October 2015 Moms

MIL rant

My mother in law is wonderful and I'm excited she is going to stay with us to help for 10 days, however, I am now starting to wonder how helpful she will be. She kept talking how she is going to do nighttime feelings so I can sleep and seemed upset when I told her that my plan is to breast feed and that I won't have much a supply or reason to give expressed breast milk in the first couple weeks. She told me how my husband and his brother were formula fed and did just fine and how formula would be so much easier on me. She also went on to say that I need to be more open to help.

I agree with her that formula would be so much easier, but I really want to give breast feeding a shot. I'm prepping myself to not be dissapointed if I end up having to supplement with formula for medical reasons, but because it is more convinient and so that MIL can feed the baby is not a reason to not breastfeed, especially when I am on maternity leave.

We were also talking about going to SAMs when she is here. I mentioned she could borrow my car. Her response was that she can stay home cuddling her granddaughter while I run to the store. I just said that we will see how it pans out. I'm don't think I want to do much driving when I'm going to be sleep deprived.

Feels good to get this off my chest! Hubby doesn't get why those comments bother me so much.

Re: MIL rant

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    I had this same situation with my first with my MIL and Mom "helping" for 6 weeks and they ended up not being very helpful. They just wanted to take care of the baby so I could sleep. We ended up bottle feeding pumped breast milk while they were here, but I couldn't sleep anyways when they were here. I ended up doing all of the house chores, making meals and errands and felt even more exhausted to the point I said no more help! I even started to feel like I never got to hold my own baby! I learned that I need to put my foot down. This time around if I need help they can come and clean or run errands for me. I'm not giving up my precious few weeks with my new baby! Good Luck with your situation. Just be clear on what you need help with. It's your house and your baby.
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    I can totally relate except we are a little backwards from your situation...

    We are in the process of renovating our new home and they have taken longer than anticipated. So the lease on our rental condo is now up and we have had to move out. Our new house is closer to my in-laws than my parents, so they offered to let us stay with them until the renovations are complete "and even after the baby comes". :'( I'm sorry. I love my in-laws and they are great. But I don't want to stay there after I have the baby!!! I want to be able to come home from the hospital to my own home and have her room ready to go! My MIL has also expressed a little "weirdness" at my breastfeeding my daughter (as she did when I breastfed my son 4 years ago...). Nothing negative, really...just how she didn't understand why not just formula feed so everyone can pitch in, etc....

    I'm just hoping these renovations are done by the time this little girl comes. I just want my own place again!!! 37 weeks today...
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    @jefinley1 you nailed it. Have you watched the documentary Breastmilk? I think it was in there (I've watched a few BF docs!) that they mentioned how we don't have a culture of breastfeeding in this country anymore and haven't for a couple generations, and it's caused a ripple effect of women not seeing it in everyday life, and not learning from their mothers and grandmothers the fundamentals. And this lack of knowledge has had the negative effect of making women feel they have supply issues when it could be fixable. I just sent that link to my mom. Even though she's supportive I think she doesn't really get why I'm so determined to BF. And my MIL has repeatedly told me DH are so much as a baby that I should be prepared with "boxes and boxes of formula". Sigh....
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    I understand your frustration! We have the first grand baby on both sides and its like they think its their baby. I never asked for any help because when they tried to help it was the same thing, I will come watch the baby so you can sleep. Instead they were here all the time and inviting people over so they could show off their grandkid. I was exhausted. I had the battles with BFing as well, I tried pumping and bottles when she was around 6 weeks but my LO wont take a bottle at all. You need to make sure hubby is willing to back you up and you will have to put your foot down, which totally sucks because you are exhausted. The sooner you do it though the easier it will be. Explain to her that this is an experience for you and DH and that you appreciate her help but you will need lots of alone time with your baby (and DH) to cherish these moments. I would try to politely (but firmly) say that you and DH have to figure out how you want to raise your child, and its your choice and she needs to respect that, and that if you have questions you will ask her. Try to create errands for her to do on a regular basis so that you get some alone time, lol. Good luck! It will be fine!
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    @Scijav, both my mom and MIL leave in another state and return tickets have been bought, so if it gets unbearable, I know there only be a few days to go. I feel bad feeling this way because they are just so excited to meet the baby. Hopefully it goes way better than I expect!
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    Louisl said:
    @jefinley1 you nailed it. Have you watched the documentary Breastmilk? I think it was in there (I've watched a few BF docs!) that they mentioned how we don't have a culture of breastfeeding in this country anymore and haven't for a couple generations, and it's caused a ripple effect of women not seeing it in everyday life, and not learning from their mothers and grandmothers the fundamentals. And this lack of knowledge has had the negative effect of making women feel they have supply issues when it could be fixable. I just sent that link to my mom. Even though she's supportive I think she doesn't really get why I'm so determined to BF. And my MIL has repeatedly told me DH are so much as a baby that I should be prepared with "boxes and boxes of formula". Sigh....
    I haven't, but our midwife center had a fantastic breastfeeding class taught by a very experienced nurse and lactation consultant. I didn't realize just how much the previous generation was unfamiliar with breastfeeding as my mom did it and loved the experience. Before having children she worked for a CPA firm, and they set up a breastfeeding room for her and everything. She was one of the only women, and apparently the guys were super supportive. But I never realized that by asking for that and for planning on breastfeeding at all in a working environment, that apparently even in 1990 she was not the norm and it was a big deal that she breastfed until I was telling her how foreign the concept was to my MIL and how combative and negative she was about it. I'm glad you like the article! Sometimes it's helpful just to have someone or something else affirm what you're saying, and I thought that was really well worded. 

    @nimmunogirl So you already know about all of the BF benefits! Haha. I just feel so bad when women feel like other matriarchs are trying to take away their ability to learn to parent themselves. I think our culture also somewhere forgot about the wonderful process of loving on both the baby AND the new mother to help solidify their very important bond, which is so sad! There seems to be a lot less respect for the role of simply Mother, in the most biological sense of the word. I have such an amazing mom that I haven't experienced this at all. She just encourages. It always takes me back and makes me a little mad when people like my MIL or other people's female figures try to make it sound like they're some authority based on bad advice from their parenting style 30 years ago. 
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    I agree that there is a whole generational difference when it comes to baby rearing...I've had convos with both my mom and my MIL on this stuff.

    My mom was so insistent that the baby was going to choke if I put him on his back to sleep, and that my brother and I were fine sleeping on our stomachs. I tried the educational route, but when that didn't work, I basically told her that this is what we are doing regardless of her opinion. She knows I would go crazy on her if she defied me, so I know she'd toe the line. 

    My MIL is another case altogether. First she tried to convince DH that we needed to add cereal to baby's formula to help him sleep...I had never heard of this? And I've done a lot of research. I also spent countless hours interviewing peds: that means I have someone I trust, who is way more educated on this stuff. And never has my ped mentioned anything about adding cereal...so DH comes to me and says "oh my mom says we should add cereal to the baby's milk." I basically told him no. We are breastfeeding. That is complete and perfect nutrition for our baby, and I am not adding anything unless our ped recommends it. When MIL heard this, she was upset. 

    We are waging the same battle now with kissing the baby on the mouth. We don't want anyone kissing the baby on the mouth. Or face for that matter. I am not planning on doing it myself! So we tried to be gentle and let her know that the first 8 weeks are critical etc. and that we are enforcing this rule. Well, she does her quick calculation and says oh that's fine, he will turn 8 weeks in the last week we are visiting, so it should be fine then. NO. I don't want you doing that period. It's freaking weird. it's not about some magic countdown that will change how I feel. I honestly don't think I can leave her and the baby unsupervised. 

    @nimmunogirl I think I hijacked your thread, but I so related to your frustration, I couldn't help myself. I am not sure what the answer is, but sometimes I find myself wishing for a huge storm that would prevent everyone from coming to visit for a good 5 or 6 mo...give us and the baby to get ourselves together. 

    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
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    I so understand where you're coming from! My MIL came to help after baby #4, but her form of help was, "What's your plan for dinner?" "Here's the laundry you need to put away" (that I purposely was ignoring) "What time do you need to bathe the children?" "I'll just stay here while you go run some errands" This time I purposely did not invite her, despite her "hints" that she would really like me to.

    She just told us she bought tickets for when baby is 2 weeks old. I was content to sit in my house in our own filth (not really) eating my frozen meals for as long as I wanted to without having to impress anyone. Now I'm going to have to keep my house in tip-top shape (she's a nurse and everything must smell like clorox at all times or she won't touch it) in order to prepare for her arrival. I'm not thrilled. She has very specific food issues and none of my freezer meals follow her way of eating because SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE COMING! I apologize. Rant over.
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    My MIL and FIL did spend the night with us a couple times and just kept the baby with them and came and got me when he woke up to eat - but it was very helpful since every little noise they make woke us up. And they would come spend an afternoon with us and do the same so we could catch an uninterrupted nap. Maybe she could help you in that fashion? Good luck!
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    Sometimes "help" is actually more work for you. I experienced that with my first and I felt I was failing as a mother because it seemed to me that I couldn't do anything right. I was cooking for extra people, cleaning up after extra people, laundry for extra people, ect and I was so tired and sore all the time. When I would try to breastfeed I don't think I could relax enough to get myself or son comfortable and he would just cry and cry. Then my MIL would come and take him and calm him down and once again I felt like a complete failure who couldn't even provide nutrients to her newborn child or make him feel safe.
    When I reached my breaking point I actually packed a bag for me and my son and went to my moms house which was a few hours away. My mom let me just be a mom with no other household demands or need to host other people. I ended up having a very successful breastfeeding experience with him and within a few days no longer felt incompetent as a mother. I think this helped put things in perspective with my other children when they were born and I politely declined everyone's "help". With this LO, my hubby and I have decided no visitors at home for the first 2 weeks. We need time to adjust and figure out life with a new baby as a family of 6 without the added stress of others coming and going.
    Good luck and remember to stick to your desires. Don't let your MIL change your mind during a moment of exhaustion and weakness.
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    I would not let anyone stay at my house unless I thought they would actually help with what I needed help with.  Otherwise, they can visit for a couple of hours and then go home.  The last thing you need is someone else to create more work for you.

    My mom stayed the 2nd week after the baby was born when my husband went back to work and she was so helpful.  She helped with things like cooking, cleaning, and laundry.  She also would get up in the night w/ me when I had to breastfeed and when I was done, she would take the baby and settle him down for sleep so I could get more rest.  We went on errands and to the lactation consultant together, which was helpful because I was still scared at that point to go anywhere by myself with the baby.  It was great and so helpful to have her there.

    I agree w/ what a lot of the other posters have said about suggesting ways she can help you that are actually helpful.  If she comes around, she might really take a load off of your back. If she is not cooperating or making your life harder, you need to ask her to leave (really your husband should, since it's his mother!)  I think my MIL would be partially helpful (but also be the type to just want to hold the baby all of the time) but I don't feel comfortable enough to have her stay at my house like that so instead we just have them come up for the afternoon and I utilized her later for babysitting when I had to go to my own doctor's appts, etc.

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    Thanks for the support. My MIL leaves in another state and it is flying, so coming for the afternoon and such would not be feasible. I don't know if my husband talked to her or not, but since posting this, she changed a bit. Instead of saying "I can't wait to hold the baby" she says "I am excited for you to be a mommy," "I bet you can't wait to meet your daughter." She also hasn't told my hubby she can't imagine him changing a diaper and that she is going to have to video type him. Like he is not nervous enough about being a first time dad...

    My husband also pointed out that my in laws are coming for a couple weeks when I go back to work to help him and at that point, baby girl should be eating pumped breast milk, so MIL can help with feelings then.

    As a FTM it is hard to know when I want people in the house and when I don't. Everything about this is going to be a learning experience!
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    You're actually not medically cleared to be driving at all after birth for your post pardum period because of the blood clotting/loss risks...also formula is not easier especially at night because that you have to get up and prepare as formula only lasts an hour once it's made and your boob you can just whip out and bam your feeding your baby on demand! You don't want to set yourself up to rely on help for night time feedings especially since she is only there for 10 days not 10months!
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    Thats so frustrating! I totally understand how crazy mils (amd other family!!) Can be!
    Last week my bf and I went to go visit his mom. While we were there she brought us in the kitchen and showed us a shelf she had cleaned out and filled with bottles and formula. I was so confused, we had told her our plans to breastfeed.. she was so excited about having all this formula so that she could feed baby while we are visiting and we were like uhhhh.... no... she got so upset when we told her that she can't feed our baby formula! She started going off about how all 3 of her boys were formula fed and turned out just fine, which is totally true. But breastfeeding is one thing we feel strongly about wanting to do and the fact that she wants to try to formula feed our baby is just so upsetting! She tried to say that maybe the baby could just use formula when we are visiting her.. my bf responded by telling her that if she felt that way then we wouldn't be visiting her. I felt bad but seriously this woman wants to go against us like that??! Ughhh I've just been so upset by that! I feel like breastfeeding was a huge deal and then formula got improved so women just began to use formula but now the importance of breast milk is back and many women just don't understand! ( I'm not saying formula is bad, I have absolutely no issue with people choosing to formula feed, but breast feeding is just something I want to try, and who knows maybe it won't work out and I'll need to formula feed!)
    Ughhhh why do people have to go against new mom's when it comes to their own baby?!!
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    @casey132, that is so frustrating! I am glad your BF stood up for you and the baby!
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    casey132 said:

    Thats so frustrating! I totally understand how crazy mils (amd other family!!) Can be!
    Last week my bf and I went to go visit his mom. While we were there she brought us in the kitchen and showed us a shelf she had cleaned out and filled with bottles and formula. I was so confused, we had told her our plans to breastfeed.. she was so excited about having all this formula so that she could feed baby while we are visiting and we were like uhhhh.... no... she got so upset when we told her that she can't feed our baby formula! She started going off about how all 3 of her boys were formula fed and turned out just fine, which is totally true. But breastfeeding is one thing we feel strongly about wanting to do and the fact that she wants to try to formula feed our baby is just so upsetting! She tried to say that maybe the baby could just use formula when we are visiting her.. my bf responded by telling her that if she felt that way then we wouldn't be visiting her. I felt bad but seriously this woman wants to go against us like that??! Ughhh I've just been so upset by that! I feel like breastfeeding was a huge deal and then formula got improved so women just began to use formula but now the importance of breast milk is back and many women just don't understand! ( I'm not saying formula is bad, I have absolutely no issue with people choosing to formula feed, but breast feeding is just something I want to try, and who knows maybe it won't work out and I'll need to formula feed!)
    Ughhhh why do people have to go against new mom's when it comes to their own baby?!!

    Why is the argument always "I formula fed my (x #) of kids and they're just fine"...?! Um im not aiming for "just fine"! I'm not igniting a debate over which is better, just saying why do they always word it like that? At least say, my kids turned out fantastic, or something more than "just fine".
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    Louisl said:
    Thats so frustrating! I totally understand how crazy mils (amd other family!!) Can be! Last week my bf and I went to go visit his mom. While we were there she brought us in the kitchen and showed us a shelf she had cleaned out and filled with bottles and formula. I was so confused, we had told her our plans to breastfeed.. she was so excited about having all this formula so that she could feed baby while we are visiting and we were like uhhhh.... no... she got so upset when we told her that she can't feed our baby formula! She started going off about how all 3 of her boys were formula fed and turned out just fine, which is totally true. But breastfeeding is one thing we feel strongly about wanting to do and the fact that she wants to try to formula feed our baby is just so upsetting! She tried to say that maybe the baby could just use formula when we are visiting her.. my bf responded by telling her that if she felt that way then we wouldn't be visiting her. I felt bad but seriously this woman wants to go against us like that??! Ughhh I've just been so upset by that! I feel like breastfeeding was a huge deal and then formula got improved so women just began to use formula but now the importance of breast milk is back and many women just don't understand! ( I'm not saying formula is bad, I have absolutely no issue with people choosing to formula feed, but breast feeding is just something I want to try, and who knows maybe it won't work out and I'll need to formula feed!) Ughhhh why do people have to go against new mom's when it comes to their own baby?!!
    Why is the argument always "I formula fed my (x #) of kids and they're just fine"...?! Um im not aiming for "just fine"! I'm not igniting a debate over which is better, just saying why do they always word it like that? At least say, my kids turned out fantastic, or something more than "just fine".
    Absolutely. Your children turned out just fine and guess what? This is not the only parenting decision I am going ot make that is different from yours. How would they have felt if someone would have said the same things to them as a new mom? It bothers me to no end.
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    @jefinley1 that is a very good, evolved, and non hormonal way to look at it. I will try to follow your lead! I think you're right. It's probably not the easiest for them to feel a bit judged (right or wrong on that) and like they'll have less bonding time.
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    @Louisl before you give me too much credit, I did say try.... Haha. 
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