July 2016 Moms

12/21 PGAL Check-In

Status Update:

Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc:


I hope everybody had a decent week last week and hopefully we will have lots of good appointments in this coming one!


Re: 12/21 PGAL Check-In

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    BostonBaby1BostonBaby1 member
    edited December 2015
    Status Update: 10+6

    Appointments/milestone: Yet another quick u/s on Wednesday. Also waiting on the results of my Harmony test. Don't expect to have the results back until around the time that the NT is sceduled (12/30.)

    R/r/s: having a few sharp pains down by my uterus this morning. It's probably round ligament pain. But of course my mind goes to something worse. It could also be gas... I'm starting to relax about it and hopefully will fall back to sleep. Oh, and all of the peeing. Anybody with me? Don't get me wrong, I will take all of this happily.

    * edited because I forgot how far along I was.
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    Status Update: 12w1d

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc:
    12wk U/S today. Kind of freaking out a little.

    Super nervous for this U/S today...dreading a mmc even though everything has gone well up to this point. Really excited to know we're having a boy and that no major chromosomal issues were found from MaterniT21 results last week. Symptoms are leveling off, but still having waves of nausea and have had some rlp.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    I know I haven't posted in any of the pgal threads before, but do you ladies mind if I ask a question? I promise I'm not trying to be insensitive and I apologize in advance if it comes off that way. I had an early loss in April so I hadn't had an appts yet or anything like that. With this pregnancy I had some early bleeding but early bloodwork and us were good. So my question is for those that have had mmc did you continue to have symptoms? Did your uterus continue to grow even after the baby had stopped? I just have this feeling that things will go wrong. There's no reason I should be pregnant and I've had so much monumentally intense stress the past couple weeks I don't understand how my body HASN'T miscarried. I have an us tomorrow so hopefully that goes well, but I'm just having a hard time accepting this is real most days.

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    Status Update: 12w3d

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc: Appointment on Wednesday with ultrasound.  Ready to get a little peace of mind before Christmas.  

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms:  Just nervous...like everyone else.  Terrified of finding out our little boy is gone already.  

    @afrazer521, my uterus was measuring on schedule, but baby had passed 4 weeks earlier.  And yes, I was still having nausea.  I had no spotting, cramping, or any other signs that would indicate anything was wrong the entire pregnancy.
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    Thanks @winnie1122 There's just been so much stress in my life and my relationship it's hard to see the positive in anything. Plus I'm wallowing in bed eating cocoa puffs today lol. I'll let you ladies know how tomorrow goes :)

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    mrsmommyamrsmommya member
    edited December 2015
    I just posted basically the same thing in the Monday check-in before seeing this thread...anyways

    8+1 (due July 31 so annoying I am always dead last)

    10w u/s in 2 weeks and am deathly afraid of another missed miscarriage. What are the chances of 2 missed miscarriages in a row both at 9 weeks? I didn't know last time till my 12w appt. Never had any physical signs, but mentally had many irrational thoughts of miscarrying. I also have a healthy 3 yr old DD.
    My bloat in the evenings is sooo annoying but I can't handle getting out all my maternity clothes now (fear). I am thinking of just getting 2 outfits for the Christmas gatherings so I feel comfortable.
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    @winnie1122 good luck at your u/s! What time is it at?
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    10W 2D

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc:
    Next apt is at 12 weeks 2 days January 4th. That was the same appointment I found out about my loss last time so I am super nervous!

    I am thinking about telling my co-workers at a holiday lunch today, but I am just super nervous about it! I hate that I feel this way. With my DD I never really felt nervous and enjoyed everything. Since my loss I question everything and I hate it! :(

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @BostonBaby1 1:45, so about 2hrs to go.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @mnkenned I was literally sitting here at Qdoba for lunch thinking how glad I am to finally be out of the super pukey 8-10 wks when I was reading your story. And then I almost didn't make it to the bathroom to puke up all the lunch I just ate. So much for that! Lol.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc: 
    Big week for me! Regular doctor appointment today. I imagine we'll go over my second ultrasound I had a couple weeks ago. This is my actual OB, not the nurse practitioner. So we'll see what she has to say! And NT ultrasound on Thursday! I did blood work last week, so hopefully the results are back in time. Nervous as can be - shocker. But I really hope if I get more good information from these two my nerves will calm down. 

    Don't really have too much to rant and rave over right now. My symptoms have calmed down quite a bit. Still struggling with food aversions, but getting by!
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    Hi all!

    Milestones - I made it to 9 weeks! Woot woot!
    Next appointment is 1/5.

    Rants/raves/symptoms - nausea and a lot of it. Cramping in my right ovary from the hemmoragic cysts they found last week.

    Also anxiety over the holidays and stuff. Hoping I can get through the next 2 weeks without incident and actually enjoy the holidays in the process.
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    Status Update: 12+2

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc:
    I have my NT scan tomorrow and an appt with my midwife in January.

    I'm trying really hard not to be a total nervous wreck before my NT tomorrow. I just had a good appt last week and heard a strong heartbeat. I know that's a good sign, and my midwife said she feels very positive about this pregnancy. But for some reason I just can't shake those nerves!

    The last week or so I'd been feeling a lot better, at least MS-wise. Until last night. Whew, that was just awful. My poor husband was just brushing his teeth when I threw up in the sink. So gross, sorry ladies. I've been having a lot of what I assume is RLP and some stretching in my hips. Oh and my brief rant is that I cleaned my bathroom last night (before the vomit fest) and I fucked up my lower back when I was scrubbing the tub. So annoying! Looks like I'll be resting today.

    @BostonBaby1 YES SO MUCH PEEING. ALL THE TIME. I was peeing a lot already and then my midwife told me I should be drinking a gallon of water every day and now I might as well live in there haha.

    Good luck this week everyone! I hope everyone has great appts!
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    @megstervt that sounds like a really smart approach!

    @afrazer521 everyone is different, so it's hard to give you a straight answer; after my loss some of my symptoms continued (nausea, fatigue, etc.) while I had others symptoms that clued in me in that something was wrong (lots of pain etc.). But I know it's not always the case. That being said since I am in a similar situation, I am trying to remember that worrying about it will not change what's happening and will only make me feel worse, so I acknowledge and validate the anxiety but try not to feed it (if that makes sense). Hang in there!

    @winnie1122 fingers crossed for you! keep us posted

    My status: 12w2d (!)

    Appointments/Milestones: Next appointment is Wednesday (finally!!!); I haven't seen a doc in a month. So obviously I am terrified, but am hanging in there. For now I will assume (try to assume) everything is ok... No official ultrasound scheduled, but the doc told me we'd listen to the heartbeat, and that sometimes one of their old ultrasound machines is available for a quick check (I will definitely remind her she mentioned that........). I'm also going to get the Harmony and some other labs.

    Rants/Raves/Sxs: Aside from the blurry vision spots I had on Saturday (still waiting to hear back from doc on that weird one...), my belly has started popping out of my pants, which seems like a good sign (though I have been eating a lot since it seems to help with nausea...). Nausea/queasiness is going up and down but moving in the right direction it seems. I have to travel for the holidays this week, which I'm both excited and nervous about. Overall I can't complain. Just need to get past Wednesday's appointment and I'll probably feel a bit more relaxed if everything is ok.
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    Status update: 11w 6d!

    Appointments/Milestones: waiting to here back from the high risk clinic for my first trimester screening ultrasound. I was told it would be done by the 29th so I'm anxious for them to call. Next doctor's appointment isn't until Jan 11. It is the longest I've had to wait but my doc did say if I get anxious to call and she will have me in to repeat everything is going okay so far.

    Rants/raves- My DH has started telling more people because he is over the moon excited and no longer nervous, I am not quite there yet. I have told a few people I'm close with but I feel oddly possessive of this pregnancy and kind of want it to just be ours. I actually feel really good today as far as the anxiety goes until I start thinking about telling more people. At some point I suppose I'll have to get past that because it should become pretty obvious (as opposed to my current bloaty state- I feel very puffy)

    MS is finally going away!! Only get nauseous in vehicles or when I have a migraine. So much better! And I discovered lemonade helps.
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    Status update is 10 weeks 4 days

    Rants raves symptoms..
    Well...i am very sick of feeling like i need to puke if i turn the wrong way. Woke up this morning ate some soda crackers just to get something in me and off to the bathroom to puke i went. Its very hard to eat and then have naseua all damn day. Im worried that i am not giving nutrition to my baby.
    Peeing ...always fun going all the time. Especially at work where they dont know and the bathroom is right beside my bosses open room. Awesome.
    Gas....its so crampy!!!
    Come on second trimester lol

    Milestones appts and whats next ..
    Well i had my first us on friday and it was wonderful l. Measured right where i am supposed to be and everything looked great!

    We are telling my parents christmas eve and i am really excited as i wil be 11 weeks then.
    Then i am going to tell the bosses on dec 26 or 27..i will be calling them. Then i dont work again until jan 4 so im looking forward to them being able to brew on this info without me around haha
    Im nervous!
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    Status Update: 8 wk 4 days

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc: Pretty quiet until my 14 wk appt - excited because then we will be able to hear the heart beat for the first time :) Also trying to decide if we are opting out of testing so that's on my mind.

    Poor sleep = hungover = nausea to boot :(
    Craving clementines, melon and juice and trying to stay hydrated. Peeing myself when I sneeze is not fun so I'm trying to remind myself not to hold it (hard to do when you're caring for 3 little ones). And pregnancy brain has also taken course along with being insanely irritable - especially in the morning when I'm sick and can. not. function. I think I'm going to stab my dh if he tries talking to me when I get up tomorrow.
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    Status Update:  9 weeks today!

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc: next appointment is 12/30. I'll probably be an anxiety mess by then but for now I can't wait to see my baby's heartbeat again

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Still nauseous despite the diclegis... it's getting old.
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    Status update: 10 weeks 3 days today

    Today was my first appointment and , unfortunately, it didn't really do much to help ease my mind :(. She tried to find the heartbeat with the Doppler but wasn't able to, so I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I keep telling everyone it was probably just too early for her to find the heartbeat but it sure is hard to convince myself of that! Is it tomorrow afternoon yet?!
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    @mswings1 Don't worry too much! I went in for my 12wk U/S today and she tried the Doppler before using the ultrasound machine just to see if she could get the HB and she couldn't get it with the Doppler even though we could see it beating away on the U/S. The baby was moving around like crazy. She said it's pretty common to have some trouble pinning it with the Doppler, especially early on! 
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    @afrazer521 I had absolutely convinced myself I had had a mmc but just had an ultrasound today and all is good. I don't think there is anything I can say to make you feel better, but I truly hope that everything is ok.

    @mrsmommya I'm due 31 July too so you aren't the only one.

    Status update: 8 weeks 2 days

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next etc: I just had a dating scan this morning. It confirmed my edd as the 31 July. Bean is measuring right on track and has a hesrt beat of 171bpm. I'm so happy because I didn't sleep last night because I was just so convinced that it was the end.

    My next scan is my nuchal translucency scan on the 21/1 so looking forward to that.

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: not too bad atm. I'm always tired and nauseous and cranky. Atm my bil is staying with us and it's all I can do to not kill him. He is soooo frustrating and such am arsehole and with me in the mood I am in I am just fighting with him all the time. He's here for another month so I'm going to have to get my anger in check.

    Little boy due July 31st 2016

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    @winnie1122 thank you! That makes me feel a lot better!
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    WevilleWeville member
    edited December 2015
    @TiffRox81 congrats on the great appointment! My cousin has turned into a negative nelly and kept sending me "I'm so terrified for you" messages last week. I don't understand why people think being that way is helpful or supportive. I'd much rather someone gives me a high five, or a hug, or ideally a chimichanga

    Edited because I went quotations mad
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    @Weville Omg, ugh!! Seriously, what do people think?! I have really learned a lot so far in this whole experience. It's really making me reevaluate things I say now. Hopefully we can find a polite way to correct these people in our lives!
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    Hey ladies. I've been loving the updates!

    I am 9 weeks today and haven't felt pregnant all day. My nausea has been slowing down the last few days but today I had none, energy was great (cleaned my house and everything!) and I should be happy about this but I'm nervous!!! Just trying to remind myself I had a great ultrasound just one week ago. Ugh....
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    @winnie1122 I'm so happy you had a great appointment! :) Nothing better than happy news!

    Status Update: 11+5

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc: NT ultrasound on Wednesday so looking forward to that.

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I seem to be enjoying the beginning of 2nd trimester symptom relief. I haven't been sick in 8 days and the nausea is only sporadic now. Plus I have been starving. I had to get up at 4 this morning and have a bowl of cereal because I woke up and felt like I was actually going to die if I didn't eat something Right. Now. I also haven't had any bleeding from my sensitive cervix in 8 days so I feel like the getting sick was the most aggravating factor in that. I'm super happy that seems to have settled down. Now I just have to manage the waves of anxiety between now and Wednesday and I'm good.
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    Status Update: 9w 4d

    Appointments/milestones/what's up next? etc:
    Nothing until next week. Getting super nervous but trying to distract myself with Christmas prep.

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: still puking, lovely constipation (my own fault for caving and eating mac and cheese!).

    I need to find a way to get more fluids. I think I'm going to try kool aid to try to make the water more appetizing. Sugary liquids are better than no liquids, right??
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    @Mamabish have you tried lemonade? 
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
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    megstervt said:

    @Mamabish have you tried lemonade? 

    I did last pregnancy but it gave me terrible heartburn :(
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    @MamaBish Lemonade has become a dear friend of mine, but I buy the lemonade "light", and I dilute it with water. Basically just enough to give the water a lemon taste. Maybe that might work?
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    @MamaBish I find that Gatorade (diluted with some water) has helped me with hydration; I'd rather drink just water or juice since Gatorade has ingredients that my grandmother wouldn't recognize, but on some days I really feel like I need the hydration boost and I seem to be able to drink it better than other things... 
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    @MamaBish lately I've been putting frozen blackberries in my water and squeezing a lime in there. So delicious and refreshing! And the faster I finish my water the sooner I can eat the blackberries haha.
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