March 2016 Moms

UO Thursday Anyone?

Okay, spill your 'unpopular opinions'

Re: UO Thursday Anyone?

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    @flowerpower5838 I feel you and I'm not even a week postpartum. Little man will wiggle around and I miss feeling that inside me. You are not alone!
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    I miss work! Don't get me wrong I love spending time with DD but I also miss the daily challenges my job brought. 

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    I kind of miss being pregnant 
    tbh, i only miss being pregnant because at leaat then i was still able to sleep through the night, hahah!

    my UO is that i honestly have NO interest in ever having another child. a few of my friends who have children are already planning for their 2nd, etc. & I'm over here like hell no.
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    @kyraaD ME TOO! I wanted multiple kids and after having DD I'm like hard pass. 

    Dont get get me wrong, I love DD and I love being a mom. But don't sign me up for a second. 
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    Poppy0419 said:
    @kyraaD ME TOO! I wanted multiple kids and after having DD I'm like hard pass. 

    Dont get get me wrong, I love DD and I love being a mom. But don't sign me up for a second. 
    haha, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!
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    I'm so beyond happy not to be pregnant anymore and hope to never be again. I've already packed up most of my maternity clothes (as I'm currently living in sweats and milk stained tees anyway) and cannot wait to get rid of them! 
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    I kind of miss being pregnant 
    I too miss being pregnant! DH and I would be trying for #2 now, but I don't really want 2 under 1! Plus my doc says that I should wait about 12 months to keep the integrity of my uterine scar (I had a c-section)
    . I don't think we'll wait that long to start trying again though. Took us 18 months to get pregnant with DD. I really hope it doesn't take that long for #2!
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    I miss being pregnant too, and I can't imagine not doing it again, even though 2 is enough for us. 
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    Because it's now Friday... My FFFC:

    I'm really sad that DH has scheduled a vasectomy.  I know I was all for it when I was pregnant, but now that I'm post partum, it's pretty devastating to think that I might not ever have the opportunity to have another LO.  Obviously a few weeks post partum is not the time to try making these decisions but I'm afraid he's going to go through with it and it really is bothering me.
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    Lets see.....I want another baby ASAP (little girl this time?), I actually enjoyed my c-section. I really like my post baby body (I finally have curves!). I'm only eating so DS can eat, otherwise, I'm not interested in food. 
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    UO:  I hate movie/show remakes of books.  Sometimes the changes are so miniscule and unnecessary that it just seems idiotic.  I've never seen one I liked more than the books.
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    I have reintroduced breastfeeding and I think it's working! DD was 6 weeks yesterday and we have been doing great! Only bottles at night because mommy is still selfish and it is faster to bottle feed. Momma needs as much sleep as she can get!
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    @smushi ITA! The only movie I have ever liked more than the book is Inkheart. Well, Jurassic Park, too, but I don't count that because the movie is universally awesome lol
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    Yeah Micheal Crithon (sp?) books are so good they really make amazing stand alone movies. 
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    I would love to have another baby, but I also want to adopt siblings someday. Lol, that would put us at a family of 7 at least. (Dream big, right?)

    But at the same time, I'm over here trying to figure out how to handle 2 kids, and it's eating my lunch. Here's to getting through another week!
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    I never ever ever want another baby. ever. I love this one SO MUCH but am looking forward to him going off to college just as I hit 40. got the paragard iud today so 12 years of no worries
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    I kind of want another baby...which is crazy! Three kids under age four has me busy enough. I really did not enjoy this pregnancy. We don't have the space or the money for four kids. But it's hard to wrap my head around him being the last one. I love the baby stage so much, it's hard to imagine that this is it. Really hoping the feeling passes and I feel "done" in the next year or two! I don't need baby fever again!

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    smushi said:
    Because it's now Friday... My FFFC:

    I'm really sad that DH has scheduled a vasectomy.  I know I was all for it when I was pregnant, but now that I'm post partum, it's pretty devastating to think that I might not ever have the opportunity to have another LO.  Obviously a few weeks post partum is not the time to try making these decisions but I'm afraid he's going to go through with it and it really is bothering me.
    Hugs.  Dh and I were in this position after ds3.  He was all set for a vasectomy and while I didn't necessarily know that I wanted another baby, I didn't feel 100% certain that I was done either.  Have you talked to Dh about it?  Neither of you should be having to agree to such big decisions at 3 weeks pp.  can you offer to go on some form of birth control until you guys agree the time is right for the V?  Fwiw after this last baby I feel 100% done and would take him to get the vasectomy done tomorrow. So at some point I think you will just know it's right, even if you are a tiny bit sad. For us it's the end of an era, we've been revolving our lives around making babies/pregnancy/newborns for over 8 years now, and that can always leave you a little sentimental.
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Oh man. My UO... I *hate* breastfeeding. And I feel so guilty saying that because I know it's so healthy for baby and there are moms who would love to BF and can't. My supply is fine and everything and I can even pump a little each day too. But I hate it. I'm 2 weeks PP and my nipples are sore. One of them was bleeding today. The original latch is unbelievably painful. Her latch during feeding is fine and the pain goes away once we get going but man it's hard for me to stay encouraged about this. Also sometimes she does this frantic on and off latching a few times when we first start and it hurts so bad I nearly cry. I kinda want to push through but half of me wants to throw in the towel and stop being in pain. 
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    I can totally relate! Most of my day is spent feeding/ pumping and my nipples are so sore and my supply still sucks. Just remember that no matter what you are a great mom!
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    I feel the same way. BF stresses me out and worries me so much. I would prefer to pump and bottle feed but my husband is guilt tripping me into continuing to BF. 
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    I really didn't like breastfeeding with my first for the first month or two. I made it a goal to get through two months, and it got SO much better. I definitely became one of those moms who loves it, and I wouldn't have believed you if you had told me that during the first month! Baby gets faster and more efficient and isn't nursing as often either. So hang in there, it might get better!

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    annawestt said:
    Oh man. My UO... I *hate* breastfeeding. And I feel so guilty saying that because I know it's so healthy for baby and there are moms who would love to BF and can't. My supply is fine and everything and I can even pump a little each day too. But I hate it. I'm 2 weeks PP and my nipples are sore. One of them was bleeding today. The original latch is unbelievably painful. Her latch during feeding is fine and the pain goes away once we get going but man it's hard for me to stay encouraged about this. Also sometimes she does this frantic on and off latching a few times when we first start and it hurts so bad I nearly cry. I kinda want to push through but half of me wants to throw in the towel and stop being in pain. 
    My LO did the frantic on and off too. My Lactation consultant gave me a nipple shield. It worked like a charm! I still use it sometimes when I have sore nipples. 
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    Yes! I bought a nipple shield today too and it has been the absolute best! I barely feel a thing while nursing. She is still not latching on very well to begin with but the shield is helping me to not get so frustrated. Amazing invention. I am going to stick it out awhile longer! We got this, ladies.
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    I dont like bfing either. Im doing it becuase i know its better for her, and becuase its easier at night then to prepare bottles. Lastly becuase i know its a source of comfort for her and i feel selfish taking that away becuase i dont like it. Im going to try and make it to 3 months (we are only 6 weeks down) and if im not feeling more positive by then i will be quitting. Hubby is guilt tripping me a bit but he agrees that it is my choice. 
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