Pregnant after a Loss

PGAL check in 5/30

penelope4612penelope4612 member
edited May 2016 in Pregnant after a Loss
I feel like we haven't done this in a while... so here goes...

1. Introduce yourself (if you're new):

2. How far along are you? EDD? 

3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 

4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: 

5. Questions:

6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?

Re: PGAL check in 5/30

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    2. How far along are you? EDD? 13w 4d, EDD 12/1

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 
    Rant: We just told our families last week and they are already kind of being overbearing/annoying.  They are asking about names and registries and I'm not at all emotionally there yet.  Rave: Finally starting to feel a little bit better in terms of energy and nausea.

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: 
    14 week appointment next Monday.  Hoping we get to hear the HB on Doppler.

    5. Questions:  
    Nothing so far.

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks? Cheese!  And anything with cheese (cheese and crackers, cheetos, mac and cheese).  Also, apples.
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    2. How far along are you? EDD?  21w3d with a revised EDD of 9/30

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: Got the nursery to the point where I have nothing left I can do until after the shower.  Feeling pretty good about it!

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: Viability!!

    5. Questions:

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?  Babybel original red cheeses.  I love them!
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    I feel like we haven't done this in a while... so here goes...

    1. Introduce yourself (if you're new):

    2. How far along are you? EDD? 36+4 (omg!!) June 24.  

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: rant: carpel tunnel from being pregnant. I've never experienced this with any of my other pregnancies. I have two boys. But my right hand is totally numb in the morning and semi numb all through the day. Swelling is so much worse this time around. 

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: birth!  Which may come sooner than I'd hoped. Ob wants to induce at 39 weeks bc  my boys were both big and this one is looking to be fairly big too. I've never been induced and am a little nervous about the process. 

    5. Questions: none right now 

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks? Chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!!
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    2. How far along are you? EDD? 
    I'm 7w6d today. 

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 
    I'd like to rant about not being able to really enjoy this pregnancy quite yet. I've been having daily anxiety issues. I hope I feel better after the next u/s (June 8th). 

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to:
    The June 8th follow up u/s,  but also my visit with my bestie on June 10th. That's when I'm going to tell her the big news and I'm kind of nervous about it.  

    5. Questions:
    When did you start enjoying/not constantly worrying about your PGAL? 

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?
    I LOVE cheese (baby bel gouda, but any kind really) and mashed potatoes and ginger ale tend to settle my tummy when it's acting up. :) 
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    2. How far along are you? EDD? 7w3d January 15

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: Rave: we got to see Cletus the fetus today and he/she measured 7w5d with a strong heartbeat. I still can't believe it (in a good way). I literally never imagined this day would actually come. 

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: telling our family, seeing baby move on ultrasound. 

    5. Questions:

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?
    smoothies, pimento cheese and crackers, grapes, oranges, 

    @anna.oskar your nursery is so beautiful! 
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

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    Thank you @ceclarlinetlo !  In my head I've been planning for this baby for a while so I've got LOTS of ideas  ;)
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    1. Introduce yourself (if you're new): I have an intro thread... but a little about me: I had my first BFP back in January and just a little over a month later I was having a D&C. BFP #2 came last week on 5/25/16. My DH and I have been married for almost 2 years, got married in Vegas. We have one furbaby, a kitty named Prada. She has been super cute at night and has been sleeping on my belly, which is okay most of the time except when I am so freakishly hot that all I want is lay under the A/C.

    2. How far along are you? EDD? 
    I am 5 weeks today with an EDD of 2/1/17.

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms:
    I don't really have any rants today. Raves - My betas are looking great!!
    My beta on Friday was 72 and today it was 802!! Very excited to see my numbers go up like they are. They definitely didn't do this this first time around in January. So these numbers are making it easier to relax and try and enjoy my pregnancy.

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to:
    I have another beta scheduled for the 15th and my first OB appt with the RN on the 22nd. I have the option of scheduling an u/s for 8 weeks and I am undecided if I want to do it or if I can wait and have my first u/s with my md at my 12 week appt.

    5. Questions:

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?
    popcorn and dilly bars (in moderation lol)

    *** TW ***
    Me 31, DH 30
    Married: 07/2014, TTC since 12/2015
    BFP #1: 1/1/16, MC 1/14/16 (6 weeks), D&C 2/5/16 (9 weeks)
    BFP #2: 5/25/16, MC 6/23/16 (8 weeks), D&C 6/24/16, 2nd D&C for retained tissue and fibroid removal 9/1/16
    BFP #3: 12/24/16  EDD 09/04/2017
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    2. How far along are you? EDD? 18w6d, October 27

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 
    I'm feeling really good and feeling consistent baby movements! Had my anatomy scan today. Baby is a girl and everything looks perfect!

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: 
    Feeling kicks on the outside

    5. Questions:

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks? 
    String cheese


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    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?
    popcorn and dilly bars (in moderation lol)

    I could kill a man right now for a Dilly Bar.... yum!
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    Joining the party late. There was little activity for a while. Glad to hear everyone is doing great! And that we have a lot of new comers!

    2. How far along are you? EDD? 13w4d EDD Dec 6th

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 
    Finally feeling excited about this pregnancy, great NT scan and low risk from genetic screening. However, I did have an episode of bleeding which freaked me the f out, last weekend. It turned out to be hemorrhoids! I am on daily stool softeners. Oh the glamour. But honestly vey happy that the baby was fine, we got him/her checked out through a quick scan at 13w.

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to?: 
    feeling the baby

    5. Questions:
    Any more advice on hemorrhoids? so far the stool softener has worked like a charm and now (tmi) I enjoy going to the bathroom.

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks? Sour patch kids and cereals, can't get enough of breakfast cereals any time
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

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    1. Introduce yourself (if you're new): Havent checked in for a bit but had my MMC April 2015. Waited a few months and started trying again. Conceived in September.

    2. How far along are you? EDD? 
    Due June 22nd!!! Feeling like it is getting sooooo close.

    3. Rants/Raves/Randoms: 
    So excited to be almost through and get to see my sweet baby soon. Other than the worry, I have really liked being pregnant for a lot of reasons and I will definitely miss feeling baby roll around in me. But I am ready to be done with the gestational diabetes and the SPD.

    4. Next milestone you are looking forward to: 
    Birth!! Had a false alarm this past Thursday when it seemed like my water broke. Each week I have NSTs twice so each Tuesday and Friday I can look forward to hearing the babies heartbeat. And the monitors are picking up more frequent contractions so I know things are progressing.

    5. Questions:
    How do I distract myself for another 2 1/2 weeks (or more....or less!)

    6. GTKY: What are your favorite pregnancy snacks?
    Super tough question. Since I as diagnosed GD at 24 weeks I've had to be really careful with my diet. Fiber One bars and Rice Krispie treats have been WONDERFUL. Looking forward to an after birth cookie cake though!

    Good luck to all of you beautiful ladies! I am so excited for the miracles that are happening and feel truly blessed to have been able to be here. 

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