September 2015 Moms

how much do you pump

And how old is your lo? I ebf (after struggling to increase supply for weeks) and now pump 2x times a day to build up a freezer supply. In the morning it's about 4 oz, evenings about 2oz.

Re: how much do you pump

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    I'm still trying to find the time! I was pumping after nearly every feeding because of clogged ducts which actually ended up being an abscess. Now she's sleeping more at night so feeding more frequently during the day there's hardly time in between feedings :/
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    hopeful87-2hopeful87-2 member
    edited October 2015
    I pump 3x a day after feedings. Morning I usually get 3oz. The evening/afternoon ones vary- in total between the two I probably get about 2-4 oz. so 5-7oz in total for the day.

    LO is 9 weeks, but small (9.5 pounds)
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    Same with me. 5week old boy tomorrow. Pub about 3-3.5 oz early morning.... 2-2.5 in the evenings. But sometimes if I don't drink enough water or eat bad I only pump an oz. :( I'm told by other mothers that this is a normal supply. My baby eats about 2.5-3oz per feeding so I don't like to store more then that in a bag so that milk doesn't go to waste incase he isn't in the mood to eat more.

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    When I pump which is not regularly by any means...if I'm pumping in place of the morning for feed I get 11.5 oz total. During the day after a feed I will usually get 4-6 oz total. I'm a bit of an over supplier though. My LO is 9 weeks old.
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    I pump about 5 times total in 24hrs and I am currently getting between 5-8oz total each pump. I was getting almost 10oz total every time I pumped and the pediatrician acted like that was a crazy amount so she had me back off slightly which has lowered my supply.
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    I pump 2-3 times a day ... once after I put baby to bed, once in the middle of the night after his feeding (he usually only eats from one side then falls asleep so I need to pump for some relief since he only wakes up once at night), and once whenever baby gets his bottle of breastmilk during the day or evening (from either DH or grandma). I usually get between 3-5 oz. total each session, depending on time of day and how much baby ate before I pumped.
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    I pump once a day and get about 3 ounces from each breast. So total I get 6 oz. I only pump because if I need to go somewhere without her I can leave her at home with DH and she will be fed
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    I pump 4 times a day and usually get 8 - 10oz for my first pump in the morning and then between 3 - 6oz for the next 3 pumps, totally 20oz a day. 
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    I pump 3 times a day while I'm at work to replace the feedings we missed. On the weekend sometimes I get one a day in.
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    I pump 6 times a day were are eping because of issues. I get around 30 oz a day. My first pump of the morning is usually 12 to 14 oz and peters out mid day to a 3 oz pump then ramps back up to 5 or 6 oz pumps before bed.
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    I pump 3xs a day, 5 days a week while I'm at work. My morning pump I get 6-8oz total, afternoon pump I get 5oz and last pump I get 3.5-5oz. So usually 13-16oz a day.
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    I put 3-4 times a day (actually pumping late night (11ish) mid way through the night (3ish) then 6am and last pump 8/9am) I get 16 oz a day total averaging 3-4 oz a session. I freeze two 8oz bags in a 24hr period to donate.
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    Kayciejoe56Kayciejoe56 member
    edited November 2015
    Pumping just one time a day, about 30 minutes after the morning feeding. Mostly just trying to get a head start on a freezer supply and also to have bottles available for when we go out somewhere where BF is more difficult. I get about 2oz from the side LO ate from last and about 4oz from the other side. Hoping to add in another pumping session during the day or evening but LOs eating is still pretty sporadic so I'm just waiting until time and amount is more consistent.

    Eta : lo is 7 weeks.
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