April 2016 Moms


Hey ladies, I've never posted before but decided this is the best place to get opinions vs Google!

So my question is do any of you have seasonal/pet dander/dust etc allergies and do you take medication for them even while pregnant? I currently do not take any medication but the doctor I saw last (part of a group but not who I typically see...) told me I should be taking a medication everyday to control my allergies. The issue is that I don't sleep well and she said my allergies could be contributing a lot to that fact and I should start first with getting them under control. The problem for me is I don't like to take anything if I don't need too and she told me to take Zyrtec which I've never seen or heard was an approved medication. I know I should just trust her opinion but I'm just struggling with being comfortable with it.
Could anyone share their thoughts and experiences?! TIA!

Re: Allergies

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    I'm taking Zyrtec now and it's life-changing. I can breathe through my nose at work! I generally don't have allergies for more than a couple weeks in the fall but pregnancy is kicking my butt. My motto is to always trust my midwife because she's smarter, better educated, and more knowledgeable about all things baby. Through the research I've done, 1st gen (read: makes you drowsy) allergy meds like Zyrtec and Benadryl are usually considered best, though Claritin is also safe. Hope that helps!
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    I have horrible allergies that make me miserable if I'm not medicated. My OB said okay to continuing the Zyrtec that I have been on for over 10 years now and even allows me to continue using Flonase. The Flonase is not widely approved for pregnancy but after I had been off of it for a couple weeks and visited my OB looking and feeling like crap she told me to take it because in her opinion the risks to the baby aren't enough to warrant the misery I was in. My OB also told me that Benedryl, Afrin nasal spray, and saline rinses are all safe to use as well. Hope this helps! 
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    I'm really allergic to mold spores and mildly allergic to dust mites. I get hives, watery eyes, sneezing, dark circles and chronic fatigue when I don't take Zyrtec. So... The doctor said Zyrtec was safe and I continue to take it.

    Been taking it pretty much throughout my pregnancy. So far baby is healthy.
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    Thank you, I feel much more at ease!
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    I have severe seasonal and pet allergies, and my doctor said that I can continue to take Claritin as usual. :) Zyrtec and Benadryl are also considered to be safe.
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    I take Claritin a few times a week, which is approved by my doc. If I don't take it, I'll end up with a sinus infection, which is even worse/harder to treat.

    I think that you have to remember to take care of yourself during the next few months.
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    I take Zyrtec as needed and also use an inhaler occasionally. Doc said it was safe and better to take it than to suffer to make sure you (and therefore baby) are getting enough air!

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    My seasonal allergies have been ramped up with pregnancy, then disappear, then reemerge constantly. I also take zyrtec when I'm feeling particularly sneezy.  If you can, take it at night, an hour or two before you plan on going to bed so the slight drowsiness kicks in just in time for a restful sleep. :)
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