May 2016 Moms


Ten Things Tuesday!

1. This is the only part of Tuesday's I enjoy. I love reading everyone's 10 things! Generally Tuesday's are incredibly busy and crazy for me.
2. We broke ground finally on our new home- I won't be living with my Mom forever...WoOOoooooo!!!!
3. This afternoon, we have an appointment to choose color selections for the house.
4. It's a little daunting to me. We have to choose the outside colors (siding, stone, roof) and all inside colors from flooring to cabinet color and all fixtures ( i.e.: the style of drawer pulls) I wish we were able to have a booklet of all of the options so I can have a night to sleep on it!
5. My daughter has a big hearing test on Wednesday- for all of my medical bumpies, it's the ABR test. I'm hoping that this test sheds some light on our options for her.
6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.
7. In my township, trick or treat is celebrated the Friday before Halloween. I'm so excited to take DD out! She's 2 and will be an aerobics instructor circa the 80's. I went all out- leotard, leg warmers, sweat bands, the whole deal! I can't wait!!
8. I have a job interview next week and am super nervous about when to disclose my pregnancy if I get the job. There was a thread about this yesterday, but I was hoping someone from HR could weigh in. Anyone, anyone??
9. My sister started working at Lululemon recently. Everyday she comes home with bags of goodies. I asked her about the employee discount and my mouth dropped!! I'm going to send her my Christmas list ;)
10. I can't wait for my energy to return!! A few more weeks til the 2nd tri and you better believe I am counting down the days.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


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    Happy Tuesday!

    1. I'm having stressful dreams that make me feel less rested than ever
    2. My DH is sick and still pulling the extra weight....guuuiiiiiilttttt
    3. DS is a wild thing, I love seeing the world through his eyes. Lint roller? FASCINATING!
    4. We have two giant dogs that get away with way too much. I have to imagine that we'd be different/better dog parents if we had dogs in the family after children....
    5. The Daniel Tiger theme song is mesmerizing to DS. I actually still enjoy it too!
    6. We cloth diaper and I admit that I'm obsessed with cute prints. I've spent way lots of money on them, but still less than projected cost of sposies for 1 and I will use these with #2 as well.
    7. We travel a TON for family stuff. In his first year of life DS went on 9 round trips for a total of 22 flights. I'm looking forward to a lower key 2016, thanks to learning to say no/less weddings/baby #2!
    8. I'm struggling with the reality that's setting in about my job. I don't think my heart is in it the way it needs to be and "working to live" doesn't really add up on the financial side. I want more and more to be home with my littles but it's such a drastic move I'm scared to make.
    9. I can't wait to be a family of four...and yes I'll take newborn days exhaustion over first trimester exhaustion!
    10. I've probably repeated myself from a previous week, and been a downer, but it's early and I just realized daylight savings time no longer "gets you an extra hour" in the means DS will be up at 430am. Crap! Lucky you're cute, little man....
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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    1. DH wants to get the genetic screening and I'm not sure if I do.
    2. This worries me because our next appointment is at 12 weeks and I need to hear from the doctor what it's all about.
    3. This is the first year we aren't in an apartment so I am excited to hand out candy to the trick or treaters!
    4. We still need to get pumpkins.
    5. I actually get to spend time with DH tonight because neither of us are working later today.
    6. I am so ready to be done working at the Halloween store, only another week.
    7. I know it's just bloat, but my blump is seriously making it hard to hide. The bloating is only in the front.
    8. I'm excited to slowly start telling our close friends and family.
    9. I'm worried about how to tell my work still.
    10. I just want it to be deer hunting already.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

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    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?
    I was thinking something dirty, like a leather whip ;)

    cat fail animated GIF

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    1. I love TTT too! (That one was kind of a cheat, but whatevs)
    2. I am so excited about this presentation I am doing for the entire school community tomorrow. I have recruited 4 3rd grade helpers who will assist and they and their parents are over the moon! We will be talking about food allergy awareness and the Teal Pumpkin project. I love creating presentations and speaking in front of large groups. And I especially love teaching the kiddos! Even though I get paid dirt as a school nurse (and could be making sooo much more on a floor), it is days like this when I realize this is where I am meant to be.
    3. I am booked for another funeral this week and was excited about the extra money...until I realized it was for one of the sweetest ladies at church and I can't stop crying thinking about how the choir was planning to visit her on Thursday. I might see if I can organize to have a special song performed by the entire choir in her memory at her funeral.
    4. I am a horrible person, but I really dislike our new cat. My Reggie was the sweetest, most loveable soul (RIP :(( ) and this new cat is absolutely crazy. She attacks my feet, trips me on the stairs while I am carrying laundry or our son, eats toothpaste (what?!), throws litter EVERYWHERE, has taken hot food out of boiling water on the stove and flings it across the kitchen, and yesterday she full-on pounced on my son, claws out and everything. MH is completely fed up and I am caught trying to defend her while also secretly despising her. I feel like a terrible cat-mom. Jackson Galaxy, where are you?!
    5. I am neck-deep in curriculum development for this music-based faith learning experience I am coordinating at church to help teach the children about praising God with song. I just got the sing-up (I meant "sign-up", but the typo was too cute to fix!) sheets back and it seems like the group is trending a lot younger than I was expecting (3-6 years old vs. 7-10 like I thought) so I have to revamp the entire program. We won't be able to do some of the 2 part harmonies and basic music theory topics and will just stick to making our own instruments and taking about Dynamics with David (how small and soft can be mighty!) and Nature Praise (looking at psalm 98 and how all of creation sings to the Lord with thunder claps, the rolling sea, and the whistling breeze).
    6. We just finished our family Halloween costumes and they look pretty boss. My son wanted to be Thomas the Tank Engine's driver so he is wearing overalls and a conductor's hat and carrying a small lantern. Then, MH constructed this awesome Thomas out of cardboard and a wagon. It looks great! MH is Sir Topham Hatt with a suit and snazzy tophat. I am Lady Hatt, who I don't believe I have ever seen, but it gives me an excuse to dress like I belong on the Downton Abbey set so I am happy! We are going to kill it, even if no one actually knows who MH and I are...
    7. Since we live in Salem, Halloween is a BIG deal. We always get a million trick-or-treaters which is why I always make sure to put out a pumpkin painted teal filled with toys, stickers, and other non-food prizes so that kids with food allergies or other medical dietary restrictions can still have the fun of trick-or-treating. Please consider participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project so kiddos who can't have certain candy know that your house is a safe place to get a fun treat without having to worry about the dangers of food allergies!
    8. I secretly hope my sister doesn't get the new job she interviewed for because I know it would kill her soul. She went to school for finance, but she has an absolute gift for teaching children. She is the lead Sunday School teacher at our church and is like the Pied Piper. Kids just love her and she is so incredibly good at it. She just interviewed to work at a huge bank and while it would definitely be a great salary, I think she will just hate it. She is so creative and gets so much joy from being with little kids. Also, she has said if this interview doesn't go well, she is seriously considering opening a daycare and I selfishly would love that so my son and this new nugget could go to Auntie's daycare!
    9. I haven't even thought about Christmas shopping. It gives me massive anxiety. I have no idea how we are going to make it work with all the nieces and nephews and family we need to buy for. I get upset because I believe that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus and giving thanks for the gift of Emmanuel, that God would send his son to walk here on earth with us and save us. It is about the miracle of our Savior, not going bankrupt. Obviously, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of one or two very special gifts as tokens of love, but not the craziness the holiday has become. 
    10. These crazy ass pregnancy dreams need to stop. I am literally waking up every hour just to shake myself out of this insane world in my head!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    yogahh said:
    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?
    I was thinking something dirty, like a leather whip ;)

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1- I HATE Halloween. I think it’s a dumb holiday, and really debate letting our kids participate in trick or treating. It really is just too dangerous now. And that thick Halloween costume makeup makes me want to vomit just looking at it. I don't know what the aversion is, but I have always had it.

    2- DH is really pushing to us his dads name as a MN. I want my uncle who passed and never had children. MIL is also suggesting to use FIL name. I am sorry, but I feel like if they wanted to use it so badly, then they should have named one of their children after him. I am doing the pushing, so I am picking the middle name. End of story

    3- Work has been really super slow. Normally this is my busy time, and I can easily work 10-12 hour days. But for the past 3 months or so, I have been leaving every day at 5:30. I am not complaining, but I guess I am just waiting for shit to hit the fan.

    4- Thinking about signing DH up for one of those razor clubs for Christmas....anyone use any of those services? Would love to hear your thoughts!

    5- I am counting down the minutes until next Monday- its NT scan day. I really am not worried about the results. For some reason, that’s not on my mind. Just seeing LO HB again, and making sure he is still in here and growing is all I am thinking about.

    6- A good friend of mine is making a really stupid decision- picking up and moving her family for a year or two for a job. I just think it’s too disruptive for the kids, especially since it’s such a short term thing. By the time they are adjusted, it will be time to move back again. I am having a hard time supporting her, but wish her nothing but the best. It’s something she has wanted for as long as I have known her, and I am thrilled she has the chance. I just think that once you add kids into the mix, sometimes your dreams need to take a back burner to what is best for them (maybe I should have saved that for UO Thursday!)

    7- I ordered maternity clothes from Zulilly 3 weeks ago and they still haven’t shipped!!?? While the prices are amazing, I don’t know that I will use them again if their shipping is always this slow.

    8- Really want “nesting” to start. I feel the need to organize and throw out stuff, but not the energy to actually do it. Hoping 2nd tri I can start getting everything together and get our apartment more habitable for a baby.

    9- Favorite movie- Dirty Dancing. Favorite book- To Kill a Mockingbird. Favorite song- anything Beyoncé. Favorite TV show- Friends. Favorite color- bright pink.

    10- Speaking of nesting, I have an urge to move. Our apartment is the top floor of a private house, and the owner lives downstairs. His head is in the clouds every time we see him. He doesn’t give us consistent heat- actually went on vacation once for a week and “forgot” to leave the heat on for us. We have to beg to have things fixed. He is cheap and does a half assed job on everything. I really think once he knows we are pregnant, he will ask us to move. We want to buy, but a lot hangs on where DH will be working. He currently is in an “ATR pool” with NYC DOE. Basically he was a full time staff member of a school that shut down. Instead of job placement, the DOE threw them in this pool of teachers that are used as subs. It sucks. He has been at the same school for 3 years now as a provisional hire, meaning he is only there for the year. It is a great school and a few blocks from our house and he would LOVE to stay there. If he can’t get permanent position there this year, it will be time for him to find something else. But NYC school system BLOWS and they only hire fresh out of college teachers to save money. But until we figure out the job situation, the housing situation is on hold L

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    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    1.  I guess studies have shown Tuesday is the most productive day of the week at work (this is like those fun facts they cite on talk radio).  Hopefully I can follow suit, but so far it's not going that way.

    2.  I'm a Halloween scrooge this year.  I don't really feel like going out with friends and not drinking while everyone else is.  So many people at the bars get sloppy on Halloween and I'd be super annoyed.  My H is gone working for another week, so it's nearly impossible to pass out candy by myself when my boxer goes wild every time the doorbell rings.  I think I'll shut my lights off and leave a bucket of candy on the doorstep.  That's probably creepy, but I feel bad not contributing...

    3. I think Halloween costumes for babies are just the best.  I can't wait until next year!

    4. PP mentioned Christmas shopping and this morning on FB someone said she was 80% done already.  Ah what!?  I try to do a lot online on Black Fri/Cyber Monday and then the rest like a week before Christmas.  However, I'm happy that we've really gone away from a ton of gift giving.  It's so much unnecessary stress and expense for everyone.  One side of my family we draw names and have a theme (i.e. last year was books), my H's side of the family we pick a family in need and buy gifts for them, and my H and I don't exchange gifts and instead justify a big purchase or vacation as our present.  It simplifies things a bit.

    5. I can't wait to mow down on some Thanksgiving food.  Yeah!!!!

    6. I'm taking a class for work and this weekend (I was home alone) I was trying to get as much done as possible so I would study for an hour, watch one episode on Netflix, and repeat until Monday.  Anyway, I binge watched How to Get Away with Murder and really liked it.

    7. I forgot to order my bountiful basket last week and have been super sad about it this week.  I'm so excited to pick it up on Saturday!  Especially now since my food aversions are mostly gone.

    8. Is it Friday yet?

    9.  I have my next appointment tomorrow and I am so nervous!!  I'm terrified that something's gone wrong.  Fingers crossed that I can hear the heartbeat ticking away.

    10.  I don't want to do the 1st tri screening, but I'm kind of having second thoughts because I'd love to see little bean again.  I don't think that will be enough to change my mind though and I think it's frivolous for me to do it solely for the U/S.

    Me: 27    DH: 30
    Married in 2011
    Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
    Baby 2: Due May 2016

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    @yogahh My H wants his and his Dad's MN name used if we have a boy.  The way I see it, they get to keep their last name as a family name, so I'd like to have a family name on my side as the MN.
    Me: 27    DH: 30
    Married in 2011
    Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
    Baby 2: Due May 2016

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    1. We took DS with us to the NT scan ultrasound yesterday and I'm so glad we did. He was really well behaved, and when the baby was visible on the screen, DH pointed it out to DS. DS pointed and said, "Baby!?" It was great. : )
    2. I posted this in the ticker change too, but I'm getting a bit concerned about how the c-section shelf is going to work with a growing baby bump. Most of my maternity clothes from last time are more form-fitting shirts since I'm so short...but I'm not going to be able to use those if the shelf doesn't eventually blend with the bump. I'm concerned t's going to be a bump with a  half-pancake on top. Oh well.
    3. I've only gained a pound so far...this is a big change from when I was pregnant with DS-- I had already gained at least 7 by the end of the first trimester.
    4. Baby is measuring almost a week ahead...but since it's not a full week, my due date stays the same. Doctor said it may be a tall baby, or may come a bit early. The same thing happened with DS. He was tall and came at 39+1.
    5. DH and I have eaten almost all of the Halloween candy be bought (which wasn't much). We haven't had any trick or treaters in the past few years, so buying candy is more of a habit than a necessity. Watch, this year we'll get kiddos and will have 2 pieces of candy.
    6. We announced to FB/work yesterday. It's a relief at this point for my coworkers to know. 
    7. I'm not really looking forward to telling students because I feel like making an announcement to them will be met with mixed reviews. Some kids get upset about the thought of a long term sub, some are excited---or over-excited, and some just don't care.
    8. I'm excited to Christmas shop-- I love buying gifts-- but we're on a tight budget this year which makes it necessary to do more planning than just buying on a whim. I just made up a google sheet to tally the budget/ enter gifts as we get them.
    9. I really want to look more into work from home options. I tried getting an online teaching job when DS was born, but very few were hiring in my area. I dislike how much I miss, DS sleeps better over the weekend/when I'm home, and I'm not really looking forward to having to fight for my pumping rights again.(Though I'll do it.) Every other mom at my school has switched to formula for a variety of reasons-- one being that maintaining privacy and adequate pumping time was difficult. I didn't cave and utilized both my own time, and time allowed by law and I feel like it got me a reputation as a pain.
    10. I'll be right there with the other mamas getting no extra sleep for DST. I'm going to try to adjust DS's bedtime schedule by increments this week so that he *hopefully* won't want to get up at 5:30 on Sunday and will sleep until 6:30 or 7:00 instead. We'll see if it works.
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    10.  I don't want to do the 1st tri screening, but I'm kind of having second thoughts because I'd love to see little bean again.  I don't think that will be enough to change my mind though and I think it's frivolous for me to do it solely for the U/S.

    We did the screening because we actually want to know the results, but let me tell you, that ultrasound was awesome.  The nurse checked the neck fold and all that, but she also showed us fingers, the chambers of the heart, the brain, so much cool stuff.  We watched the baby move, do flips and roll over.  Such a dramatic change from the 8 week u/s when it was basically a bean on the screen.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    7. I forgot to order my bountiful basket last week and have been super sad about it this week.  I'm so excited to pick it up on Saturday!  Especially now since my food aversions are mostly gone.

    I am intrigued. What is a bountiful basket?

    cat fail animated GIF

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    kbrands7 said:

    9. I really want to look more into work from home options. I tried getting an online teaching job when DS was born, but very few were hiring in my area. I dislike how much I miss, DS sleeps better over the weekend/when I'm home, and I'm not really looking forward to having to fight for my pumping rights again.(Though I'll do it.) Every other mom at my school has switched to formula for a variety of reasons-- one being that maintaining privacy and adequate pumping time was difficult. I didn't cave and utilized both my own time, and time allowed by law and I feel like it got me a reputation as a pain.

    This a million times! I know I posted that I love school nursing, but I think I would love consulting even better. Creating policy, health curriculum, teaching nurses how to implement the new recommendations and regulations. I love that stuff! I was actually approached to create a presentation for the MSNO (professional organization) conference, but declined because I figured I was too green and the more experienced nurses would be put off that a youngster was trying to tell them how to do their job! But I am really afraid of being able to keep up BFing/pumping while working. Everyone assumes that because I have my own office, fridge, and bathroom it would be easy, but I have no set schedule. I am constantly on the clock and can barely shut my door for 10 minutes to scarf down lunch without a line forming and kids banging on my door. How in the world am I going to be able to get in adequate pumping breaks when I literally have no one who can cover me and never know when I may have to run out to the playground or deal with a crisis? I mean, right now I could totally see a few students while finishing up lunch, but I don't think I can do that while strapped to a pump... I would love to work from home or work part time, but know that is definitely not an option since my salary is the main source of income/benefits for our family (wow, that's a scary thought!)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    kbrands7 said:

    9. I really want to look more into work from home options. I tried getting an online teaching job when DS was born, but very few were hiring in my area. I dislike how much I miss, DS sleeps better over the weekend/when I'm home, and I'm not really looking forward to having to fight for my pumping rights again.(Though I'll do it.) Every other mom at my school has switched to formula for a variety of reasons-- one being that maintaining privacy and adequate pumping time was difficult. I didn't cave and utilized both my own time, and time allowed by law and I feel like it got me a reputation as a pain.

    This a million times! I know I posted that I love school nursing, but I think I would love consulting even better. Creating policy, health curriculum, teaching nurses how to implement the new recommendations and regulations. I love that stuff! I was actually approached to create a presentation for the MSNO (professional organization) conference, but declined because I figured I was too green and the more experienced nurses would be put off that a youngster was trying to tell them how to do their job! But I am really afraid of being able to keep up BFing/pumping while working. Everyone assumes that because I have my own office, fridge, and bathroom it would be easy, but I have no set schedule. I am constantly on the clock and can barely shut my door for 10 minutes to scarf down lunch without a line forming and kids banging on my door. How in the world am I going to be able to get in adequate pumping breaks when I literally have no one who can cover me and never know when I may have to run out to the playground or deal with a crisis? I mean, right now I could totally see a few students while finishing up lunch, but I don't think I can do that while strapped to a pump... I would love to work from home or work part time, but know that is definitely not an option since my salary is the main source of income/benefits for our family (wow, that's a scary thought!)
    I third this! I really would love to work from home (had a thread about this last week). It doesn't need to be anything too time consuming or that uses too much brain power. Something I can even do nights and weekends when DH is home, and just to bring in extra money to help with expenses and put towards my school loans. And I would only want to do it for a year or two, then go back to my current job. I thought about this more last night when I saw a story on the news about a baby that died at daycare, and the workers sent him home in his carseat, telling the dad he was sleeping. How can I bear to leave my child in others hands after hearing these stories? But, after my next promotion, I will be making more than DH so I cant give that up. #thestruggleisreal

    cat fail animated GIF

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    yogahh said:

    7. I forgot to order my bountiful basket last week and have been super sad about it this week.  I'm so excited to pick it up on Saturday!  Especially now since my food aversions are mostly gone.

    I am intrigued. What is a bountiful basket?

    It's an awesome food co-op.  It's all volunteer driven and different sites are set up based on volunteers in that area.  I think they are in 25 or so states right now. For $20, you basically get a small laundry basket full of fruits and veggies.  It's waaay cheaper than the grocery store, too.  It's always 50% fruits and 50% veggies, so you end up getting a neat variety.  They also have add-on packs if you want more goodies.  Those seem to vary from week to week.  Here's the website and the drop down box shows all the states they serve:
    Me: 27    DH: 30
    Married in 2011
    Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
    Baby 2: Due May 2016

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    1. I am a Halloween Grinch. I'm just not a fan. I like fall things but not spooky Halloween things.
    2. November and December are my favorite months of the year and I can't wait!! I love the holidays and getting into the holiday spirit. It is such a magical time in NYC. It is extra special to me because my first date with DH was on December 23rd so I always get nostalgic and romantic about how we fell in love during the holidays. (I think I said this on a previous TTT but oh well)
    3. I'm already drooling about Thanksgiving dinner. I am really excited to see my extended family, it will be the first time I'll see my grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins since getting KU. I'm also just looking forward to getting out of the city and into the country! We drive down with our dogs who absolutely love running around and rolling in the open fields there.
    4. I love holiday movies on TV. My favorites are Love Actually and The Family Stone.
    5. I'm really looking forward to Daylight Savings this weekend because we'll have light again at the dog park every morning, although not so much looking forward to it being dark when I leave the office.
    6. I miss watermelon. Raspberries and apples just aren't the same.
    7. I'm getting my flu shot today!
    8. DH makes me an egg white and cheese sandwich on an English Muffin every morning for first breakfast, I'm a lucky lady! Second breakfast is greek yogurt at work. I'm a very habitual eater.
    9. Currently listening to Disney Radio on Pandora with no shame. I've been listening to it a lot now that I'm pregnant, not sure what that's about!
    10. I'm already thinking about lunch....

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    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    1.  I am so excited to hand out candy.  We get lots of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood so it's really fun.

    2.  There is a poorer neighborhood adjacent to my neighborhood.  Kids from that neighborhood get driven over to trick or treat.  Every year people in my neighborhood (not my friends!) complain about it.  Every year it pisses me off.  Just give the kids the freaking candy!

    3.  Anybody really nervous about going public with the news?  Most of my friends and family know, but for some reason I get a little panicky when I think about putting an announcement on FB.  Maybe because that makes it real?

    4.  I went to the grocery store yesterday for the first time in six weeks.  I consider this a milestone.

    5.  I have a visible blump.  I gasped when I caught a glimpse of myself in my work bathroom mirror yesterday.  I was wearing a flowy top and the blump was still noticeable.:-O

    6.  I have been binge watching Bones on Netflix and just got caught up last night.  I need a new show.  Any recommendations?

    7.  Anyone stressed out about daycare?  Daycare is crazy where I live.  Waiting lists are 2-3 years out.  I am on seven waiting lists and have paid $330 on waiting list application fees.  

    8.  I went to Motherhood Maternity on Sunday to get a paid of work pants (see #5).  I put the fake bump on to be funny and immediately freaked out.  I practically ripped it off a la Carrie trying on a wedding dress in SATC.

    9.  They should put a restaurant right next to all Motherhood Maternity's called Carbs.  It would make a killing.

    10.  I got an Auntie Annie's soft pretzel the other day.  Haven't had one in probably 15 years.  Sweet Mary it was good.  I can't stop thinking about it.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AnastasiaBeaverhausen09 I'm in the stressed out daycare seekers club.  I'm also on a ton of lists and they are over 2 years, too.  It sucks!

    Lol at the "Carbs" restaurant idea!!! That's great.
    Me: 27    DH: 30
    Married in 2011
    Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
    Baby 2: Due May 2016

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    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?
    He loves hockey, and sports in general..oh he also loves cooking. Let me know if you think of anything fun!

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    Jenly17 said:
    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?
    He loves hockey, and sports in general..oh he also loves cooking. Let me know if you think of anything fun!

    Not quite leather, but MH got this incredible Patriots themed grilling kit as a groomsman gift and he is obsessed with it! (Some of the tools have a leather strap  :-?? ). Maybe something like that or a nice wallet like PP suggested...with tickets to a hockey game inside!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    1. I'm excited that a lot of things that have been holding a project up at home are finally in the mail. Shipping confirmation is a good thing!
    2. Another plus, using up a bunch of ingredients before they go bad is also a great thing.
    3. People we know are LAME! There is nothing going on for Halloween. No parties, no fun, just people being boring. It's on a Saturday this year too!
    4. Can't believe it's almost November. This is not a good thing, there's still a lot of work yet to do.
    5. Another sign of the end of the year, performance evaluation talk is already going on. We still have two more months left to go, people.
    6. Days like today I really wish I brought actual food for lunch instead of premier protein.
    7. Training some people is like being a reading coach for dogs. It's just not going to happen.
    8. Today my hands could not possibly be any colder.
    9. I forgot completely about the time change this weekend. Hooray, I guess.
    10. I like watching Trailer Park Boys on Netflix. It's too bad the seasons are so short.
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    1. Usually I don't get really jacked up for Halloween, but my H and I are hosting the Fall Festival for our apartment community. I'm excited to see all the kiddos dressed up and excited.
    2. I need to decorate my trunk for trunk or treat. I've never done this before. Any suggestions?
    3. I think my normal aversion on Halloween is because it's usually cold in Indianapolis on Halloween. Most of the dress up fun is ruined when you have to put a coat over your costume. This year will be no different. 
    4. My phone has been acting up and I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but iPhones always seem to act up when a new one is released. 
    5. I never thought I'd want to be a SAHM, but ever since we got that BFP it's been on my mind. I creep on all the post about working from home. If I could find a way to bring home $500- $1000/ month I think we could make it happen. It might delay our home buying goals, but I think it's worth it. 
    6. My favorite student just left my office and I hugged her just a little longer than normal. For me. I needed it. And I think she knew. She's only 5, but I've never met a more empathic kid. 
    7. This weekend I bought the most comfortable night gown from Kohls. My H said it's one step away from a mumu. But screw him... it's comfy and I don't always want to wear pants when I'm binging on Netflix. 
    8. I'm currently watching Jane the Virgin. At first I thought it was super corny, but I'm totally sucked in. 
    9. Pellet ice is my new favorite thing this week. 
    10. I'm getting my flu shot today... eek!
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD: 05/14/16
    Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19
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    Jenly17 said:
    Jenly17 said:
    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?
    He loves hockey, and sports in general..oh he also loves cooking. Let me know if you think of anything fun!

    Not quite leather, but MH got this incredible Patriots themed grilling kit as a groomsman gift and he is obsessed with it! (Some of the tools have a leather strap  :-?? ). Maybe something like that or a nice wallet like PP suggested...with tickets to a hockey game inside!
    @Jenly17 I like both of the ideas above - especially the leather wallet with hockey tickets inside!  Does he drink?  I found some really cool leather decanter tags, and if you have a bar cart you could fill up some decanters with the liquor on each tag.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1. I'm usually super excited for Halloween and expected to be this year since we finally have a fence so we could actually hand out candy without the dogs getting in the way, but honestly I'm just not feeling it this year. I barely even decorated. 

    2. Our house is a complete disaster at the moment, it annoys me but I can't seem to get up the motivation to clean it. 

    3. We have 2 ceiling fans for our basement that we've had for a month and a half that we still haven't gotten up. No real excuse- just lazy in that department. 

    4. We started ripping up the carpet this past weekend- and by we I mean my hubby ripped it up because he wouldn't even let me touch it- but I got the tack strips up. We still need to seal the subfloor and repair some spots on the wall where the dog clawed as he escaped a crate. But I think the plan is to lay half of the floor in the room on Sunday- the next part will end up running the length of the house so we've got to wait for help on that part.  (Oh and the room already smells 100 times better) 

    5. We got a new scentsy warmer! YAY!

    6. I'm obsessed with Noodles and Company, skittles and gluten free eggo waffles at the moment. OBSESSED. 

    7. Hubby and I finally started watching Supernatural. So far so good

    8. I'm super irritated Netflix doesn't have sleepy hollow as a streaming show. They are doing 2 crossover shows with Bones and I'm afraid I'll be confused. 

    9. I've been reading the same book for 2 weeks and I'm starting to get annoyed with myself. It shouldn't take me this long to finish a freaking book.

    10. I love fall, but my brain is already turning to snow- and I'm hoping for a snowy winter with lots of snow days- because I still get paid for them-- but that will all depend on who the library hires as it's new director and how that person feels about closing the library for snow. 
  • Options
    jessiedee13jessiedee13 member
    edited October 2015
    1. This year my husband and I actually did our research on trick or treat for the kids. Our oldest was only 1 last year so it wasn't a huge deal, but this year we did research and picked the best places. We started at truck r treat at the church next to my husband's work. We also hit up Boo at the Zoo and the local photography place had a free photo and candy day. I'm super excited for Spook Alley at the local High School on Thursday too!

    2. Halloween is the only holiday I enjoy. The rest can honestly go away. Too much drama for me.

    3. I'm almost done Christmas shopping :) I have a couple more things to get for the kids and we have a gift exchange to buy for, but otherwise, finished.

    4. All I want is ice cream. Like bad. But I'm lactose intolerant and don't want to push my luck too much.

    5. My first ultrasound was last week and I was pretty excited to see baby d#3 :) I think no matter how many kids you have, it's still different and special every time :)

    6. My 2nd son is having his 1 year photos done next week...and I'm not ready for him to be old enough to have them done.

    7. My oldest is convinced mama is having a girl. If you ask him what's in mama's belly he always says "baby sister". It's adorable.

    8. My husband broke the door handle on my still opens, but only from the inside...and naturally it's the door by the little ones car seat...just annoyingly inconvenient. However it is funny that every time he uses my car something breaks. My car hates him lol

    9. I don't like cold weather. It makes me really grouchy. So maybe Ohio isnt the best place to call "home" for me. But it is home, and I don't see myself leaving.

    10. I cried when the frost killed what was left of our garden. I'm not ready to give up the fresh tomatoes!!!!

    *edit because auto correct gets me every time...
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    @Jesse835235  We do the bountiful baskets as well, sometimes.  The last time I got a basket I got a diakon that was 3 feet long. I didn't even know what it was. It just sat in the basket.   :D

    1. The dh is out of work, again.  So he's on his way home.  I love him and all, but he really messes with my schedule when he's home for too long. 

    2. I finished all my Christmas shopping yesterday.  That's a huge improvement for the last 12 years where I was just starting 4 days before Christmas.  

    3. I made all my kids go to bed 2 hours earlier than usual last night.  It was fantastic, and I'm doing it again tonight.  

    4. We are going to lose our insurance and I can't afford $60 per shot out of pocket (lovenox). I have to have it. :((

    5. My barely 2 year old, for the umpteenth time, took her poopy diaper off and went tearing through the house.  I've decided I'm done with it and she's using the potty from now on. 

    6. I got stuck behind a guy going 10mph under the speed limit on the highway today.  I finally took a long detour and hit the same highway at a point farther up and ended up in front of him.  It made me happy.  

    7. I have a king size bed.  I sleep on the edge because my 2 year old takes up the rest of the bed.  She hates being covered and loves to kick me in the face.  Her bed is 10 feet from mine and she won't use it.  

    8. I went grocery shopping this morning.  I got home 3 hours ago and still haven't put away the groceries….

    9. I haven't taken pictures of my kids since August.  I have a camera, an expensive lens, photoshop, and not a single excuse not to use them aside from my extreme laziness.  I said I was going to do fall pictures, 2 months ago.  

    10. My DDs in home speech therapist will be here in an hour.  My house looks like a tornado came through.  I'm still sitting at the computer...
  • Options
    Happy Tuesday!!!

    1. It is so rainy and making me super sleepy and lazy.
    2. DD actually napped with me today!! She is one of those that refuses to sleep anywhere but her own bed or by herself.
    3. I'm anxiously waiting for my big package from Zulily and had a dream last night that none of it fit...That's one thing I hate about Zulily is having to wait so long for your order!
    4. According to my doctor I am in my 2nd Tri as of today!!! (12 weeks...and yes I know most people think it's 14 weeks. I really am not too picky about it)
    5. I am excited about making this new soup recipe I made a couple weeks ago bc DD loves it (usually hates soup). It's sesame oil, tomato sauce, minced garlic, fresh spinach leaves, chicken broth, crushed red pepper, and tortellini. So yummy!
    6. This weekend is finally almost here (DD's first Auburn game and the Aquarium) and I'm getting excited.
    7. I'm sending DH to the Virgin Islands in February for Christmas and found that Expedia is a hell of a lot cheaper than anywhere else and it's not going to cost me an arm and a leg.
    8. I've watched The Devil Wears Prada probably 5 times already this week and I don't know why.
    9. Sooo excited about the premiere of Wicked City tonight!
    10. For some reason I'm getting kinda nervous about my 2nd Tri appt on Friday.
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

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    3. I'm anxiously waiting for my big package from Zulily and had a dream last night that none of it fit...That's one thing I hate about Zulily is having to wait so long for your order!

    I said the same exact thing today!!! Seriously, its been 3 weeks and not shipped yet. I need my maternity pants gosh darn it!

    cat fail animated GIF

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    Love this!

    1.) I am surprising H tonight with the news that we are going to find out the sex of the baby in 3 weeks instead of 7! He is going to be so excited.

    2.) I inhaled a big bad of doritos today and they were amazing. No regrets.

    3.) My cat gives me back rubs for a good 30 minutes each night.

    4.) I am currently reading 5 books.

    5.) I've been listening to Christmas music for the past week and sing to my belly each time.

    6.) My cousin in friends with Emma Watson's cousin.

    7.) We are winterizing our sprinkler system this weekend. Fun stuff.

    8.) I am a Sagittarius.

    9.) My favorite color is purple.

    10.) I grew up next door to my grandparents and my uncle.
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    1. We love Halloween in our house! My DD's bday is the day before so it's always a fun time of the year. Although I hate seeing Halloween stuff in stores in August because it reminds me my baby is getting older. 

    2. My husband's bday is in October too. I love celebrating DH and DD!!

    3. I got a dresser for the baby's room this past weekend. It was from my mom. She always buys expensive furniture and redecorates her house often. Win for us. It's white and will go in a nursery perfectly.

    4. We're going camping/ dirt bike riding for Thanksgiving. First time DD gets to ride her quad!

    5. I'm going to a fertility doctor with a friend for support. We're going to a seminar for general info. Then she can set up a consultation. Hoping she gets some answers and can get started on her journey.

    6. DD's rockstar birthday party is this weekend. We're having a karaoke machine, red carpet backdrop/ photo booth, stage to sing on. She can't wait!

    7. We have our NT scan next week. I can't wait to see the baby and hopefully everything is fine. 

    8. We can go to the elective ultrasound place anytime after this Saturday. I'm going to try and wait a couple more weeks. BUt I'm so anxious!

    9. I'm mentally checked out of work and I have a couple hours to go. 

    10. I love my daughter's age. She's so much fun. She amazes me everyday with schoolwork/ what she's learning/ how hard she works!
  • Options

    1. I am still exhausted from our weekend trip

    2. I had to wear a suit to work today so I wore the fat suit. It is crushing my soul it is so tight right now.

    3. NT scan Monday! So nervous, but so excited.

    4. Fall is my favorite time of year so its been difficult for me because I have felt so crappy.

    5. I am simultaneously afraid/hopeful I will feel better for the eating holiday season, because I know I will go buck wild.

    6. We have two Halloween parties and a birthday party this weekend, and I am tired thinking about it.

    7. I hate that my NT scan is after hallowen, because I just don't feel super comfortable being out and proud before it.

    8. I phone it in when it comes to Halloween costumes. And crafts. And anything art related. NOT MY STYLE. I don't feel bad about it though, we all have our strengths right?

    9. Its so rainy here, and I feel like rain means sweatpants, and I cannot reconcile the fact I am not in sweats right now.

    10. This is my first ten things Tuesday, and I had anxiety about not finishing, and look, all my worthless sentiments just flew off the keyboard on to the screen. Nailed it.

    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
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    1. BIG Halloween shop party at our place Saturday! So stoked.. to stay sober :/

    2. Telling the family Saturday. Cant wait to see their reactions.

    3. First US tomorrow and it cant come soon enough!

    4. DH is working out of town this week and it has been relaxing but lonely. I hope it is all good news tomorrow cause if not it will be tougher without him here.

    5. EVERYTHING gives me heart burn. It sucks.

    6. 5 more days until rifle season! Must remember to go buy my tags when I am in town tomorrow.

    7. If all goes well at the US I will be telling my boss this week too. I need to do some research and figure out how maternity leave works and all that. I'm not sure if it works the same working in the oilfield.

    8. Trying to save up so I can get a "new" mommy vehicle in the new year. Looking at a 2013/2014 GMC Yukon.

    9. Running boards were banned off our company trucks cause they kept getting ripped off. I want to ask my boss if he will make a special exception because in a few months (already am) I will have a hard time climbing into my truck.

    10. I tried de-alcoholised wine on Saturday. It's ok, basically over priced grape juice that gave me the worst gas ever lol.


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    1. As a new mom, I've come to realize that I HATE Halloween. I don't want DS going to strangers houses, eating their candy, I don't want to make treats for daycare or buying a costume that he'll wear once. I have this fear that the candy will be laced.. Let's face it people are crazy!

    2. DS is only 16 months. He has never had candy and I don't feel the need to give him any sugar, he's too hyper as it is.

    3. I'm counting down to my maternity leave already. I'm so over work already!

    4. I have really been thinking about VBAC versus rc. DH feels that having a rc is the safest because he "googled it". My c/s wasn't awful and I recovered very quickly but it's not something I'm super excited about doing again.

    5. I have the WORST ance of my life. I feel like I am a teenager again. X_X

    6. I'm excited about the upcoming holidays!! I LOVE Christmas shopping, baking cookies and spending time with family!

    7. While I'm excited about the holidays I'm not excited about the snow. I hate cleaning off my vechile, being cold all day long and wearing layers of clothes!

    8. I just got a new coat last year after losing all my baby weight from DS. Needless to say I'll need a new coat this year.

    9. DS is in this loving and wanting cuddled phase and I absolutely love it. :x

    10. This baby can't figure out what it wants. I thought about having ham for dinner all day so I went to the grocery store after work and bought some. I made dinner and I couldn't stand the smell of it... It's awful!! I have little to no appetite which is the complete opposite from my pregnancy with DS.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    @zekesmommy611 don't feel bad about your number 1. My mom told me today that she would take me trick or treating (in the 80's) and when we got home throw out all of my candy and replace it with candy she pre-bought. I never knew that until now...I'm 30.
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

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    @zekesmommy611 don't feel bad about your number 1. My mom told me today that she would take me trick or treating (in the 80's) and when we got home throw out all of my candy and replace it with candy she pre-bought. I never knew that until now...I'm 30.

    This is why my kids won't be going trick or treating. Don't feel bad. If my kid wants candy, I'll buy it for him. Why do we tell kids don't take candy from strangers.... Except for one night a year?

    cat fail animated GIF

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    Jenly17 said:

    Jenly17 said:

    6. My 3 year anniversary is coming up. H likes to celebrate with the traditional gifts. So year three is leather! Ugh!! Ideas anyone? I was thinking of a nice leather journal, but that's kind of boring I guess.  

    I love thinking of gift ideas!  My first thoughts are a nice wallet or leather strap watch.  What are his hobbies?

    He loves hockey, and sports in general..oh he also loves cooking. Let me know if you think of anything fun!

    Not quite leather, but MH got this incredible Patriots themed grilling kit as a groomsman gift and he is obsessed with it! (Some of the tools have a leather strap  :-?? ). Maybe something like that or a nice wallet like PP suggested...with tickets to a hockey game inside!

    @Jenly17 I like both of the ideas above - especially the leather wallet with hockey tickets inside!  Does he drink?  I found some really cool leather decanter tags, and if you have a bar cart you could fill up some decanters with the liquor on each tag.

    He does drink! These are awesome ideas. Thanks for helping me overcome my mental gifting block ;;)
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    @jenly17 I was thinking a leather belt with a cool belt buckle (hockey, cooking related, or one with a bottle opener/flask)
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
  • Options

    1. I am still exhausted from our weekend trip

    2. I had to wear a suit to work today so I wore the fat suit. It is crushing my soul it is so tight right now.

    3. NT scan Monday! So nervous, but so excited.

    4. Fall is my favorite time of year so its been difficult for me because I have felt so crappy.

    5. I am simultaneously afraid/hopeful I will feel better for the eating holiday season, because I know I will go buck wild.

    6. We have two Halloween parties and a birthday party this weekend, and I am tired thinking about it.

    7. I hate that my NT scan is after hallowen, because I just don't feel super comfortable being out and proud before it.

    8. I phone it in when it comes to Halloween costumes. And crafts. And anything art related. NOT MY STYLE. I don't feel bad about it though, we all have our strengths right?

    9. Its so rainy here, and I feel like rain means sweatpants, and I cannot reconcile the fact I am not in sweats right now.

    10. This is my first ten things Tuesday, and I had anxiety about not finishing, and look, all my worthless sentiments just flew off the keyboard on to the screen. Nailed it.

    @That1didntcount I loved reading all of your "worthless" sentiments!
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    1.  I can't remember what I posted before.  I apologize if they are the same.
    2.  My husband found out today that they are dressing up for Halloween at work on Friday.  He hates stuff like that, so he is going as Jake from State Farm
    3.  I hate Halloween too.  It was great when I was a kid, but as an adult, it sucks.  I'll probably like it again when we have a LO to take out, but for right now I hate it.  We don't get a lot of trick o treaters.  Maybe 10 within a 2 to 3 hour period. 
    4.  On Halloween there will be trick o treaters at the mall.  At the same time, the mall will already have Christmas decor and Santa's house up and decorated.  Santa won't be there, but his house/village thing will be.
    5.  I love to read.  I have started reading every night before I go to sleep.  I read myself to sleep (kinda).  I'm usually awakened abruptly by the feeling of my Kindle or book falling from my hands and hitting me in the head.
    6.  I love my dogs, but right now they are driving me cray cray
    7.  I believe that a lot of people that preach tolerance are some of the most intolerant of all.
    8.  When I was not working full-time, I loved to cook.  Now that I'm working full-time, I don't like it as much.
    9.  Working from home is really hard sometimes.  It gets lonely sometimes.  Sometimes I think it is turning me into a bit of a hermit.  I was seriously looking at Amazon's grocery section the other day lol
    10.  My living room has been taken over by skeins of yarn from my knitting obsession. 

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

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