May 2016 Moms

Baby names?


Re: Baby names?

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    If it is a boy, we have talked about honoring both our grandfathers with the name Roosevelt Otis. Our last name starts with W so we like the nickname Row and call him baby Row.

    With a girl, I LOVE the name Eden James. He isn't a fan of the middle name though.
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    Ahhhh...disaster! So I broke my cardinal rule of not telling anyone our name choices and slipped to my mom and sisters. I referred to the nugget as Baby Luna and they all wrinkled their noses and were like "Did Renzo pick that name? You are not seriously considering it, right?" I chickened out and just shrugged and asked their suggestion. My sister said Olivia which is nice, but I have 4 students named Olivia and it is not a great association. My mom likes Aria...again, nice, but NMS. My other sister piped up with Elizabeth...again, not on any list and way too traditional for me.

    Do I just suck it up and stick to my guns or go back to the drawing board? So confused!

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    Cutler Jack for a boy is my vote. DH likes it too. If a girl I like Ruby, Rowan, or Piper. For now that is!
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    My son's name is Cael (Irish way to spell it) and people are like is that the same as Kale the vegetable. I love the name and don't let others opinion bug me
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    @laurenmdrn16 I say stick to your guns! If you and your H love the name and it feels right than don't let other people's opinions make you doubt it.

    Now that we know we're having a girl I don't like any of the names we were considering before. Poppy was my favorite but it just does not feel right anymore. I find girls names so much harder than boys! I've combed through my baby name books, name berry, and the ssa list like crazy but nothing else stands out that we both agree on. We have one name on our list right now and I really love it but we wanted to go to the hospital with options. The name is Scarlett.

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    @laurenmdrn16 I say stick to your guns! If you and your H love the name and it feels right than don't let other people's opinions make you doubt it.

    Now that we know we're having a girl I don't like any of the names we were considering before. Poppy was my favorite but it just does not feel right anymore. I find girls names so much harder than boys! I've combed through my baby name books, name berry, and the ssa list like crazy but nothing else stands out that we both agree on. We have one name on our list right now and I really love it but we wanted to go to the hospital with options. The name is Scarlett.

    I love that both names are shades of red ;) congrats on the girl!!!

    cat fail animated GIF

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    Ahhhh...disaster! So I broke my cardinal rule of not telling anyone our name choices and slipped to my mom and sisters. I referred to the nugget as Baby Luna and they all wrinkled their noses and were like "Did Renzo pick that name? You are not seriously considering it, right?" I chickened out and just shrugged and asked their suggestion. My sister said Olivia which is nice, but I have 4 students named Olivia and it is not a great association. My mom likes Aria...again, nice, but NMS. My other sister piped up with Elizabeth...again, not on any list and way too traditional for me. Do I just suck it up and stick to my guns or go back to the drawing board? So confused!

    It's a cute name that your family loves-- stick to your guns! Your mom and sisters are being overly judgey, which is way easier for them to do without a face to put to the name. (My mom and sister tend to be like this with names too. Or they say things like, "that's nice, but what about ______? After sharing our brainstorming names last time, that's one of the reasons we haven't shared our final picks.)
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    vinerie said:

    So my hubs came home with a new boys' name yesterday: Birch. 

    He really likes it and It's really growing on me, too. But I can't decide what it connotes. What do you think of when you hear it? Would you give side-eye?

    Note: We are kind of hippy-types. Not over the top or anything, but we're very outdoorsey, we're into conservation, we're both kind of individualistic/walk to the beat of our own drum-types. Not that one needs to be outdoorsy/slightly hippy to name their child after a tree, haha. IN fact, maybe the fact that we ARE outdoorsy types makes the name too literal. I don't know. But I'm trying the name on for size. Thoughts?

    A former senator from Indiana (democratic, very well-liked) was named Birch Bayh.

    Your boy can be a senator! Also, a hippie:)
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    I already know we are expecting a boy! It's funny...we only discussed boy names anyways. Hubby liked the first name I brought up. sold.
    Griffin William

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    vinerievinerie member
    edited November 2015
    laurenmdrn16: I love Luna.
    @dshannah I have admired Birch Bayh for a long time! (He played a role in passing Title IX, which I won't get into here, but for anyone not familiar, is an important gender equity law.)

    New name I like: Alton. Hubs still likes Birch. I can't decide if I like Birch or not, but all my friends who I have mentioned it to like it. Of course, they could just be being nice. 

    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

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    DS1 is Jack Desmond

    DS2 we both like Hudson James
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    vinerie said:
    @dshannah I have admired Birch Bayh for a long time! (He played a role in passing Title IX, which I won't get into here, but for anyone not familiar, is an important gender equity law.)

    Your boy can be a senator *and* a feminist!  Lol, Alton's great, too, but now I'm kind of loving Birch:)
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    We have agreed on a couple of names so far... Hadleigh Jo or Oakley Jo for a girl and Brantley James for a boy.
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    I am so stuck because I was originally so gung-ho about Desmond for a boy, but for some reason it just isn't sounding right now. I would love a 2 syllable name, easy to spell/pronounce, easy to find an appropriate and cute nickname, that is either English or Italian that would sound good with a 5 syllable Italian last name D______o. Middle name is definitely David. Any suggestions?

    PS- our son is Renzo so I'm trying to find something that kind of goes with that

    For a girl, we are debating between Ruby or Iliana with a middle name of either Diana or Mary (respectively) to honor our mothers.

    How about Luca or Noah for a boy?
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    We are still not 100% on a girl name, though the middle name will definitely be Margaret (family tradition).  Have discussed Sonia, which is leading choice, as well as Joanna and Nora.

    Boy will be David James--DJ for short!

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    My criteria for naming the sprout is odd and difficult to get around, it drives DH INSANE.  But whatever, this is my first baby LOL

    For a boy I like Ethan Dreshaan, and for a girl Eden Dallas (for my poor sad Cowboys).

    For a boy he likes Eaden (pronounced like Aiden) middle name TBD,and for a girl Eden Destiny.
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    @mrsyoung9311 -- I think the spelling of Eaden will lead to a lot of mispronunciations.  I would say "Eden" if I read it.  My vote goes to Ethan.
    Me: 27    DH: 30
    Married in 2011
    Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
    Baby 2: Due May 2016

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    so many beautiful name choices here!

    Astrid Viola (mn - my grandmother)
    Gage Kenneth (mn - my father who passed away suddenly a few short yrs ago)

    We have an Owen Daniel already.
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    We have narrowed it down a bit but I'm still pretty conflicted. 

    Girl: Margaret "Maggie" Rose or Isla Jane (Isla has the name letters as DH's mother's name, Jane is my mom's name). I really like both, Margaret has a bit more sentimental attachment to is as it is my grandmothers first name, and she asked if I was pregnant the day before she passed (it turned out I was). Love both though.

    Boy: This is where we are struggling more. The only name we are really into is Quinn with a variety of mn like Forrest, Harrison, etc. 

    I think we need to bail on our team green convictions from DS 1 and find out to simplify this process!!!
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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    We know we are having a boy, and so far we have only one name we both agree on. Unless we think of something else we like better, this little guy is going to be named Sawyer Hendrix. (Hendrix after Jimi Hendrix)
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    We have a Luna Lucille. This one is a boy and we're currently between the names Atlas Alexander and Wilder Alexander.
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    @ginabina888 ooooh I love Atlas!!
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    So we've finally added another name to our list!

    We've got:


    QUESTION: how many of you immediately make the bewitched association with Tabitha? and for those of you that make it right away, do you think it is lame for me, Samantha, to name my daughter Tabitha? This coincidence was pointed out to me, I didn't realize it on my own.

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    @LadySamLady speaking as someone who lives blocks away from a Bewitched statue, I honestly didn't even make the connection at first...but think it is awesome!

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    @LadySamLady I think both names are adorable! I wouldn't have thought of that association if you hadn't pointed it out. Even so, I don't think it's a big deal.
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    @LadySamLady I love the name Scarlett! Of course I could be biased considering its my daughter's name... :)

    Tabitha is great too! I have no associations with it.

    I don't think you can go wrong!
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    BCFigginsBCFiggins member
    edited November 2015
    So as of right now, all the DH and I can agree on is a boy's name. Forget trying to come up with a girl's name lol, but I do have one that I personally like.

    Boy: Killian Michael (MN is DH's first name)
    Girl: Wren Aurelia or Wren Caprice (Caprice is mine & my mom's MN)
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    So we've finally added another name to our list!

    We've got:


    QUESTION: how many of you immediately make the bewitched association with Tabitha? and for those of you that make it right away, do you think it is lame for me, Samantha, to name my daughter Tabitha? This coincidence was pointed out to me, I didn't realize it on my own.

    Bewitched is one of my favorite shows of all time, so of course the name Tabitha will always remind me of the show. I didn't put together the Sam/Tabitha connection but now that's it's pointed out to me that's all I can think of.

    cat fail animated GIF

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    We have a Noah Mark and Elise Vivian. Not sure the sex of this baby, and no solid name choices.
    We've been tossing around Caitlyn (I love it but worry about the Kardashian reference. Ugh) and Sienna.
    Boys we like Derek and Evan
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    We are having a girl. I've had my girl name picked out since highschool. Natali (yes to spelling) husband isn't wild about spelling but I told him non-negotiable...he gets to pick middle name. I think it'll end up being Natali Claire
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    So we've finally added another name to our list!

    We've got:


    QUESTION: how many of you immediately make the bewitched association with Tabitha? and for those of you that make it right away, do you think it is lame for me, Samantha, to name my daughter Tabitha? This coincidence was pointed out to me, I didn't realize it on my own.

    I didn't automatically make the connection but I got super excited once I realized your name is Samantha. I love it!
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD: 05/14/16
    Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19
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    We just found out this past Monday that we are having a boy! We have decided on Ryan James. My first choice was Declan (with no middle name) but my Irish boyfriend thought it was too Irish LOL!!
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    Since we know LO is a girl we've got her name picked out. It's a name we both love because it's a combination of both our mother's names. Elizabeth Marie.
    We both love the name Elizabeth but it's a name that's sure to have a nickname. Do we pick that out now or wait until she comes? A family friend started referring to LO at Betsy and no offense to anyone but I HATE that name. I started panicking thinking I need to get ahead of everyone's creativity and assumptions. So, nickname now or later? And if now what's your vote?
    Libby, Liz, or Ellie?
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD: 05/14/16
    Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19
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    Since we know LO is a girl we've got her name picked out. It's a name we both love because it's a combination of both our mother's names. Elizabeth Marie. We both love the name Elizabeth but it's a name that's sure to have a nickname. Do we pick that out now or wait until she comes? A family friend started referring to LO at Betsy and no offense to anyone but I HATE that name. I started panicking thinking I need to get ahead of everyone's creativity and assumptions. So, nickname now or later? And if now what's your vote? Libby, Liz, or Ellie?
    I really like Libby as a NN. My BF in highschool was Libby (not Elizabeth though) and I always really liked it. My mom is Elizabeth, NN Beth. She loathes Liz!

    cat fail animated GIF

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    kbrands7kbrands7 member
    edited November 2015
    yogahh said:

    Since we know LO is a girl we've got her name picked out. It's a name we both love because it's a combination of both our mother's names. Elizabeth Marie.
    We both love the name Elizabeth but it's a name that's sure to have a nickname. Do we pick that out now or wait until she comes? A family friend started referring to LO at Betsy and no offense to anyone but I HATE that name. I started panicking thinking I need to get ahead of everyone's creativity and assumptions. So, nickname now or later? And if now what's your vote?
    Libby, Liz, or Ellie?

    I really like Libby as a NN. My BF in highschool was Libby (not Elizabeth though) and I always really liked it. My mom is Elizabeth, NN Beth. She loathes Liz!

    Definitely get ahead of the nickname assumptions otherwise people will just start calling her whatever they come up with! I like all of your choices for different reasons. Libby strikes me as good all around. Liz feels a bit sharper and Ellie is very feminine. I think your choice depends on what kind of vibe you want.

    Fwiw, one of my good friends is an Elizabeth Marie and she usually goes by Liz or Lizzy. She also loves her name.

    Edit for quote box weirdness
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    @Charla1224 I love love love the name and the nn Libby. I know a Libby and my best friend has called dibs on it, otherwise it would be a contender!!
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
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    @Charla1224 Great name!!! I personally can't decide between Libby and Ellie, I love both! I think I like Libby just a wee bit more because it is more unique.
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    @mrsjlopez12 my husband and I love the name Ace! That's our boy name - Ace Jackson.
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