April 2016 Moms

C section

Hi ladies, I apologize if there's already a thread like this , I did some searching and didn't see one. I had a c section almost a week ago after a failed induction, and I really wasn't anticipating it. I figured it would be good to have a thread for anyone who has questions or concerns about getting one, as due dates are approaching. 
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Married: May '15
M/C: May '15
Expecting DS: April '16


Re: C section

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    LO has been breech this entire pregnancy, so unless there is a miraculous turn, it looks like I'll be having a scheduled c-section... How easy/difficult is your recovery going? Is there anything you're specifically struggling with?
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    Ljljljl said:
    LO has been breech this entire pregnancy, so unless there is a miraculous turn, it looks like I'll be having a scheduled c-section... How easy/difficult is your recovery going? Is there anything you're specifically struggling with?
    The first day is the hardest. Walking will be nearly impossible so just get as much rest as possible, it gets a little easier each day for me. The hardest struggle is trying not to move very fast because it makes the incision burn. Walking is still hard for me. But as long as I take my pain medicine as scheduled, it is manageable. One thing no one told me about is SWELLING, and not just in my feet and legs, but it's absolutely everywhere . So plan on drinking plenty of water
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: May '15
    M/C: May '15
    Expecting DS: April '16

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    I had a c section with my first and the best thing advice I took was to stand up, and even walk a few steps to a chair, that same night.  As mentioned above, I moved at a snails pace, no need to do anything quickly, but moving helped a lot.  Also, shower as soon as they let you, it helps you feel normal again.  I also bought a belly bandit which helped with swelling and keeping everything together when I laughed or sneezed!  I will be having a repeat c section in less than two weeks, good luck!!
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    @Ljljljl I had a scheduled c-section with my first. In my opinion my recovery was a lot easier/smoother than my friends that labored then had a c-section. (That said just so you know there might be large variation in information).

    Walking is tough at first and most hospitals make you stay a little longer. I second the shower as soon as they let you. I asked for a seat/stool in the shower just in case (I still felt pretty shaky with all the meds and being on a liquid diet at first.)

    By the time I made it thru the meds they sent home with me I felt fine. Get lots of rest between nursing/feeding and let your SO or anyone help if offered. My DH did most diapers the first week (not bc you won't be able to, just as his way of helping). 

    I wouldn't recommend not taking the meds as scheduled for at least the first week or 2. I kept trying to push them out and wish I had just taken them and not been in much pain at all! 

    The one thing that bothered me was gas. When you're opened up like that a lot of air gets in your system. It made me feel like I couldn't get a good deep breath. If it happens just ask the nurses they gave me a pill and it went away quickly. Good luck! 
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    Ah yes!  Totally forgot about the gas, it was horrible. I also had air settle in my shoulders, @sparklr10 did you experience any of that?  It was soooo painful and not something I had read about beforehand.
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    @SparklePeanut I didn't have pain from it, more just paranoia with the meds and feeling like it was difficult to breathe. My DH just made me call a nurse when I told him and they explained it was normal! 
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    I had a great experience with my first who was breech. Definitely take the meds and take the time to recover. If you have the support, absolutely use it! Having a shower ASAP is great advice too and walking around just a little to get moving is good too. I'm electing to have a repeat caesarean in a week, that's if this nasty cold doesn't send me into labour earlier!!!
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    My main complaint about my c/s was constipation. I only had to take pain meds half of the time in the hospital and only took regular Tylenol at night when I came home. Aside from pooping, my c/s recovery was a breeze compared to my first VBAC recovery. 
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    Does the hospital give you something for constipation or should we bring that? 
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    Does the hospital give you something for constipation or should we bring that? 
    They will supply that. You may need to request it (as soon as you can).
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    I had an emergency c section with DS and will have a repeat c section with this one as well. I third the shower as soon as possible and also recommend walking. I was bed ridden for 24 hours, hospital policy and yes, I was swollen more than I had been throughout the entire pregnancy. Lasted for days. Take your pain meds and the hospital will give you stool softeners. I was not allowed to leave until I had a bowel movement and passed gas. No one prepared me for the hot searing pain every time I tried to get up but you can power through it! Everyday it got a little easier. 

    Also, not sure what your OB uses to stitch you up but with DS they used dissolve able staples internally and glue on my skin on the outside. The staples took some time dissolve and at one point I thought one was going to come out of my skin. It never did but it did happen to a friend of mine so be prepared, you can youtube it as well. Some bodies reject them and can push them out.

    Best of luck to all having c section and feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like! 
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    I had an emergency csection with DS and this LO is now breech so it's very likely I'll be having another one. My recovery was really easy with DS. I recommend getting up as soon as they'll let you, even if it's just to move from the bed to a chair. Take the pain medication as it's scheduled for the first few days at least, don't wait until you're in pain to ask for it. Absolutely take a shower as soon as you can, it helps you feel so much better. Brace yourself for sneezes, coughs, and laughing as best as you can. 
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    Thanks for all the tips ladies!  I'm a FTM and my little peanut has been breech the whole pregnancy.  I'm scheduled for a c section in 2 weeks and wasn't entirely sure of what to expect for recovery.  I just knew that it was different/more difficult to recover from than natural birth.  I did get myself a Belly Bandit, for recovery to help support my abdomen.  My hospital's policy is a 4 day stay for a c section, hopefully I'll be moving around a bit better by the time I get released!
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    I had a CS with my DD and will have a RCS in two weeks.  I agree with all of the above, walk as soon as you can, listen to the nurses, take pain meds as scheduled.  Rest and enjoy your baby.  Don't try and be wonder woman and you'll feel great in no time.
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    I had a C Section 2.5 years ago with DD and I recovered wonderfully. I was up and walking around that same day and I stayed on top of my pain meds, I also asked for laxatives right away, I think it was suppositories (ugh) because I did get backed up from the pain meds. Other than that, I was out walking on my first day, got around just fine and healed quickly.
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    It's a boy! Grow baby, grow! EDD: 4/22/2016

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    Lots of great advice here! I had a c-section with my second. I think I was able to walk later that same evening, which definitely helped. By two days out I was feeling much better. Definitely stay on top of pain meds and don't try to be super woman and not take them! I was also surprised by pain of the air settling in my shoulder...I guess that's a totally normal thing and I didn't read a single thing about it beforehand! I was offered, and took, laxatives but I don't think I needed them. Before I knew it I had to start denying them because I definitely was not in need of them anymore, if you know what I mean! :)
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    I really appreciate this thread!  I am a FTM with a breech baby and scheduled to have a CS in 2 days.  Nice to have the support of others and read some tips of people going through it at the same time.  I'll be back afterwards to hopefully add to this and share any additional insight.  Hoping for a relatively straight forward delivery and healthy baby girl! 
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    Im sceduled for my third c-section tomorrow march 29 at 39 weeks,, my first one was horrible so many things went wrong with me and DS, my second with DD was so much better everything came out great,, what helped the most was walking and i was up and walking 3 hours after my c-section and by the next day everything was so much easier than I expected,, and dont feel bad for asking for pain meds or anything else to make it easier on yourself, lets not forget we get cut open to bring our LO safely into this world
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    I had an emergency c section with my first who is now 2 years old. I would absolutely take the pain meds, but don't worry it gets better so you won't take them long. I was so swollen I couldn't fit my feet into my shoes for about two weeks, FYI so be prepared. Course I had a lot of fluid and meds pumped into me cuz of pushing for a few hours before the surgery. Anyway, take the stool softener as they tell you. You will need it! I didn't take it much and had the worst searing pain. I'm having a scheduled c section this time and will definitely be taking it. The hospital does give it to you. Good luck and wishing you a speedy easy recovery! 
    I married the man of my dreams June 2, 2007!
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    I had a CS with my DD a little over 4 years ago and I honestly loved it! It wasn't planned but it wasn't an emergency either. It wasn't anything like I expected. It was a little scary at first and I don't know if it happens with a planned CS but the uncontrollable shaking was probably the scariest part to me. However, recovery really want bad at all. They took my stitches out about 2 hours before we left the hospital and it wasn't bad but some people say it is awful painful. Just don't try and do to much to fast. 3 days after I got home I felt amazing for what just happened so we went to church and spent the day at my DH families. That night I felt awful, sick to my stomach and a low grade fever.  Try to remember no one is super woman and we shouldn't try to be! 
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    My baby has been breech for months and it looks like she's staying that way! This morning we booked a c section for next Friday. I'm a FTM and really having trouble with going from feeling excited to meet baby to being really sad and feeling like I'll be missing out on the experience of labouring and pushing. I was never set on an unmediated birth and have nothing against csections so I'm surprised I'm feeling this way. I guess I'm just looking for some advice for coming to terms with the csection, and wondering if I'll still feel like I missed out after the baby is here?
    DD - 4.15.16
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    adifrogadifrog member
    edited April 2016
    I think any time things don't go according to plan we naturally need some time to wrap our head around our new "normal!"  I was warned years ago that I'd need a C section so I've had a long time to get used to it.  If I ever DO feel like it's not the "right" way I remind myself of all the benefits this way will bring--that perfectly little round baby head, meeting her within the hour versus who knows how long, no long labor that ends up in a C section anyway, knowing the day she'll come, and so on.  Silver lining!  Hugs to you, mama!

    (edited because I fat fingered and posted too early)
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    My baby has been breech for months and it looks like she's staying that way! This morning we booked a c section for next Friday. I'm a FTM and really having trouble with going from feeling excited to meet baby to being really sad and feeling like I'll be missing out on the experience of labouring and pushing. I was never set on an unmediated birth and have nothing against csections so I'm surprised I'm feeling this way. I guess I'm just looking for some advice for coming to terms with the csection, and wondering if I'll still feel like I missed out after the baby is here?
    Hang in there. I never felt slighted with my birth story after it happened. My DS was born 2 years ago with a scheduled c-section. It was a very hard decision to make (especially when I knew my doctor wouldn't do a VBAC for any future children either). I completely understand how you're feeling. For me at least, as soon as I held my son and realized the recovery want nearly as bad as I was convinced it would be, I was not disappointed. It was best for him and we're lucky we have the option now for a safer delivery when needed. Be sure to read this whole thread, I think there is some great info here. Good luck!
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    Thanks for the support ladies. I definitely feel better after a little research. The sadness just comes when I randomly think of something I'll be missing out on. But I know at the end of the day there are a lot of positives, the biggest one being meeting my baby!
    DD - 4.15.16
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    Ditto the trying to get up and around when you can, but definitely take it EASY easy! I had an unscheduled CS with DS1 3 years ago and I remember being so frustrated with the recovery pain early on. While we were still in the hospital, my husband was doing all the diaper changes. I wanted to, but I just couldn't move around that easily. And one of the nurses kind of snapped at me "You haven't changed a diaper yet?! You know you gotta do it sooner or later." And it made me cry! lol DS was maybe two days old. And I got so upset and frustrated and wanted to just leave. Sigh. 

    But later, some of the other nurses reassured me that it is major surgery and you don't want to have to recover twice. The healing takes time, and don't let it get you frustrated. Before you know it, you'll be good to go.

    On the meds note... I might have fared better if I'd stay on top of my pain meds, however, what they prescribed me made me terribly sleepy. The first round was Vicodin (I think) while still in the hospital. And after one dose of that, I said NOPE -- it actually made me feel drunk which kinda blows when you need to be alert for a newborn. They switched it to something else (can't remember) and it just made me so sleepy and groggy, I was too stubborn to take it because I didn't like the way it made me feel. Ugh. Did anyone have a decent experience with a particular pain medication that had minimal side effects? 
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    I had a c section with my first and the best thing advice I took was to stand up, and even walk a few steps to a chair, that same night.  As mentioned above, I moved at a snails pace, no need to do anything quickly, but moving helped a lot.  Also, shower as soon as they let you, it helps you feel normal again.  I also bought a belly bandit which helped with swelling and keeping everything together when I laughed or sneezed!  I will be having a repeat c section in less than two weeks, good luck!!
    I didn't buy the Belly Bandit, but I got one comparable to it that was a little cheaper.  Did you wear yours all day, including sleeping, as recommended?  
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    I can't believe the nurse expected you to change a diaper when it's nearly impossible to just sit up in bed after the surgery!  My DH changed all the diapers for at least 2 weeks when DS was born. I'm hoping I can call the nurses in to help me this time since DH will need to go home to watch DS during nights.

    i only wore my waist binder for a few hours at a time.  It got too uncomfortable after a while. Plus it rubbed on my scar (along with the seam on my maternity panties) which may have contributed to my awful, painful keloid scar.  Just do what feels right.  I now know to not be a martyr and listen to your body. If it's hurting, say something. Wish I did ( but at least I get to have my scar removed and redone this time!)
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    I have a couple more questions, because it's been confirmed that I'm getting a c-section in two weeks (he's still breech).
    1. I know I'll have vaginal bleeding, but am I still going to have all the pain in my vagina since I won't be laboring/pushing?
    2. What type of routine care will I do for my incision? How often and for how long?
    3. Will I be able to take normal showers and baths? Lol
    4. This isn't a question, but in my short 22 years of life, I've never had any surgery at all. I'm so scared I'll be able to feel everything or that I'll bleed to death or something.. 
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    thaisac1thaisac1 member
    edited April 2016
    Ljljljl said:
    I have a couple more questions, because it's been confirmed that I'm getting a c-section in two weeks (he's still breech).
    1. I know I'll have vaginal bleeding, but am I still going to have all the pain in my vagina since I won't be laboring/pushing?
    2. What type of routine care will I do for my incision? How often and for how long?
    3. Will I be able to take normal showers and baths? Lol
    4. This isn't a question, but in my short 22 years of life, I've never had any surgery at all. I'm so scared I'll be able to feel everything or that I'll bleed to death or something.. 
    Ljljljl said:
    I have a couple more questions, because it's been confirmed that I'm getting a c-section in two weeks (he's still breech).
    1. I know I'll have vaginal bleeding, but am I still going to have all the pain in my vagina since I won't be laboring/pushing?
    2. What type of routine care will I do for my incision? How often and for how long?
    3. Will I be able to take normal showers and baths? Lol
    4. This isn't a question, but in my short 22 years of life, I've never had any surgery at all. I'm so scared I'll be able to feel everything or that I'll bleed to death or something.. 
    I had a c section last Sunday. While I am no expert, I will Try to answer your questions:

    1. I have no pain at all down there. I don't see why you would.
    2. I had to keep q dressing on for 72h as it has anti microbial properties. After that no additional care needed, other than monitoring the appearance. My incision looks very simple and it's not very noticeable. 
    3. Yes. Baths only after dressing is gone. Showers no problem.
    4. This was my first surgery too. It is very routine and low risk. Try not to worry about it!!!

    I was also dreading the post op pain. The first 2 days were painful but I managed with Tylenol. By day 3 I was immensely better, and by day 4 I even forgot I had had a cesarean. Be sure to walk as much as you feel comfortable, especially in those first days even if it hurts, as it helps you feel better each day. Good luck!

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    My doctor told me I could only take a bath after my bleeding has stopped, has anyone been told differently?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: May '15
    M/C: May '15
    Expecting DS: April '16

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    I want allowed a bath in a tub until after my 6 wk checkup last time. Showers only 
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    The best advice I got was from one of my nurses and she said when you stand, stand tall quickly. Take a deep breath and just do it. Hurts a little but it's much better than doing it slowly. Like everyone else has been saying, take the pain meds, makes it much easier to get around and moving around helps the healing process, and the shower! That first shower will be the best shower of your life. Oh and the shoes, my feet swelled so bad that I had to wear my slippers home because my shoes didn't fit. I found a pair of flats that only cover my toes and those have been a blessing. 
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    My first section was also planned and much easier than my friends who labored. I'm 15 days away from my RCS, and hoping for a similarly easy recovery. 
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    The best advice I got was from one of my nurses and she said when you stand, stand tall quickly...
    Ayyeee.. that makes me cringe just thinking about it. Lol. But you're right.. ahh.. that first shower. 

    @Ljljljl I did labor (but didn't push) so I don't know if that makes a difference, but the vaginal pain afterward was minimal. I don't remember any significant pain. But yeah, there is bleeding so be prepared with supplies at home. My OB recommended straight Vitamin E oil for your incision once it's healed. I wish I had been a bit more vigilant with keeping it moisturized. I had this strange, like, fear of my own scar in the weeks after my CS. It's as if I didn't want to look. lol I don't know why. This time I'm going to do a better job encouraging the healing.
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    Just had my planned C-section today and I loved it! Was super nervous about the pain because I knew it was coming but over all everything was great. Nurses, doctors, and antistesiologist made things in the surgery room super light and fun. Had some light headedness and nausea shortly after but that was because my blood pressure was low. Got it taken care of fast and now I am laying in my bed snuggling with my wonderful DS and so happy! 
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    @mommymeyer2233 glad to hear you had a good experience. Mine is scheduled for next Monday and I am really starting to get nervous now. 
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    Were any of you with scheduled sections advised to eat differently days prior to help with BMs afterward?
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    @mommymeyer2233 + any others who've had a planned CS -- How's the process after checking into the hospital? I had an unplanned CS with my first. So the epidural happened while I was laboring in the midst of hard contractions and I barely remember it, I just know it was so hard to lie still for the anesthesiologist. And then kind of got whisked away to the OR for the procedure.

    When it's planned, do you go straight to the OR? Are you laying down for the epidural and then you just wait there until you're good to go?
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    @mommymeyer2233 glad to hear you had a good experience. Mine is scheduled for next Monday and I am really starting to get nervous now. 
    Mine is scheduled a week from today and I'm freaking out inside. Not sure why but I'm definitely nervous. 
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