Ah motherhood... DD got out of bed and came into our room to tell us something. As soon as she went to speak, she projectile vomited all over me, DH, and our bed. Poor girl can't stop crying
Poor baby. Also, this was totally me as a kid. Apparently I *had* to tell Mom I didn't feel good instead of just going to the bathroom to get sick til I was like 10.
@AmadorRose I try but can never tell . But I had a growth scan today and she showed me he was head down, like way way down, and his butt is right under my right ribs.
My baby's exact position also as of last midwife check so it's the only reason I know I'm patting a butt when I chill on the couch and it pushes way out!
Ah motherhood... DD got out of bed and came into our room to tell us something. As soon as she went to speak, she projectile vomited all over me, DH, and our bed. Poor girl can't stop crying
Poor baby. Also, this was totally me as a kid. Apparently I *had* to tell Mom I didn't feel good instead of just going to the bathroom to get sick til I was like 10.
The first thing she said was "I told you!" She's finally back to sleep now. Hopefully it was just something that didn't agree with her and not the start of something.
My sister informed me this evening that she took caster oil this week of her pregnancy with her first child. I'm so beyond pissed with her. When I started flipping out about all the what ifs that could have happened she literally had the gall to tell me "Oh my God stop reading so much! J-- is fine!" I wanted to slap her so fucking bad. Who does something like that in real life like it's no big deal????
@Knottie9983816 Way too many people do crap like that... If you're going to try and induce labor once baby is full term on your own, at least pick something that may not make you have a violent physical reaction. Eat pineapple or spicy food. Have sex. Go for long walks. Bounce on a birth ball. Dance. Castor oil could potentially make you vomit from both ends and dehydrate you. There's also the cramping.
My sister informed me this evening that she took caster oil this week of her pregnancy with her first child. I'm so beyond pissed with her. When I started flipping out about all the what ifs that could have happened she literally had the gall to tell me "Oh my God stop reading so much! J-- is fine!" I wanted to slap her so fucking bad. Who does something like that in real life like it's no big deal????
Honestly tons of women still give this advice to pregnant women to start labor and people still follow it. Had a mom tell a group of about ~150 women on Facebook to drink it plus pineapple juice. When some moms started asking for research she could only give her experience and the fact that this is what older moms told her to do.
I've never been to Chipotle and there's one a couple of miles from my house. Same for Moes and it's even closer. I don't usually pay that much mind to it, but the Chipotle bad press was hard to ignore. I do have a coupon for a free burrito though so I may need to suck it up and take my chances for some free foods.
The bad press really damaged my business and sorry to say it.. People needed to get over it. Yes something was found in one state and that was it. But what was interesting was the strain found in the food is not normal ecoli strain for food. It was a different strain that is not normally found in food. So that raised a lot of eyebrows as to whether or not it was planted there. Since we have gone full non-gmo almost a year ago, many companies have been trying to bash the brand. I am very thankful to the loyal customers that continued to support my company allowing me to keep my job. I AM NOT SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF CHIPOTLE--(had to throw this in here just in case) but we have taken drastic food safety measures to ensure we will be the leading restaurant business in food safety. What the press ignored was how the CDC officially closed the case a while ago and all was A-ok again. Of course no one wanted to hear the good. Only the bad.
so don't worry mama, Chipotle is safe--probably the safest it's ever been. Go enjoy yourself that free burrito.
Random bored thought: does anyone else play head or butt? One area of my belly will push out and I can differentiate between limbs and thorax, but I can never tell which end is which.
I'm currently playing that now, pretty sure her butt is sticking out. She was already in position at my 30 week US, I'm hoping when I go for my 36 week she still is. Her movements were so crazy a couple of days ago I was in tears at work. I'm praying that she wasn't turning.
We just started moving everything over to our new place this morning and I'm already having terrible BH. DS just wants to play with the boxes and the vacuum.
I've never been to Chipotle and there's one a couple of miles from my house. Same for Moes and it's even closer. I don't usually pay that much mind to it, but the Chipotle bad press was hard to ignore. I do have a coupon for a free burrito though so I may need to suck it up and take my chances for some free foods.
The bad press really damaged my business and sorry to say it.. People needed to get over it. Yes something was found in one state and that was it. But what was interesting was the strain found in the food is not normal ecoli strain for food. It was a different strain that is not normally found in food. So that raised a lot of eyebrows as to whether or not it was planted there. Since we have gone full non-gmo almost a year ago, many companies have been trying to bash the brand. I am very thankful to the loyal customers that continued to support my company allowing me to keep my job. I AM NOT SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF CHIPOTLE--(had to throw this in here just in case) but we have taken drastic food safety measures to ensure we will be the leading restaurant business in food safety. What the press ignored was how the CDC officially closed the case a while ago and all was A-ok again. Of course no one wanted to hear the good. Only the bad.
so don't worry mama, Chipotle is safe--probably the safest it's ever been. Go enjoy yourself that free burrito.
Oh believe me, if I really wanted it, I would have gone regardless. When Chipotle finally opened here, it was always busy and I thought the price was too high to wait that long so I never went. That was way before the ecoli situation. Maybe someday.
I I did find it ironic/funny though when we pregnant folks were being told not to eat this, that, and the other, that the only bad contaminated food press was coming from things we are more likely to be encouraged to eat like vegetables and healthy eating brands like Chipotle and Dole, etc.
I've never been to Chipotle and there's one a couple of miles from my house. Same for Moes and it's even closer. I don't usually pay that much mind to it, but the Chipotle bad press was hard to ignore. I do have a coupon for a free burrito though so I may need to suck it up and take my chances for some free foods.
The bad press really damaged my business and sorry to say it.. People needed to get over it. Yes something was found in one state and that was it. But what was interesting was the strain found in the food is not normal ecoli strain for food. It was a different strain that is not normally found in food. So that raised a lot of eyebrows as to whether or not it was planted there. Since we have gone full non-gmo almost a year ago, many companies have been trying to bash the brand. I am very thankful to the loyal customers that continued to support my company allowing me to keep my job. I AM NOT SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF CHIPOTLE--(had to throw this in here just in case) but we have taken drastic food safety measures to ensure we will be the leading restaurant business in food safety. What the press ignored was how the CDC officially closed the case a while ago and all was A-ok again. Of course no one wanted to hear the good. Only the bad.
so don't worry mama, Chipotle is safe--probably the safest it's ever been. Go enjoy yourself that free burrito.
Oh believe me, if I really wanted it, I would have gone regardless. When Chipotle finally opened here, it was always busy and I thought the price was too high to wait that long so I never went. That was way before the ecoli situation. Maybe someday.
I I did find it ironic/funny though when we pregnant folks were being told not to eat this, that, and the other, that the only bad contaminated food press was coming from things we are more likely to be encouraged to eat like vegetables and healthy eating brands like Chipotle and Dole, etc.
@AmadorRose I had never even heard of Bluebell before that. I don't believe they sell that in this state. Is it really good?
It's ice cream. I don't really think there is a huge difference between it and Publix store brand, or Ben and Jerry's for that matter.
I have never had Publix either but yeah store ice cream kinda sucks. The best ice cream I have ever had was at this restaurant in a really small town in Montana that made it there using an ice cream maker. It had a completely different texture than any other ice cream I have had. Then I went and got my own ice cream maker but the ice cream came out too soft.
Yay my boobies are leaking!!! I know I shouldn't be so thrilled - but I had a breast lift with under-the-muscle implants when I was 19 years old. Plus I've had my nipples pierced twice. So I was concerned that I was battling a ton of scar tissue in the area, and the implants themselves. Wasn't sure what they would do and if anything would ever come out of there!
I'm watching house hunters on HGTV right now and I can't believe how many people get stuck on cosmetic things instead of looking at the big picture. " The light switch covers are the wrong color and the paint color is awful". So what!!!! You can change that dumbass
I've never been to Chipotle and there's one a couple of miles from my house. Same for Moes and it's even closer. I don't usually pay that much mind to it, but the Chipotle bad press was hard to ignore. I do have a coupon for a free burrito though so I may need to suck it up and take my chances for some free foods.
The bad press really damaged my business and sorry to say it.. People needed to get over it. Yes something was found in one state and that was it. But what was interesting was the strain found in the food is not normal ecoli strain for food. It was a different strain that is not normally found in food. So that raised a lot of eyebrows as to whether or not it was planted there. Since we have gone full non-gmo almost a year ago, many companies have been trying to bash the brand. I am very thankful to the loyal customers that continued to support my company allowing me to keep my job. I AM NOT SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF CHIPOTLE--(had to throw this in here just in case) but we have taken drastic food safety measures to ensure we will be the leading restaurant business in food safety. What the press ignored was how the CDC officially closed the case a while ago and all was A-ok again. Of course no one wanted to hear the good. Only the bad.
so don't worry mama, Chipotle is safe--probably the safest it's ever been. Go enjoy yourself that free burrito.
Oh believe me, if I really wanted it, I would have gone regardless. When Chipotle finally opened here, it was always busy and I thought the price was too high to wait that long so I never went. That was way before the ecoli situation. Maybe someday.
I I did find it ironic/funny though when we pregnant folks were being told not to eat this, that, and the other, that the only bad contaminated food press was coming from things we are more likely to be encouraged to eat like vegetables and healthy eating brands like Chipotle and Dole, etc.
This is why I fully believe in being informed and making your own decision when it comes to what you eat during pregnancy. If you google "frozen yogurt + listeria" the top articles are just pregnancy lists of what not to eat. There are some articles about bluebell, but froyo like most people think of it wasn't involved.
3 miscarriages - 1 DS (6) - 1 DD (3) - #3 due March 30!
DS didn't take a long enough nap, so now he's screaming his face off and ugly crying. The little brat keeps trying to kick me and he keeps throwing himself against the floor. Yes, I understand that you didn't get a long enough nap, but I'm not the one who woke you up. You did it yourself! If babies started out as toddlers, I would probably only ever have one kid...
Do y'all actually give two hours for kick counts? Maddie usually passes in 5-15 minutes. I feel like waiting the full 2 hours is a loooooong time. We're at 2 movements in 30-some minutes.
3 miscarriages - 1 DS (6) - 1 DD (3) - #3 due March 30!
Do y'all actually give two hours for kick counts? Maddie usually passes in 5-15 minutes. I feel like waiting the full 2 hours is a loooooong time. We're at 2 movements in 30-some minutes.
I haven't been doing kick counts. Are they really necessary?
Do y'all actually give two hours for kick counts? Maddie usually passes in 5-15 minutes. I feel like waiting the full 2 hours is a loooooong time. We're at 2 movements in 30-some minutes.
I haven't been doing kick counts. Are they really necessary?
I only do them when I haven't noticed movement in awhile. But they're incredibly effective at indicating fetal distress before the heart rate is affected.
3 miscarriages - 1 DS (6) - 1 DD (3) - #3 due March 30!
Do y'all actually give two hours for kick counts? Maddie usually passes in 5-15 minutes. I feel like waiting the full 2 hours is a loooooong time. We're at 2 movements in 30-some minutes.
Nope. LO is so active that there doesn't seem to be a point. If he is quiet for a good while, I wake his butt up with some sugar or cold water. Then I get kicked as if LO is mimicking a Jackie Chan movie.
Just in case anyone was wondering.. At eight months pregnant it's a super bad idea to look at pictures of yourself from last summer. Especially since mine revolved around weight lifting and running.. And I was tiny. Tiny tiny. I worked damn hard to be fit! My doctor says I've done well but seriously, eight months pregnant and 45 lbs is depressing.. true it's a good cause and maybe it sounds vain.. But dammit I squated down last night and ripped my work pants up the butt! That's my rant for tonight.. I'm sure tomorrow I'll have more!
I don't usually do kick counts but since my appointment on friday and the protein issues the doctor said i need to monitor them closely in case something goes wrong.
My unit has been gone for a month for training, so I haven't seen any of my coworkers in that month. I saw two of them with whom I work pretty closely at the grocery store tonight and they both walked past me. To be fair, I was wearing real clothes with my hair down and even mascara (because I've been feeling really down about my weight gain and wanted to look decent). So I said hello to one, he introduced me to his wife, and then he told me I got fat. I was torn between wanting to cry and wanting to point out that his wife has more chins than I do and she isn't even pregnant.
People are really, really shitty. That is not what I needed immediately after having to go buy new shoes because my feet are so swollen that I can't fit in any of my others.
My unit has been gone for a month for training, so I haven't seen any of my coworkers in that month. I saw two of them with whom I work pretty closely at the grocery store tonight and they both walked past me. To be fair, I was wearing real clothes with my hair down and even mascara (because I've been feeling really down about my weight gain and wanted to look decent). So I said hello to one, he introduced me to his wife, and then he told me I got fat. I was torn between wanting to cry and wanting to point out that his wife has more chins than I do and she isn't even pregnant.
People are really, really shitty. That is not what I needed immediately after having to go buy new shoes because my feet are so swollen that I can't fit in any of my others.
Who just says shit like that to people? What a douche.
My unit has been gone for a month for training, so I haven't seen any of my coworkers in that month. I saw two of them with whom I work pretty closely at the grocery store tonight and they both walked past me. To be fair, I was wearing real clothes with my hair down and even mascara (because I've been feeling really down about my weight gain and wanted to look decent). So I said hello to one, he introduced me to his wife, and then he told me I got fat. I was torn between wanting to cry and wanting to point out that his wife has more chins than I do and she isn't even pregnant.
People are really, really shitty. That is not what I needed immediately after having to go buy new shoes because my feet are so swollen that I can't fit in any of my others.
Who just says shit like that to people? What a douche.
Seriously. I'm five feet tall; where do people expect 25 f-ing pounds to go? I look fat when I put on 8 pounds not pregnant because that's the way I'm built.
And even if I am a little round, at least I'm not stupid enough to tell a pregnant woman she looks fat. That's pretty damn stupid.
My unit has been gone for a month for training, so I haven't seen any of my coworkers in that month. I saw two of them with whom I work pretty closely at the grocery store tonight and they both walked past me. To be fair, I was wearing real clothes with my hair down and even mascara (because I've been feeling really down about my weight gain and wanted to look decent). So I said hello to one, he introduced me to his wife, and then he told me I got fat. I was torn between wanting to cry and wanting to point out that his wife has more chins than I do and she isn't even pregnant.
People are really, really shitty. That is not what I needed immediately after having to go buy new shoes because my feet are so swollen that I can't fit in any of my others.
Re: **The Everything Random Thread for April Mamas**
Me- 25,DH-28
so don't worry mama, Chipotle is safe--probably the safest it's ever been. Go enjoy yourself that free burrito.
I I did find it ironic/funny though when we pregnant folks were being told not to eat this, that, and the other, that the only bad contaminated food press was coming from things we are more likely to be encouraged to eat like vegetables and healthy eating brands like Chipotle and Dole, etc.
I know I shouldn't be so thrilled - but I had a breast lift with under-the-muscle implants when I was 19 years old. Plus I've had my nipples pierced twice. So I was concerned that I was battling a ton of scar tissue in the area, and the implants themselves. Wasn't sure what they would do and if anything would ever come out of there!
" The light switch covers are the wrong color and the paint color is awful". So what!!!! You can change that dumbass
But dammit I squated down last night and ripped my work pants up the butt! That's my rant for tonight.. I'm sure tomorrow I'll have more!
People are really, really shitty. That is not what I needed immediately after having to go buy new shoes because my feet are so swollen that I can't fit in any of my others.
And even if I am a little round, at least I'm not stupid enough to tell a pregnant woman she looks fat. That's pretty damn stupid.