Baby Names

Baby Boy Name Help

rachellynne27rachellynne27 member
edited September 2015 in Baby Names
Starting to think about names. I feel pressure to come up with another "perfect" name. DD is Sutton and everyone loves her name. Middle name is Jo-she shares with MIL. When I was pregnant with DD if she was a boy DH wanted to name her Indiana Jones, now that we are having a boy he has thrown it back out there haha. Please vote for the name you like best. I am open to suggestions as well but please no super negative comments. Thanks!

Baby Boy Name Help 161 votes

Greyson Ford
16% 26 votes
Jensen Jude "J.J."
9% 15 votes
Silas Lee
42% 69 votes
Cullen Eastwood
3% 6 votes
Lincoln Jeffery
22% 37 votes
Gunner Logan
4% 8 votes

Re: Baby Boy Name Help

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    Greyson is super trendy, so I would avoid that and I hate Gunner and Cullen (Twilight?) so I would vote for Lincoln, Silas or Jensen. I picked Lincoln because I like Jeffery but none of them are my style.
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    @mrstrax -I was worried Cullen would make people think of Twilight but no the name actually came from the show Hell on Wheels...thank you for your input!

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    super trendy list......nms at all. Gunnar is a strong German name ....were you going for Gunnar? i picked Silas. 
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    Actually what I meant by negative opinions was don't freak out about the names listed if you don't like them. Saying its not your style or just that you don't like it is totally fine even a simple explanation to why you don't like but some people go crazy over names just because they don't like them. I just didn't want any of that....
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    Actually what I meant by negative opinions was don't freak out about the names listed if you don't like them. Saying its not your style or just that you don't like it is totally fine even a simple explanation to why you don't like but some people go crazy over names just because they don't like them. I just didn't want any of that....

    Well you don't get to tell people how to post. They are free to respond in any way they like as long as it doesn't violate the TOU.

    FWIW, none of these names are my style (including Sutton) they are all too trendy and wont stand the test of time.

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    Actually what I meant by negative opinions was don't freak out about the names listed if you don't like them. Saying its not your style or just that you don't like it is totally fine even a simple explanation to why you don't like but some people go crazy over names just because they don't like them. I just didn't want any of that....

    Then you shouldn't post on an Online forum. Stick to friends and family who will tell you what you want to hear. You can't ask for opinions but then put stipulations. That's not how asking for opinions works. Nothing is more eye roll worthy than here is a list of names but no negative opinions you can only respond this way.

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    The point of that statement was I did not want to get attacked all because someone doesn't like the has happened before and I have seen it happen to others.

    That's all it meant. I'm not asking anyone to tell me what I want to hear, I just didn't want the post to turn into something its not which its starting to...

    I don't understand why when people post anything on these boards others have to treat them like they are stupid.
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    I like JJ with Jude as the MN but I don't care for Jensen. NAF of any of the first names really. Lincoln is okay.
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    Can't say I like any of them. I guess if I had to choose, it would be Lincoln.
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    rachellynne27rachellynne27 member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you everyone who gave an opinion about the names.
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    Of your choices, I like Silas, Jude, and Lincoln, though not paired with the middle names they currently have.

    Silas Jude would be my pick.
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    I picked Silas. I'm really not a fan of trendy names either. Some of them are super cute for a baby, but imagine him introducing himself at a job interview when he's 30.

    Image result for green dog

    Me: 30 DH: 32
    BFP #1: 9/12/2015
    DD: 6/1/2016
    BFP #2: 1/16/2018 MC 2/2/2018
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    I think Silas and Lincoln are the best out of all the names.
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    I voted for Silas because I feel like it's the only real option. The others are either too trendy or surnames or I just don't feel like they are first name worthy.
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    Another vote for Silas Jude
    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

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    Back to the drawer board.
    I would side eye Sutton too..
    March 2011: Off Nuva, cycle back to "normal" for me: No periods since 15 years old. June 2011:Provera&50 mg Clomid; Progesterone:0.7 July 2011:Provera&100mg Clomid; Progesterone:3.29 Met with RE:No Clomid response, begin injectables Sep 5 mg Letrozole and Ovidrel in the interim month. Cut out running (was a distance-runner), cycling, eliptical. Restricted to weight-training, walking, pilates. Brain MRI normal. Being physically over-stressed is the reason the body stopped producing prog. Late Sep 2011: Menopur, Ovidrel,& IUI (10.10.11):BFN-Great injectable response: 2 mature, 6 near mature, many smaller; Problem: 9 cysts! Dr: IUI too uncontrolled for number of viable eggs & age. On to IVF! IVF ER 12.6: 37 mature eggs, 27 fertilized, froze all to avoid overstimulation; FET 1.22 (2 Grade 1)=BFN; FET 2.22 (3 Grade 2)=BFP! Beta 10dp3dt=291; 12dp3dt=644; HB 3.26!! 174 bpm: Vanishing twin almost completely absorbed 10wks Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I like Silas and Lincoln, but not with the middle names you prefer. I think Jude makes a great first name. The other options sound like characters in a book or movie.
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    I agree, I like Silas and Jude.  Silas Jude is a nice name.  
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    Silas and Lincoln are alright, but definitely trendy and I think in twenty years, they won't hold up very well. I'd 86 the rest of your list.
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    jude is awesome!
    jeffery and logan are good names

    the rest  are pretty bad
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    No commenting on already named children! 

    OP, I like Silas Jude, as others have mentioned above. 
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    I like Gunnar, spelled correctly. I'd like Lincoln or Silas on their own, but with Sutton I don't care for the pairing. Silas and Sutton is too much alliteration, and Sutton and Lincoln are too rhyme-y (personal preference obv).
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    These are definitely nms, and as PP noted, they are all super trendy, including Silas. Unless it's the mother's maiden name, I'm really not into using last names as first (like some of these names could be) as I feel there should at least be some kind of connection or reason to the choice.

    What about Jude as a first name, drop the Jensen?
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    Silas is definitely the best. I also really like Cullen though, I have a little cousin with that name (family name) and it's great that it isn't really common!! I wouldn't necessarily pair it with Eastwood though
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    Snoflakes4evaSnoflakes4eva member
    edited September 2015
    Remember everyone, we don't comment on the named of already existing children. It is unproductive.
    That's what I was thinking! It's quite rude to comment on the names of already born children. I thought everyone knew this as rule 1 of the BNB. Come on, people!

    How is this any different than commenting on unborn children? We tell people all the time that we don't like the name they have picked, when its clear they aren't going to change the name.

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    Snoflakes4eva -I was asking for thoughts on the names listed not the name of my daughter so yes, your comment and others who commented on her name were rude.

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    Isn't Silas Justin Timberlake's kid's name? Bout to be mega-trendy, methinks...
    S & A married 8.12.2013
    Expecting Saulie O 2.12.2016
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    I really like Silas :)
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    Actually what I meant by negative opinions was don't freak out about the names listed if you don't like them. Saying its not your style or just that you don't like it is totally fine even a simple explanation to why you don't like but some people go crazy over names just because they don't like them. I just didn't want any of that....
    Welp, then this isn't the place to post this, my dear.

    TTC #1 10/2014
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    BFP 05/2015
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    Currently: NTNP

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    Remember everyone, we don't comment on the named of already existing children. It is unproductive.
    That's what I was thinking! It's quite rude to comment on the names of already born children. I thought everyone knew this as rule 1 of the BNB. Come on, people!

    How is this any different than commenting on unborn children? We tell people all the time that we don't like the name they have picked, when its clear they aren't going to change the name.

    Well, unborn children's name can change without legal intervention, so there's that. People can change their minds. But really, it's common courtesy. The child is legally named, commenting that you side eye it or don't like it isn’t helpful.
    Agreed.  I don't really understand how this is confusing.

    TTC #1 10/2014
    Low progesterone
    BFP 05/2015
    Baby boy born 01/2016
    Currently: NTNP

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    I like Logan and Silas the best. Cullen would be a fine middle name IMO. I'm not a fan of Sutton and Silas as a sib set of names though. Mostly because I would be constantly calling the kids the wrong names.

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    Jude is cool, but if you're going to call the kid JJ, what's the point.
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    Silas makes me think of an evil villain or demon or something...
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    Oh and I LOVE the name Sutton! Super cute!
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