Pregnant after a Loss

So nervous this time

this is my 2nd pregnancy. 1st ended in mc. I'm freaking out and so nervous. Every minor cramp or gas pain sends me to the bathroom checking for pink or red on the tp. I'm so nervous and trying not to be.

I'm 7 wks 1 day and my u/s 2.5 wks ago was wonderful. Yolk sac and all. My HCG levels are increasing and doc is happy. I'm just so nervous.

It took us almost a year to conceive again. As a result I've been seeing a specialist.

Next u/s is July 12 with specialist. First OB appt will be after that. Meanwhile a million questions and concerns.

I have my hospitals app which allows me to email my doctors and my specialist is horrible at getting back to me but my OB is amazing! Can't wait to be done seeing the specialist.

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