November 2016 Moms

*Introduce Yourself Here*


Re: *Introduce Yourself Here*

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    Does anyone keep up with reading this crazy long thread? I can't the sheets app to work on my phone and my pregnant self isn't in the mood to deal with it. 
    I'm Caitlin, this is my fourth pregnancy and we've got an almost two year old. We lost a baby at 22 weeks last summer to what they think was a placental abruption (no real cause found) and then miscarried in December. We're hopeful, but ya know. Growing babies isn't for the faint of heart. 
    It's offish. I'm family.
    Hey Caitlin, I'm so sorry for your losses. I had a placenta abruption last year with twins at 20 weeks, and then again at 16 weeks with a singleton. We lost all of those babies. 

    Have you gone through coagulation testing? I let my MFM tell me my first placenta abruption was a fluke with the twins, only to have it happen again. After my second one, I demanded testing and answers. I started working with a reproductive immunologist (Dr. Coulam in Chicago) and was diagnosed with thrombophilia- which CAN cause placenta abruptions. 

    I am telling you this because there are genetic reasons abruptions happen and there is treatment. I wish more than anything I would have had testing done after we lost our twins, or shit- even while we were losing them- I LIVED in a hospital for 7 weeks and NO ONE told me about the tests and treatment that could have saved my twins, or my singleton 8 months later. 

    Please, if you haven't already, get tested for thrombophilia and MTHFR. 

    I'm here if you want to PM me for more info, or to just chat. I hope this is the most uneventful pregnancy for you and everything goes as planned.
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    Mom to P (12/7/10) Step-Mom-to-be to H (05/29/13)
    BFP 10/13/14 TWINS! 20 week loss of both twins, Scott Feivel and Miles Conrad
    BFP 06/19/2015 16 week loss, Penny June
    2015 Working with RI; Diagnosed with thrombopheiia and celiacs
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    @Fullhandsfullheart .. I haven't announced my pregnancy to my family yet because of exactly that. Everyone was excited with our first and second.. our 3rd (which was a surprise but we wanted a 3rd anyway) we got a lot of "... you do know how to prevent this, right?" And "... another one? Wow. On purpose?" I'm not sure when I will want to tell everyone. It stinks that bigger families are almost frowned upon these days. We get a lot of ".. no nice vacations for you guys." Too. So I can only imagine what they will say about a 4th.
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    TwandaFTG said:

    Hello!  I was an active member of 014 on TB (and now in our FB group)(started a new account for privacy reasons) and I have a 18 month son.    I am 34 and I live in the deep south.  Just got my BFP on Easter with a due date of 11/29.

    I had GD last go round and had a successful induction on 9/26.  I believe in epidurals, formula, pampers, and logic.  I also like pina colodas and long walks on the beach!

    Shout out to @sweetlyuntied !!

    YAAASSS!!! I'm so happy you're here!!!!

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    BMD16BMD16 member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here (again
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    Welcome @Brandi143! I was also part of the July 16 board but I miscarried at 7 weeks. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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    @FiancB - I may only refer to ferrets as cat-snakes from now on!  :smiley: 
    Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016
    TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019

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    @manabearursa - hi, and welcome!  So sorry for your losses, and FX that this is your Rainbow #2!  

    If I could make a small suggestion, trigger warnings (TWs) usually work better if you tell people what the trigger is.  So, for instance **TW: loss** or ***TW:suicide**. Etc.  That way the people with the corresponding trigger can prepare themselves appropriately.  Anyway, just wanted to point that out, but thanks for warning!
    Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016
    TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019

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    @thornton14 I'm sorry your ultrasound didn't go wel. Thinking good thoughts for you!
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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