming we all are) and she will not really sleep in her crib by herself yet. DD wants to be held. 

    Has anyone else experienced with their LO if they are flustered they won't latch? Like their mouth will stay open. I've had this happen a few times  :#  But finally when we swaddled her she was good to go. 

    I'm a little nervous to pump. I don't want to be upset with the quantity. Also with my milk after freezing it would have a bad taste to it almost as if it spoiled. I know we spoke of this before but how do we fix this issue for freezing?
    It's usually a lipase issue.  I have and so does @bananers.  She was successful at scalding.  I was not.  I'll let her share her technique.
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    Just wanted to see if anyone else has been unsuccessful with breastfeeding? In part due to a long and rather traumatic labor, my poor body just cannot produce enough milk or hardly any at all. Resigned to the fact that I gave it a good try and we're moving on... anyone else in the same (dry!) boat? 
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    @Duffgurl we had a night where she wouldn't sleep in the pnp and only wanted to be held. Exhausting. Last night I broke down and gave her a paci to sleep with ( still feeding  every 2-3 hours). The frustrating thing is during  the day she will sleep in the pnp unswaddled, no problem. At night she prefers to be swaddled, have the vibration on, have white noise going, and the paci helps. I have trouble sleeping during the day,  so the fact that her schedule is backwards is frustrating. Hang in there! 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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