Baby Names

Help convincing DH to go with a different first letter lol

MamaBishMamaBish member
edited January 2016 in Baby Names
So we have baby girl names picked out but no boy names. We used to like Jaden (10 years ago!) but now it's just way too popular. DH and his dad have J names and he wanted to continue the tradition. However, all J names have been either vetoed or used by close family members. The only one I still like (Jonah) he has vetoed.

He is still stuck on finding a J name and even suggested that we "make one up by combining other names"

I know it's a weird question but how can I go about getting him to look at different letters?? lol
🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
♥ Stillborn 2015 

Re: Help convincing DH to go with a different first letter lol

  • As the oldest of six children in a family of all Js, I agree with not using a J name. Especially if the ones you like have been used or vetoed.

    I actually ended up marrying a man with the same initials as me, and we agreed from the start of no J names.

    Maybe use a J middle name? That way you could use a name you love and still have the J name for your husband but won't have such restrictions as you would with using it as a first name.
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  • What J names have been vetoed? We might be able to offer some alternatives. I think it's a cute tradition that he wants to continue.
  • What J names have been vetoed? We might be able to offer some alternatives. I think it's a cute tradition that he wants to continue.

    It's a long list!

    Jonah :(
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • I agree with the suggestion to try J for a middle name.

    But what about Judah? Kind of similar to Jonah.

    Here are a few other J names:

         TTC #1 --- BFP #1 5/15, loss at 5 weeks --- BFP #2 12/15, loss at 4+3 --- RE testing 3/16 normal, still trying for our rainbow    

  • @MamaBish I love that I am seeing this post! Congratulations!! I love Jonah and Jude... Also a big fan of James (not on girls).
  • @MamaBish crazy happy for you!!!! I love Jonah, I have a cousin named Jonah Samuel and I think it's such a beautiful name. Jude or Judah is nice as well. And Jasper, I just love that name. I think it's edgy and cool without being too out there.
  • @MamaBish

    Do you have enough of a sense of his naming style to think of names he might like that don't start with J? It might be easier to get him to consider specific non-J names, rather than just the idea of going with a different letter.

  • MamaBish said:
    It's a long list! Vetoed: Joshua Jay Jason Jesse Jordan James Jeremiah Jeremy Jonathan Joseph Jeffrey Jonas Jonah :( Jack Jaime Jacob Julian Justin Jared
    So.. in other words, all the J names?

    I mean, if you want to convince him to move along the alphabet, the fact that there are no J names left might help grease those wheels. 
  • Just saw the rest of this thread.. I LOVE Jasper. I also really quite like Judas. That name has been in the doghouse for two thousand years. It's ready for a comeback. 
  • Jed
  • I've been trying to think about how to switch your hubs away from J. What about, keep the J tradition by using his name or dad's name as an honorary middle name? Then you have freed up the first name to be... Whatever?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would write down all the J names from a baby book, strike the ones he doesn't like in blue and the ones you don't like in black. A visual representation that there are only like 3 names left should help him move along.

    This is exactly what I need! Thank you!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • Can you report back how few normal names left there are?? I'm really curious
    We just went through a list he found on a random website (figured if he did the search he would be more likely to get it!) and there really weren't many! A lot of weird random names like Jamoke, lol

    Now, we keep calling each other Jamoke so that's fun :)

    He did start looking into other names so it's a start. He likes Mason but it's just so popular... Back to the same problem as Jaden. Sigh
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • @MamaBish I love Jamoke! It's so...Yeah I can't even joke.

    Mason is a perfectly fine name and remember, popular names are used a much lower number of kids these days, so you might be ok.
  • ElRuby said:

    @MamaBish I love that I am seeing this post! Congratulations!! I love Jonah and Jude... Also a big fan of James (not on girls).

    I agree.
    A little off topic, but when did James become a girls name?! Did I miss something?!

  • I agree. A little off topic, but when did James become a girls name?! Did I miss something?!
    Sadly, this trend has started. Damn celebrities!!!

  • I agree.
    A little off topic, but when did James become a girls name?! Did I miss something?!

    Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds named their daughter James. I heard a rumor that they chose a masculine name because Blake was/is considered masculine, while dad's name Ryan is being used more and more for girls. Not sure if it's true but I wouldn't be surprised. Isn't that so cute and fun!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds named their daughter James. I heard a rumor that they chose a masculine name because Blake was/is considered masculine, while dad's name Ryan is being used more and more for girls. Not sure if it's true but I wouldn't be surprised. Isn't that so cute and fun!!!
  • No.
    Yeah I was being sarcastic lol.
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  • "Just make one up"....HAHAHAHAHAHA! Bring him over here so we can have a talk with him. Throw him into the BNB lions den!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • MamaBish said:
    We just went through a list he found on a random website (figured if he did the search he would be more likely to get it!) and there really weren't many! A lot of weird random names like Jamoke, lol Now, we keep calling each other Jamoke so that's fun :) He did start looking into other names so it's a start. He likes Mason but it's just so popular... Back to the same problem as Jaden. Sigh
    Instead of looking at the overall number on SSA, have you tried looking at what spot it is in on your state's list? I was actually surprised when I was looking at some of the names that I liked. Some were really high on the SSA name list, but then low on my state's list. I am on the edge of two states, so I checked both of the states just to be sure, and some names there were huge jumps. Like lets take the name Olive for is 282 on the main list, 104 for my state, and doesn't make the list for neighboring state. It could be that Mason might be popular overall, but might be lower in your state and isn't as popular.....
    BabyFruit Ticker
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