February 2016 Moms

I'm most looking forward to __(fill in the blank)__

Of course I know we all can't wait to meet our LO's and hold them in our arms for the first time. But what are you most looking forward to doing, eating, etc after you deliver and are no longer pregnant again. 

I am looking forward to having a nice cold beer! Already can't wait to have a night out with DH in a few weeks after DS2 is born where I can share in having a few drinks and not having to pee every 20 minutes where ever we go. I know it will be a few weeks---but getting to the point of being over my maternity wardrobe and starting to stare jealously of my "old clothes" that have been hanging in my closet the last few months. :) Also really looking forward to being able to get on the floor comfortably to play with DS1 again. Lately it's so hard to sit on the floor, let alone get back up. I feel like a dying cockroach trying to stand up!
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Re: I'm most looking forward to __(fill in the blank)__

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    Honestly I'm just looking forward to getting my flat tummy back and probably having a drink. Even though I don't drink at all besides special occasions.
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    Laying on my stomach, having a cocktail when out at dinner, and basically all the unfun stuff about pregnancy going away.
    Married: 8/25/12
    Started TTC: 1/1/14
    BFP: 6/1/15
    Baby Girl Athena Born: 2/7/16

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    No heartburn and a drink!
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    Laying on my stomach! No more heartburn! A massage where I can lay on my stomach and back which I found is way better than the prenatal one on your side.
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    Being able to breathe again, laying on my back & stomach, WINE, losing weight, & my hips not hurting.
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    Vodka. Redbull. Together. A double no no :) Also - not being winded walking up a half a flight of stairs, no more hip pain, and losing baby weight.
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    egraves4egraves4 member
    edited January 2016


    This! And just overall getting back into shape. We got a baby jogger city elite which seems to be a pretty all-terrain stroller and I'm so excited to get back out there. Also, I purchased a $600 mountain bike 2 weeks before we found out... Excited to get a lot more use out of it (we biked for a little more after we found out but with the summer humidity and my FTM anxiety I just wasn't feeling it).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise BFP! 06/08/15
    Nadine GraceMarie  02/10/16
    Diagnosed with placenta increta post delivery: emergency partial hysterectomy - cervix and ovaries still intact 
    Gestational surrogacy or adoption TBD

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    Putting my socks on without needing help. Oooo getting out of bed with out struggling and not having to pee all the time.
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    I'm so looking forward to not being in pain every day! I think I've almost forgotten what it feels like. And drinking a strawberry maragarita, eating a yummy pan seared tuna steak, being able to wear/shopping for normal clothes, and being active again.
    October 2017 May siggy challenge - Parenting fails

    Pregnancy #2-Due 8/24/17 MMC-01/09/17
    DD-Due 10/24/17
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    I'm looking forward to taking my dogs on long walks again.

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    I can't wait to lay on my belly and back. Also it would be nice to not have to adjust how I sit and put my hand on top of my belly to make room under my ribs because of the pain lol. Oh And I cannot wait for my husband to stop saying "Can you do that? Are you allowed to have that? BE CAREFULLL!!!" Haha
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    Can't wait for a monster energy drink, sleeping on my belly, and wearing somewhat normal pants :)
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    Sleeping on my stomach, having a drink, having people talk to me instead of my stomach
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    Sleeping on my stomach! Taking a deep breath, no heartburn, being able to walk normal (no waddle or pelvic pressure!), have a nice cold alcoholic beverage, TMI but have normal sex with my husband lol (even though that's a ways away), being able to wear more than the same 5 maternity shirts.

    And of course holding my baby and getting to see my husband be a daddy! All that will be worth it.
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    Non-awkward sex! Seeing DS as a big brother. And sleeping on my stomach (which will actually be delayed even longer as I can't BF and stomach sleep without waking up in a puddle).

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    In all seriousness... STM's how long after did you have your first drink?  I'm going to be attempting to EBF my LO and I wasn't sure how hard it was to sneak an alcoholic drink while feeding on demand.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise BFP! 06/08/15
    Nadine GraceMarie  02/10/16
    Diagnosed with placenta increta post delivery: emergency partial hysterectomy - cervix and ovaries still intact 
    Gestational surrogacy or adoption TBD

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    You can drink and breastfeed. I think I would stick to like 2 drinks if I was going to nurse that night. Not sure of specifics but I would just say research it.

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    Fourth time mom here. But I EBF all my kids and still had a drink. If you are unsure about it ask your ob or you can get those test strips to indicate if your milk is clean. But I've read you can have a drink or two and it doesn't effect your milk. @egraves4
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    Sleep on my back and some wine.
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    Not being physically uncomfortable all the time (after the labor soreness/initial nursing discomforts fade)

    A glass of Reisling
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    egraves4 said:

    In all seriousness... STM's how long after did you have your first drink?  I'm going to be attempting to EBF my LO and I wasn't sure how hard it was to sneak an alcoholic drink while feeding on demand.

    It takes a little bit of getting used to their schedule. Mine were both cluster feeders in the evening, so I couldn't sneak a drink in there easily, but after 9 or so I knew they'd give me at least a couple hours, so I felt comfortable having one right away after nursing. You get in a groove and eventually a lot of babies have somewhat predictable patterns:)
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    • definitely being able to play with my toddler again!  I feel like everything she does is on the floor and I just can't get down there and sit comfortably!  It makes me really sad actually.
    • eating/drinking whatever I want
    • wearing my normal clothes again.  I'm so big that I'm down to one pair of jeans that fit comfortably and I'm wearing all my husband's tshirts.  No more dressing cute here

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    Seeing my baby (of course) but not being nauseous anymore. I had it for 8 months with my first daughter & 8 plus months and still going with this one... :(

    Oh and wine
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    Finally being able to see and hold this lil girl, a beer with a rare steak, a back rub while laying on tummy, sleeping comfortably, not peeing all the time,regular sex.
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    Sleeping on my back, eating Brie and other stinky cheese, not peeing every 5 minutes :-)
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    Sushi. Wine/beer/gin. Tummy sleeping - didn't happen for me after my last pregnancy because of bfing. Being done done with the newborn stage. Seeing my son realize who baby Luke in mommys tummy actually is. So much. I have heard from others that you now when your family is done. This is it. I would have no problem getting my tubes tied. I. Am. Done. Not because this has been bad. I just feel complete.
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    I'm most looking forward to going home and not being in the hospital on bed rest I miss my family so much .. And of course seeing lo
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    Seeing my baby girl and holding her. :blush:
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    Kimbarbour08Kimbarbour08 member
    edited January 2016
    1. Citizen Cider . . . sooooooooo yummy!
    2. Not knocking stuff over in the shower with my stomach, and being able to shower with DH without some crazy ninja maneuvers to move past each other
    3. Being able to roll from one side to the other in bed without needing to wake up and do the whole process of rolling to my back (pause for pain) then rolling to my other side. My groin/hip region kills on my right side at night!
    4. SANDWICHES ON THE REGULAR! I know I could probably have them and be fine, but I'm a cautious one.
    5. Having non-awkward sex with DH
    ETA: 6. Having wardrobe options again! I feel like I've been wearing the same 5 outfits to work & at home for the last 3+ months!
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    I slept on my tummy last night for the first time since having my twins about a week ago. It was heaven!

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