June 2015 Moms




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    @virginiaunicorn11 my secret weapon is music on my phone. It distracts her for a good 15-30 minutes before bath time.
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    Well the events leap is a real ass-kicker, so that was pretty much our catalyst. She was sleeping terribly anyways, so we just decided to put her to bed earlier. I think we are through the worst if the events now, so she is sleeping 730 to 5ish, and then going back to sleep until around 7 and getting up for the day. Also, thank goodness for the merlin sleep suit or I don't think we would have made it.
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    ^^^^My LO transitioned himself. He will be 20 weeks tomorrow. At some point it just became hard to keep him awake. It seems like it happened slowly. Now, it's hard to keep him up past 7:30. Tonight he went down around 7.

    He was sleeping through the night too, but then we transitioned to the crib. That, along with the typical 4 month sleep regression, did us in. Last night he slept through again, so we will see what tonight holds.
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    How do you guys keep a sleepy baby awake? Mine just loses his mind or simply passes out anyway, if I try. He's in bed between 6:30 and 7:30, but not really at a consistent time within that. I try to make it the same time, but he just won't have it. He will sleep when he wants to sleep, and not a minute earlier or later.

    (Yes, I'm afraid of my 20 week old.)

    This, and no... Keep them awake they won't sleep as well, I pinky swear
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    I would keep my guy downstairs with me but let him pass out on the couch (usually sometime during the 7pm hour) until I was ready for bed (after 830, sometimes as late as 10pm), then prepare a bottle and move him upstairs (which always woke him), then feed him, then put him to bed. The last few nights I've just been starting to put him to bed if its after 7 and he is starting to be tired. I had a dilemma today tho, as right as he was getting into tired and will fall asleep quickly mode, it was also about a half hour away from when I would normally feed him again. So I had to decide to risk him going nuclear because I fed him and thus he got really tired, or put him to bed and skip the feeding. I decided on the latter, with the intention to ask his ped on Tuesday (I'm still concerned about weight gain)
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    I've been wanting to move ours up but no matter what it always seems to be 9 before we are ready. I think my co sleeping is the cause. I'm determined to switch him to 8 though. DH pointed out that it means 9 is the right time during daylight savings time then... Men
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    @HayesRN13 I agree that you have to do what feels right for your baby, but also understand current literature. I also have co-slept following "safe" bed sharing rules and have recently started putting my baby down on his belly in his crib bc I feel ok to do that now and this mama needs some sleep. So never say never I guess is the lesson here.
    Again, I didn't mean to offend her if she wasn't giving advice i just didn't want the poster to assume she was.
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    This article has some pretty interesting information about the 'skewed' research that's been given to the public about co sleeping. It's a good read, thought I would share.
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    I love how he says not to wear lingirie with strings... Dang I guess it'll have to go back in the drawer
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    mvargas12 said:
    LO was riveted to bachelor in paradise 2 this summer and now she's obsessed with football!
    Speaking of, when is The Bachelor supposed to start! Cause, you know, Ben H :x
    Doesn't air until January. According to Reality Steve, hometowns are being filmed this week. And a girl from Chris Soules season returns!
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    We are not dressing LO or our 2 yo up for Halloween. I know they would look adorable, but it seems like a waste of time/money for us at this point. We will probably wait until DS1 asks to dress up and/or go trick or treating. I'm also not looking forward to running from house to house when it's 40 degrees out!
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    mellymar said:

    I'm watching Neighbors, and I'm torn between hoping my kid is handsome enough to be like the Zac Effron character (without the terrible stupidity, gods that character is dumb), and then appalled at myself for associating my son with a swaggering frat boy, even in my mind. #-o

    I love that movie. It's hilarious.
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    @mellymar, you posted about stealing things from the store a way long time ago, but I wanted to let you know that I have done that now TWICE at Aldi! The first time, I went back a few days later (because I didn't want to get both girls back out of the van that day and go inside once I realized what happened) and told them what happened (it was a box of pudding), and the lady looked at me like I was nuts! the next time, I left the girls in the car and ran the item back inside. Third time, I'm keeping whatever it is. Sheesh.

    Also, I HATE daylight savings time.
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    @lindsladle15 yeah! The carseat hides things! It almost happened again with some pacifiers! I was really near the door tho so I just wheeled the cart back in with the car seat in it and paid for it. The gal also looked at me like a was crazy.
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    im really enjoying how much this kid has been sleeping since his shots on the 4th. i kinda hope he stays like this for a while 8-> so much free time
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    I'm totally letting Daniel the Tiger babysit my child right now. I spent 7.5 hours driving for my job and I'm just too sleepy to keep her entertained any other way. 
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    After a lifetime of being obsessively punctual, I've just forgotten my second doctor's appointment in four months. Three kids is no joke. Now I will be feeling guilt/shame echoes all day.
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    I totally hogged the Xbox for the two days my husband was home off duty. He came home and I was like "the kid is napping. When he wakes up he needs a 5oz bottle. And probably a change. But while he's still asleep, can you look in the strat guide and figure out where the nearest shop is? I have all this armor and weapons to sell and I really need Stimpacks"
    Now DH is back to work for the weekend and I will only get to Xbox after LO goes to bed. :(
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    @Sammy K that happens to me daily. The last time DH was about to get in the car so we could all go somewhere, and I jumped back out to "do something." When I got back in the car he goes, "Mommy had to poop," to the baby. Haha. I was like, "I had to put on deodorant, thank you very much!" Hahaha
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    @Sammy K When I was pregnant I would forget to brush my teeth in the morning. I would get sick if I brushed them immediately after getting up so if wait until right before leaving the house and several times I forgot. Taught me to carry an extra.
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