November 2015 Moms

Holy Canoli, it's November! Roll call!

knolliepollieknolliepollie member
edited November 2015 in November 2015 Moms
We made it ladies! We are finally in the month most of our LO's will appear. How far along are you? How are you feeling physically and emotionally? Need to get anything else done before LO's arrival?

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Re: Holy Canoli, it's November! Roll call!

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    39+4 and hoping he doesn't keep me waiting to much longer :) I want to see his little face so bad now!!
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    Mmmm, canolis.... what?  Sorry.

    37 weeks tomorrow.  The nursery is painted (I'd like to touch-up the trim a bit, but we'll see how that goes), but its still empty, the dresser and crib are still in the garage.  DH is in crunch-time mode for work right now, all deadlines are done on Tuesday, and he swears up down and sideways that he'll move the furniture + assemble the crib starting on Wednesday.  We'll see if that actually happens or not.

    Other than that, kiddo should have enough clothes & essentials to last for a few months, and we have a bassinet in the bedroom just in case the crib doesn't get built in time.  I only have 1 little pack of newborn diapers, I suppose I should stock up on the next size up (I can at least store them in the nursery closet, even if it remains empty), and get together my diaper bag and hospital bag (though TBH I'm waiting on that b/c kiddo is STILL breech, I'm going to talk to my doctors about what point they start talking C-sections or if they're going to force me to wait till the absolute end and attempt labor first.  I guess I should prefer that or whatever, but this kid doesn't flip out of breech ever, I'm not sure she can!  If I have to have a c/s I'd rather go into it scheduled than stressed and exhausted from labor).

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    4 days 'till my due date. No signs of labor, baby hasn't "dropped" yet (that I know of). Doing some last minute touches on the nursery but thank God we are ready. Still planning on going to work tomorrow if baby doesn't show up today.
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    40w3d here and everything is done! However, I keep thinking I've made my final trip to the grocery store before baby, but I'm always finding myself back there stocking up on food and snacks I've eaten while waiting on baby. I just finished off a bag of chips I swore would last through my time at the hospital. Come on, baby girl!
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    39+3, feeling great, aside from lots of pressure and some lower back pain.  I read on another board to try sitting in butterfly pose and rocking back and forth, which helps SO much with the pressure and pain!

    Starting to feel like she will never come out but I'll trust that she will.  Nursery is done, and I've spent the weekend painting our basement with hubby (for some reason I decided it would be a wonderful idea to renovate the nursery AND completely gut/redrywall/paint/refloor/update the windows in our basement the month before baby was due.  It looks fantastic and I'm so glad we did it!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    37+2 Feeling good, my bump is on the smaller side so I'm guessing that is why I don't have much pain or swelling. Nursery is 90% done just need to hand some stuff and install the ceiling fan. But all the "must-do" stuff is done. Just sitting back and waiting for also to make his appearance.
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    My EDD is today. But I don't feel at all differently than I have over the last few weeks so I think we're in for a bit of a wait! Luckily, I'm as comfortable as can be expected at this point and baby's health seems to be good! As long as he arrives safely, he can be as lazy/stubborn as he likes. :)
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    36 weeks tomorrow, have to wait until the end of this month to reach my EDD and might even have a December baby if I go over! Must be exciting for everyone that knows their baby is coming soon! I finished her nursery yesterday and haven't been feeling too bad which is great.
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    I'm 37 weeks today and the pelvic pain and lightening crotch I've experienced the past couple days is so uncomfortable! I'll be curious to see if I'm dilated any at my next appointment since I've had so much pelvic discomfort. We have everything done, and are just waiting to meet her. This is my first week of not working so I wanted to do some cute things like work on her baby book and make headbands :) we are in the home stretch ladies! How exciting!

    Emotionally, I'm a bit anxious about all the changes coming our way. But I'm excited to start this new chapter with DH.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    38+5 here! Hubby & I are both suffering from a cold right now so I hope he stays in there just a tad bit longer! :) A few signs of labor and I wouldn't be surprised if he's here before next weekend!
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    38 weeks today. Baby is low and I'm feeling lots of pressure and nerve pain down below. We are ready for the baby, not much planning for us. We are team green and our 4 yr old son is ready to meet his sibling. Still working as long as I can.
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    39 weeks today!
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    chadsfiancechadsfiance member
    edited November 2015
    37+1 today. Our EDD is 11/21 but have a planned csec on 11/17. We are ready, I think. I do want to clean the house and stock up on some food, but I'm sore and tired and usually just don't do the deep clean I have planned. We will see how today goes. I feel pretty good, other than back pain, awful carpel tunnel, and general crabbiness when I get too hot (which happens a lot right now for some reason) and I have been having some pretty good BH contractions. It'll be interesting to see what the doc says Tuesday regarding any progress.

    We're having twins

    Our angel baby boy is looking over his twin sister - due November 21

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    5 days until my due date and I feel like she is not anywhere close to making her debut. Everything is pretty much done. Just waiting!!!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    38+5 here! Baby started to drop last week but there are no other signs that anything is happening any time soon. We're so excited to meet LO whenever he is ready to join us! We're waiting for a lamp we ordered for the nursery to be delivered but other than that everything is all ready. Scheduled to work until Friday as long as baby doesn't make an appearance before then. Good look to all the other November mammas!
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    Today is my due date! Nothing going on except this stupid stomach bug. :-&
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    38+1 today. Did a ton of walking yesterday and was really hoping that would encourage LO to at least try to get a move on, but I felt no different (other than my feet hurting). Actually, it seems like he decided he was done with the whole dropping thing and moved out of my pelvis yesterday. While it's nice to not be in pretty much constant pain, I'm a bit frustrated that he's going the wrong way! (He is still head down though as far as I can tell so that's good).

    For a while I swore I was going to go 2-3 weeks early (partially because DH and I were both born that early... I know our arrivals don't really mean much but I had hope since I'm ready to meet the little guy)! At least he's still growing inside me. But now I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm going to see my due date come and go with no appearance. I hope I'm wrong again.
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    38 + 2 here, mostly done I made freezer meals yesterday then realized the freezer needed defrosted so I'm doing that with my regular weekly cleaning today. No signs of him coming anytime soon. I'm just praying he shows up by the 19th as we have pictures of all the grandkids scheduled for the 21st as a present for my mother in law for Christmas.
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    37+6 due 11/16 but induction set for 11/9 if he isn't here by then due to risk of pre-e. I'm ready any time though. Pregnancy induced carpal tunnel turned into really painful hands and I am unable to sleep. I was hoping all the trick or treat walking yesterday would put me in labor but no luck :(
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    39+4 here. Definitely (hopefully) the home stretch. Started having contractions yesterday, but nothing has come of them. I've been assured he can't stay in forever. Done with everything, now just ready to meet my son.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    oooonerooooner member
    edited November 2015
    Thank you for starting a topic like this... I seriously cannot believe it is November !!! You should fix the canoli spelling when you get a chance. ;)
    37w4d here and I'm more than ready to get this show on the road. Baby is fully cooked so I've been sending him "come out" vibes since this morning. For real... I am all for him making his entrance at any time now until the official due date of 11/18. Lord help me, I do NOT want to go over and be induced. :-O
    I've begun to swell over the past week and cannot wear any of my shoes besides sneakers and bedroom slippers. Time to come out and say hello LO! We all love you and want to meet you!
    Best of luck to everyone.
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    kwaldykwaldy member
    edited November 2015
    37+1, feeling pretty good overall. Like all of you ladies, I pee every five freaking seconds, and it's a workout and a half to get up off the couch. I'm still working, and plan to until delivery - unless the doctor tells me otherwise.
    DH has bets on this LO coming a couple days early, but we shall see. She hasn't dropped yet or anything sooo... I guess it's just a waiting game.
    I should probably pack my hospital bad, lol.

    Edit: phone autocorrected dropped to dripped and it was weird.
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    I'm 37 weeks today, feeling decent . Completely physically ready for her to be here but not mentally ready. I'd like her to hold out 2-2.5 more weeks.
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    39w 4d. Everything is ready. I woke up at 2:30 this morning having some mild contractions but they did not progress and subsided after 2 hours. I'm scheduled for an induction on the 9th if baby doesn't come this week.
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    37.5 weeKS (Nov 18 ) . Ready to meet her but not ready to lose the belly just yet .

    Everything is ready except a few loads of laundry

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    38 weeks today. Very ready to meet this little noodle. So excited. Everything is ready we are just missing baby. And will need to send someone out for clothes after the birth because we are team green and I didn't want to get too many gender neutral clothing items
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    37 weeks tomorrow, after all my stressing out not having everything done, I busted my ass and feel ready for whenever she wants to come! Pretty much just need to get some deep cleaning done in the house (which I have zero motivation to do) and install the car seat. My OB likes to induce at 41 weeks if baby's not wanting to come on her own, so I'm trying to keep that date (Nov 30) in mind as The Day, that way I won't be disappointed when she doesn't come early...
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    39 weeks today. We are more than ready. There are a couple more things I'd like to have done but it can wait. I work the next 3 days, off Thursday, and c section is scheduled for Friday morning.
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