June 2016 Moms

End of the month mommas


Re: End of the month mommas

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    I'm feeling frustrated today. Couldn't sleep again last night but now feel like a zombie today. And I'm feeling guilty for wanting the pregnancy to be done because I'm not 100% sure I'm ready to be a full time on demand mom for any one! I want to meet my little person so bad but I'm also terrified. I still just wish there was a magical way of knowing when this baby is coming (other than a scheduled csection or induction). Every day I wonder "will it happen today? When? Where will I be? What else do we need to get done before it happens?" The bh contractions are worse now then they have been but not consistent and not intensifying any further. And I know I should be more patient and aiming for at least 39 weeks of possible. So I feel guilt about wishing baby would come early. Grrrr.
    I think I could have written this. I had a terrible time sleeping last night due to constant back pain. My legs today feel like I ran a marathon and I didn't almost nothing yesterday that should make them feel that way. I'm not even 37 weeks until Wednesday but I fell so done. then I feel guilty that I just want him to come already. I'm so with you on this one. 
    Me three. I'm 37 weeks today and with the exception of BH (which although I might have had a couple, nothing consistent) this is exactly my thoughts the last couple days.  I noticed today at work I'm definitely getting around a lot slower!
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    I'm due the 26th. My sister had her baby on May 5th and between holding my beautiful niece and all the sweet freshies on here I'm dancing with anticipation for our daughter to come.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I feel you ladies! I'm 38+2 today and was just told baby is in the 90th percentile for size :s I have to admit that a big part of me was hoping they would just send me down to L&D for an induction.

    My next OB appointment is on Friday so maybe it will happen on Saturday @ 39 weeks. I really enjoyed being pregnant until relatively recently but the back pain, BH contractions, lightening crotch and feeling that my belly may fall off my body has me feeling beyond done at this point.
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    I went to the doctor yesterday and she decided she was going to do a membrane sweep on Monday, 6/13 to hopefully get the party started!  my due date is 6/17, but she anticipates little man will be here by the 15th.  I will take a few days early, over a few days late, any day!!!
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    I went in for my normal biweekly NST today. I could feel the baby moving and the heartbeat was good but it wasn't staying on the monitor after it would move to show reaction to the movement. Stayed hooked up for an hour started thinking mayyyybe I would be looking at going to the hospital and either being induced or csection if baby wasn't looking happy. Luckily went for an ultrasound and everything still looks good. Great amniotic fluid, baby was moving, heartbeat was great, and practice breathing. I'm wondering what the follow up with the doc will be on Friday though for my next appointment and next NST. With the gestational diabetes we know there is a bigger chance of placenta calcifying earlier so it wouldnt be shocking to induce a little early. 38 weeks tomorrow. 
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    mar101483 said:
    I'm due the 29th. I am so ready, well not really, not even close, but baby is not. I'm hoping for anytime after June 20th, I want him healthy and fully "cooked".
    Also due the 29th! Went in for a weekly appointment today and she told me cervix was high and thick.  :'( My first time pregnant my water broke when I was half a centimeter (at 5 days late) so I know anything can happen at any time. Frustrating to not even feel anything happening in there. DD's bday is June 22nd so I'll try to hold off as long as possible for her sake. I am not sure how she would feel sharing a birthday. I'm a teacher so my days are less busy being at home and all I can think about is how many days I have left. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Due the 21st, but have my RCS booked for the 14th (literally, a week from now I'll have my baby!! Insane!!!). Silly baby is still breech, so on the off chance it flips, the Csection is cancelled. As much as I'm dreading another Csection, I kind of hope baby stays put since it means I have an end date in sight! 
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    Working 12 hour days and feeling braxton Hicks throughout the day but still nothing else that feels like impending labor. The contractions get bad every night by time I am heading home but then go away by bedtime. I've actually felt really chipper and almost not pregnant the last two days. Like I have a ton of energy.
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    Had my 37 week appointment yesterday. My body is doing the right thing. Stretchy 2 as she called it, super soft, my cervix is already anterior and his head is a station 0 already. It's hard not to be excited when I hear those things as well as losing some mp this morning. But odds are he's in there for at least a couple more weeks. I Just wish I knew when he would come. We have so much up in the air right now. My H is going crabbing on saturday. He will be home off and on and we have backup plans to our backup plans, but knowing when he will come would just make things so much easier. 

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    Had my 37 week appointment yesterday. My body is doing the right thing. Stretchy 2 as she called it, super soft, my cervix is already anterior and his head is a station 0 already. It's hard not to be excited when I hear those things as well as losing some mp this morning. But odds are he's in there for at least a couple more weeks. I Just wish I knew when he would come. We have so much up in the air right now. My H is going crabbing on saturday. He will be home off and on and we have backup plans to our backup plans, but knowing when he will come would just make things so much easier. 
    I'm insanely jealous of this for some reason.  I'm 38 wks tomorrow and am still at 1 cm 50% effaced at -3 or maybe -2.  I know it means nothing but COME ON BABY all your stuff is here and clean, lets get this show on the road. 
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    Had my 37 week appointment yesterday. My body is doing the right thing. Stretchy 2 as she called it, super soft, my cervix is already anterior and his head is a station 0 already. It's hard not to be excited when I hear those things as well as losing some mp this morning. But odds are he's in there for at least a couple more weeks. I Just wish I knew when he would come. We have so much up in the air right now. My H is going crabbing on saturday. He will be home off and on and we have backup plans to our backup plans, but knowing when he will come would just make things so much easier. 
    I'm insanely jealous of this for some reason.  I'm 38 wks tomorrow and am still at 1 cm 50% effaced at -3 or maybe -2.  I know it means nothing but COME ON BABY all your stuff is here and clean, lets get this show on the road. 
    It helps when it's your 3rd kid :). FWIW though with my first I was high and tight on Tuesday with no dilation and I woke friday morning to my water having broke. It's a crap shoot lol

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    I've got 11 days until her due date, but I've been feeling super crampy since yesterday evening and I'm hoping when she checks my cervix today there's some sort of progress.  I can tell baby is definitely down lower than she was before, the pressure every time I stand is horrible! But who knows...no one but that baby I guess lol 
    Kinda hoping since this is #3, it'll be an earlier and quicker labor, but I know that's wishful thinking. 
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

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    The midwife told me yesterday at my 38w appointment that I was at 1cm and that she was on call this weekend, so if I wanted to have the baby, it's a good weekend to do it!  I wish that was how it worked... and I wish I shared her enthusiasm about 1cm.  
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Am I the only one with a doctor that doesn't check your cervix until 39 weeks? I just had my 38 week appointment and was told a cervix check won't be happening until my next appointment. So I have no idea if anything is happening down there. Lol.  
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    Am I the only one with a doctor that doesn't check your cervix until 39 weeks? I just had my 38 week appointment and was told a cervix check won't be happening until my next appointment. So I have no idea if anything is happening down there. Lol.  
    I think ive only been checked because of concerns. Otherwise my OB says it isnt really a big deal because you could be dilated for awhile and nothing happens or not dilated and go in to labor. He will check at 39 weeks but won't be checking tomorrow at my 38 week appointment.

    You can always check yourself!
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    Am I the only one with a doctor that doesn't check your cervix until 39 weeks? I just had my 38 week appointment and was told a cervix check won't be happening until my next appointment. So I have no idea if anything is happening down there. Lol.  
    I was checked at 35 weeks because I'd expressed concern over many Braxton Hicks and wasn't dialated at all. Next check isn't until 39 weeks for me as well (Wednesday). It's not super comfy, so I wouldn't stress it.

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    Am I the only one with a doctor that doesn't check your cervix until 39 weeks? I just had my 38 week appointment and was told a cervix check won't be happening until my next appointment. So I have no idea if anything is happening down there. Lol.  
    My OB doesn't check until 39 usually but I've been having lots of pain/contractions so she checked today at my 38wk appt and I was 1cm dilated, which isn't that exciting considering how much pain I've been in lol 
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

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    Am I the only one with a doctor that doesn't check your cervix until 39 weeks? I just had my 38 week appointment and was told a cervix check won't be happening until my next appointment. So I have no idea if anything is happening down there. Lol.  
    My doctor leaves it up to you. But we discussed and decided it was a good idea for me because of my history of fast labor. I am a 2 hour drive away from my hospital and anything we can do to see where I am at will help. My last pregnancy I didn't have one until 38 weeks.

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    37 weeks today and nothing is going on. Cervix is still high and closed. I have a feeling that this kid isn't coming anytime soon. 
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    My doctor left it up to me at my last two appointments. I declined and he was fine with that. I assume he'll have to do one before my induction, but unless they're totally necessary, I opt out. Cervix checks were incredibly painful for me with my first pregnancy. 
    CafeMom Tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I've never had a cervix check (STM), and I won't. My midwives won't do them until you're in labor since they don't really tell you much about when you'll go.
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    I couldn't remember if my doc does cervix checks, but I think I had at least one last time. He didn't offer yesterday at my 38 week appt, so I didn't ask. Maybe at 39 weeks.

    As you hear from most people, they don't really tell you much. I think the only advantage is when you go to the hospital in early labor, you know whether you are actually progressing or not. For example, if you were at 2 cm at your last visit and you show up at L&D with contractions and you are 2 cm, they will probably send you home since the contractions aren't yet making any cervical changes, knowing you were already a 2 prior to that...
    DS1 5-18-2012
    DS2 5-18-2014
    DD1 EDD 6-21-2016

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker
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    purplefan1purplefan1 member
    edited June 2016
    NST on Tuesday was nonreactive but BPP was good. Noticed a decrease in movement yesterday and today but still moving. NST this morning was not awful but not great and they saw that baby hasn't grown any in the last 10 days when they did the BPP. Sending me to do induced now. Nervous as hell and worried.

    Update: Nothing is quite going as planned. I wanted to start labor naturally but here I am with the pitocin drop started. And babies heart rate keeps fluctuating so I am off liquids other than ice chips because we may be looking at an emergency c-section if baby continues to have distressed moments. Just want my baby to get here safely. Prayers please!!
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    NST on Tuesday was nonreactive but BPP was good. Noticed a decrease in movement yesterday and today but still moving. NST this morning was not awful but not great and they saw that baby hasn't grown any in the last 10 days when they did the BPP. Sending me to do induced now. Nervous as hell and worried.

    Update: Nothing is quite going as planned. I wanted to start labor naturally but here I am with the pitocin drop started. And babies heart rate keeps fluctuating so I am off liquids other than ice chips because we may be looking at an emergency c-section if baby continues to have distressed moments. Just want my baby to get here safely. Prayers please!!

    Hang in there mama!  Prayers for you and baby. Things don't always go as planned but a safe, healthy baby is all that matters! 
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    @June2016BabyW thoughts and prayers your way! Hope the pictocin does the trick and LO's heart rate stops fluctuating! 
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    @June2016BabyW I hope baby's heart rate has settled and things are going OK now. Just know that even if things don't go as planned they are doing what they think is best for baby. Good luck and keep us posted. 

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    Mine starts checks at 36 weeks, and I've had a completely normal pregnancy.  Turns out I was already almost 2cm and 50% effaced.  Had another check yesterday for my 37 week appt and I just knew she would say I had progressed at least a little since I'd had some cramping and felt more pressure but, no change at all.  
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    Mine checked at 36, and I was 1 cm and 70%. FFWD to my appt this past Wednesday at 38 and I'm 80% and 3cm. She did a sweep, but no luck. I go back on my EDD on the 20th to see the OB, but my midwife hopes I won't make it that far. We'll probably start talking induction for 41+ weeks at that point since they're worried about macrosomia, although I'm shooting for a VBAC and know macrosomia isn't a valid reason to induce or for an RCS according to the ACOG and RCOG. My midwife is very supportive. My OB is section-happy. I'm over here eating my dates, bouncing on my yoga ball, drinking my RRL tea, and hoping to get things going naturally.
    DH + Me 12/2011
    DD 3/2012
    Baby on the way June 2016 :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I asked my midwife what's the latest I can be checked and she said 39 wks. I put it in my birthplan that I do not want to be told how dilated I am during labor since it doesn't tell you much and can be really discouraging. Unless something is wrong that will be the plan. As long as we are healthy I just don't want to feel discouraged.  My doula is going to write the time and how dilated I am when I am checked so I can look at it later. We'll see how it goes when the day comes though! Easy to make plans when you have never experienced labor before! 
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    Thank you all so much for the prayers! Katherine Elizabeth was born at 11:43pm after a very interesting day. She made it out vaginally and although the plan was as little medical interventions as possible, I had pitocin, my water broken, and finally requested an epidural which turned out to be the answer because 40 minutes after they got the epidural in, my body relaxed enough to go from 4cm to 9cm and then moments later was rechecked and head was coming out! Pushed for 6 minutes and she was out. Unstable heart rate, decrease in movements, found out she had meconium in her fluid, and I am GDM as well as GBS positive (just found that one out today) and she knew it was time to get out. My ultrasound this morning estimated her at 6lbs 12ounces and she came out weighing 6lbs 9 ounces. Truly blessed and thrilled and so thankful for the wonderful hospital staff and OB for sticking with me through the whole process.
    I'm so glad everything went well and baby is here safely. Congrats! 

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    I'm due on the 25th
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    I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow.  Sleep is now near impossible.  I have to roll over, which we all know is easier said than done, about every 45 min bc my hip is cramping.  Then in the morning, the low back pain!  And sciatic pressure/pain on both sides, puffy painful feet and even some finger joint pain.  Walking around first thing before I've been able to get on the heating pad has got to be hilarious to watch.
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    kitastrophekitastrophe member
    edited June 2016
    I'm due the 30th -_-feeling crampy and constant pressure on bladder
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    I'm the 30th too. Been having strong contractions at night, then they go away during the day.  I have had everything ready to go for a while so I feel like I'm 2 weeks overdue. 
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    Ugh, 37+4 today and feeling a ton of CTX but they are super inconsistent and not even really timetable. I am hoping I am one of those moms who  has shorter labors and pregnancies ad that this is the start ofthings for me. Although I know it likely isn't the case.  

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

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    Tomorrow is the last day of school and we have tickets to a soccer game and after that, I'm sooo ready for this baby to come.  I'm only 38 weeks tomorrow but this whole pregnancy has been about keeping him from coming early so even being early term feels like I've been expecting him for weeks!  The end of this year has been unusually stressful so I'm hoping once I'm done and can finally relax a little my body will think it's time for labor. 
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    I'm due on the 21st but work up this morning feeling "different". The BH contractions feel different (not painful just more uncomfortable), my stomach seems tight all the time, and I feel slightly nauseous. When I went pee, I had a little bit of goopy discharge that had a minuscule amount of blood in it...so I'm not sure if this is considered "bloody show"?  I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow. Part of me wants him OUT but the other part of me wants him to stay in so I don't have to go through labor just yet!  Lol. 
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    I'm due on the 21st but work up this morning feeling "different". The BH contractions feel different (not painful just more uncomfortable), my stomach seems tight all the time, and I feel slightly nauseous. When I went pee, I had a little bit of goopy discharge that had a minuscule amount of blood in it...so I'm not sure if this is considered "bloody show"?  I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow. Part of me wants him OUT but the other part of me wants him to stay in so I don't have to go through labor just yet!  Lol. 
    Due the 21st too! I have been feeling different the last two days, too. BH contractions are like non-stop. Couldn't stop pooping all weekend (TMI, sorry), I think due to the BH contractions. Stabbing pain in my crotch today... I definitely want her out, ASAP! I guess if she waits until after my lunch break manicure tomorrow that'd be ok, though.
    DS1 5-18-2012
    DS2 5-18-2014
    DD1 EDD 6-21-2016

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker
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    BPaisley said:
     I guess if she waits until after my lunch break manicure tomorrow that'd be ok, though.
    That's like me, I'm all "get. out.  But, maybe after the Copa Americana game tomorrow night because that's going to be fun."  I've been sort of hoping he'd be born the 15th for a while because it's a significant date so my dream is that I'll go to the soccer game and all that walking and standing will get things moving.  I'll go home, get some sleep and go to the hospital Wednesday morning for my check up and they'll send me to have a baby.  I mean, it's probably a less than 1% chance things will actually work out that way, but I can dream. 
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